View Full Version : Furries in the playground

2014-09-26, 08:18 AM

I hereby establish this topic for all the furries out here! We would talk about our own experiences, about furry artists and webcomics, about Anthrocon, Eurofurence etc. Just, you know... place for furries to come by and talk about furry stuff :D :D :D

2014-09-26, 08:56 AM
This has the potential to either get a hard case of the trolls or turn out like the LGBTAI+ thread.
Anyway, I'm a goat.

2014-09-26, 09:28 AM
I believe it will be something like LGBT+ thread ;-)

Through you are right, the topic can get some trolls... :/ :/ :/

2014-09-26, 12:47 PM
Any topic can invite trolls. You could make a topic about how oatmeal is awesome, and you'd probably get trolls insisting that oatmeal must be eaten with cherries and butter.

That said, I don't think *this* topic will invite trolls. There aren't a whole lot of GiantITPers who seem to get a kick out of annoying or bothering people, and while I don't think this thread will end up as active as the LGBT+ thread, I honestly don't see this as being problematic either. Most people may still consider "furry" as being a freaky mark of shame, but GiantITP doesnt' seem to be composed of "most people". It's really progressive as far as forums go.

Asta Kask
2014-09-26, 12:50 PM
I don't think I'm a furry, but I'm interested in all sorts of things so... what is a furry? Is there some definition most people who call themselves furries would agree on?

Mystic Muse
2014-09-26, 01:39 PM
I don't think I'm a furry, but I'm interested in all sorts of things so... what is a furry? Is there some definition most people who call themselves furries would agree on?

See, I think this is the problem. Furry can mean like half a dozen different things.

It can mean somebody who just likes cosplaying as animals.

It could mean somebody who would like certain animal features.

It could mean somebody who roleplays exclusively as animals.

It could mean somebody like Jaycemonde, who is a goat.

It could be somebody who wants to BE an animal.

And it could mean things that are probably not board safe.

Asta Kask
2014-09-26, 02:01 PM
I doubt you could get a majority to agree on the definition of "queer" either...

2014-09-26, 02:24 PM
I doubt you could get a majority to agree on the definition of "queer" either...

Unlike queer, which can be understood as a high level term that also applies at more concrete levels as necessary, "Furry" is a term that has many meanings, and is used more to loosely group people together than it is to denote a single unifying trait. Everything from otherkin to fetishists fall under the label, and the only thing they all have in common is "they are called a furry".

That's why it invites trolls. It requires one to be accepting of a non-limiting definition, of the validity of many at times conflicting and occasionally mutually exclusive accounts, and a whibbly-wobbly set of borders. In a world defined by "logically" putting things into neat boxes, usually in an arbitrary binary structure, that causes a lot of friction.

... Actually, I think otherkin may bean over road misnomer; I do believe it would be limited to therianthropes? Dragon furry is a thing, but a vampire or demon or fairy isn't a furry. I assume.

2014-09-27, 04:26 AM
I don't think I'm a furry, but I'm interested in all sorts of things so... what is a furry? Is there some definition most people who call themselves furries would agree on?

There is not a single, unified definition. For me, the key is self-identification - if you identify as a furry, you are. If you do not, you aren't. It's simple like that ;-) The comics reading, fursuiting, roleplaying etc. is secondary.

2014-09-27, 05:03 AM
Fun to finally see a thread for this ^w^
Always seemed odd to me that there wasn't yet.

2014-09-27, 07:04 AM
So Togath, you are a furry too? :D :D :D

Can I ask about your fursona? ;-)

(I do not have a fursona, I'm "just" into furries xD xD xD)

2014-09-27, 02:15 PM
... Actually, I think otherkin may bean over road misnomer; I do believe it would be limited to therianthropes? Dragon furry is a thing, but a vampire or demon or fairy isn't a furry. I assume.

Unless they're a dragon fairy. Or a vampire dragon. Or a demon dragon. Or a fairy/vampire/demon anything, really. Which honestly isn't uncommon. Most "otherkin" either aren't on the Internet or are on dA, though. They don't show up too often on purely furry art sites.

(I do not have a fursona, I'm "just" into furries xD xD xD)


Most people may still consider "furry" as being a freaky mark of shame, but GiantITP doesnt' seem to be composed of "most people". It's really progressive as far as forums go.
[ugly laughter]
It's got good admins and moderators. I'll say that much.

It could mean somebody like Jaycemonde, who is a goat.

That's the majority of furries, in my experience. We're just like "lol I'm a dog deal with it now let's go play cawwa doody." Generally don't make a big fuss out of it. Unless wolfaboos get involved and start making jokes about eating the "prey" species characters or fursonas. Or someone takes offense at a character that's LGBTAI+. (Most of the G is left alone, of course.) Then, y'know, drama can flare up. But aside from that, we're just people who happen to be dogs and cats and whatever else, who draw porn, who play games and who spam memes on SecondLife. Not really the same thing as Otherkin.

2014-09-27, 02:30 PM
I don't think I'm a furry, but I'm interested in all sorts of things so... what is a furry? Is there some definition most people who call themselves furries would agree on?

Here: http://lmgtfy.com/?q=furry

Asta Kask
2014-09-27, 02:36 PM
Here: http://lmgtfy.com/?q=furry

I think you have a very optimistic view of the accuracy of information obtained via Google. Am I likely to get good information if I Google? And how do I know if the information is good if I don't know anything (well, almost anything) about the subject? Have you really thought this through?

2014-09-27, 03:18 PM
I think you have a very optimistic view of the accuracy of information obtained via Google. Am I likely to get good information if I Google? And how do I know if the information is good if I don't know anything (well, almost anything) about the subject? Have you really thought this through?

Yeah, that's the [ugly laughter] I mentioned above. It's mostly the admins and moderators that keep the wider forum from descending on everything.
My advice: you just ask furries in the thread (or read their responses) and not even justify LMGTFY with a response.

Asta Kask
2014-09-28, 06:00 AM
I will see what I can learn by lurking, and not derail the thread further. Discussions about definitions are almost always boring.

2014-09-28, 10:46 AM
I second Asta Kask. I am not a furry myself but I am interested as to what the furries here have to say and believe about themselves. Google can't tell me that. I went googling a particular financial personality last week and the first hundred results were from fanboys or his own paid advertisements. It took some *digging* to find anything remotely critical.


Brian P.

2014-09-28, 05:26 PM
Well, like I said here:

That's the majority of furries, in my experience. We're just like "lol I'm a dog deal with it now let's go play cawwa doody." Generally don't make a big fuss out of it ... we're just people who happen to be dogs and cats and whatever else, who draw porn, who play games and who spam memes on SecondLife.

That pretty much sums 75% of the subculture up. Don't say fandom; that specifies one specific franchise or show/game/book, not a globally-shared artistic or personal affiliation that's got thousands of different interpretations. Like, Koul [very popular furry artist from Ukraine who does mostly STALKER fan-art] isn't the same thing as Strype [American who does Warhammer-esque power armor] or Squeedgemonster [Canadian-American who does Hallowe'en monsters and Godzilla and Kaiju in really cute pop-art fashion] or Thanshuai [Thai artist who does pretty much everything but gives all his characters an obscene amount of fluff and big eyes] or WolfJediSamuel [German who seemingly does nothing but crass, obscene movie poster parodies]. It'd be the same thing as saying that C.S. Lewis, Michael Crichton, Robert A. Heinlein, and Gary Gygax were all in the "science-fiction/fantasy fandom." They could not be any different from each other, the only similarity is that they all created work that fell into a common theme.

Atreyu the Masked LLama
2014-09-28, 09:18 PM
Hi everybody, I'm Masked LLama and I've been RP'ing an awakened llama on these boards since, what, 2007? Would that make me a furry? Its hard to say, depending on the person, to be honest. However the fact that I attend 2 furry conventions and staff at one are probably pretty good indicators that I am.

So..ummmm...what do we want to talk about?

Favorite fursuiter?

What's your fursona?

If you had a fursona, what would your's be like?

Why did you pick that fursona?

Best Con?

ooooh, not sure if this will work, but here is a video of my buddy doing some random fursuiting at the local Farmer's Market. I think its adorable and sums up all that is awesome about fursuiting. (https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=10152380499258481&set=vb.534863480&type=3&theater)

Mystic Muse
2014-09-28, 10:56 PM
I honestly don't have any real clue what a fursona is.

2014-09-28, 11:47 PM
I honestly don't have any real clue what a fursona is.

Look at my icon. Now look at me. Now look back at my icon. Now look back at me. Is that just a random goat character, or is it me (or at least how I portray myself)? It's me. That's a fursona.
Honestly, it's just dumb furry slang for "persona" and it means the same thing. Some people don't have any particular reason for picking the one they do, some people do.

Hi everybody, I'm Masked LLama and I've been RP'ing an awakened llama on these boards since, what, 2007? Would that make me a furry? Its hard to say, depending on the person, to be honest. However the fact that I attend 2 furry conventions and staff at one are probably pretty good indicators that I am.

Yup, I'd say you are. I have no clue what "Awakened" means, though. Is that just a sentient llama, or does that mean you've got the whole anthro deal going on? Were-llama? That could be pretty cool.

So..ummmm...what do we want to talk about?

Favorite fursuiter?

I honestly don't really know any.

What's your fursona?

See above.

Why did you pick that fursona?

Goats fit my personality. Stubborn, bad-tempered, random bouts of complete idiocy spontaneous energy and cuteness. Varied reputation based on the people being talked to; am I a symbol of justice and war (gun nut and FPS enthusiast), sensuality and happy funtime incarnate (self-explanatory), a productive worker that can be mostly depended upon (I don't really see it), or a baleful and hell-bound sinner? Who knows?
And also, hooves are awesome, and also also, horns are awesome, and and also also also, horizontal pupils. And and and also also also also, somewhat less overdone than, say, foxes and wolves.

2014-09-29, 01:46 AM
I don't see a meaningful difference between "I am an [animal]" and "I have the soul of [animal]", but okay.

I honestly don't have any real clue what a fursona is.

Furry persona.

Jayce, hon, you've got some pent up ire against the canids. Care to talk about it?

2014-09-29, 03:02 AM
Yup, I'd say you are. I have no clue what "Awakened" means, though. Is that just a sentient llama, or does that mean you've got the whole anthro deal going on? Were-llama? That could be pretty cool.

If I'm not mistaken, Atreyu is referencing the Awakened Animals, a kind of creature in Dungeons and Dragons, in the rulebook 'Savage Species' if I recall.

2014-09-29, 07:27 AM
I don't see a meaningful difference between "I am an [animal]" and "I have the soul of [animal]", but okay.

I guess it has more to do with attitude than anything.

Jayce, hon, you've got some pent up ire against the canids. Care to talk about it?

Wolfaboo, not wolf. Two very different things, in the way I just described above. People who simply choose to portray themselves as wolves or dogs or whatever, no problem with. People who really identify as such? No problem. Actual canines? Love 'em. People who put a dozen wolf group badges on their profiles and make jokes about eating "prey species" characters, then who take offense at those characters/their owners saying something even remotely similar to offense? Kind of a problem.

2014-09-30, 05:23 PM
Just as with most fandoms, I haven't really managed to make myself a part of the subculture, so I haven't been to any cons or such, but I consider myself a furry. And as for a fursona, well, I've never really thought about it, but I do guess Teddy meets all the requirements...

What I do know, though, is that I really would like a pair of fluffy bear ears, but I've never gotten off my seat to find where I best can get such a pair commissioned...

ooooh, not sure if this will work, but here is a video of my buddy doing some random fursuiting at the local Farmer's Market. I think its adorable and sums up all that is awesome about fursuiting. (https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=10152380499258481&set=vb.534863480&type=3&theater)

Link doesn't work... http://i.imgur.com/xVZ2F1e.png

I think it needs to be made public.

If I'm not mistaken, Atreyu is referencing the Awakened Animals, a kind of creature in Dungeons and Dragons, in the rulebook 'Savage Species' if I recall.

There's also the D&D 3.5 PHB spell Awaken which awakens intelligence in an animal (or tree)...

2014-09-30, 11:37 PM
If I'm not mistaken, Atreyu is referencing the Awakened Animals, a kind of creature in Dungeons and Dragons, in the rulebook 'Savage Species' if I recall.

That doesn't really clear a lot up. Are they basically just talking animals that still walk around on four legs?

Just as with most fandoms, I haven't really managed to make myself a part of the subculture, so I haven't been to any cons or such, but I consider myself a furry. And as for a fursona, well, I've never really thought about it, but I do guess Teddy meets all the requirements...

(See the part about why the word "fandom" is incorrect in this case, above.)
I haven't been to a single con in my life, and honestly I don't really think I'd want to go to any. I'm too abrasive and introverted to really enjoy myself in that kind of environment. I still consider myself part of the subculture, though, despite not being particularly well-known.
Anyway, yeah. Teddy seems like he'd work, 'sona-wise. There aren't really any particular "requirements" out there, besides him being more or less a representation of yourself.

What I do know, though, is that I really would like a pair of fluffy bear ears, but I've never gotten off my seat to find where I best can get such a pair commissioned...

I need to get a partial goatsuit done that I can wear with my normal clothes. And have, like, heels that look like hooves. Cleft hooves, of course. Anyway, most decent partial suits start at around $400, and most full suits start at $800-$1000. Of course, additional features like cooling vests and those swank 3D "follow you everywhere" eyes cost extra, at least with most makers. With that in mind, just the ears probably cost a lot less for a good quality. I'd guess around $60.

Dang, I used to know someone who did great ears and tails. I can't remember who it was, though.

2014-10-01, 04:56 AM
That doesn't really clear a lot up. Are they basically just talking animals that still walk around on four legs?

Maybe he's a llama that lived for 400 years and awoke as a llama yokai? :smallbiggrin:

2014-10-01, 05:05 AM
That doesn't really clear a lot up. Are they basically just talking animals that still walk around on four legs?

Different POVs. Instead of saying "I am a [description]", Attreyu seems to focus on "You can consider me a [description]", specifically using language which appeals to the audience's understanding. Descriptive over prescriptive, I suppose.

Asta Kask
2014-10-01, 05:09 AM
That doesn't really clear a lot up. Are they basically just talking animals that still walk around on four legs?

Here's the reference (http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/Awakened_Creature_%283.5e_Template%29)

TL;DR - the animal gains human intelligence and the ability to speak one language, but is otherwise unchanged.

2014-10-01, 05:36 PM
(See the part about why the word "fandom" is incorrect in this case, above.)

I did. The fandom part was in reference to what you probably would agree with me are fandoms. I have a few works and genres which I'm a huge fan of (especially a pair of webcomics), but for some reason never have gotten into the fandom of. And it's not because I have a trouble with people being near obnoxiously outspoken about what they like, which otherwise would be a readily available explanation. I just don't have the personality to enter unless someone leads me there...

I haven't been to a single con in my life, and honestly I don't really think I'd want to go to any. I'm too abrasive and introverted to really enjoy myself in that kind of environment. I still consider myself part of the subculture, though, despite not being particularly well-known.

I think I'd love to attend to a con properly, but I would need to go with a group of friends to be able to connect with other people and enjoy it properly. If I go alone, I tend to feel left out...

Anyway, yeah. Teddy seems like he'd work, 'sona-wise. There aren't really any particular "requirements" out there, besides him being more or less a representation of yourself.

Hehehe, yeah, he's definitely an extension of myself, but with a few bonus traits I couldn't take in the physical world. http://i.imgur.com/ZRHtTJs.png

He's also a cloudwalker and the marshal of some vaguely unspecified air fleet...

I need to get a partial goatsuit done that I can wear with my normal clothes. And have, like, heels that look like hooves. Cleft hooves, of course. Anyway, most decent partial suits start at around $400, and most full suits start at $800-$1000. Of course, additional features like cooling vests and those swank 3D "follow you everywhere" eyes cost extra, at least with most makers. With that in mind, just the ears probably cost a lot less for a good quality. I'd guess around $60.

Dang, I used to know someone who did great ears and tails. I can't remember who it was, though.

Yeah, I can't really picture myself in a full fursuit. I could fancy a pair of paws and a tail beyond the ears, but, well, bears really don't have very impressive tails (which is sad, because I really like tails). http://i.imgur.com/ZRHtTJs.pnghttp://i.imgur.com/FZ6yI9l.png

2014-10-01, 05:59 PM
That pretty much sums 75% of the subculture up. Don't say fandom; that specifies one specific franchise or show/game/book, not a globally-shared artistic or personal affiliation that's got thousands of different interpretations. Like, Koul [very popular furry artist from Ukraine who does mostly STALKER fan-art] isn't the same thing as Strype [American who does Warhammer-esque power armor] or Squeedgemonster [Canadian-American who does Hallowe'en monsters and Godzilla and Kaiju in really cute pop-art fashion] or Thanshuai [Thai artist who does pretty much everything but gives all his characters an obscene amount of fluff and big eyes] or WolfJediSamuel [German who seemingly does nothing but crass, obscene movie poster parodies]. It'd be the same thing as saying that C.S. Lewis, Michael Crichton, Robert A. Heinlein, and Gary Gygax were all in the "science-fiction/fantasy fandom." They could not be any different from each other, the only similarity is that they all created work that fell into a common theme.

Except people do use fandom loosely in such cases as "science fiction" or "fantasy" or "anime" or "video games," and typically it'll register as, at most, a linguistic quirk and while some may offer what they view as correction in some cases, no one will jump down their throats for it without making their own faux pas.

2014-10-01, 06:04 PM
Except people do use fandom loosely in such cases as "science fiction" or "fantasy" or "anime" or "video games," and typically it'll register as, at most, a linguistic quirk and while some may offer what they view as correction in some cases, no one will jump down their throats for it without making their own faux pas.

Except while those all are referred to as fandoms every now and then or by individuals, most people acknowledge that they're entire genres or subdivisions of wider culture, rather than fanbases for one specific franchise.

Furry art/writing/music/games/movies (yes, movies) are referred to almost exclusively as "fandom" art. It doesn't matter how original the material is.

2014-10-01, 06:16 PM
It isn't even a quirk, it is standard usage; two people who cheer for different hockey teams are both hockey fans. The word does not denote or connote that the fans to which it refers must be fans of a franchise rather than a sport or genre or even medium, either in its formal definitions or typical usage.

2014-10-01, 06:21 PM
It isn't even a quirk, it is standard usage; two people who cheer for different hockey teams are both hockey fans. The word does not denote or connote that the fans to which it refers must be fans of a franchise rather than a sport or genre or even medium, either in its formal definitions or typical usage.

Fine, whatever. I'm just going to point to the "the issue is the exclusive usage" thing above and move on. Arguing about semantics isn't what the thread's supposed to be about.

So, anyone who's looked at this thread got a 'suit, partial or otherwise?

2014-10-01, 06:35 PM
So Togath, you are a furry too? :D :D :D

Can I ask about your fursona?

I suppose I think of myself as a cat. ^w^

So, anyone who's looked at this thread got a 'suit, partial or otherwise?

Do kitty ears and a tail accessory count as a partial one?

2014-10-01, 08:44 PM
Do kitty ears and a tail accessory count as a partial one?

Sure! They're pretty much as partial as you can get in this case, but at least one pair of ears and tail is a bit essential anyway :>

Atreyu the Masked LLama
2014-10-01, 10:33 PM
Here's the reference (http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/Awakened_Creature_%283.5e_Template%29)

TL;DR - the animal gains human intelligence and the ability to speak one language, but is otherwise unchanged.

That's pretty much it in a nutshell!!

Also, I sympathize with the lack of an expressive tail dilemma.

2014-10-01, 11:31 PM
Well I'll bite, I consider myself a furry, but I generally shun the label in public to avoid being confused with fursuit-types or not-board-suitable-types. I find fursuits a bit creepy.

I do not believe that I am or have the soul of a non-human animal, but I enjoy role-playing feline characters. I played a couple of Prydaen characters in DragonRealms, but in table-top gaming I usually play a human.

I sometimes dress as a cat on certain socially acceptable occasions, like Beaux-Arts festivals or Halloween. I'm a big fan of the styled hair which gives the impression of cat-ears, a la Cats the musical. And I have a (not-so) secret weakness for attractive girls in neko regalia, which I have instructed my friends to use against me should I ever take over the world and become an intolerable tyrant.

This year for Halloween I am planning on being a faun, which is maybe half-furry. I still need suitable pants, and plan to have short stilts ending in cloven hooves, which will give me the proper posture, and should provide a better silhouette than the extremely costume-y versions I've seen online. In keeping with my previously mentioned aesthetic preferences, I have been practicing styling my rather curly hair into two quite recognizable "horns," a look which my girlfriend says reminds her of the devil.

As for "furry" comics, and again, I hesitate to use the label because it might demean the work, but I would have to recommend MAUS by Art Spiegelman.

2014-10-01, 11:36 PM
I do not in any way consider myself a furry.

But if slutty Halloween costumes have taught me anything, a pair of ears and a fake tail don't hurt.

Asta Kask
2014-10-02, 02:11 AM
Also, I sympathize with the lack of an expressive tail dilemma.

A tail would be awesome. I see how much my cats can express with their tails and, yeah, I want one. Though that's not so much "I am/want to be a cat" as "I want a different evolutionary path". I wonder how much you would have to tweak the genome to get a tail.

(My one cat has also taught me that tails are good for chasing)

2014-10-02, 03:01 AM
Used to have a fursona (dwarf lemur!) back in the day because a lot of my highschool friends were furries and I wanted to fit in with them. It was used mostly for freeform, forum based, text roleplay (typically sfw, silly, meaningless stuff), but also because the artists of the group wanted a way to depict us all and at the time weren't able to draw full humans.
Not particularly a furry myself, but sometimes I'll whip the old girl out for nostalgia's sake.

2014-10-02, 04:00 AM
As for "furry" comics, and again, I hesitate to use the label because it might demean the work, but I would have to recommend MAUS by Art Spiegelman.

Maus is brilliant. I only ever read the second book, and I regret doing it with some resistance (dad wanted me to read about the Holocaust when I did an assignment on Germany back in 5th grade). I think I'm going extend your hesistance to the word "comic" too, though. As might've been picked up from the parenthesis already, this is not a story you should pick up expecting lighthearted adventure, or even heavyhearted adventure. But people really should read it.

2014-10-02, 11:19 AM
Maus is brilliant. I only ever read the second book, and I regret doing it with some resistance (dad wanted me to read about the Holocaust when I did an assignment on Germany back in 5th grade). I think I'm going extend your hesistance to the word "comic" too, though. As might've been picked up from the parenthesis already, this is not a story you should pick up expecting lighthearted adventure, or even heavyhearted adventure. But people really should read it.

It's not even remotely Furry. :/

2014-10-02, 11:29 AM
It's not even remotely Furry. :/

That depends entirely on how you define furry. If you define it as anthropomorphic animals, for example, then it's very much furry.

2014-10-02, 12:13 PM
I doesn't matter if people do use a word, CoidOr, it matters what the effect is. A fandom is by colloquial use a subgroup, which by implication is less than a group. Insisting on 'fandom' is a form of delegitimization.

It may be a technically accurate and correct usage of the word, but technical and practical are different. Practically, by insisting on the technical usage you're arguing to continue the delegitimization. I don't think you want to; I don't think you have a dog in this fight, to use my favorite overdone phrase.

But you want to make a semantic point and someone else wants to establish emotional validity, probably best just not to quibble. It's not as important to you as them, after all. :smallsmile:

2014-10-02, 02:37 PM
Yeah, Maus was just brilliant. I love the comic, even thought it is really a "heavy" one.

But personally I do not consider it furry. For me, furry comics should be made with "furry intent" and Maus lack such an intention.

Mystic Muse
2014-10-02, 02:44 PM
Yeah, Maus was just brilliant. I love the comic, even thought it is really a "heavy" one.

But personally I do not consider it furry. For me, furry comics should be made with "furry intent" and Maus lack such an intention.

It's not even remotely Furry. :/

I'm sorry, but what do either of these comments even MEAN?

2014-10-02, 02:56 PM
Maus isn't really furry, no. It's using cartoon animals as caricatures--mice are Jewish, dogs are American, cats are German, et cetera, in an otherwise completely identical world to our own historical timeline. A furry graphic novel would be more like Feral, or The Order of the Black Dog, or Empire of the New Sun. Fred Savage would also count, despite being located on an otherwise normal 1980's Earth, because it's marketed toward furry audiences and there's more to each character's appearance and mannerisms than just a symbolic species assignment. Not all the good guys are dogs, not all the bad guys are rats, not all the snobbish aristocratic clients running away from hit squads are cheetahs.

I doesn't matter if people do use a word, CoidOr, it matters what the effect is. A fandom is by colloquial use a subgroup, which by implication is less than a group. Insisting on 'fandom' is a form of delegitimization.

It may be a technically accurate and correct usage of the word, but technical and practical are different. Practically, by insisting on the technical usage you're arguing to continue the delegitimization. I don't think you want to; I don't think you have a dog in this fight, to use my favorite overdone phrase.

But you want to make a semantic point and someone else wants to establish emotional validity, probably best just not to quibble. It's not as important to you as them, after all. :smallsmile:

All of this. It's the same thing as with people who generalize all the small subsets of the wider LGBTAI+ spectrum for their own convenience, or because a pedantic slight bugs them, even though they're not affected by any of the issues at all. Granted, being furry doesn't cause as many of the same problems as being trans or non-hetero do, but for a lot of people it's still an important part of our identity. So.

I'm sorry, but what do either of these comments even MEAN?

I can't speak for the second one, but the first one is basically saying what I am. Maus is using animals as convenient vehicles for the people they represent based on their stereotypical characteristics; dogs are loyal, mice are timid and helpless, cats are sadistic, et cetera, but the correlation never goes beyond that, nor do any characters go against what the rest of their species is doing (ALL the cats are Nazis, ALL the dogs are Allied soldiers). It's monolithic. It was never designed with people on FurAffinity or Weasyl or VCL in mind, it was designed as a stylistic expression of a historical event.

Asta Kask
2014-10-02, 03:27 PM
How about Reepicheep from Narnia?

2014-10-02, 03:42 PM
How about Reepicheep from Narnia?

He's a talking rat or mouse, I don't even remember which. He's more like Atreyu the Masked Llama than Mickey Mouse.

2014-10-02, 08:24 PM
Yeah, Maus was just brilliant. I love the comic, even thought it is really a "heavy" one.

But personally I do not consider it furry. For me, furry comics should be made with "furry intent" and Maus lack such an intention.

How about Omaha the Cat Dancer? I do not grok this division.

2014-10-02, 09:06 PM
How about Reepicheep from Narnia?

Reepicheep, good one! Narnia is rife with talking animals, some of which, I'm thinking of a Horse and His Boy, are rather clearly like Atreyu the LLama, they are sentient but otherwise look and behave more-or-less as animals. Others, like the Talking Mice, are of humanoid stature, wear clothes, and use manufactured weapons. Furries? Or just anthropomorphic animals exploring themes of human nature through the lens of other mammalian cultures?

Maus isn't really furry

Consider then Better Days, a web-comic which no one will dispute was written with "furry intent," and I mean not-suitable-for-this-forum "furry intent." {Scrubbed}

2014-10-02, 11:25 PM
There are a lot of things in your post that I'd like to pick bones with, but I'm just gonna stick with this one:

which don't depict the struggles of feline veganism


Also, I'd suggest actually looking at all of the graphic novels I mentioned in my post (if anybody actually read that instead of just looking at the first four words). Those are all most obviously made with "furry intent", and not the passive-aggressively described "furry intent" that Fox News talks about once a month as if it's the spawn of the underworld.

http://www.feral-comic.com/uploads/7/5/2/7/7527269/1879042.png?269 (apologies for small size, "Feral" doesn't really narrow it down a lot on search engines and the website only has small covers)

2014-10-03, 02:36 AM
I doesn't matter if people do use a word, CoidOr, it matters what the effect is. A fandom is by colloquial use a subgroup, which by implication is less than a group. Insisting on 'fandom' is a form of delegitimization.
If they are fans of a thing, they are part of its fandom. A subgroup is by implication less than a group in the sense that it is smaller than a group, not inferior to one; subgenres are not inferior to genres, they represent a smaller classification within the broader category. Being a Bruins fan is not inferior to being a Hockey fan, and the Bruins fandom is a subgroup of the Hockey fandom which is, in turn, a subgroup of every broader category in which it could be said to be included. This is how things relate to one another.
If the existence of a broader applicable label is somehow oppressive, one wonders how we even get out of bed beneath the burdens of not only our shared species but the genus, family, order, class, phylum, kingdom, and domain above it. Even those irrepressible opportunists with "Eukaryote pride" tattoos repping the hood of everything-with-a-nucleus must shuffle their feet in dejected, Charlie-Brownian shame when bullying bacteria remind them they are still just a subgroup of "life."

2014-10-03, 03:30 AM
If they are fans of a thing, they are part of its fandom.

But I'm not a fan of furries. I'm not a fan of furry cons. I'm not. Fan of the furry art culture or comic culture. And while some few furries are these things, they are also more than these things. It's often a lifestyle issue, not a favorite or liking things issue. So even if there is a furry fandom (in which people are fans of furry things), that is as useless a category as saying of those people who are really into star wars, there is a Jedi fandom.

The word doesn't depict much reality, it only depicts an external snap judgement, and one that is inherently derogatory because of the emotional impact of colloquial use. And unfortunately, no amount of logical explanation is going to get around the part that involves emotional intelligence; it's insulting, demeaning, and something people more intimate to the thing than you would prefer you not to buy into or feed into. It doesn't matter if the insult is illogical. You would have to work to change that visceral connotation, rather than pretend it doesn't exist.

When you say furry fandom, it's heard in the same tone and inflection as someone saying sonic fandom. Or fedora. Or radical feminazi. Or social justice warrior. There is a connotation to it that good intentions cannot yet separate you from.

And no amount of satire or reducing to absurdity can change that.

2014-10-03, 05:01 AM
If it's a specific objection to the fact that the term has been used to deride, specifically, furry culture — as "social justice warrior" — that's one thing, but that's actually not the substance of any objection raised so far. Jaycemonde objected on the grounds that fandom implies of a franchise, which it does not; you objected on the grounds that being a "subgroup" is inherently deligitimizing, which it is not; "fandom" can be used to the collected fans of anything without regard for how narrow or specific the subject is and essentially every group is a subgroup of a larger, more general group.

I'm not saying fandom is the correct word or it's wrong to object to its use, but rather that the objections raised to its use have not been substantive.

2014-10-03, 06:44 AM

Asta Kask
2014-10-03, 07:23 AM
How about these pictures?



From the Swedish RPG Mutant (1984) and Mutant 2 (1989)

Where you could play anthropomorphic animals (the chief of security for the realm was a mutated bear named Traffault)

2014-10-03, 08:35 AM
Asta: I believe your pictures are furry, but it's my personal opinion.

As to Omaha The Cat Dancer, I think it is made with "furry intent" (Plus, there is lots of sex - another trait of many furry works...)

2014-10-03, 10:38 AM
I'm not saying fandom is the correct word or it's wrong to object to its use, but rather that the objections raised to its use have not been substantive.

The objection has always been "it's hurtful" with attempts to express why in a manner you'll accept. But that's where emotional intelligence comes in; it's a problem for reasons you could puzzle out, especially with people trying to help you; it doesn't fit the word you're using anyway; you are not the judge who must make a ruling based on how well an explanation fits your technical parameters.

"That's mean" is a perfectly valid reason. Being unable to express why is also perfectly valid. You're requiring a dissection of why something is oppressive, and we don't have that for racial relations which have been around for longer and studied more thoroughly; why should this thread and these people have to jump through your hoops? They're just asking for you to respect terms you, as we've established, don't have an equal vested interest in. It baffles me that a unified logical prescriptive definition is more important than accepting people have baggage and you may be dancing on it.


That's just offensive. :-/

2014-10-03, 11:27 AM
Not everyone is afraid of/insulted by being associated as a Furry. Unfortunately, I cannot afford to go to any cons (And don't want to deal with con crud anyway). But there are a lot of awesome artists out there, and I wish I could work on my own drawing skills to properly express myself.

It's not even remotely Furry. :/Actually - it features anthropomorphic animals. Furry enough to count.

I'm saying furries shouldn't try and elevate their fandom by claiming amazing works like Maus as being a "furry" work of art.There's nothing to 'elevate'. The 'fandom', as it is, is what it is. Maus is furry enough to count.

Also - I found this, and it made me laugh:

2014-10-03, 11:28 AM
So I just came here to ask about which media have settings with both Humans and Furries.
- Two Kinds
- Tale of a Questor
I think that's about it.
In my opinion, many furry works tend to creep me out, especially the one that is too "realistic".

2014-10-03, 11:59 AM

2014-10-03, 12:04 PM
{Scrubbed}It doesn't matter what he likes. I don't think Lauren Faust is happy with all aspects of the Brony fandom.

If he didn't want furries to like his work and include it in what they like, he shouldn't have featured content furries tend to like.

2014-10-03, 12:17 PM

2014-10-03, 01:39 PM

You seem to operate under a very well defined definition of what "being furry" means. It would be considerate of you to explain what that definition actually is, because I can't tell. Something about intent? http://i.imgur.com/kavzNLd.png

2014-10-03, 01:44 PM
The objection has always been "it's hurtful" with attempts to express why in a manner you'll accept.
I would accept "it's hurtful," and "it has been used with the intention to be hurtful often enough to have unpleasant associations." These are perfectly valid reasons. Neither of these was the reason given. Jaycemonde drew a comparison to "science fiction fandom," which is often called that without offense or hurt feelings; as I said, he is reading connotations which are not present in the standard use of the term. You said anything that implies a "subgroup" is inherently deligitimizing which is troublesome since "furry community" or even just "furries" would also denote a subgroup. Neither of these objections help me understand the problems with the term or, really, even the fact that the term is hurtful.

"That's mean" is a perfectly valid reason. Being unable to express why is also perfectly valid. You're requiring a dissection of why something is oppressive, and we don't have that for racial relations which have been around for longer and studied more thoroughly; why should this thread and these people have to jump through your hoops? They're just asking for you to respect terms you, as we've established, don't have an equal vested interest in. It baffles me that a unified logical prescriptive definition is more important than accepting people have baggage and you may be dancing on it.
I would argue it's pretty easy to trace the history of why some terms are preferred and are considered oppressive or antiquated but broadly inoffensive with regard to race relations. Or, to take another example, some people object to being called "homosexual" because the word has origins as a diagnosis rather than benign descriptor. This, pretty clearly, impugns the identity being described in the sense that it defines those who identify as such as somehow unwell on the basis of that identification. Fandom establishes nothing of the kind; rather, it reflects a community of people who like a certain thing, in this instance a type of media. As such, being unaware of any history of the term's use as a community-specific pejorative in this context, how am I to be aware that this is the case.
In other words, the issue is not that someone needs to express why something is mean, but express that something actually is mean; words are very important to me, and I do have a vested interest in being able to use them without undue restriction. It's one thing if a word has a history of offensive use and clear contextual connotations, as Lhurgyof's use of the term and your comparison to "Social Justice Warrior" make it clear that the term does in this case, but there are plenty of labels people object to out of a pompous self-regard that I feel no need to respect. The author who insistently writes "speculative fiction" rather than "sci-fi," for example, can be shelved amongst the science fiction authors without any crisis of conscience.

2014-10-03, 01:57 PM

Yeah, (http://d.facdn.net/art/pyrosity/1367475210.pyrosity_web_file.jpg) you're (http://d.facdn.net/art/strange-fox/1371606183.strange-fox_svi5.jpg) right. (http://d.facdn.net/art/ipoke/1392463898.ipoke_serpi___aki_vday.jpg) It's (http://d.facdn.net/art/rhyu/1403736425.rhyu_solar6.png) not (http://d.facdn.net/art/commissionsbyj/1409780382.commissionsbyj_sendis.png) like (http://d.facdn.net/art/wildering/1411405593.wildering_%D0%9A%D0%B0%D1%85%D0%B8%D1%8 2%D0%BE_%D1%84%D0%B8%D0%BD%D0%B0%D0%BB.jpg) we (http://d.facdn.net/art/kuroblood/1410881294.kuroblood_cm06_.jpg) already (http://d.facdn.net/art/hanmonster/1410580194.hanmonster_stripewolfmegapiecefinalsmal l.jpg) have (http://d.facdn.net/art/pirun/1383236781.pirun_armor_003_u_out.jpg) amazing (http://d.facdn.net/art/lethaldoors/1370200475.lethaldoors_trio_fa_size.png) work (http://d.facdn.net/art/nomax/1395865415.nomax_nomax_museum_small.jpg) of (http://d.facdn.net/art/hanmonster/1394761626.hanmonster_stripetailscene2small.jpg) our (http://d.facdn.net/art/bubblewolf/1398970273.bubblewolf_bubblewolf_all_this_upload.j pg) own, (http://d.facdn.net/art/struggler/1396408132.struggler_thedesert.jpg) huh? (http://d.facdn.net/art/snowaro/1399228221.snowaro_terrygrimf.jpg) That'd (http://d.facdn.net/art/wolf-nymph/1328597903.wolf-nymph_fiona_painterly_upload.jpg) be (http://d.facdn.net/art/javanshir/1381119494.javanshir_hijab-custom-800h.png) crazy. (http://d.facdn.net/art/macks/1393697772.macks_hoppeking2cropx.png)

How about these pictures?

I don't think so. They're more proto-furry, from when people everywhere thought cute talking totally normal-looking partially clothed Aesop-style animals were cute. Actual furry stuff has a lot more variety and definition to it. Refer to the twenty or so links above.

The objection has always been "it's hurtful" with attempts to express why in a manner you'll accept. But that's where emotional intelligence comes in; it's a problem for reasons you could puzzle out, especially with people trying to help you; it doesn't fit the word you're using anyway; you are not the judge who must make a ruling based on how well an explanation fits your technical parameters.

"That's mean" is a perfectly valid reason. Being unable to express why is also perfectly valid. You're requiring a dissection of why something is oppressive, and we don't have that for racial relations which have been around for longer and studied more thoroughly; why should this thread and these people have to jump through your hoops? They're just asking for you to respect terms you, as we've established, don't have an equal vested interest in. It baffles me that a unified logical prescriptive definition is more important than accepting people have baggage and you may be dancing on it.

That's just offensive. :-/

SiuiS, stop being so perfect. It's unfortunately not having any effect here.

If he didn't want furries to like his work and include it in what they like, he shouldn't have featured content furries tend to like.


Yes, Lhurgyof. The Holocaust. You got it right on the money. How you aren't head of the world right now I will never understand. Furries love the Holocaust. It has nothing to do with the fact that Maus has talking animals in it. How could it?
(For the record, no. I don't like Maus much. It isn't really to my tastes as far as historical literature goes.)

Jaycemonde drew a comparison to "science fiction fandom," which is often called that without offense or hurt feelings; as I said, he is reading connotations which are not present in the standard use of the term.

I'm not a he, thank you very much. No comment on the rest, I'm done arguing with someone who only cares about pedantry.

Roland St. Jude
2014-10-03, 02:04 PM
Sheriff: Let's get this back to a more civil and relevant place. Please report rather than quoting problem posts.

2014-10-03, 02:23 PM
I'm not a he, thank you very much. No comment on the rest, I'm done arguing with someone who only cares about pedantry.

My apologies, the gender icon looked like the mars symbol on my teeny tiny screen. Also, just because I care a great deal about pedantry doesn't mean I don't also care about other things.

2014-10-03, 02:25 PM
Sheriff: Let's get this back to a more civil and relevant place.

Well, I for one am totally capable of thinking of furry stuff without having to argue about every tiny detail of the vague history and wording! You can count on me.

Has anyone here read up on HC SVNT DRACONES (https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1448273438/hc-svnt-dracones/) yet? The new system looks pretty interesting compared to the tired-out d20 set. I hope they include plenty of options for customizing personal transports.

My apologies, the gender icon looked like the mars symbol on my teeny tiny screen.


Also, just because I care a great deal about pedantry doesn't mean I don't also care about other things.

In lieu of asking if any of those other things are at all relevant to the topic of the thread (or if that's the only reason you're here), I'll just say this. Let's not talk about the pedantry here, since all it does is cause problems. Let's talk about other stuff. Like the aforementioned game. Or some popular artists everyone likes. NOT from the late 80's.

Asta Kask
2014-10-03, 03:10 PM
I don't think so. They're more proto-furry, from when people everywhere thought cute talking totally normal-looking partially clothed Aesop-style animals were cute. Actual furry stuff has a lot more variety and definition to it. Refer to the twenty or so links above.

Ok. I think I'll leave you to your thread then. Thanks a lot for answering my questions and I hope I haven't been too much of a bother. :smallsmile:

ETA: I couldn't access those pictures - I think my anti-virus doesn't like them. Ah, well.

2014-10-03, 03:17 PM
Ok. I think I'll leave you to your thread then. Thanks a lot for answering my questions and I hope I haven't been too much of a bother. :smallsmile:

ETA: I couldn't access those pictures - I think my anti-virus doesn't like them. Ah, well.

Nah. Just gotta double-input the URL (Click, select, then hit enter). Furaffinity doesn't like direct links to its image hosting service.

2014-10-03, 03:19 PM
I couldn't access those pictures - I think my anti-virus doesn't like them. Ah, well.

They're links to online pictures. The most likely reason you can't see them is that FurAffinity (where they're all being hosted) is blocked wherever you live. AV software has nothing to do with it.

Asta Kask
2014-10-03, 03:22 PM
Ok, now I've seen them. I'm not sure I get the difference, but I've really taken up too much time here. Maybe I'll understand more in a few weeks, when the "guys downstairs"* have had time to work. That's often the case.

*i.e., in the subconscious

2014-10-03, 04:32 PM
Has anyone here read up on HC SVNT DRACONES (https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1448273438/hc-svnt-dracones/) yet? The new system looks pretty interesting compared to the tired-out d20 set. I hope they include plenty of options for customizing personal transports.

It sounds interesting, especially after I went over to their tumbler and actually found out how the 8-10-12 system is supposed to work. I would consider giving little brother the rules book for his birthday, but that would be $90, and that's a little bit above what I'm entirely comfortable with paying both for a book, especially if I only get half an hour to think it through...

2014-10-03, 11:30 PM
I would accept "it's hurtful," and "it has been used with the intention to be hurtful often enough to have unpleasant associations." These are perfectly valid reasons. Neither of these was the reason given. Jaycemonde drew a comparison to "science fiction fandom," which is often called that without offense or hurt feelings; as I said, he is reading connotations which are not present in the standard use of the term. You said anything that implies a "subgroup" is inherently deligitimizing which is troublesome since "furry community" or even just "furries" would also denote a subgroup. Neither of these objections help me understand the problems with the term or, really, even the fact that the term is hurtful.

I would say that if I'm arguing about how a thing is hurtful and derogatory, that is sufficient grounds to say my stance is "X is hurtful and derogatory".

I doesn't matter if people do use a word, Coidzor, it matters what the effect is. Insisting on 'fandom' is a form of delegitimization.

Practically, by insisting on the technical usage you're arguing to continue the delegitimization.

The word doesn't depict much reality, it only depicts an external snap judgement, and one that is inherently derogatory because of the emotional impact of colloquial use.

This seems very clear to me, but my arguments are interaliased. Fandom does not fit; fandom when applied to a culture can be derogatory; this is a culture; insisting on fandom is therefore insulting.

You can find similar trends by looking into whether the word tribe is inherently racist. You could have checked the scrubbed posts for how the emotional effect of 'fandom' leads people to believe the culture is a lesser thing ("elevated by association", etc.). Seeing this in the wild is sufficient, I believe.

I would argue it's pretty easy to trace the history of why some terms are preferred and are considered oppressive or antiquated but broadly inoffensive with regard to race relations.[/QUOTE]

The comparison was that racism is a well known thing and couldn't be handled in a single post, so expecting me to handle a less well-known thing with fewer objective and agreeable references with the same skill is asinine.

My apologies, the gender icon looked like the mars symbol on my teeny tiny screen. Also, just because I care a great deal about pedantry doesn't mean I don't also care about other things.

Youre a generally swell person, yeah. I attribute our disagreement to lack of resources for education and lack of similar communication tools. I was, for example, always speaking of emotional reaction, not the logical dissection you seem to have wanted.

Ok, now I've seen them. I'm not sure I get the difference, but I've really taken up too much time here. Maybe I'll understand more in a few weeks, when the "guys downstairs"* have had time to work. That's often the case.

*i.e., in the subconscious

I don't really either. At least not on paper; it's a thing one can grok easier than one can understand or explain.

It sounds interesting, especially after I went over to their tumbler and actually found out how the 8-10-12 system is supposed to work. I would consider giving little brother the rules book for his birthday, but that would be $90, and that's a little bit above what I'm entirely comfortable with paying both for a book, especially if I only get half an hour to think it through...

Ooh, tumbly rules~
Gonna have to search for that.

My interest started mainly at age six, when a chance flea market encounter revealed to me that someone I was related to write comics. Sexy comics. About animals.

Never did end up buying a copy though. I'll have to get the omnibus or somesuch...

2014-10-03, 11:43 PM
So is there any Furry media where they have both furries and humans?

2014-10-04, 12:19 AM
So is there any Furry media where they have both furries and humans?


As for fandom vs culture... I considrr Fandom to be less marginalizing than culture. Culture implies unity while fandom merely indicates shared interests. Those that are offended by being called Fans need to get their persecution complex checked.

It is very much a broad fandom like Sci Fi.

I happen to be part of Furry Culture as well as Furry Fandom.The term that causes derogatory reaction is "Furry", not Fandom or Culture. As for "elevating" the fandom by claiming Maus... that's like accusing the Fantasy fandom of elevating itself by claiming the Iliad.

2014-10-04, 03:58 AM
So is there any Furry media where they have both furries and humans?

Metric buttloads. This one I posted earlier [ http://d.facdn.net/art/pyrosity/1367475210.pyrosity_web_file.jpg ] is just one example. (Look at the tank crew. Pyrosity/Petuko's canon says that there are human and non-human settlements and countries that coexist and form alliances for assorted wartime reasons. It's not a black-and-white "us vs them" thing, realpolitik is a major theme in his stories.) The game I linked to as well is specifically referred to as "post-human", implying that humans once existed but died off. My own stories are usually like that as well. Kishniev's novels are about a post-nuclear world in which transhumans/talking animal people live aboard giant flying cities and the UN controls most human life down on the ground. It's really common for established "furry literature".

The term that causes derogatory reaction is "Furry"

I'm a self-described EXTREME YIFF SNAPBACK ULTRAMAGNUS ROBOTF**KER EXTRAORDINAIRE HEYKIDWANNAYIFF furf*g and I say "furry" pretty damn often, and that's an attitude that a lot of [adult-age, at least] furries seem to share. I went through the obligatory "but it's not 'furries', it's 'anthrowsjfonmsapoyinhapiwesrujologists'" stages, but I outgrew it when I realized there's nothing wrong with adopting labels for your own use. So yeah, I have to disagree there. In my defense, at least I don't use those infurnal furry puns. Furget that. Fureaking furry puns are fur noobs.

Do note that I'm not saying you should call someone something they aren't comfortable with. That's hypocritical in the extreme. It's just that lots of people who fit all the criteria to be identified as furries are fine with that term.

Those that are offended by being called Fans need to get their persecution complex checked.


I don't really either. At least not on paper; it's a thing one can grok easier than one can understand or explain.

Needless to say, I agree with everything you've said so far, but this in particular is worth commenting on. Basically, people, it's easiest to understand what is and is not furry and what makes someone furry by going and making an account on a furry website and just observing for a few months. Forget the Q&A session bull, you'll never get a straight answer out of people that either can't explain properly or are both "on the inside" but keep arguing, since being furry means different things to different people.
With that in mind, I'm not gonna argue about it anymore on here. It's not worth the time and energy that it takes and it's about as productive as filling a sieve with sand. Guy Montague has suffered enough with that proverbial example for all of us, hasn't he? Once again, I suggest we talk about non-controversial things, like fursuiting and artists/musicians/writers/whateverers we like.

2014-10-04, 04:44 AM
As for fandom vs culture... I considrr Fandom to be less marginalizing than culture.

Would you believe I considered that? I just needed a word that seemed broad in scope, but thought making a note that I picked it out of a hat to fit the flow would weaken my presentation.

I happen to be part of Furry Culture as well as Furry Fandom.The term that causes derogatory reaction is "Furry", not Fandom or Culture.

Uh, no. The term that caused the sense of derogation here in this thread was indeed fandom. I would be far more hesitant to speak for all people everywhere who consider themselves furry.

On fur suits; I find it odd that the default is an all-encompassing outfit. I've seen some good ones, don't get me wrong; a favorite had automated mouth movement based on the wearer's speech. But the proportions will always be off, that way. Unless you get those springy stilts and go as a cloven hooves sexy monstrosity, but I digress.

I wonder why movie-level makeup and prostheses aren't the way to go?

2014-10-04, 04:53 AM
On fur suits; I find it odd that the default is an all-encompassing outfit. I've seen some good ones, don't get me wrong; a favorite had automated mouth movement based on the wearer's speech. But the proportions will always be off, that way.

That's an unfortunate side-effect, but no, it isn't universal. Most people just aren't willing to put up with the incredible discomfort of wearing a perfectly skintight and proportionate suit for potentially hours at a time. They do exist, though.

Unless you get those springy stilts and go as a cloven hooves sexy monstrosity, but I digress.

I was actually gonna get a partial suit, like I said--head/neck, arms, possibly legs, tail. Then I can just wear my normal clothes over all that. It's only slightly off-proportion that way.
Also, there's a utahraptor fursuiter out there that I've seen pics of on the ole' Tumblel. I'll post them if I can find them. Crazy realistic and well-proportioned.

I wonder why movie-level makeup and prostheses aren't the way to go?

Reason 1). is because they're damn expensive and really difficult to put on over and over by yourself for constant use. Reason 2). is that those usually don't fit many peoples' character styles. Reason 3). is just...look up "90's furcons." That's why we abandoned the concept for the most part.

2014-10-04, 12:29 PM
I was actually gonna get a partial suit, like I said--head/neck, arms, possibly legs, tail. Then I can just wear my normal clothes over all that. It's only slightly off-proportion that way.
Also, there's a utahraptor fursuiter out there that I've seen pics of on the ole' Tumblel. I'll post them if I can find them. Crazy realistic and well-proportioned.

Aye, I think I've seen a Few of those too.

Reason 3). is just...look up "90's furcons." That's why we abandoned the concept for the most part.

That was remarkably unhelpful for an Internet search. The too result looks promising, being a tumblr post discussing relevant things (on google) but my phone can't actually load the exact tumbl necessary... >_<

Beacon of Chaos
2014-10-05, 02:23 PM
Don't mind me, just passing through.


2014-10-05, 02:41 PM
That's pretty cool, wow!

2014-10-05, 03:15 PM

2014-10-05, 03:25 PM

2014-10-05, 06:02 PM
{Scrub the post, scrub the quote}

I missed your earlier post. Is that an Archaeopteryx?

Roland St. Jude
2014-10-05, 07:24 PM
Sheriff: I gave this instruction once already, but let me be more explicit this time. Drop the semantic debate about the nature of the words "furry," "fandom," etc.

Feel free to discuss the topic itself - civilly and with respect for others.

2014-10-06, 10:39 PM
I missed your earlier post. Is that an Archaeopteryx?

Blog's here: http://nambroth.tumblr.com/post/91505472182/last-weekend-i-attended-anthrocon-and-it-was

I dunno. Some kind of dinosaur or bird-dinosaur. I don't really care right now. You can check the blog link in the bottom, maybe the creator says on the site.
I've been [trying] to draw again recently, even though I can't get **** out with my busy schedule. It's basically relevant to the thread, so maybe I'll post it here later.

2014-10-07, 02:17 AM
Oh, my fault then. I came in after the scrubbing so I thought it was active insulting which was the issue, and figured civil discussion of the thing was fine.

More specific apology to Coidzor, as I got pushy and now you can't really provide a response.

How does a quad suit work? The mechanics behind that look fascinating. Is it comfortable to wear?

2014-10-07, 02:28 AM
Blog's here: http://nambroth.tumblr.com/post/91505472182/last-weekend-i-attended-anthrocon-and-it-was

I dunno. Some kind of dinosaur or bird-dinosaur. I don't really care right now. You can check the blog link in the bottom, maybe the creator says on the site.
I've been [trying] to draw again recently, even though I can't get **** out with my busy schedule. It's basically relevant to the thread, so maybe I'll post it here later.

IT#s a raptor. Guess I'm still not used to dinosaurs with feathers. :smallbiggrin:

Killer Angel
2014-10-07, 03:43 PM
I missed your earlier post. Is that an Archaeopteryx?

I would say yes, the similarity is impressive.
One of the few possible furries-dinosaurs, I think. :smalltongue:

2014-10-07, 04:00 PM
How does a quad suit work? The mechanics behind that look fascinating. Is it comfortable to wear?

I would guess it just takes some practice to walk around in. I don't think the front legs are the length of the arms inside them (obviously), I think they've got stilts inside of them. Otherwise it's just bending over. I read about this once.

One of the few possible furries-dinosaurs, I think. :smalltongue:

Are you talking about "one of the few possible dinosaur fursonas"? That's not true at all, there are hundreds of fur/featherless dinosaur personas on FA alone, to say nothing of Weasyl and SoFurry. And SecondLife. Having actual fur isn't a requirement for being furry. At least not to most people. I am not going to debate whether that's "correct" or not in usage, it's just how it is.

2014-10-07, 06:01 PM
I would guess it just takes some practice to walk around in. I don't think the front legs are the length of the arms inside them (obviously), I think they've got stilts inside of them. Otherwise it's just bending over. I read about this once.

I'm guessing stilts in the forelegs with handles in the final joint above the hoves so you won't get sore wrists. Because I'm pretty sure physics doesn't allow you to walk like that without putting weight on your hands... http://i.imgur.com/ZRHtTJs.png

2014-10-07, 06:03 PM
I'm guessing stilts in the forelegs with handles in the final joint above the hoves so you won't get sore wrists. Because I'm pretty sure physics doesn't allow you to walk like that without putting weight on your hands... http://i.imgur.com/ZRHtTJs.png

Well yeah, of course. When I said it was just bending over I didn't necessarily mean you could walk like that, just that it wasn't particularly complicated. I never did figure out where the hands would go on the stilts, though.

2014-10-07, 07:50 PM
If you google "quadsuit", you will find all sorts of instructions and images. :smallsmile:

2014-10-07, 10:56 PM
I'm guessing stilts in the forelegs with handles in the final joint above the hoves so you won't get sore wrists. Because I'm pretty sure physics doesn't allow you to walk like that without putting weight on your hands... http://i.imgur.com/ZRHtTJs.png

Im seeing a bracing actually, for the elbow with padded handles to disperse the force, and similar for the back.

Killer Angel
2014-10-08, 05:56 AM
Having actual fur isn't a requirement for being furry.

It seems very strange to me, but, if this is the common PoV, then i stand corrected.

2014-10-08, 07:26 AM
Of course having fur IS NOT a prerequisite to be a furry!

There is even a whole subgroup called Scalies who do not like fur ;-) ;-) ;-)

Killer Angel
2014-10-08, 02:08 PM
Of course having fur IS NOT a prerequisite to be a furry!

There is even a whole subgroup called Scalies who do not like fur ;-) ;-) ;-)

wow... I feel I'm entering an unknown world. I like it. :smallsmile:

2014-10-08, 08:30 PM
wow... I feel I'm entering an unknown world. I like it. :smallsmile:

Welcome to the World of Tomorrow! We have jackets. Loads and loads of jackets. And posters. A few dozen books, too. And music. And a couple decent movies. Even a couple games.

2014-10-16, 02:06 AM
*looks at his signature*


I'll admit, if they existed, I'd probably be one of those clients of that company from Batman Beyond/Batman of the Future who would pay for the genetic modifications(or steal them).

Edit: Quadsuit sounds interesting. I had an idea last year about how to make a "-taur" suit. If I had any level of robotics engineering(and the money. Then again, if I could actually build a prototype, the Kickstartering would probably pay for it.), I'd totally give it a go. It basically came down to "rear leg aims infrared to corresponding front leg. If front leg is further than X metres away, move rear leg to bring back within X metres of front leg". Would have been a killer(and if it malfunctioned, probably in the literal sense) at cosplay conventions and the like. Not that I've ever been to those. :/

2014-10-16, 02:21 AM
Quadsuit sounds interesting. I had an idea last year about how to make a "-taur" suit. If I had any level of robotics engineering

I used to think like that concerning suit ideas. Somebody I know refers to heavily mechanized designs as "military-grade fursuits", since that's basically what they amount to. Most real ones (quad or not) are honestly just running off of straps and thick rubber bands when it comes to jaws and tails moving, sometimes with servos for the ears. It's not all that impressive.

2014-10-16, 02:59 AM
I used to think like that concerning suit ideas. Somebody I know refers to heavily mechanized designs as "military-grade fursuits", since that's basically what they amount to. Most real ones (quad or not) are honestly just running off of straps and thick rubber bands when it comes to jaws and tails moving, sometimes with servos for the ears. It's not all that impressive.

Thing is that I hadn't really figured that anyone was doing that sort of thing when I had the idea(always been more of a "fringe" furry. As in on the outskirts, not that I have a thing for furry fringes. :P). The idea I had above would have the hind legs follow their corresponding pair a couple seconds behind, in order to simulate a more natural "adjustment" as might be seen when a horse is just stepping around/maintaining balance. Because the alternative would have been to decapitate a horse and graft one's lower body to it. Which creates its own set of problems(mostly legal and ethical. ;) ).

2014-10-16, 03:21 AM
*looks at his signature*


I'll admit, if they existed, I'd probably be one of those clients of that company from Batman Beyond/Batman of the Future who would pay for the genetic modifications(or steal them).

Edit: Quadsuit sounds interesting. I had an idea last year about how to make a "-taur" suit. If I had any level of robotics engineering(and the money. Then again, if I could actually build a prototype, the Kickstartering would probably pay for it.), I'd totally give it a go. It basically came down to "rear leg aims infrared to corresponding front leg. If front leg is further than X metres away, move rear leg to bring back within X metres of front leg". Would have been a killer(and if it malfunctioned, probably in the literal sense) at cosplay conventions and the like. Not that I've ever been to those. :/

You'd want the legs to cross wires so left one moves whe night detects distance, really. Gets complex.

2014-10-16, 06:22 AM
You'd want the legs to cross wires so left one moves whe night detects distance, really. Gets complex.

Well, unless she wants to make a camel or Iceland pony suit. Or any other of the few animals which do ambling.

If I would do it, I would put sensors on the joints of the front legs to tell what angle they are in (not very hard) and use a microchip to calculate the positions of the back legs. The positive side of this is that you can calculate each joint angle of the robotic legs simply as a function of the current joint angles of the non-robotic legs and don't have to worry about calculating where a certain foot should be put (requires quite a lot of complex matrix multiplications). The negative side is that that the system probably won't adapt very well to extreme situations, such as you tripping on a doorstep, and stairs are probably right out of the question.

So yeah, if you want to make a natural looking quadsuit, I think the best idea is to do as in the video and simply construct it for walking on all four...

2014-10-16, 09:25 PM
You'd want the legs to cross wires so left one moves whe night detects distance, really. Gets complex.

I'm aware that most use an alternating gait. I was considering my method for more "interesting" functions, eg. centaur races. You can't exactly gallop with criss-crossing wires.

2014-10-16, 10:16 PM
I'm aware that most use an alternating gait. I was considering my method for more "interesting" functions, eg. centaur races. You can't exactly gallop with criss-crossing wires.

I honestly can't say I know of ANY centaur suits that work, outside of the ones that require two people.

2014-10-16, 10:44 PM
Well, unless she wants to make a camel or Iceland pony suit. Or any other of the few animals which do ambling.

I did not know camels did that. Thanks. :smallsmile:

Honestly, I would likely end up using clockwork. Braces on each thigh which crank the appropriate leg in a facsimile of movement. Would even allow running if given a wheel.

I'm aware that most use an alternating gait. I was considering my method for more "interesting" functions, eg. centaur races. You can't exactly gallop with criss-crossing wires.

For something that functional I would dumb it down and add a simple wheel between the rear hooves. No reason to complicate it to the point of uselessness, and the minor aesthetic hit would be acceptable to me.

I honestly can't say I know of ANY centaur suits that work, outside of the ones that require two people.

Mmm. There's the repeatedly mentioned wheel, but yeah. There are limits I think.

2014-10-17, 12:59 AM
I honestly can't say I know of ANY centaur suits that work, outside of the ones that require two people.

And even those are kinda so-so, seeing how the front legs of a horse are jointed in the wrong direction. http://i.imgur.com/ZRHtTJs.png

I did not know camels did that. Thanks. :smallsmile:

One of the reasons they're called ships of the desert, the ambling makes them sway like a boat on high waves.

Honestly, I would likely end up using clockwork. Braces on each thigh which crank the appropriate leg in a facsimile of movement. Would even allow running if given a wheel.

That would be pretty cool, but making it capable of carrying its own weight would probably be a bit tricky...

Mmm. There's the repeatedly mentioned wheel, but yeah. There are limits I think.

Weeell, one could alwasy try to ask DARPA nicely... http://i.imgur.com/ZRHtTJs.pnghttp://i.imgur.com/FZ6yI9l.png

2014-10-17, 02:00 AM
That would be pretty cool, but making it capable of carrying its own weight would probably be a bit tricky...

Maybe. That's a self fiulfilling prophecy though. The more machinery you have, the more you need to compensate for weight.

A horse torso (a horso?) which belts onto your belly could be supported primarily through the lumbar and the rear legs, and all you would need is a single arm on the thigh (maybe straps to ensure it stays put), a drive shaft to convert the movement across the torso (one for each leg so likely in the middle of the horso) and then a sort of bike-wheel mechanism that pulls metal cord as it spins and then releases. Generating tension and then slack on a hinged limb. This should lift the leg into cc. On reaction and then drop it into extension, and because of the basic mechanism it would happen in a circular manner like a walking leg.

I mean, aside from where the pillows and motors are placed, "pull string, make limb bend" is how a real leg works right?

2014-10-17, 09:40 AM
I mean, aside from where the pillows and motors are placed, "pull string, make limb bend" is how a real leg works right?

Assuming you meant pulleys and motors. It's not exactly how legs work. Fingers and toes though, are in fact on "strings"(hence the lack of actual musculature within said extremities). For most vertebrate legs, it's a combination of strings(ligaments and tendons) and water balloons/hoses(muscles). You swell the balloons up, they pull on the strings, the weight gets moved. Arthropod legs are similar, except they take out the string part. The leg is basically a series of balloons in a hard candy coating, that straighten when the balloons are swollen.

DARPA...You mean that freaky pack mule that refuses to stay down? That thing is total uncanny valley material. :smalltongue:

I still think my infrared "self-adjuster" has merit. Perhaps to make the gait less "camely", have the receptor/transmitter on opposing diagonals. That way, when you move your left leg, the right rear leg follows about half a second later, and likewise for the other 2.

What was the old saying? Go big or go home? Yeah, I feel like wheels are going small. :smallwink:

2014-10-21, 12:08 AM
Assuming you meant pulleys and motors. It's not exactly how legs work. Fingers and toes though, are in fact on "strings"(hence the lack of actual musculature within said extremities). For most vertebrate legs, it's a combination of strings(ligaments and tendons) and water balloons/hoses(muscles). You swell the balloons up, they pull on the strings, the weight gets moved. Arthropod legs are similar, except they take out the string part. The leg is basically a series of balloons in a hard candy coating, that straighten when the balloons are swollen.

DARPA...You mean that freaky pack mule that refuses to stay down? That thing is total uncanny valley material. :smalltongue:

I still think my infrared "self-adjuster" has merit. Perhaps to make the gait less "camely", have the receptor/transmitter on opposing diagonals. That way, when you move your left leg, the right rear leg follows about half a second later, and likewise for the other 2.

What was the old saying? Go big or go home? Yeah, I feel like wheels are going small. :smallwink:

"A good enough answer today is better than the perfect answer tomorrow when there's a deadlines ;) but yes, if you could build an actual robotic horso go for it. I can't. Yet.

And I know how the musculature works. But you wouldn't need as much space because machines are more energy efficient than muscles (less efficient for broad purpose though, muscles are totes amazing). As long as you had sufficient hinging you could do amazing things by pulling only a few strands.

And yes. That post was just full of typos. Och. Artifact of how my browser deals with the forum change. I can't actually see the last two lines of text as I type them. They universally fall below the edge of the input field.

2014-10-21, 01:16 AM
Hate to be off the current topic, but greetings from a Canadian polar bear! I come in peace!

2014-10-21, 01:22 AM
Hate to be off the current topic, but greetings from a Canadian polar bear! I come in peace!

Haaaai. Texan goat.

Asta Kask
2014-10-21, 12:47 PM
So... are furries more likely than non-furries to be vegans or vegetarians? Or less likely? Or does that depend on what animal you feel an affinity for? Is this a field where generalizations can be made? And I hope you don't feel crowded out in your own thread.

Mystic Muse
2014-10-21, 12:51 PM
Might depend on animal. I can see 'predator' ones being more willing to eat meat than 'prey' ones.

2014-10-21, 02:39 PM
No statistics have ever been collected on that to my knowledge. At least, not unbiased ones collected by actual furries rather than just people taking psychology classes who need a quick and easy project.

It all kind of depends on the individual, which is the general case.

Mystic Muse
2014-10-21, 02:53 PM
No statistics have ever been collected on that to my knowledge. At least, not unbiased ones collected by actual furries rather than just people taking psychology classes who need a quick and easy project.

It all kind of depends on the individual, which is the general case.

Yeah. Not trying to imply that what I'm saying is true, since I have no damn clue, just that I can see it being the case.

Asta Kask
2014-10-21, 03:04 PM
No statistics have ever been collected on that to my knowledge. At least, not unbiased ones collected by actual furries rather than just people taking psychology classes who need a quick and easy project.

It all kind of depends on the individual, which is the general case.

That's a good answer. People are much to afraid of saying "I don't know". Thank you.

2014-10-21, 03:04 PM
Anecdotally, I've both been interested in furry stuff and tried out being a vegetarian for a year or two? But I see no particular pattern connecting the two in my associates.

2014-10-21, 04:35 PM
No statistics have ever been collected on that to my knowledge. At least, not unbiased ones collected by actual furries rather than just people taking psychology classes who need a quick and easy project.

It all kind of depends on the individual, which is the general case.

Actually, if we are to avoid bias, we need a researcher which is completely indifferent toward the entire concept of "furry" and all that is included in it. People conducting research on the same group as they consider themselves members of are always running the risk of positive bias.

That said, I wouldn't be suprised if there actually is a correlation between being vegetarian and a furry, but even then, I think they wouldn't as much be dependent on one another as other psychological (or possibly sociological) factors.

2014-10-21, 06:29 PM
So... are furries more likely than non-furries to be vegans or vegetarians? Or less likely? Or does that depend on what animal you feel an affinity for? Is this a field where generalizations can be made? And I hope you don't feel crowded out in your own thread.

You know what few furry communities I've been part of, this is the first place I've come across where "people who consider themselves to be or have an affinity with x" was the dominant definition. Of course the only two I ever had much participation in were Yerf, and Weasyl one of which is long dead, and the other of which is fairly new, and only grows when folks jump ship from furraffinity.

It's only personal experience, but I'm really hard pressed to believe that furries in general are more likely to be vegan or vegetarian than anyone else. There's too much variety in the sorts of folks who get involved in the furry community overal. I for example don't consider myself to be an animal (although I often use a fox as my avatar, and I think foxes are quite cool, I do not however consider myself to be a fox). I like to draw anthros, and prefer media that have more animal-like characters, and I enjoy learning about and working with animals. And that's what makes me a furry.

2014-10-21, 07:49 PM
Oh, just because I forgot to mention this relevant detail, being a goat means being relatively vegetarian. I've been served meat (like chicken and beef*) my whole life and it's not something I can or even want to try to cut completely out of my diet (that'd be nigh impossible for me in my current situation), but the idea of eating deer, lamb and goat meat will legitimately make me feel sick to my stomach and put me in a cold sweat. Even seeing other people do it. I can't handle it. It feels like cannibalism, almost. I don't see myself as otherkin, really, but I do identify as a goat-person-lady-thing. Think in the baphometic sense (basically just an anthropomorphic goat minus the direct link to "actual goats"), only not the sum of the multiverse.

And no, the above isn't an invitation to make jokes about venison or chevon or whatever. I've had to deal with that enough already.

*I don't know why beef doesn't make me feel gross. Cows and goats/sheep are pretty different, I guess would be the main reason.

Mystic Muse
2014-10-21, 08:08 PM
Jaycemonde, if it's any consolation, it makes sense to me.:smallsmile:

Asta Kask
2014-10-22, 05:15 AM
Yeah, I can see that. Don't goats eat almost anything anyway? Or is that slander and stereotyping?

Ohh, a wiki. (http://en.wikifur.com/wiki/WikiFur_Furry_Central) Does anyone know if it's any good?

Rain Dragon
2014-10-22, 05:32 AM
Oh, just because I forgot to mention this relevant detail, being a goat means being relatively vegetarian. I've been served meat (like chicken and beef*) my whole life and it's not something I can or even want to try to cut completely out of my diet (that'd be nigh impossible for me in my current situation), but the idea of eating deer, lamb and goat meat will legitimately make me feel sick to my stomach and put me in a cold sweat. Even seeing other people do it. I can't handle it. It feels like cannibalism, almost. I don't see myself as otherkin, really, but I do identify as a goat-person-lady-thing. Think in the baphometic sense (basically just an anthropomorphic goat minus the direct link to "actual goats"), only not the sum of the multiverse.

And no, the above isn't an invitation to make jokes about venison or chevon or whatever. I've had to deal with that enough already.

*I don't know why beef doesn't make me feel gross. Cows and goats/sheep are pretty different, I guess would be the main reason.

Such jokes would be insensitive and uncalled for if you ask me.

Yeah, I can see that. Don't goats eat almost anything anyway? Or is that slander and stereotyping?

Ohh, a wiki. (http://en.wikifur.com/wiki/WikiFur_Furry_Central) Does anyone know if it's any good?

Homework. Clothes... But goats are cool, so you have to forgive them.

I've come across that wiki a couple of times and haven't seen anything too bad. I can't say I've read much of it though.

2014-10-22, 02:46 PM
Ohh, a wiki. (http://en.wikifur.com/wiki/WikiFur_Furry_Central) Does anyone know if it's any good?

WikiFur is bullcrap. It's run by like four people, tops, and they don't take kindly to their personal ships and headcanons (that's the best way I can describe the **** I see there) about other artists and other peoples' characters being corrected, especially by said artists or character owners. They IP banned Squeedgemonster when she corrected an entry about her own character so that it read "Kaiju" instead of "purple T-Rex".

Such jokes would be insensitive and uncalled for if you ask me.

Yup. People seem to get off to being edgy and needling me (and other "prey" character owners/artists) about it when we dare show offense. One time somebody actually said that there wasn't any way I could even try identifying the way I do because (on top of irrelevant political crap that supposedly invalidated my gender issues) I can't eat literally anything, and goats supposedly can and do.
Of course, it turns out that goats are actually very picky eaters. They just like to try everything. I like trying new things. Just not by putting them in my mouth. But hey, as long as nobody nitpicks wolfaboos joking about eating other people, all's good, right?

I kinda got ranty there.

2014-10-23, 01:01 PM
On the subject of vegetarianism - Nope. But that's probably because I identify as predator. I also have some apparently-disturbing views on the acceptability off eating babies. Life lives at the expense of life. And fried chicken is delicious.

Homework. Clothes... But goats are cool, so you have to forgive them.Bleached wood pulp and dense plant fibers. Yup. Goats love that stuff. They also love poison ivy. They're great for clearing overgrown fields and pastures, as long as there's no Poison Hemlock.

2014-10-23, 01:28 PM
As opposed to non poison hemlock? Is that a thing?

Asta Kask
2014-10-23, 01:57 PM
Wikipedia lists several definitions of Hemlock, some of which are poisonous but others which are not. So it is a thing, but only if you are - like me - a nitpicker. :smallsmile:

2014-10-24, 10:40 AM
I am...complicated. I go through days with nothing but a handful of veggies, then other days(like today) I have nothing but veggies(with a few slivers of fish). I blame the composite soul(s). :smallwink:

2014-10-31, 04:00 AM
A moment of silence for all the fursuiters out there who are going to wind up needing to steam clean their 'suits thanks to grabby kids (and adults) with greasy hands this Hallowe'en.

Karen Lynn
2014-10-31, 11:35 AM
I'm jumping in as a fellow forumite and furry. Mostly for the subscription. How are y'all?

2014-10-31, 04:27 PM
I'm jumping in as a fellow forumite and furry. Mostly for the subscription. How are y'all?

I'm fine! How are you? Haven't seen you in a long while.

2014-10-31, 07:42 PM
Och, aye. Gonna be a gross night for some...

Hi Karyn!

Karen Lynn
2014-11-10, 01:05 AM
I am surviving, as always. Still homeless, but that's old news.

Killer Angel
2014-11-10, 07:40 AM
A moment of silence for all the fursuiters out there who are going to wind up needing to steam clean their 'suits thanks to grabby kids (and adults) with greasy hands this Hallowe'en.

Do we wanna talk about how much is sad/depressing/unsensitive, when your way of life and dressing, are viewed by other people, as "hey, this would be cool at halloween / carnival"? :smallsigh:

2014-11-10, 09:09 AM
Do we wanna talk about how much is sad/depressing/unsensitive, when your way of life and dressing, are viewed by other people, as "hey, this would be cool at halloween / carnival"? :smallsigh:

I have no idea what that means.

Anyway, a furry music thing for people to check out: Jigoku / Silence II. It's really haunting. And a bit gross or scary at times. That sudden WRRRRRVWRRRRRRvRRRRRRRV stab.

Killer Angel
2014-11-10, 01:57 PM
I have no idea what that means.

I'll try to elaborate. Let's imagine that i see your furry suit, and i say something ala "cool! it was your costume for Mardi Gras, right?"
Only, it's not a funny costume, it's an important part of your life, and I'm dismitting it as a folcloristic and not serious dress.

It happened something similar to me... not with a furry suit, but with something else, that to me was important and was treated as a joke.

2014-11-10, 02:27 PM
I'll try to elaborate. Let's imagine that i see your furry suit, and i say something ala "cool! it was your costume for Mardi Gras, right?"
Only, it's not a funny costume, it's an important part of your life, and I'm dismitting it as a folcloristic and not serious dress.

I appreciate your respect in the matter, but you're implying that all furries own fursuits, and furthermore that we all see those suits as some kind of important formal wear or integral part to our daily lives. Only a few people wear them every single day, because that gets really expensive and they're hard to keep clean and in good repair. Most furries don't even own suits because the only times they'd be able to use them would be at conventions, and that doesn't justify the rough $800 price tag.

That being said, yeah. The very cost alone and the fact they represent personal characters makes them pretty important to the people that own them, even if they only wear them once or twice a year. So while somebody asking "is that your Halloween costume?" isn't a big deal, when people start touching the suits and **** it gets really unpleasant for everybody. Especially in the infamous "Furry fights back and beats up drunk man" YT vid incidents.

2014-11-10, 03:40 PM
I'll try to elaborate. Let's imagine that i see your furry suit, and i say something ala "cool! it was your costume for Mardi Gras, right?"
Only, it's not a funny costume, it's an important part of your life, and I'm dismitting it as a folcloristic and not serious dress.

It happened something similar to me... not with a furry suit, but with something else, that to me was important and was treated as a joke.

The important thing to remember at these times is that they're right. Life itself is a great big joke. Those that aren't in on it and can't laugh at it are the punchline.

2014-11-10, 09:41 PM
... Fursuits are not something that can be considered cultural appropriation...

Atreyu the Masked LLama
2014-11-10, 10:08 PM
Earlier in this thread, I tried to post a video of one of my favorite fursuiting moments. I was videotaping my friends Digeri Dingo and Corn Husky as they went for a romp at the local Farmer's Market. Here is a sweet little video of Corn Husky dancing with one of the kids there. Apparently Corn and Digeri do this every Memorial Day weekend and are quite the hit with the regulars at the market.

I've adjusted the privacy settings so that others can see it. I hope it works this time!


2014-11-10, 10:10 PM
I am surviving, as always. Still homeless, but that's old news.

Oh my. That's news to me, actually. I hope you still have your good job? I remember that provided some measure of boarding.

Do we wanna talk about how much is sad/depressing/unsensitive, when your way of life and dressing, are viewed by other people, as "hey, this would be cool at halloween / carnival"? :smallsigh:

I get the idea, but I think furries are well enough aware is their minority status that it isn't quite seen in that light. Although I just had that discussion with someone about fetishes, so who knows? Perhaps for some this is a big issue and it's worth discussing.

The important thing to remember at these times is that they're right. Life itself is a great big joke. Those that aren't in on it and can't laugh at it are the punchline.

And yet this is not carte Blanche to hide behind ridiculousness. Some things are worth taking seriously, by perspective or situation. Life as a joke is no excuse take nothing seriously.

2014-11-10, 10:12 PM
... Fursuits are not something that can be considered cultural appropriation...

You're right. They can't be considered cultural appropriation. Nobody said that at any point. Moving on.

Life itself is a great big joke. Those that aren't in on it and can't laugh at it are the punchline.

gonna laugh like every joke's my best i'm gonna be the one to come out laughing(that's more furry music! Not gonna comment on the actual notion itself, though.)

Earlier in this thread, I tried to post a video of one of my favorite fursuiting moments. I was videotaping my friends Digeri Dingo and Corn Husky as they went for a romp at the local Farmer's Market. Here is a sweet little video of Corn Husky dancing with one of the kids there. Apparently Corn and Digeri do this every Memorial Day weekend and are quite the hit with the regulars at the market.

That's awesome!

Perhaps for some this is a big issue and it's worth discussing.

I think it's much preferable to not get into a huge debate with people who can't relate about just how important an issue may or may not be.

2014-11-10, 10:32 PM
Actually, it's exactly what Killer Angel was saying
But, yes, moving on

2014-11-11, 01:05 AM
And yet this is not carte Blanche to hide behind ridiculousness. Some things are worth taking seriously, by perspective or situation. Life as a joke is no excuse take nothing seriously.Actually, it very much is!

2014-11-11, 02:56 AM
Actually, it very much is!

Then I'm sorry, and I hope you've adapted well.

Karen Lynn
2014-11-11, 06:55 AM
Life's a joke, and I shan't be last to laugh.

Oh, I thought y'all all knew by now. Chess and I are staying in my dying car, living out of that. Our workplace has showers, and were hoping to move into a place in a week(this Friday is payday, found a place within our budget).

Killer Angel
2014-11-11, 07:00 AM
I appreciate your respect in the matter, but you're implying that all furries own fursuits, and furthermore that we all see those suits as some kind of important formal wear or integral part to our daily lives. Only a few people wear them every single day, because that gets really expensive and they're hard to keep clean and in good repair. Most furries don't even own suits because the only times they'd be able to use them would be at conventions, and that doesn't justify the rough $800 price tag.

That being said, yeah. The very cost alone and the fact they represent personal characters makes them pretty important to the people that own them, even if they only wear them once or twice a year. So while somebody asking "is that your Halloween costume?" isn't a big deal, when people start touching the suits and **** it gets really unpleasant for everybody. Especially in the infamous "Furry fights back and beats up drunk man" YT vid incidents.

I get what you're saying, tnx.

+1 for moving on!

SO: i just stubled upon this (http://topdocumentaryfilms.com/furries-an-inside-look/). I still haven't watch it, but the low rating is perplexing me... thoughs?

(edit: probably it was already linked. If so, forgive me)

2014-11-11, 02:18 PM
Life's a joke, and I shan't be last to laugh.

Oh, I thought y'all all knew by now. Chess and I are staying in my dying car, living out of that. Our workplace has showers, and were hoping to move into a place in a week(this Friday is payday, found a place within our budget).

Perhaps, but I never put it together. When anyone says anything it's usually "me and a friend I know" and I'm silly enough that if two people say "me and a friend I know [exact same situation]" I likely won't cotton on to the idea that they are in that situation together.

Glad you've found something! I've been there, that's no fun. Especially this time of year. I hope you're in a warm state. :smalleek:

I think it's much preferable to not get into a huge debate with people who can't relate about just how important an issue may or may not be.

Please don't do that. I'm not saying anyone should debate anything of any size. I'm admitting it may be more important to other people than me, specifically because if I didn't I set myself up for "are you saying it's never important to anyone ever?!?!" Shenanigans. I can police myself, luv. I'm just being polite.

Asta Kask
2014-11-11, 02:29 PM
SO: i just stubled upon this (http://topdocumentaryfilms.com/furries-an-inside-look/). I still haven't watch it, but the low rating is perplexing me... thoughs?

My SpyNoMore is giving me grief over this site. There may be malware there, so don't give out any information.

Killer Angel
2014-11-11, 04:02 PM
My SpyNoMore is giving me grief over this site. There may be malware there, so don't give out any information.

mmm... try this other link (http://dogpatchpress.wordpress.com/2014/08/08/furry-film-festival/), to the San Francisco Furry Film Festival (it's the documentary "Furries: An Inside Look")

2014-11-11, 08:19 PM
I remember somebody asking me to help fund one of those. Might even have been the one linked. They almost always turn out to be stupid/patronizing, extremely sex-negative, or just poorly edited and directed, whether they're done by furries or otherwise. But to be fair, I haven't seen this one that I know of.

Rain Dragon
2014-11-11, 08:37 PM
I'm jumping in as a fellow forumite and furry. Mostly for the subscription. How are y'all?

Hello Karen. :smallsmile:
Nice new avvie.

I have no idea what that means.

Anyway, a furry music thing for people to check out: Jigoku / Silence II. It's really haunting. And a bit gross or scary at times. That sudden WRRRRRVWRRRRRRvRRRRRRRV stab.

Are these two albums? I found two albums of the same name after some googling around.

Earlier in this thread, I tried to post a video of one of my favorite fursuiting moments. I was videotaping my friends Digeri Dingo and Corn Husky as they went for a romp at the local Farmer's Market. Here is a sweet little video of Corn Husky dancing with one of the kids there. Apparently Corn and Digeri do this every Memorial Day weekend and are quite the hit with the regulars at the market.

I've adjusted the privacy settings so that others can see it. I hope it works this time!


That is a cool and sweet video, dude.

Life's a joke, and I shan't be last to laugh.

Oh, I thought y'all all knew by now. Chess and I are staying in my dying car, living out of that. Our workplace has showers, and were hoping to move into a place in a week(this Friday is payday, found a place within our budget).

Onice. I hope your move goes well!

SO: i just stubled upon this (http://topdocumentaryfilms.com/furries-an-inside-look/). I still haven't watch it, but the low rating is perplexing me... thoughs?

(edit: probably it was already linked. If so, forgive me)

Its ratings are likely due to the website it is on. It has much better ratings over on YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IdaOPW_kdXA), though it is split into three parts there.

Karen Lynn
2014-11-11, 10:57 PM
Hello Karen. :smallsmile:
Nice new avvie.

Thanks. I figured my cuteness couldn't stay locked away for forever.

2014-11-11, 11:09 PM
I remember somebody asking me to help fund one of those. Might even have been the one linked. They almost always turn out to be stupid/patronizing, extremely sex-negative, or just poorly edited and directed, whether they're done by furries or otherwise. But to be fair, I haven't seen this one that I know of.

Yeah. The bronies one is about the same. Like, it focuses on things weird. It's very definitely a "these weird people aren't as weird as you think! They are the acceptable weird!" Sort of documentary.

Except the music video with John deLancie. That was well done, aside from the arbitrary categorization...

Atreyu the Masked LLama
2014-11-22, 11:47 AM
This video is one of my favorites. Uncle Kage (The Human) has such a quick wit and Zeke plays off him so well. These two decided to make the day a little more interesting for the folks at Little Caesar's.


2014-12-13, 01:44 AM
That is so cute.

In darker news, I assume nobody here has heard of the thing that happened at one of the more northerly furry conventions last week? I can't remember which one it was, but the gist of it is that somebody decided they didn't like furries very much and deployed chlorine gas--which is a chemical weapon that's outlawed by the Geneva conventions because of World War I, for context--in the hotel where the convention was being held.
I don't think anyone's seriously hurt, but nineteen people did wind up in the hospital.

Mystic Muse
2014-12-13, 03:53 AM
It was brought up in another thread that subsequently got locked, and one of my friends mentioned it to me. Yeah, it's pretty horrifying.

Asta Kask
2014-12-13, 04:13 AM
Yes, I've heard about it. Is it confirmed that it was an attack and not a horrible accident? There are cleaning agents that can release chlorine gas if improperly stored and I'd like to maintain some faith in humanity... :smallfrown:

2014-12-13, 08:28 AM
That is so cute.

In darker news, I assume nobody here has heard of the thing that happened at one of the more northerly furry conventions last week? I can't remember which one it was, but the gist of it is that somebody decided they didn't like furries very much and deployed chlorine gas--which is a chemical weapon that's outlawed by the Geneva conventions because of World War I, for context--in the hotel where the convention was being held.
I don't think anyone's seriously hurt, but nineteen people did wind up in the hospital.

Do you mean this? Furry Convention Attacked By Chlorine Powder Bomb (http://www.theonion.com/articles/furry-convention-attacked-by-chlorine-powder-bomb,37620/)

The Onion is a satire site. It exists to see how gullible people really are.

Asta Kask
2014-12-13, 08:32 AM
Well, now I feel stupid.

2014-12-13, 08:41 AM
Actually, a lot of news sites posted it. Such as. (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2864415/Chlorine-gas-leak-sickens-19-furry-convention.html)

2014-12-13, 08:48 AM
Do you mean this? Furry Convention Attacked By Chlorine Powder Bomb (http://www.theonion.com/articles/furry-convention-attacked-by-chlorine-powder-bomb,37620/)

The Onion is a satire site. It exists to see how gullible people really are.

It was an actual attack. (http://news.yahoo.com/chlorine-gas-leak-sickens-19-furry-convention-161452329.html) The onion article is a stub in their American Voices segment, where they have a brief rundown of an actual thing that happened followed by a few "voices from the street."

Unless you think the onion fooled several major news networks, newspapers, and other sources by releasing their own take a day and a half after the news first hit.

Quick google search should give you plenty of other articles to look over, if'n you're so inclined. It's a thing, it happened, and fortunately nobody was killed.

Asta Kask
2014-12-13, 08:56 AM
It's been confirmed from official sources that it was an attack and not an accident?

2014-12-13, 09:04 AM
It's been confirmed from official sources that it was an attack and not an accident?

The police are investigating it as a deliberate chemical attack last I heard.

2014-12-13, 09:18 AM
Well, now I feel stupid.

Actually, a lot of news sites posted it. Such as. (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2864415/Chlorine-gas-leak-sickens-19-furry-convention.html)

It was an actual attack. (http://news.yahoo.com/chlorine-gas-leak-sickens-19-furry-convention-161452329.html) The onion article is a stub in their American Voices segment, where they have a brief rundown of an actual thing that happened followed by a few "voices from the street."

Unless you think the onion fooled several major news networks, newspapers, and other sources by releasing their own take a day and a half after the news first hit.

Quick google search should give you plenty of other articles to look over, if'n you're so inclined. It's a thing, it happened, and fortunately nobody was killed.

Yeah, I guess I'm the one that got fooled. :smallredface:

Killer Angel
2014-12-13, 09:27 AM
Just to inform that there was a thread on that attack in the media section, and it was closed my mods...

Asta Kask
2014-12-13, 09:40 AM
The police are investigating it as a deliberate chemical attack last I heard.

Well, hope for the best, prepare for the worst.

2014-12-13, 07:41 PM
The Onion is a satire site. It exists to see how gullible people really are.

Yeah, no. It really happened. I talked to someone who was there when the hotel got evacuated, and there have been like two hundred journals a day on FurAffinity about it since it happened, mostly by congoers and their friends. Although those have died down a bit.

Although I guess we should not be talking about it, to be safe. Bleh.

Anyway. Shark babes are love, shark babes are life.

2014-12-14, 01:49 AM
There was a rather darkly-amusing comment I read on one of the news articles over on the Escapist (Where I first read about it) - "Remember kids, it is NOT appropriate to use chemical weapons against fandoms you don't like"

2014-12-14, 03:37 AM
E: first link I clicked has an infant in the evacuation. I didn't know I could get this mad without someone actively goading me.

Anyway. Shark babes are love, shark babes are life.

Hmm. Internet Law: Pics or it didn't happen.

2014-12-14, 04:44 AM
Hmm. Internet Law: Pics or it didn't happen.


Mystic Muse
2014-12-14, 04:47 AM
...What is Shark Babes exactly?

2014-12-14, 04:50 AM
...What is Shark Babes exactly?

Shark babes are exactly what they sound like. This is the furry thread, after all.

In the context of that picture, though, it's from a trailer for a relatively old (2011-2012ish) furry schmup game called Shark Attack, where you picked one of three characters (Mischief, Mayhem, or Fracas) and COMPLETELY ANNIHILATED EVERYTHING IN YOUR PATH.

2014-12-14, 05:41 AM
Shark babes are exactly what they sound like. This is the furry thread, after all.

In the context of that picture, though, it's from a trailer for a relatively old (2011-2012ish) furry schmup game called Shark Attack, where you picked one of three characters (Mischief, Mayhem, or Fracas) and COMPLETELY ANNIHILATED EVERYTHING IN YOUR PATH.

I've seen the second one from the left in the past several times. So that's where she's from!

2014-12-14, 05:57 AM
I've seen the second one from the left in the past several times. So that's where she's from!

Actually, she's "from" the musical label LapFox Trax (original VulpVibe Records). The musician Ren uses her as a sort of front for electro swing. Ren is also the person that designed and coded Shark Attack, but they created Mayhem in late 2008.

Lord Raziere
2014-12-14, 06:16 AM
Hmm. Internet Law: Pics or it didn't happen.

Shall I make my own ones to show you, or just tell you to go on deviant art and search for "shark girls"?

but yeah, shark babes are awesome. now that I think about it, I need to go make a Sharkfolk race to roleplay. because nothing says awesome like playing a race of anthropomorphic shark hunter/warriors. probably Octofolk, dolphinians and an impish, goblin-like anthro-lantern fish race, y'know of those fish that swim in the deep dark depths of the ocean (looked it up, its angler fish) and have little light-antennae because not all anthros/furries are about how good they look

which reminds me: make Toads a race equivalent to the Hutts or something like that. well, Hutts are pretty much already anthro slugs, but it never hurts to differentiate a little. also consider insect anthros, great way to provide a creepy alien species in a world of furries, alienness is relative after all! also consider making birdfolk the nobility of furry world, looking down upon all other furries because they cannot fly, and thus considering themselves superior in their command over the air, hard to defeat due to air superiority and greater mobility.

and things like tigers and wolves and whatnot, would be of the predator caste of society serving under the birdfolk, while things like mice, cows, bulls, gazelles and whatnot would be the prey caste, and thus the predator cate would be charged with more militaristic endeavors while the prey caste would be the commoners of society. the possibilities already excite me! I'm already imagining a world ruled by various birdfolk dynasties and their predator caste enforcers in a quilt of nations, trading with the furries of the sea while trying to defend themselves from the invasions of the insect folk on the outer frontiers.

that is all, I have a new world to build. just letting you guys know I support this thread wholeheartedly and whatnot, and wish I could join talking in this thread more.


Asta Kask
2014-12-14, 06:29 AM
Shark girls?


No thank you.

2014-12-14, 03:44 PM
Oh, forget it.

Shall I make my own ones to show you, or just tell you to go on deviant art and search for "shark girls"?

DeviantArt is gross. I'd just go to SoFurry or FurAffinity to look shark people up. Lots more results on those two sites.

also consider insect anthros, great way to provide a creepy alien species in a world of furries, alienness is relative after all!

Insect characters/personas are actually really common. there are at least four or five high profile furry artists I can think of who are insects of some kind. One's even a fly or gnat or something.

also consider making birdfolk the nobility of furry world

shhh, they don't need any more ego-stroking than they already have :smallannoyed:

and things like tigers and wolves and whatnot, would be of the predator caste of society serving under the birdfolk, while things like mice, cows, bulls, gazelles and whatnot would be the prey caste, and thus the predator cate would be charged with more militaristic endeavors while the prey caste would be the commoners of society. the possibilities already excite me! I'm already imagining a world ruled by various birdfolk dynasties and their predator caste enforcers in a quilt of nations, trading with the furries of the sea while trying to defend themselves from the invasions of the insect folk on the outer frontiers.

That's actually a relatively common layout for beginning furry authors. Another one is just "let's replace all people with randomly determined talking animals", which actually tends to work out better than you'd think (example: Jodimest).
The whole dynamic isn't exactly something nobody's seen before on furry sites, that's for sure. And the whole "predators get to do all the fighting, prey are below them and get to do all the menial jobs" thing could step on some toes and hooves and whatnot. Baph knows I've gotten riled up over it in the past.

Not saying that these ideas couldn't all lend some much-needed originality and spice to, say, a D&D setting or something. It'd certainly be better than the absolute mess of randomly selected mythological creatures that makes up the ecosystem in settings like Greyhawk.

just letting you guys know I support this thread wholeheartedly and whatnot, and wish I could join talking in this thread more.

You should go read Fred Savage, Mud & Water, anything by AlectorFencer, and maybe Concession, although Concession is a train wreck of a plot. Then you'll have loads of things to talk about in here :smallbiggrin:

2014-12-14, 03:54 PM

That is actually really creepy to me. Waaay to mammalian. I prefer the choices of something like Blade under Mask. (http://white-mantis.deviantart.com/gallery/36612104/Blade-Under-Mask?offset=0)

2014-12-14, 04:10 PM
Yeah, that's creepy.

That's actually a relatively common layout for beginning furry authors. Another one is just "let's replace all people with randomly determined talking animals", which actually tends to work out better than you'd think (example: Jodimest).

Haven't heard of that one, but I'll look it up. In any event, doing that has always seemed to be the single most uninspired thing you could do with anthropomorphic animals.

2014-12-14, 05:01 PM
That is actually really creepy to me. Waaay to mammalian. I prefer the choices of something like Blade under Mask. (http://white-mantis.deviantart.com/gallery/36612104/Blade-Under-Mask?offset=0)

Hey, that's actually another of those big-profile artists on FA!
You should look Chirasul up, he's good too.

Mystic Muse
2014-12-14, 05:13 PM
Shark babes are exactly what they sound like. This is the furry thread, after all.

In the context of that picture, though, it's from a trailer for a relatively old (2011-2012ish) furry schmup game called Shark Attack, where you picked one of three characters (Mischief, Mayhem, or Fracas) and COMPLETELY ANNIHILATED EVERYTHING IN YOUR PATH.

I more was just curious what it was. I was imagining something like Street Sharks, basically. :smalltongue:

Lord Raziere
2014-12-14, 05:48 PM
Oh, forget it.

DeviantArt is gross. I'd just go to SoFurry or FurAffinity to look shark people up. Lots more results on those two sites.

Insect characters/personas are actually really common. there are at least four or five high profile furry artists I can think of who are insects of some kind. One's even a fly or gnat or something.

shhh, they don't need any more ego-stroking than they already have :smallannoyed:

That's actually a relatively common layout for beginning furry authors. Another one is just "let's replace all people with randomly determined talking animals", which actually tends to work out better than you'd think (example: Jodimest).
The whole dynamic isn't exactly something nobody's seen before on furry sites, that's for sure. And the whole "predators get to do all the fighting, prey are below them and get to do all the menial jobs" thing could step on some toes and hooves and whatnot. Baph knows I've gotten riled up over it in the past.

Not saying that these ideas couldn't all lend some much-needed originality and spice to, say, a D&D setting or something. It'd certainly be better than the absolute mess of randomly selected mythological creatures that makes up the ecosystem in settings like Greyhawk.

You should go read Fred Savage, Mud & Water, anything by AlectorFencer, and maybe Concession, although Concession is a train wreck of a plot. Then you'll have loads of things to talk about in here :smallbiggrin:

1. kay.

2. hm. kay.

3. hrm.

4. well that sucks the fun out of it, I thought I had something original there. oh vell, anothah vonne for ze garbage no? I can't start out so common and uninspired if thats the case. I'm a better artist than that, even for furry stuff. looks like I'll have to step up my game for this. too bad my fav-furries are cats and dragons, those are common as dimes!

5. thanks for the recs. I'll have to do research before I can bring my own brand of awesome to the furry fandom. I've been dragging my feet around in the RPG community for too long.

2014-12-14, 06:31 PM
1. kay.

Sorry, the "forget it" wasn't directed at you. I was responding to someone else and I decided it wasn't worth the response :smallsmile:

4. well that sucks the fun out of it, I thought I had something original there. oh vell, anothah vonne for ze garbage no? I can't start out so common and uninspired if thats the case. I'm a better artist than that, even for furry stuff. looks like I'll have to step up my game for this. too bad my fav-furries are cats and dragons, those are common as dimes!

Trust me, it wasn't original in the slightest. I don't say that to be mean, but it's one of the most common worldbuilding/plot elements there is and most readers are getting sick of it, especially readers of the "prey" variety.
But yeah, like, you know what they say. Your first idea is almost always the worst, no plan survives first contact with the enemy, etc. etc. Y'all just need to get some feelers out there, see what's already been done and what will or won't make you unpopular, stuff like that. I'll be the first to say that we really don't have that much in the way of traditional fantasy that isn't one-off short stories or porn--it's mostly science fiction. There's definitely room for that to grow; you just need to see what's been done and what's still relatively original.

5. thanks for the recs. I'll have to do research before I can bring my own brand of awesome to the furry fandom. I've been dragging my feet around in the RPG community for too long.

You should lurk on furry RP forums for a while, it helps with ideas :>
Also, Skype. I could explain things more easily on Skype.

Lord Raziere
2014-12-14, 06:58 PM
Sorry, the "forget it" wasn't directed at you. I was responding to someone else and I decided it wasn't worth the response :smallsmile:

Trust me, it wasn't original in the slightest. I don't say that to be mean, but it's one of the most common worldbuilding/plot elements there is and most readers are getting sick of it, especially readers of the "prey" variety.
But yeah, like, you know what they say. Your first idea is almost always the worst, no plan survives first contact with the enemy, etc. etc. Y'all just need to get some feelers out there, see what's already been done and what will or won't make you unpopular, stuff like that. I'll be the first to say that we really don't have that much in the way of traditional fantasy that isn't one-off short stories or porn--it's mostly science fiction. There's definitely room for that to grow; you just need to see what's been done and what's still relatively original.

You should lurk on furry RP forums for a while, it helps with ideas :>
Also, Skype. I could explain things more easily on Skype.

science fiction, yes but what kind? cyberpunk? space opera? post-apoc? raygun pulp?

I could say, for cyberpunk, take that Batman Beyond episode and reverse it, and explore how people enhancing themselves with augmentations to look like furries might be ostracized from normal human society unfairly.

I could say, go classic planetary romance, raygun pulp kind of stuff, limiting the setting to the solar system only, but have each planet house its own furry alien race.

cause I'm betting that space opera and post-apoc are already done am I right?

or for more a transhuman Eclipse-Phase esque take, build societies out in space in satellites specifically created for only furry communities, their own little habitats and specially created bodies, exploring how isolated and weird humanity will start to make itself.

or if I want to hit closer to home on the cyberpunk front, a world where virtual reality allows you to be anything you want....but you still have to log out and be a normal human again. So the drama is in wanting to be something else, but not being able to become that just yet, so it might actually be set BEFORE the first idea with people trying to find a way to become a furry in reality.

or to go fantasy, perhaps a world where people start out human, but when they come of age, they undergo a ritual to be blessed by an animal spirit to become a furry for some reason.

as for Skype....kay, whats your name on skype? mines raziere1

2014-12-14, 07:28 PM
science fiction, yes but what kind? cyberpunk? space opera? post-apoc? raygun pulp?

I could say, for cyberpunk, take that Batman Beyond episode and reverse it, and explore how people enhancing themselves with augmentations to look like furries might be ostracized from normal human society unfairly.

I could say, go classic planetary romance, raygun pulp kind of stuff, limiting the setting to the solar system only, but have each planet house its own furry alien race.

cause I'm betting that space opera and post-apoc are already done am I right?

or for more a transhuman Eclipse-Phase esque take, build societies out in space in satellites specifically created for only furry communities, their own little habitats and specially created bodies, exploring how isolated and weird humanity will start to make itself.

or if I want to hit closer to home on the cyberpunk front, a world where virtual reality allows you to be anything you want....but you still have to log out and be a normal human again. So the drama is in wanting to be something else, but not being able to become that just yet, so it might actually be set BEFORE the first idea with people trying to find a way to become a furry in reality.

or to go fantasy, perhaps a world where people start out human, but when they come of age, they undergo a ritual to be blessed by an animal spirit to become a furry for some reason.

as for Skype....kay, whats your name on skype? mines raziere1

All of those have been done, yeah.

2014-12-14, 07:34 PM
To be honest, I don't think unorginality is something you can plan yourself out of. Not fully, at least. I think it requires some familiarity with the medium to be able to tell what works and what doesn't, much as with everything else. Plus, attempting to make your first work your greatest will generally be little more than a great way to kill your darling, so to speak.

In other words, start (mostly) unoriginal and work your way out. http://i.imgur.com/jLvmsd9.png

2014-12-14, 07:56 PM
Work through Shakespeare in chronological order. :smallwink:

Lord Raziere
2014-12-14, 08:58 PM
All of those have been done, yeah.


ok then, screw it, I'm just gonna write whatever I want to. I'll show my brilliance no matter what I have to do.

2014-12-14, 09:59 PM

Now that's a convincing opinion!

Shark babes are exactly what they sound like. This is the furry thread, after all.

In the context of that picture, though, it's from a trailer for a relatively old (2011-2012ish) furry schmup game called Shark Attack, where you picked one of three characters (Mischief, Mayhem, or Fracas) and COMPLETELY ANNIHILATED EVERYTHING IN YOUR PATH.


Shark girls?


No thank you.

Oooh, hot. :smallredface:

That is actually really creepy to me. Waaay to mammalian. I prefer the choices of something like Blade under Mask. (http://white-mantis.deviantart.com/gallery/36612104/Blade-Under-Mask?offset=0)

Also hot. Knives for hands... *shudders*

4. well that sucks the fun out of it, I thought I had something original there. oh vell, anothah vonne for ze garbage no? I can't start out so common and uninspired if thats the case. I'm a better artist than that, even for furry stuff. looks like I'll have to step up my game for this. too bad my fav-furries are cats and dragons, those are common as dimes!

5. thanks for the recs. I'll have to do research before I can bring my own brand of awesome to the furry fandom. I've been dragging my feet around in the RPG community for too long.

There is nothing new under the sun. It doesn't matter if it's original, only that it's original to you. :)

Trust me, it wasn't original in the slightest. I don't say that to be mean, but it's one of the most common worldbuilding/plot elements there is and most readers are getting sick of it, especially readers of the "prey" variety.

Aye. Most prey species are vicious and ruthless because when predators fight, it's usually for territory or status and no one can risk too grievous a wound. Prey? Well... Did you know some deer kill and eat the heads of birds for calcium. Just the heads.

We assume claws and fangs are the best natural weapons but there's a reason we fear moose and mule.


ok then, screw it, I'm just gonna write whatever I want to. I'll show my brilliance no matter what I have to do.

Good on ya lass.

2014-12-14, 11:00 PM
Aye. Most prey species are vicious and ruthless because when predators fight, it's usually for territory or status and no one can risk too grievous a wound. Prey? Well... Did you know some deer kill and eat the heads of birds for calcium. Just the heads.

We assume claws and fangs are the best natural weapons but there's a reason we fear moose and mule.

Well, I think they'd probably count as the best offensive natural weapons, because they're the easiest to direct. Hooves and horns can inflict lethal injuries with a single hit if it's relatively direct, but they're hard to aim and adjust toward a mobile enemy, so they're better fit for breakthroughs and approach deterrence than hunting something down.

That said, yeah, conflict is prevalent among prey species as well, and they have the benefit of number to give them some margin of error in terms of lethality. Most conflicts among prey species tend to end with both contestants living as well, though.

2014-12-15, 03:09 AM
I do not agree that predator hands and feet are more accurate or sharp (or powerful!) than prey hands and feet. Teeth are powerful but come with the disadvantage "your face is near the other guy's weapons", which is amazing when you know it's life or death. I think it's just a matter of intent. We know one group can and will kill, perhaps by accident, and we trust the other group to generally not do that.

No one is ever as a fraud of being mauled by a horse as by a wolf.

2014-12-15, 03:18 AM
And yet cows cause more deaths than wolves and sharks put together.

Asta Kask
2014-12-15, 03:46 AM
And yet cows cause more deaths than wolves and sharks put together.

We're a tad more exposed to cows.

2014-12-15, 04:14 AM
Yeah, but if you go to a farm, you should probably stay on your toes a bit about cow kicks, and if you go to the beach you can probably relax about shark bites.

Asta Kask
2014-12-15, 04:19 AM
You definitely need to be careful around cows. In fact, a herd of bovine furries should scare the crap out of the canine furries. Wolves don't really go for bovines unless they're starving or they chance upon a lone cow. Too dangerous.

2014-12-15, 06:36 AM

I originally read shark babes as "shark babies".


2014-12-24, 05:34 AM
That is actually really creepy to me. Waaay to mammalian. I prefer the choices of something like Blade under Mask. (http://white-mantis.deviantart.com/gallery/36612104/Blade-Under-Mask?offset=0)
Drat. Beat me to Blade Under Mask.

In my campaign world I put a whole bunch of anthro races on an Americas-themed pair of continents. There was a "City of Bugs" (mostly Abeil and other bug-races), "City of Birds" (dominated by Raptorans but with a healthy population of other bird-beings), and a "City of Mammals" (a very hierarchical "democracy"). Much like the Wulf Archives, it never occurred to me that this might be a "furry" thing.

2014-12-24, 06:32 PM
Drat. Beat me to Blade Under Mask.

In my campaign world I put a whole bunch of anthro races on an Americas-themed pair of continents. There was a "City of Bugs" (mostly Abeil and other bug-races), "City of Birds" (dominated by Raptorans but with a healthy population of other bird-beings), and a "City of Mammals" (a very hierarchical "democracy"). Much like the Wulf Archives, it never occurred to me that this might be a "furry" thing.

I don't think it is, inherently. But then, I would also definitely not say "it is not" either. Hmm.

2015-01-08, 12:31 AM
I'm not sure how these things normally work, but this (https://www.facebook.com/rachael.d.holmes.9/posts/10152592365403302) should be a link to a rather sexy (cerebrally) catwoman.

Or... Boy? I'm not sure... Ugh... Hmm. Now I'm wondering if this is what ol' Nabi looks like...

2015-01-08, 12:35 AM
Link does not work.

2015-01-08, 12:46 AM
Alright. Here's a nonFacebook link. (http://www.newsflare.com/video/29709/entertainment-arts/snow-leopard-make-up)

I think it's just smashing, myself.

2015-01-11, 06:54 PM
A furry thread on a RPG forum, an no mention of Ironclaw (http://www.sanguinegames.com/ironclaw/) or Myriad Song (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/118669/MYRIAD-SONG--RolePlay-Adventure-of-Ten-Thousand-Worlds)? For shame!

The first is early Renaissance Magic&Matchlocks with a heavy historic influence, the second is a fairly broad space opera set abut a hundred years after the Galactic Overlords vanish (leaving all the subject races, including humans, on their collective own) and now all the overlord's stuff that you use for galactic culture is wearing out and falling apart. Both use the same mechanical framework, with Myriad Song having some mechanical improvements but a less inspiring setting, IMO.

Also, Rawr. I be a Jackal HalfDragon (http://www.furaffinity.net/view/7301681/). Also sometimes a warrior dragoness. (http://www.furaffinity.net/view/8276940/)

2015-01-11, 07:19 PM
A furry thread on a RPG forum, an no mention of Ironclaw (http://www.sanguinegames.com/ironclaw/) or Myriad Song (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/118669/MYRIAD-SONG--RolePlay-Adventure-of-Ten-Thousand-Worlds)? For shame!]

I think myriad song has been mentioned before (and it's gorgeously named!), or I've seen it recently, but ironclaw is new. And the green wizard on the left looks like an expie of my 30-year wizard self insert :smalleek:

Lord Raziere
2015-01-11, 09:24 PM
I have Ironclaw.

I like it. its how to say it....has good useable magic but at the same time has good politics that isn't "this nation here is good for no reason, this nation here is evil" or something like that. its a good blend of useable adventurer magic, game of thrones politics and furry races that hits just the right spot, with no cosmic DnD alignment bull or elves screwing it up.

....now if only I could actually come up with characters or a plot for it....then I could play or run a campaign...

2015-01-12, 11:12 PM
I've had the rough outline for a chartered expedition to ruins under a Dorelaux holy site, but its been awhile since I looked over my notes on it. Vaslov Jacoba is hiring the PCs to explore the ruins over the objections of the Dorelaux and the Phelani.

2015-01-15, 08:09 AM
FC this weekend... who's going/there?

2015-01-15, 05:49 PM
FC this weekend... who's going/there?

Surprisingly kinda me. My friend is going, and is hosting us in her hotel room for our gaming group.

2015-01-15, 06:01 PM
Surprisingly kinda me. My friend is going, and is hosting us in her hotel room for our gaming group.

What system? I might drop in, if you're up for a party add..

2015-01-15, 06:03 PM
What system? I might drop in, if you're up for a party add..

Pathfinder, but I think we're full up on players (we've got a full party)... Sorry.

2015-01-15, 06:55 PM
Oh well... would be just about the only kind of "room party" I'd be interested in. :p

I'll mostly be bouncing around between the gaming rooms and the dealers den/artist alley.

2015-01-15, 06:59 PM
Oh well... would be just about the only kind of "room party" I'd be interested in. :p

I'll mostly be bouncing around between the gaming rooms and the dealers den/artist alley.

Well, depends how attractive (mostly through familiarity) the people hosting the room party are before I'd decide if I was interested. But yeah. Pizza, dice, and minis are more my speed.

Atreyu the Masked LLama
2015-01-15, 10:58 PM
Sorry I won't be at FC, but I will be at FWA if anyone else is gonna be there, let me know.

So I thought I'd post this story, that is one of my favorite fursuiting tales. A suiter by the name of Dogbomb will occassionally go suiting on the local beach and write about his experiences. This story makes me wag inside.

http://t.facdn.net/[email protected]

Fursuiting has a certain dimming effect on one's senses.

My senses aren't razor sharp on the best day, so cover me
in fur, take away a good portion of my hearing and vision,
and I become a tad ineffectual in navigating the world around me.

Rambling up the pier on a sunny Sunday, I became aware of a
sudden heaviness in my right leg.
"Uh oh," I thought. "Stroke."

Upon closer examination, I discovered that my difficulty walking
was not caused by a blood clot, but rather this young man who
had anchored himself to my side.

Relieved, I patted his head, gave him the happy paws and looked
around for the camera. Surely his parents were taking pictures of
their giddy son and the giant canine.

It was then I realized that he was sobbing, and no cameras, let
alone parental units, were in evidence.

Dogs I understand. Children are a mystery to me. Worried that I
had crushed his little foot, or smacked him with my tail, I asked
him what was the matter.

"I can't find my daddy!" He said between hiccups.
"That's OK," I said. 'I'll sniff him out for you."
"Really? You promise?" He gripped me tighter and brightened a little.
"Of course! I'm a search and rescue dog. No problem."

He grinned and held my paw and I then realized that I
had better locate pops post haste or the kid would grow up
not to trust talking dogs. I couldn't have that.

We walked slowly up the pier, searching for daddy, both trying to
smile for the tourists. Little Carlos related that his papa had been
fishing, but had moved to a new spot on the rail. The kid had
walked over to look at a seagull, and somehow lost track of
his dad's position. I wagged. I was looking for a guy fishing from the
pier, and that narrowed my search to only a few hundred blokes.
Piece of cake.

"What does your daddy look like?" I asked.
"He's wearing a white t-shirt." Carlos offered.
I looked around. So were 90% of the others fishing.

Sensing that I needed more information, he thought hard for a moment.
"He fishes with squid!" He exclaimed, convinced that hunk of
knowledge would lead us to pops like no other.

We walked up and down the pier. Twice.
Carlos started to cry again, and I felt a peculiar mix of compassion,
panic and failure. What if we never found his dad? I'd have to raise
him as my own. Where would he sleep? What do kids eat?
Kids grow up so fast. How could I afford shoes and tiny fursuits
every 6 months?

Just when we were both about to dissolve into sobbing puddles,
a frantic man came running towards us, brandishing a fishing rod
and a look of profound relief. I'll never forget it.

"Mijo!" He exclaimed, scooping up the kid and hugging him so tight
I thought he might pop. They were both crying and smiling and
a flood of relief washed over me. I wouldn't have to worry about
making pint sized DTD's after all....

Carlos Sr. shook my paw vigorously and thanked me again and
again for taking the time to help his boy. He had no idea how
they became separated, but a nice lady on the end of the pier
told him that a talking dog was wandering around with a lost kiddo.
At least I was easy to spot.

As father and son resumed their day of pescatory bliss, I felt
like a very good dog. Crisis averted, I continued my stroll,
heading decidedly for the watering hole with the coldest beer.

I may not be much of a search and rescue dog, but I felt
like it at that moment.

Now to search out a bar stool and rescue a beer...

2015-01-18, 07:02 AM
Awwww, the story above is sooooooo sweeeeeeeet :D :D :D :D :D (okay, the part with a beer not... :P :P :P)

I wish I could live in America - in my opinions Americans do nothing but play RPG (in Poland if you are not crowdfunding money for your RPG, your publishing house goes bankrupt :<) and go to the conventions (the best convent we have there is Eurofurence... but it is in Germany! In Poland, we have NOTHING :< :< :<).

Just a little thought scarcely related to the topic of "who goes at convent X" above :P :P :P

2015-01-18, 11:19 AM
Awwww, the story above is sooooooo sweeeeeeeet :D :D :D :D :D (okay, the part with a beer not... :P :P :P)

I wish I could live in America - in my opinions Americans do nothing but play RPG (in Poland if you are not crowdfunding money for your RPG, your publishing house goes bankrupt :<) and go to the conventions (the best convent we have there is Eurofurence... but it is in Germany! In Poland, we have NOTHING :< :< :<).

Just a little thought scarcely related to the topic of "who goes at convent X" above :P :P :P

Given, it's probably easier for you to get to Germany than it is for many Americans to get to the big American conventions. http://i.imgur.com/ZRHtTJs.pnghttp://i.imgur.com/rcxULF7.png

That said, yeah, I've got the impression that the RPG and convention culture is much more alive in the states than it is in Europe. Not that it helps me much, I've been dealing with way too much social anxiety myself for actively seeking my way into any of them...

2015-01-18, 12:01 PM
fursuiting has a certain dimming effect on one's senses.

My senses aren't razor sharp on the best day, so cover me
in fur, take away a good portion of my hearing and vision,
and i become a tad ineffectual in navigating the world around me.

Rambling up the pier on a sunny sunday, i became aware of a
sudden heaviness in my right leg.
"uh oh," i thought. "stroke."

upon closer examination, i discovered that my difficulty walking
was not caused by a blood clot, but rather this young man who
had anchored himself to my side.

Relieved, i patted his head, gave him the happy paws and looked
around for the camera. Surely his parents were taking pictures of
their giddy son and the giant canine.

It was then i realized that he was sobbing, and no cameras, let
alone parental units, were in evidence.

Dogs i understand. Children are a mystery to me. Worried that i
had crushed his little foot, or smacked him with my tail, i asked
him what was the matter.

"i can't find my daddy!" he said between hiccups.
"that's ok," i said. 'i'll sniff him out for you."
"really? You promise?" he gripped me tighter and brightened a little.
"of course! I'm a search and rescue dog. No problem."

he grinned and held my paw and i then realized that i
had better locate pops post haste or the kid would grow up
not to trust talking dogs. I couldn't have that.

We walked slowly up the pier, searching for daddy, both trying to
smile for the tourists. Little carlos related that his papa had been
fishing, but had moved to a new spot on the rail. The kid had
walked over to look at a seagull, and somehow lost track of
his dad's position. I wagged. I was looking for a guy fishing from the
pier, and that narrowed my search to only a few hundred blokes.
Piece of cake.

"what does your daddy look like?" i asked.
"he's wearing a white t-shirt." carlos offered.
I looked around. So were 90% of the others fishing.

Sensing that i needed more information, he thought hard for a moment.
"he fishes with squid!" he exclaimed, convinced that hunk of
knowledge would lead us to pops like no other.

We walked up and down the pier. Twice.
Carlos started to cry again, and i felt a peculiar mix of compassion,
panic and failure. What if we never found his dad? I'd have to raise
him as my own. Where would he sleep? What do kids eat?
Kids grow up so fast. How could i afford shoes and tiny fursuits
every 6 months?

Just when we were both about to dissolve into sobbing puddles,
a frantic man came running towards us, brandishing a fishing rod
and a look of profound relief. I'll never forget it.

"mijo!" he exclaimed, scooping up the kid and hugging him so tight
i thought he might pop. They were both crying and smiling and
a flood of relief washed over me. I wouldn't have to worry about
making pint sized dtd's after all....

Carlos sr. Shook my paw vigorously and thanked me again and
again for taking the time to help his boy. He had no idea how
they became separated, but a nice lady on the end of the pier
told him that a talking dog was wandering around with a lost kiddo.
At least i was easy to spot.

As father and son resumed their day of pescatory bliss, i felt
like a very good dog. Crisis averted, i continued my stroll,
heading decidedly for the watering hole with the coldest beer.

I may not be much of a search and rescue dog, but i felt
like it at that moment.

Now to search out a bar stool and rescue a beer...

asdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfas dfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfcute

2015-01-18, 07:26 PM
Well, during the game a really creepy guy tried to gain access to our room. I think he thought it was a very different kind of room party.

Afterwards, on the elevator, I had the opportunity to get fondled* by a stranger wearing a deer skull but my discomfort with affection with strangers overwhelmed my love of contact with other people and I turned her down.

*not how she phrased it.

I have mixed feelings about that level of sexual openness.

2015-01-18, 07:44 PM
I have to admit, that sounds very comfortable to me.

I am picturing some selfie beast thing however, with a nude and big-wet female body and a deer skill with human eyes and long, stringy slick hair. I suspect I would be much less attracted to just a human in a deer skull.

I'm sorry you had to go through that though. Having to deal with uncomfortableness sucks :<

2015-01-18, 07:56 PM
I have to admit, that sounds very comfortable to me.

I am picturing some selfie beast thing however, with a nude and big-wet female body and a deer skill with human eyes and long, stringy slick hair. I suspect I would be much less attracted to just a human in a deer skull.

I'm sorry you had to go through that though. Having to deal with uncomfortableness sucks :<

It would have been okay if we had talked for a couple minutes first. It was the horn rape joke as the first exchange of greetings that made me feel awkward about it.

That and the level of awkwardness of the first guy, who tried to get in the room uninvited. First he tried the door without knocking, and I got the distinct impression that if there weren't half a dozen people present he might have tried something unseemly towards our host... Everyone was giving each other uncomfortable glances as he kept talking...

2015-01-18, 08:17 PM
It would have been okay if we had talked for a couple minutes first. It was the horn rape joke as the first exchange of greetings that made me feel awkward about it.

This is a rich and dear topic to me, so while I understand that we are compressing it in order to give quick responses, I'm going to open up my process more.

Pros: romance fiction. There's a bit of wish fulfillment inherent in romance fiction as it is colloquially known. We all know stuff like fifty shades of grey, unhealthy relationships bla bla bla. Sometimes the idea of beig thrown against a wall by someone you just met is viscerally thrilling , it's like a single scene from a movie; disconnected, without consequence, completely isolated, something you can indulge in. Fantasy literature allows us to experience this safely, because it presents a situation that is thrilling viscerally but dangerous logically in a way that removes the danger.

Conventions and fandoms are also a little bit about wish fulfillment. The silver lining is the ability to be part of and belong and experience safe environments along a theme. Masks, as well, allow us this distancing from consequence sorta your behaviors can become the fantastic rather than mundane.

The fallout of this is that a stranger in an elevator with you (the general you) is not exactly a normal stranger. There is an implicit amount of intimacy there; you've both agreed to the nebulous bonds of this fandom, convention, culture, subculture, and locale. The levels added together, the gathering of like-minded folks into a rather sexually charged subculture and the benefits of a mask and anonymity in a fantastic set up, I can see that being something that would make my heart race and not with violent impulse (necessarily; the fight, the chase, these are indulgences I do not indulge in. Real violence lasts longer than the One Scene).

Cons: none of this is given, guaranteed, or absolute. Much of it is used and abused for negative effect. The logical danger cannot be removed, not really, not in a physical setting. The starting, the opening line is to messy; without foreknowledge it could cripple someone with memories bet left locked away. The implications are startling and the lack of proof that it was a joke and not a threat is, well, it speaks volumes.

I would like to think this was a safe set-up with a safe and calculated approach. Often the answer to these moments is to decline and relish in the what-ifs later. Sometimes these propositions happen to provide those what-ifs, and not for any other purpose. But that is clearly overly-positive thinking and not applicable on many scales.

Still, this sort of situation is something best left in ink, I think, rather than enacted. Most fantasies are, whether sensual, sexual, power or otherwise.

Over-analysis brought to you by a childhood inspired by sailor moon, and the implications of Dark Lady being a mind-twisted protagonist, leading to thoughts about being the mind-twisted slave, and general introspection thereafter. Pay me no mind. I'm just glad you're well and whole. :smallsmile:

That and the level of awkwardness of the first guy, who tried to get in the room uninvited. First he tried the door without knocking, and I got the distinct impression that if there weren't half a dozen people present he might have tried something unseemly towards our host... Everyone was giving each other uncomfortable glances as he kept talking...

This on the other hand. Sigh this is why we have that logical fear. Because we have a base human culture that makes morality a secondary concern. :-/

Sharp teeth and many claws will serve you when these folks arise. I'm sorry you had to deal with that.

2015-01-19, 01:08 AM
I just can't do that sort of thing with strangers. Which I think might also tie into my debacles with online dating and going to bars to meet new people. It only takes a little conversation to get over it, but I'm not a one night stand kind of guy, I'm not fast moving, I freak when I get confronted with something that moves too fast for my tastes. I have to go with conversation before cuddling, cuddling before sex. Going straight to sexual propositioning put me into freak out, though if she had asked me to come grab a drink with her before moving on to other things I don't know where the limit if any might have been...


I feel more comfortable flirting with most of you folks because we've had lots of conversation, but I'm sure everyone who remembers me flirting with people here remembers me at least once saying "buy me dinner first." It's not just a joke. Same thing I told the woman on the elevator when she offered to... umm... it definitely was sexual. She said only if I gave permission, but I was nowhere near ready for that yet, so I said maybe after a couple of drinks, and she lost interest. I don't know how fast is too fast exactly, but most hookup culture is definitely too fast for me. Not too fast in general, but it's too fast for ME, and that's where the ambivalence comes in.

At the same time I'd kill for a cuddlebuddy. If nobody tried to grope me until I said I was ready to move on to more, I'd gladly hold them close, share some kisses if the mood warranted. If she had offered hugs and "maybe more" instead of straight to full on groping and onto things past, I'd have turned around and gone right back into the hotel. I doubt I would have gone on to anything involving nudity or a deliberate orgasm on our first encounter, but I don't know what the line is for me.

God damn I hate being me...

2015-01-19, 08:15 AM

2015-01-19, 08:20 AM

No. The vast majority of the people I met were wonderful, friendly people. I got so many smiles and greetings, a stranger loaned me a pencil, all sorts of good stuff, and the woman who propositioned me propositioned me, she didn't sexually assault me. It made me uncomfortable, sure, but she took no for an answer just fine.

Don't be nasty about it.

2015-01-19, 12:25 PM
Okay, I think I understand ;-)

2015-01-19, 06:52 PM
I completely understand, hon. I wrote my little... Tangent warning? In hopes that it would clarify; I completely understand and support the decisions you made on the spot.


Not at all; check my spoiler box. This sort of behavior happens at ALL conventions. You get a mass of people who buy into at least a few of certain cultural connotations, and then you get a debris ring of people who buy into the oursider's expectations of that central mass and want to explore or take advantage of (note that last is loaded language: not always bad!).

Really, saying "so it's true furry conventions have predators" is identical to saying "so it's true furry conventions have people".

2015-01-20, 07:25 AM

2015-01-20, 08:14 AM
And it's not amusing. Never been to a furry convention myself, but I have been to other conventions, and suddenly being touched by a complete stranger as they start to knead your hair just makes me freeze up. It's not something to make light off.

2015-01-20, 11:46 AM

2015-01-20, 12:31 PM

2015-01-20, 02:13 PM
Had a good time at Furthur Confusion- Bounced between the dealer area and the tabletop gaming room. Ran a Star wars game, won two Furoticon tournaments (one sealed, one constructed), did some drawing of one of my characters, and so on.

2015-01-20, 02:25 PM
Furoticon? :D Isn't it like... naughty version of Magic? :D :D :D :D :D

Maaaaaaaan, I WISH I could be on some conventions :-/ Might think of relocating to USA after my studies - up to this day whole US will have gay marriage legalized... at least I think so :P :P :P

Lord Raziere
2015-01-20, 02:59 PM

don't worry, I smelt it to.

I on't have any stories of pics from cons though. I can make some art but, for some reason I don't think this is the thread for it.

and y'know, I had this strange idea: werewolf catfolk. a catfolk that is afflicted with lycanthropy. I don't know where this idea would go when the werewolf isn't human, perhaps catfolk blaming the curse on wolf-folk unleashing some sort of magical weapon on them?

reveal that somebody already did in 3.....2....1...

2015-01-20, 05:26 PM
And it's not amusing. Never been to a furry convention myself, but I have been to other conventions, and suddenly being touched by a complete stranger as they start to knead your hair just makes me freeze up. It's not something to make light off.

Yes, and I'm sorry if I came across as justifying that as good or acceptable simply because it occurs naturally.

and y'know, I had this strange idea: werewolf catfolk. a catfolk that is afflicted with lycanthropy. I don't know where this idea would go when the werewolf isn't human, perhaps catfolk blaming the curse on wolf-folk unleashing some sort of magical weapon on them?

reveal that somebody already did in 3.....2....1...

That reminds me of a similar but completely different idea from a thread floating around about six months ago! It was something about gender roles and the ability to morph physical sex seemingly at will.

I came up with the werewyf! A woman who, on the full moon or when stressed, becomes a man! As a species, not a sole occurrence. The idea of supermodels hulking out into lumberjacks to get stuff done or fight for dominance was a fun one, and also shows you how seriously I took the topic after a while~

Lord Raziere
2015-01-20, 05:43 PM
mrrrr, don't remind me, I want that ability just so that I can test out whether being female is what I really want or not. if gender identity is something you can want at all, and not just be. mostly because I don't want anything I do to be just some stupid "phase" or whatever you call it y'know? I want the real me from me, not some stupid me that made poor decisions or whatever.

but thats a complete aside. the idea of a....catfolk werewolf is just weird to me, because while a human werewolf somehow makes sense, a catfolk werewolf is just one furry turning into a different furry, y'know?

2015-01-20, 06:16 PM
Yes, and I'm sorry if I came across as justifying that as good or acceptable simply because it occurs naturally.

No worries. For me at least, you did not come across as justifying it. Simply explaining why it happens. I was more aiming that at the comments implying that it is a "furry" thing when it isn't (by showing that it isn't a furry thing. Comic cons, gaming cons and even scout "cons" are places where you can suddenly find yourself being touched on by some stranger), and who made it seem like a joke (by throwing out random smileys and lols). Personal barriers aren't something to laugh about.

2015-01-20, 06:59 PM
I want the real me from me, not some stupid me that made poor decisions or whatever.

I have some bad news for you about the human condition...

More seriously, I completely understand. I think it's important to separate our idea of "phases" – an implicitly static adult construct, looking back at growth and rationalizing it all as not real – from, well, growth.

Much as my baby girl needs more iron and less calcium and more milk and certain vitamins that I don't, much as when she hits puberty her iron needs will skyrocket and her calcium and protein needs will change to accommodate hormone shifts, we all have spiritual needs which change as we grow. There isn't – or, there should not be – any shame in going throw a period of growth where what your mind and self needs right now to survive is not something your mind and soul will need later.

It's why I'm not as bitter as I could be. I needed to grow up as a boy. If I didn't have that safety net of male privilege I would be a much worse person, because I would have been shaped by pretty craptacular social forces. (Quick fist pump over my phone recognizing craptacular! Yes!) It's possible that the need for femininity is a legitimate one, that will only be considered "temporary" or a "phase" in hindsight. Perhaps you just need balance? Much like a career change, you need to stop your old job and learn the new one completely before you start combining them, one would need to fully immerse in femininity (or fur!) before being able to really make the decision that it's not a permanent thing.

Plus, there is always that it could be a permanent thing, and it sucks to hold off on something just because maybe you won't like it later. It being a growth phase is likely the least possible option. :)

but thats a complete aside. the idea of a....catfolk werewolf is just weird to me, because while a human werewolf somehow makes sense, a catfolk werewolf is just one furry turning into a different furry, y'know?

Well, lycanthropy is a sort of violation of the self; the idea that the preened and civilized veneer falls away because man is a savage and that animal is repressed and dark and everything bad about his visceral nature; rape, murder, savagery.

A cat folk wouldn't have that same association. So this would be a cat changing to a dog; changing to a dog that's too brutal, too wild to just say "well it's only a dog" about. Would this e a cat folk devolving into savagery? A cat folk changing tribes? Maybe this is less like a tale of werewolves and more an exploratory fiction like when there's a movie about a guy who wakes up gay or wakes up female and has to learn that his conceptions were all wrong? A cat folk waking up after a lupine bender has a lot to sort through.

No worries. For me at least, you did not come across as justifying it. Simply explaining why it happens. I was more aiming that at the comments implying that it is a "furry" thing when it isn't (by showing that it isn't a furry thing. Comic cons, gaming cons and even scout "cons" are places where you can suddenly find yourself being touched on by some stranger), and who made it seem like a joke (by throwing out random smileys and lols). Personal barriers aren't something to laugh about.

Indeed. I missed a lot, I suppose; everything was scrubbed by the time I got here. <_<

2015-01-20, 07:06 PM
Furoticon? :D Isn't it like... naughty version of Magic?
Basically. They've got some mechanical wrinkles to it to make it slower and more stratigic, though.
They have a split resource system- to use magic terms, colored mana cannot be spent on colorless costs, and you have 10 colorless per turn, plus any you get from colorless-lands. Drawing a card costs 5 colorless. (and if you have the resources, you can do this multiple times in a single turn) Attacking costs a colorless per creature. Defending requires having a colorless in reserve per creature. having an untap step (for non lands- lands produce regardless) costs a colorless. The "combat" mechanics are also different enough to make a new game out of it- persistant damage, and a creatures attack power varies with the color of the receving creature.

BeerMug Paladin
2015-01-25, 06:38 PM
Just stumbled on this thread. I find character design to be more diverse and interesting if animal traits (or full on anthropomorphic animals) are used, whether it's expressive floofy (or not floofy) tails, wacky flexy ears or that weird thing that a cockatoo does with their head-feathers. I also often pick lizardfolk/dragonish races for characters in rpg games.

So that makes me whatever I am.

Anyway, neat content to browse through here. I really liked that fursuiting story told by atreyu the llama.

2015-02-04, 08:23 PM
I think myriad song has been mentioned before (and it's gorgeously named!), or I've seen it recently, but ironclaw is new. And the green wizard on the left looks like an expie of my 30-year wizard self insert :smalleek:

Ironclaw related... I'm going to leave this here:

2015-02-05, 12:28 AM
Dang. My budget for hobby items right now is literally in the negatives – I used bill money for a book recently and am working it off >_<

Upside, recent events mean I'm more likely to be able to pull off the griffon cosplay I was idly designing at one point...

2016-08-12, 11:18 AM
I'm not really an all-out furry, but I like furries and if I were an all-out furry, I'd be an anthro fox.