View Full Version : DM Help How long should a campaign run?

2014-09-25, 01:38 PM
Outside of the "until it's finished" or "as long as it takes" idea.

Reason I ask is this. I'm running a pathfinder game now. This is the first campaign I've run and the first time I'd ever DMed anything ever. When we first started I admittedly hadn't planned out a campaign. I figured I'd go week to week for awhile and see how the game was developing and something would grow organically out of the players actions. I've made a lot of mistakes, some that I'm still paying for.

Thing is, the campaign has a lot of inconsistency in story telling from my part because I was inexperienced and did stupid stuff. It started when the players were level 1, they are now level 7. I have been working on the next setting and campaign and have things for that more fleshed out (at least I think so). Would having the current campaign wrap up with the players being level 9-11 be to short a campaign? We started this in Feb.

I do kind of have an idea of how this is going to wrap up.

2014-09-25, 01:48 PM
Campaign length will really depend on a person's preference. I know some people that don't think a campaign is long enough unless it goes to 20.

That said as a general rule, as long as there is some sort of closure, your campaign could end almost whenever. What closure you need however is really dependent on what is going on in your game.

If the players are alive at the end, there is always a chance for a sequal involving those characters 3-30 years down the road too. I've done that, and it works especially if there is fond memories of said characters.

2014-09-25, 01:49 PM
Until you're bored of it.

Seriously, there is no right answer. It's not a science problem - if you feel like you should not fix what isn't broken, then don't, and if you feel like you should move on, move on. You seem to want to move on, so ask your players if they agree with starting a new campaign. And if they do, maybe have the old character make a cameo or something at some point.

2014-09-25, 01:50 PM
The campaign ends when you want it to. Short or long if you think its not working it might be better to end it and start anew so everyone can enjoy themselves. I've had campaigns just stop because I was tired of running it and burnt out as a DM. But there is really no set time or level limit for a campaign. If you think about it going from 1 to 11 is half the possible level progression so it is a decent length especially if you follow the normal experience point rules (Which I don't personally). So really it comes down to if you are satisfied with where it ends or if you think you would be better off starting something new.

Uncle Pine
2014-09-25, 02:27 PM
If you feel awkward about the campaign you're currently running for whatever reason (i.e. you've done stupid things) you can simply end the current adventure and call it a world. Simply ask the players if they're ok with it and then describe the final adventure as the PCs last heroic deed.

2014-09-25, 04:29 PM
Outside of the "until it's finished" or "as long as it takes" idea.

What other answer is there? It's the only answer worth giving.

If your players are enjoying your first Campaign, regardless of how many mistakes you've made in developing it, then explain to them that you want to start again, once they're done. Then if at some point in the future, your players say they're tired of your current Campaign, you can move on to the next.

2014-09-25, 04:40 PM
Well, theres no hard and fast rule for this, it's all about preference. Some people run short campaigns that consist of one story arc, maybe ten-15 sessions. Other people run the same campaign for years. Most of my campaigns go on for about six months of real world time, and we play every other week (we play every week, but we switch between two campaigns and GMs) for about 5 hours.

Gnome Alone
2014-09-25, 08:33 PM
Most of my campaigns go on for about six months of real world time, and we play every other week (we play every week, but we switch between two campaigns and GMs) for about 5 hours.

Good gravy, I would love to do something more that speed. I've been playing in the same campaign, from Level 3-15, on and off, with about 2 to 6 months between sessions, for over four years now.

2014-09-25, 08:48 PM
See we play every week. I think I've decided to try and wrap things up in the next few weeks. Thanks guys. I know I could just change over but I'd like to see this concluded at least. A few of the players are really invested in their characters but have expressed a desire to play something new next time so I want to give them a proper ending.

Oko and Qailee
2014-09-25, 09:45 PM
I have never seen a campaign go to lvl 20.

For a lot of players though, they become attached to first campaigns, but don't worry about level being a closing point. I've had a lot of campaigns stop at relatively low levels.

Besides levels 7-13 are the best levels.

2014-09-26, 10:34 AM
I have never seen a campaign go to lvl 20.

For a lot of players though, they become attached to first campaigns, but don't worry about level being a closing point. I've had a lot of campaigns stop at relatively low levels.

Besides levels 7-13 are the best levels.

I find the higher levels only really come into full effect if you've played from the very bottom lvls 1-4ish.

You may have world-shaping power, but when you are so invested into the world, it's people you find out that power sometimes just isn't enough.

2014-09-26, 04:27 PM
I think it all depends on the logical stopping point of the story. I mean would you want to read a book that stopped before the conclusion? Or read a book that goes on 400 pages after the world is saved? Sure, you can keep throwing things at your PC's, but as a DM your job is a storyteller among other things. So if you think you reached the end of the story or at least close to it then you know its time to end it. Every campaign I have been a part of has been supposedly to take us to level 20. That being said I have never reached level 20. I am also finding out that at low levels its easier and more fun for the DM and the opposite at higher levels. I mean honestly, dealing with group of 4-5 people with world altering power is somewhat of a chore when they get whimsical.

I have had some campaigns that last 4 years and others that ended after a few months. You kinda go by feel I think.