View Full Version : Writing One novel every six days

2014-09-24, 08:25 AM
12 novels a year (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/09/23/rl-stine-goosebumps_n_5870902.html) , one novel every six days.


Feeling a bit guilty about NANOWRIMO with a record like that. But then, I've never read any of the Goosebumps books so I don't know how they rank on the scale of good books.


Brian P.

2014-09-24, 08:32 AM
And here I was, ready to proclaim proudly that, in fact, I could read novels much faster than that and had, in fact, once read Lord of the Rings in an insane three-day weekend.

Then I re-read your post. Daaamn. (My Nanowrimo got to about 1 page.)

2014-09-24, 08:52 AM
Hmm ... he was delivering 12 novels a year, so I suspect the actual *writing* of the novel was only about 25% of his effort. It looks like he spent the rest of the month coming up for an outline for the novel (what he said was the hard part) , and the rest spent on other tasks related to getting it out the door.


Brian P.

2014-09-24, 09:38 AM
Wow, I remember the first time I read a Goosebumps book. Impressive output at least.

Dang, bummed myself out about how old I'm getting.

2014-09-24, 11:54 AM
I was thinking novels like... not novellas or novelettes.

Still, I remember reading plenty of Goosebumps. Good books, those. And 20 pages a day is insane. He must be talking printed pages.