View Full Version : Wizard Invades Redux Redux

Xar Zarath
2014-09-24, 04:20 AM
As we all know, most of the, ok all of the 20 level wizard vs Real world usually ends up in wank fest stuff, am I right? ok so a little change this time.

Wizard scrys for new world to explore, finds Earth. The wizard finds that he can work magic in this no magic world despite its deep rooted shamanism, animism, black magic voodoo and whatnot and decides to explore.

He keeps a low profile for a while, just to get his bearings and to learn about the world he is in. Then in a single night of fire and ash, brings a country (lets say somewhere in Africa or mayhaps Europe whichever one you prefer) under absolute control, with planar bound fiends, gated horrors and intelligent undead acting as overseers and newly elected members of parliament.

Now, how does the world react? and what do you think they do?

1. Wizard is Human
2.Pure wizard 20
3. Balor generals (3), Pit Fiends (3), Undead (miscellany, but vampires are dominant)

Scenario 1= Wizard runs by dnd 3.5e rules and Earth is D20

Scenario 2= Wizard runs by real world rules (fluff) except in regards to magic. Feats, templates and such are considered biological/magical enhancements that require long periods of training (just like in fluff) and Earth also goes by real world rules.

2014-09-24, 05:32 AM
1. Wizard wins
2. World wins (because magic has in general laughable range, takes a finite to cast, etc) see previous debate(s).

2014-09-24, 05:52 AM
I think even one vampire could take on a nonmagical d20 modern earth if they were careful and paranoid about it. I mean, all firearms are just about pointless against them.

A heavy rifle is 2d10 damage. So, max 20 (no criticals against vamps). -10 for damage reduction, 5 for fast healing, so 5 damage left. Which means even a perfect shot doesn't harm them much. And that's a 1 in 100 shot. The average rifle shot does nothing. Even if you hit them with a rocket launcher (10d6 damage) or Abrams Tank (10d12), they will probably be dispersed and come back the next day from their coffin.

Nevermind a pit fiend.

2014-09-24, 06:19 AM
Yup, d20 modern is a joke.