View Full Version : sanctify relic question

2014-09-27, 12:40 AM
Sanctify Relic

( Magic Item Compendium, p. 222)

[Item Creation]

You can create magic items that are imbued with a connection to your deity.
Any other Item Creation Feat,
You can create Relics - Magic Items that rely on a DIVINE connection to a specific deity to function.

soooo... what does this do?

Extra Anchovies
2014-09-27, 12:47 AM
You can create magic items with the [Relic] descriptor in their name. There's a bunch in Complete Divine, and some in Magic Item Compendium as well. Every relic is tied to a particular deity; to create a relic, you need its associated deity as a patron.

2014-09-27, 03:09 AM
ok so its useless. it should do more than just be able to make a specificlist of stuff.