View Full Version : Player Help [3.5] Sorcerer Spell Selection Help

Extra Anchovies
2014-09-23, 03:09 PM
I'm currently making a Sandbrow (Silverbrow, but for Sand Dragons) Human Sorcerer/Sandshaper/Incantatrix, with a one-level dip in Mindbender for Mindsight. Class/feat progression is pretty much finished, and is as follows:
1: Sorcerer 1; Touchstone (City of the Dead) [for Sand Shaper], Heighten Spell [human], Able Learner [flaw], Extend Spell [flaw]
[Minor Fey Bloodline Level, to get CL 1 higher than ECL]
2: Sorcerer 2
3: Sorcerer 3; Empower Spell
4: Sorcerer 4
5: Sand Shaper 1
6: Mindbender 1; Mindsight
7: Sand Shaper 2
8: Sand Shaper 3; Iron Will [from Minor Fey Bloodline; required for Incantatrix]
9: Incantatrix 1; Twin Spell [Incantatrix Bonus Feat], Practical Metamagic (Twin Spell)
10: Incantatrix 2
11: Incantatrix 3
12: Incantatrix 4; Persistent Spell [Incantatrix Bonus Feat], Versatile Spellcaster
13: Incantatrix 5
14: Incantatrix 6
15: Incantatrix 7; Maximize Spell [Incantatrix Bonus Feat], Practical Metamagic (Maximize Spell)
16: Incantatrix 8
17: Incantatrix 9
18: Incantatrix 10; Chain Spell [Incantatrix Bonus Feat], Practical Metamagic (Chain Spell)
19: Sand Shaper 4
20: Sand Shaper 5
Spell progression is what I'm currently working on, and is the part which I would like feedback on. So far I have:
1: Detect Magic, Read Magic, Light, Caltrops; Lesser Acid Orb, Charm Person
2: Ghost Sound
3: Grease
4: Dancing Lights; Glitterdust
5: All forty-three of the Sand Shaper spells. Look them up if you have a copy of Sandstorm, I'm not typing them all out.
6: Nerveskitter; Scorching Ray
7: Sonic Snap; Great Thunderclap
8: True Casting; Web; Haste
9: Message; Enervation
10: Invisibility; Alter Fortune; Assay Spell Resistance
11: Mending; Arcane Fusion
12: Wings of Cover; Shivering Touch; Shadow Conjuration; Shadow Evocation
13: Disintegrate
14: Wings of Flurry; Wall of Force; Greater Dispel Magic
15: Arcane Spellsurge
16: Draconic Might; Freezing Fog; Greater Shadow Conjuration
17: Greater Arcane Fusion
18: Limited Wish; Greater Shadow Evocation
19: Moment of Prescience; Time Stop
20: Gate
What do you all think? Is there anything glaring that I missed?

ETA: Rules question. Can I swap out the spells I learn from the first level of Sand Shaper at even-numbered levels?

2014-09-23, 04:12 PM
Not seeing any of the Celerity Line or any of the Orb of X spells (I see the lesser though).

Alter Self is a must have on a Sorc, and if you can't or won't get that you need to be able to get a way to fly.

Extra Anchovies
2014-09-23, 04:59 PM
Not seeing any of the Celerity Line or any of the Orb of X spells (I see the lesser though).

Alter Self is a must have on a Sorc, and if you can't or won't get that you need to be able to get a way to fly.

I originally had one of the Orbs in there, but I already have a 4th-level damage spell (Wings of Flurry). Maybe I should replace Wings of Flurry with one of the Orbs, and use Shadow Evocation (or its Greater version) to cast WoF when I need uncapped and/or force damage? If so, which orb should I take? Force has the damage type advantage, but a lower damage cap. I already have means of dealing acid (lesser acid orb), fire (scorching ray), and cold (freezing fog), so adding in Orb of Electricity would let me cover all of the four base energy types (and can use Shadow Evocation for sonic or force).

As for Celerity, I'm already really tight on 4th-level spells (if I had two more, they'd be Celerity and an Orb), but I'm considering the Greater version (with Arcane Spellsurge, that lets me pop out two spells before BBEG, regardless of initiative). Would it be a worthwhile replacement for Moment of Prescience?

Alter Self... that's a good one that I missed. I'll toss it in and remove... Web, maybe? The Sand Shaper list gives me a fair amount of BFC anyways.

Oh! Also! Since the Sand Shaper spells are added to my list of spells known, can I swap them out at even-numbered levels? If so, that solves all of these problems! Heat Metal (situational) -> Alter Self, Blast of Sand (redundant with and worse than Wings of Flurry) -> Orb of [X], and either Summon Desert Ally VIII or Whirlwind -> Greater Celerity. Also maybe Wither -> Celerity if I'm feeling like it.