View Full Version : DM Help Need help balancing an encounter

2014-09-26, 09:51 AM
So, in the future, I intend on having the PC's fight a mind controlled NPC, who has been with the party for a very long time, who in the next session is going to split off of the party to perform research. The NPC in question is a cleric, who I've often called a DMPC but really downplayed his abilities. When the encounter happens, I want to make sure its an actual challenge for the PCs, beyond the challenge of fighting a friend.

Using a corruption system in game which when it comes full term, changes the characters alignment to evil and makes them very pliable to the whims of powerful evil creatures. Cleric has a ring to prevent the corruption, but a succubus will be using her suggestion powers to get him to remove the ring, and ignore the progression of the corruption. Cleric is currently of Pelor, but I thought it might be amusing to introduce Pelor of the Burning Hate.

Its a 5 person party,
Human Phrenic Psywar/Elocator focusing on self buffs and acid damage
Half Nymph Sorc, focusing more on blasting than anything
Were-bird Halfling rogue using a greataxe
Shadow Halfling bard, mostly archery based
Quasi-elemental Changeling Spontaneous Caster Druid

The party should be level 7 when this encounter happens. The Cleric is an Aasimar with a set of wings.

I'm not a high end optimizer, and I'd figure he's going to be at a disadvantage in this fight, at least by the numbers. Should he need backup for this? If so, something of a demonic nature I guess would fit.

My hope is the party won't actually try and kill him, more try and remove the corruption from him. Remove disease is the spell we've been using, and the party will have access to it. But if they make it a full fight, I'd like it to be challenging. Any advice that could be given regarding this would be helpful. The image in my head of the terrain is a 10 foot wide castle wall set high in the mountains. On one side of the wall is a 40 ft fall into the courtyard, on the other side is a much, much further fall down a mountain.