View Full Version : Pathfinder Archetype Packages: Single Classed Multiclassing?

2014-09-24, 12:31 AM
Though this is a matter of 3rd party content, which is fortunately on the PFSRD (https://sites.google.com/site/pathfinderogc/classes/3rd-party-classes/super-genius-games/adept-godling/archetypes/super-genius-games---adept-godling-archetypes/blacksnake), I felt it was something worth asking.

To those unfamiliar, Super Genius Games introduced something in their books called Archetype packages. In essence, each class has one package (or two in some cases) that they can give up in exchange for a new archetype package.

My question is as follows: Do you think it is RaW, RaI, or even reasonable, to give up an archetype package to take on one from another class instead of one of the ones created as archetype packages.

For example: An Oracle giving up the Mystic archetype package in exchange for the Sorcerer's Heritage archetype package.

2014-09-24, 09:20 AM
FYI - they are called Rogue Genius Games now (for some reason.)

And yes, that sort of mixing and matching is the entire point of them - letting you, say, drop the Ranger's spellcasting ("Woodland Spellcaster" package) and instead pick of a Druid's wild shape ("Beastlord" package.) Or let a Druid drop his wildshape and wild empathy in order to pick up two extra domains and an extra domain slot per level (Cleric "Domain Spellcaster" package.)

Some trades are less beneficial than others but you can create some interesting new classes that way.

2014-09-24, 09:44 AM
Odd name change but good to know.

Alright, I just wasn't sure if they intended the options to be barred to just what they created outside the classes or included all possible options, as is the case. The wording just wasn't entirely clear to me so, thank you.

Benefits of course vary widely as not all packages are created equal and given that some classes have two packages instead of one.

Ilorin Lorati
2014-09-24, 12:32 PM
The story is slightly more complicated than that. (http://www.examiner.com/article/super-genius-games-loses-2-3-of-its-founding-members-to-rogue-genius-games)

Theoretically, it's probably fine if you make the assumption that SGG/RGG has a good head for balance. In practice, unforeseen consequences, use at your own risk, etc.

2014-09-24, 12:39 PM
The story is slightly more complicated than that. (http://www.examiner.com/article/super-genius-games-loses-2-3-of-its-founding-members-to-rogue-genius-games)

Theoretically, it's probably fine if you make the assumption that SGG/RGG has a good head for balance. In practice, unforeseen consequences, use at your own risk, etc.

Wow - slow news day for the Examiner, huh :smallwink:

Thanks for sharing, that indeed clears things up. For this topic, the books with the archetype packages are under the RGG moniker (http://shop.d20pfsrd.com/products/the-genius-guide-to-arcane-archetypes) AFAIK.