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View Full Version : Roleplaying To Kill a Deity

2014-09-25, 09:40 PM
Hello! I'm currently in a Pathfinder campaign in which I have a particular hatred towards an Evil deity. He's constantly screwing me and the party over and I feel like he's the GM's tool to do whatever he feels (Although he's not a bad GM). One of the things he's done is totally take everything from the party when we had good equipment, and he's killed multiple of my character's friends. As far as I know he's the GM's personal creation and none of the core rulebook deities. I will do just about anything to eradicate this mother f*cker from existence. I'd tell you what level and class I am but I don't think that would really matter much (I don't have any magical abilities and I'm not a holy class but I've considered multi-classing). I know Deities are supposed to be immortal and, "unkillable," but I consider this my kobayashi maru. I have already cut him once and drew blood with an enchanted blade. Before you say, "That was stupid," he asked for it... He literally told me to do it. That's when he took everything... The jackass... If any of you have any helpful tips on how to possibly end this bastard please help me. Like I said, I'll do just about anything.

2014-09-25, 09:58 PM
Ultimately, this is going to come down to your GM. Since the GM seems to be intentionally putting the party in conflict with this Deity, hopefully he has a method in mind by which its possible for you to win. Otherwise, find a new GM.

That being said, here are some thoughts. If you're in the Golarion setting, you could try to take the Test of the Starstone. If you succeed, you'll be a god yourself, and in a better position to deal with another god. Of course, only four have managed it so far, in the thousands of years since Earthfall.

Hook up with someone else who hates gods and has the power to do something about it. The Asuras whole bag is a hatred of all things divine, and the three original hekatonkheires have their own grudge to nurse. Alternatively, find an Empyreal Lord whose having none of that evil god nonsense. My vote would be Ragathiel, lord of fire and vengeance.

Lamashatu might be another good bet- one of the few beings known to have killed a god (Curchanus) in the past.

Tar-Baphon, managed to slay Arazni, herald of Aroden. She was later raised as a lich, and currently rules in Geb. If anyone has insight into the killing of gods, she'd be a good bet.

Also, find out anything you can about the knife you cut him with once.

2014-09-25, 10:05 PM
Ultimately, this is going to come down to your GM. Since the GM seems to be intentionally putting the party in conflict with this Deity, hopefully he has a method in mind by which its possible for you to win. Otherwise, find a new GM.

That being said, here are some thoughts. If you're in the Golarion setting, you could try to take the Test of the Starstone. If you succeed, you'll be a god yourself, and in a better position to deal with another god. Of course, only four have managed it so far, in the thousands of years since Earthfall.

Hook up with someone else who hates gods and has the power to do something about it. The Asuras whole bag is a hatred of all things divine, and the three original hekatonkheires have their own grudge to nurse. Alternatively, find an Empyreal Lord whose having none of that evil god nonsense. My vote would be Ragathiel, lord of fire and vengeance.

Lamashatu might be another good bet- one of the few beings known to have killed a god (Curchanus) in the past.

Tar-Baphon, managed to slay Arazni, herald of Aroden. She was later raised as a lich, and currently rules in Geb. If anyone has insight into the killing of gods, she'd be a good bet.

Also, find out anything you can about the knife you cut him with once.

Well, unfortunately that blade is no longer in the plane that I'm in. Hooking it up with someone who hates deities, sounds like a good plan. As far as I know though, there's only two deities in this plane that we're in. One good, the other evil. I actually spoke to the other deity at one point... And he was basically useless in helping me saying, "We can't be killed." However the GM never told me that I would never be able to kill him ever out of game. And I have asked. Thank you for replying!

2014-09-25, 10:45 PM
The GM might have felt your gear was too good and took it just so he could maintain the game.

The enchanted blade has caused damage to the deity before, it might be able to do it again. Or it might have been whatever circumstance it was done under that made it possible.

Seeking refuge from this deity with its enemy deity is a possible way to protect yourself.