View Full Version : New Comic - Telling Tall Tales

Peter Harris
2007-03-13, 05:52 PM
Well hello there! If you're reading this, it's because you might actually need another webcomic! I mean, the post title made it pretty clear what this was all about, now didn't it?

And have I got one for you!

Telling Tall Tales (http://www.tellingtalltales.net)

It's not quite the same parodic humor as OOTS, or the subtle pun-mania of Erfworld, but I think you'll find it's funny none-the-less. I mean, OOTS is one of my favorite comics, and I wrote it. We're only getting better.

And I think you'll agree the art is different than most other comics you read.

Thanks for taking a look!

2007-03-13, 06:23 PM
What in the name of Baator is a time management consultant?

Peter Harris
2007-03-13, 06:34 PM
What in the name of Baator is a time management consultant?

Wow, you really just plowed through, didn't you?

Don't ask for the answers to the DEEP AND SECRET UNDERLYING MYSTERIES (TM). You put me in a very awkward position. ;-)

2007-03-13, 07:28 PM
That is... wow. That's incredible.

Okay, I have a checklist.

1. The artwork is interesting. You've managed to make photographs look animated. I don't know how difficult that is, really, but I've never seen it done before so it elicited a 'whoa' from me. Very nice.
2. Though there isn't much plot yet (it's still in its infancy, so I forgive you) but your story so far is interesting and your characters are engaging. There are well-established comics out there whose characters aren't as entertaining at comic #300 as yours are at comic #30. Again, very nicely done.
3. Your comic is funny, and this is very important because (and I might be wrong) I think you're aiming for a humor comic and not some gritty drama. There were a few pages (#15-16, for example) that had me laughing out loud, and that isn't counting the numerous chuckles that the other pages squeezed out of me.

All in all, fine work. I wish you luck in what I hope will become a successful venture.

2007-03-13, 08:03 PM
What in the name of Baator is a time management consultant?
Someone who consults how you manage your time, duh.

Peter Harris
2007-03-14, 01:20 PM
You've managed to make photographs looks animated. I don't know how difficult that is

It's just a photoshop filter. It's pretty easy to do - it's getting each panel to have a uniform look that's the tough part (as you can see from the earlier strips). Also, a bad photograph can destroy the cool filter effect, so you have to make sure you work with really good shots.

2007-03-14, 03:45 PM
Well, at least that makes your job a little simpler, right? And you're able to get so much more detail than you would if you were doing a conventional comic.

2007-03-19, 05:25 PM
Peter, I'll give it to you. I didn't expect much from the comic initially, but you're like, 10 shades of awesome. With cheese.

Peter Harris
2007-03-20, 12:18 PM
Thank you. That means a lot.

On another note - we're on Myspace! That's right, if you're a consumer-whore who likes to bend over and submit to Rupert Murdoch (I know I do!), then feel free to friend us!


2007-03-21, 05:43 PM
Hey! Reading the comments makes the comic much funnier!

Why haven't I thought of that?

Peter Harris
2007-03-23, 07:16 PM
Maybe because you were distracted by the inherent funniness of the actual comics?

2007-03-23, 10:17 PM
Ok, fo rizzle, this is one of my favorite webcomics. I've seen the photograph comic thing before, but this is the first one thats actually worth reading (and is very worth reading).

See, I post here because I couldnt gush enough on myspace. :smallwink:

Also... you people in Oregon are lucky. You still have arcades. :smallannoyed:

2007-03-24, 01:47 AM
I do have negative criticism, though. TTT doesn't make my nails grow. At least, not enough so that I have to cut them. Which is strange, since I never cut my nails unless they grow too long.

Peter Harris
2007-03-24, 10:41 AM
Give me an example of a few comics that do make your nails grow, as I have no idea what aspects of webcomicdom induce nail-growing, and I'll see if I can't get right on that.

2007-03-24, 10:45 AM
Erfworld grows nails. Ask Jamie how. He said so.

Peter Harris
2007-03-25, 01:09 PM
Okay, I'll make TTT more like Erfworld. As soon as you tell me where I can go in Portland to get myself photographed with real, live dwagons.

2007-03-25, 01:11 PM
Can't you just use models? Like, super models? Instead of dwagons?

That'd be so cool.

Speaking of which, I can't tell if the ladies in the comic are hot or not. Their facial features are so blurred, I just can't tell.

Peter Harris
2007-03-26, 12:45 PM
The facial features will start clearing up. I spend every other weekend with these girls. Believe me, I've got a beautiful woman, a sexy woman and a cute woman. Whatever gets you hot, we got it.

EDIT: And not in the near future, but during casting, all these women have agreed to appear scantily clad in the comic, should the plot require it.

I write the plot.

2007-03-26, 02:44 PM
I write the plot.
I'm neither sure why you wrote this nor if this is a good thing. I will assume it is and I think I know the reason. Great comic in general, quite some funny ones there.

Peter Harris
2007-03-26, 05:13 PM
I'm neither sure why you wrote this nor if this is a good thing. I will assume it is and I think I know the reason. Great comic in general, quite some funny ones there.

I'm pretty sure all the reason I need to write that can be found in the previous sentence. :smallbiggrin:

As to whether it's a good thing, that depends on whether or not you are in favor of immature men being in control of the scantily-cladness of attractive women.

2007-03-27, 12:14 AM
As to whether it's a good thing, that depends on whether or not you are in favor of immature men being in control of the scantily-cladness of attractive women.

You sir, are a gargantuan copper god!

2007-04-02, 06:15 AM
Cactus is pretty common food for Mexicans in some regions of mexico, amigo. Nopales or nopalitos, they can grow where there is little water and are filling and fairly nutritious.

It's only weird for gringos!

Peter Harris
2007-04-02, 12:36 PM
Alas, my comic is populated entirely with gringos. Which means the fact that the comic is written entirely from a middle-class caucasian perspective is, you know, a little weird...

2007-04-24, 11:35 PM
You probably need a quotes black who is totally aware of that. Or better, not.

The last few were quite nice, Dingo milk was good (though somehow disgusting) and the lawyer one, innate talent, was great.