View Full Version : Player Help Feat shuffle for my Imp

2014-09-24, 08:56 PM
DM has allowed me to select the Feats on my new Imp.
Since as a familiar, it gets Weapon Finesse with natural attacks anyway, no point for that.
Getting rid of Dodge needs no explanation.
So I have 2 Feats to spend.

I'm underplaying my L7 Conjurer Wizard a fair amount (trying to stay down at my party's level), but I want the Imp to do standard scouting stuff, maybe plink away with a longbow (poisoned with her own poison?) in combat.
Probably looking for survivability, though I wouldn't object to something else cool.

Point Blank and Precise shot are my default options if I go with the bow, but I should be able to do better.

Ideas? No 3rd party stuff, but anything else not extreme cheese should work.

Extra Anchovies
2014-09-24, 09:01 PM
Darkstalker. Ability to hide from blindsight/blindsense/tremorsense is vital for a scout at high levels. Not sure about the other feat, though.

2014-09-24, 09:04 PM
How about Draconic Aura? It's like giving the feat to your whole party.

Extra Anchovies
2014-09-24, 09:07 PM
How about Draconic Aura? It's like giving the feat to your whole party.

Well, it has a prerequisite of Character Level 3rd, and the imp doesn't have any character levels (it has three monster levels; ask your DM if those count). Maybe Shape Soulmeld or Bind Vestige? There's probably a vestige or soulmeld that would be useful for a sneaky-type.

2014-09-25, 07:06 AM
Ooh, Darkstalker. Thanks.

Re:Soulmeld or Vestige. Technically about everything is open, but it's the first non-core game the DM has run. He already made rude noises about psionics when another player brought that up. I'm sure he's never even opened Tome of Magic, so making him learn a whole new class of abilities just for a single feat...

Extra Anchovies
2014-09-25, 08:30 AM
Ooh, Darkstalker. Thanks.

Re:Soulmeld or Vestige. Technically about everything is open, but it's the first non-core game the DM has run. He already made rude noises about psionics when another player brought that up. I'm sure he's never even opened Tome of Magic, so making him learn a whole new class of abilities just for a single feat...

Well, the Vestige feats are actually fairly simple: if you only take Bind Vestige, you can only get one ability from the vestige you bind, and only get 1st-level vestiges. Shame he doesn't have three feats, then you could go for Practiced Binder or Improved Bind Vestige, too.

ETA: Bind Vestige abilities useful for scout types: Leraje gives +4 to hide checks, but there isn't really anything else without taking one of the other two feats. Shape Soulmeld (Kruthik Claws) gives +4 to both Hide and Move Silently, though. And if the imp gets some source of essentia, each point invested increases the bonus by 2.

2014-09-25, 11:11 AM
Incarnum is out anyway since the imp doesn't have enough Con for the feats.

Improved Initiative is almost always a good choice when you don't know what else to take. And going first can easily be the difference between getting around the nearest corner or ending up as a smear on the wall for a scout.

Hidden Talent gets the imp one 1st level power, 2pp and the ability to gain psionic focus. Popular choices are Chameleon (+10 enhancement to hide for 10 minutes), Entangling Ectoplasm (ranged touch to entangle for 5 rounds) and Minor Creation (create plant-based items, lasts 1 hour).