View Full Version : "Paper Beats Rock."

2007-03-13, 06:06 PM
You know, V isn't generally one of my favorite characters in regards to humor- I prefer Belkar in that respect- but this takes the cake. That was a hilarious punch line. Coming at the end of a big, action-filled battle sequence like it did, the joke had perfect timing.

Let's all hear it for V- new king/queen/ruler of war jokes.

Hear hear!

2007-03-13, 07:55 PM
Oh, I thought you were going to say it takes the cake for one of the worst jokes in the comic. Then, I would agree with you. I mean, a twenty-three panel set up for a rock-paper-scissors joke. Lame.

2007-03-13, 07:57 PM
Oh, I thought you were going to say it takes the cake for one of the worst jokes in the comic. Then I would agree with you. I mean, a twenty-three panel set up for a rock-paper-scissors joke. Lame.

Seconded. I winced as I read it.

2007-03-13, 07:59 PM
Its like my Grandads jokes, you wince but you end up laughing at them in the end

Sage in the Playground
2007-03-13, 07:59 PM
I love it! Its the last thing I expected. Thats the thing that made e like it.

2007-03-13, 09:12 PM
:smallannoyed: I thought it was pretty good.
Besides, what's the point of saying it's a bad joke? If you had known you weren't gonna like the joke would you not have read the comic and just waited over the weekend for 425?

Mr Teufel
2007-03-13, 09:40 PM
I thought it was excellent, as it works both on the level of Paper (scroll) beats Rock (elemental) and it gives an explanation for the eternal mystery: "Why does Paper beat Rock?"

2007-03-13, 10:27 PM
:smallannoyed: I thought it was pretty good.
Besides, what's the point of saying it's a bad joke? If you had known you weren't gonna like the joke would you not have read the comic and just waited over the weekend for 425?

hehe... nice

2007-03-13, 10:31 PM
the joke was average...

2007-03-13, 10:39 PM
:vaarsuvius: is my Favorite Character and I really liked the paper beats rock. It was funny and it explained the age old question of why paper beats rock.

2007-03-13, 11:06 PM
:smallannoyed: I thought it was pretty good.
Besides, what's the point of saying it's a bad joke? If you had known you weren't gonna like the joke would you not have read the comic and just waited over the weekend for 425?

That's some messed up logic there. The point of saying it's a bad joke is to get across the idea that I didn't like the joke. Why else would I say something? That is what these forums are for, right? Discussing the comic.

2007-03-14, 02:57 AM
Oh, I thought you were going to say it takes the cake for one of the worst jokes in the comic. Then, I would agree with you. I mean, a twenty-three panel set up for a rock-paper-scissors joke. Lame.

It wasn't a 23-panel set up to a bad joke, it was a 22-panel action scene with a two-panel joke tacked on the end. Whether or not you liked the joke doesn't negate a seriously cool scene of Vaarsuvius battling 3 elementals.

Unless you're in the, "All I care about OOTS is getting a laugh," crowd, in which case you would have been unhappy if he left the joke off the end, anyway.

2007-03-14, 03:19 AM
It wasn't a 23-panel set up to a bad joke, it was a 22-panel action scene with a two-panel joke tacked on the end. Whether or not you liked the joke doesn't negate a seriously cool scene of Vaarsuvius battling 3 elementals.

Unless you're in the, "All I care about OOTS is getting a laugh," crowd, in which case you would have been unhappy if he left the joke off the end, anyway.

It has to do with placement. If V had said it before he started dismissing the elementals, it would have been merely a joke. Actually, for that matter, if he had made the joke in any panel other than the last one, it would have been just a joke. Since it was in the last panel, it makes it seem like it's the punch line for the entire page.

2007-03-14, 03:26 AM
I thought it was excellent, as it works both on the level of Paper (scroll) beats Rock (elemental) and it gives an explanation for the eternal mystery: "Why does Paper beat Rock?"

:vaarsuvius: is my Favorite Character and I really liked the paper beats rock. It was funny and it explained the age old question of why paper beats rock.

It is because paper can wrap around rock. In my native tongue (Swedish), we say påse = (paper) bag.

So, scissors cuts the paper bag but not the rock, paper bag holds the rock but not the scissors, and rock breaks the scissors but not the paper bag...

...makes sense to me...

2007-03-14, 04:55 AM
I think it is not a very good joke. After all, titanium is a metal and not a kind of rock.

2007-03-14, 05:47 AM
Opening your mind is usually a pre-requisite to bend a BIT to know that those are based of EARTH ELEMENTALS ;_;
"You not funny!"

2007-03-14, 09:03 AM
Since it was in the last panel, it makes it seem like it's the punch line for the entire page.
"Makes it seem"? It is the punchline for the entire page -- and a very good one. So there. :vaarsuvius:

2007-03-14, 09:29 AM
Look, even the Giant knew he was making a questionable pun. Even the guards who were praising V two frames earlier have a flat expession to V's pun.

I liked it. But I like puns.

2007-03-14, 10:00 AM
I laugh ti so much. V is very funny character!
Exploding runes in coffee box.....

2007-03-14, 10:44 AM
It's a terrible joke.

That's why I love it so. :smallbiggrin:

*sings* "Bad jokes, lord I love 'em! Bad jokes, can't get enough of 'em..."

2007-03-14, 11:04 AM
It's all so clear! Paper banishes rock. Scissors can't overcome rock's DR. Scissors cut down paper's tissue hit points.

2007-03-14, 11:09 AM
Jokes are 90% delivery and 10% circumstance (and 0% joke).
This was a baaad joke!
But good for a little chuckle.

Especially knowing that the guards had the same opinion, and we've henceforth proved what was already obvious: V's an awful joke teller. And that's funny. (And to know the pain suffered by the guards, as well.)

The Familiar
2007-03-14, 11:16 AM
I think it is not a very good joke. After all, titanium is a metal and not a kind of rock.

...You mean metals aren't found in rocks?
Are you aware of ore: a mineral [rock] containing a valuable constituent (as metal) for which it is mined and worked?

If I was to nit-pick the joke, I'd point out it was the spell on the paper--not the paper itself--that beat the Titanium Elemental.
But I won't, since that's a different pun (the pen is mightier than the sword) altogether. :smalltongue:

2007-03-14, 02:05 PM
After the thrilling action of the rest of the comic, I found it marvelous that V took the time to make a joke that was not only silly but trivial. It certainly shows how seriously he took fighting three massive elementals. XD That comic is definitely going in my list of Favorite Vaarsuvius Moments of All Time. YAY V!!!

2007-03-14, 06:53 PM
I swear V was going to say something like 4xpi to the power of 5 where X is equal to Xykon. But no It's The hilarous. "Paper Beats Rock"

2007-03-14, 09:23 PM
^Eh? What? You've lost me there.

But yes. There are DnD comics based totally on action and plot. (*cough* Goblins) But OOTS isn't one of them. I intend to fully appreciate every Herodotus-referencing, Paper-beats-rock moment.

So don't rain on my parade.

2007-03-14, 09:33 PM
The Educated Use Puns.

For some reason, I've always loved :vaarsuvius: 's brand of humour, and this is no different. It's a funny joke.

Go :vaarsuvius: !!


How does this reference Herodotus?

2007-03-14, 09:36 PM
I thought it was great, but I've always loved situational humor. Maybe you guys should just try to enjoy it instead of dissecting it.


Mr Teufel
2007-03-14, 09:38 PM
It is because paper can wrap around rock. In my native tongue (Swedish), we say påse = (paper) bag.

So, scissors cuts the paper bag but not the rock, paper bag holds the rock but not the scissors, and rock breaks the scissors but not the paper bag...

...makes sense to me...
I've heard this on this forum, and yes, it makes sense. Obviously the game was badly translated when it first became common in English. But us poor English speakers had to puzzle it out from the words we were given, so it was a mystery to us!

It's all so clear! Paper banishes rock. Scissors can't overcome rock's DR. Scissors cut down paper's tissue hit points.

... or there is that.:smalltongue:

2007-03-14, 10:01 PM
I thought it was great, but I've always loved situational humor. Maybe you guys should just try to enjoy it instead of dissecting it.


How can I enjoy a joke I don't find funny?

2007-03-14, 10:43 PM
I agree with Kayura. A lot of the time, things lose their enjoyment upon overanalyzation (though my english teacher disagrees).

2007-03-14, 10:44 PM
It's a terrible joke.

That's why I love it so. :smallbiggrin:

*sings* "Bad jokes, lord I love 'em! Bad jokes, can't get enough of 'em..."

Totally agree.. bad jokes are good jokes! ... :smalleek: but..good jokes are good too. just less painfully good...

2007-03-14, 11:06 PM
Oh, I thought you were going to say it takes the cake for one of the worst jokes in the comic. Then, I would agree with you. I mean, a twenty-three panel set up for a rock-paper-scissors joke. Lame.

*holds out a small, dead looking thing*

I found this in a pile of dirty socks, it appears to be your sense of humor.

Mr Teufel
2007-03-15, 01:12 AM
Now now, Alchemistmerlin. No need to be nasty. OTOH bluish_wolf could be friendlier if he said he didn't like the joke. Instead he comes accross as if he's the sole arbiter of humour, with authority to declare objective lameness.

2007-03-15, 03:20 AM
...You mean metals aren't found in rocks?
Are you aware of ore: a mineral [rock] containing a valuable constituent (as metal) for which it is mined and worked?

If I was to nit-pick the joke, I'd point out it was the spell on the paper--not the paper itself--that beat the Titanium Elemental.
But I won't, since that's a different pun (the pen is mightier than the sword) altogether. :smalltongue:

I'm aware of that, but the name 'Titanium Elemental' suggests that it's made entirely of titanium, and not of ore containing titanium.

The Wanderer
2007-03-15, 03:26 AM
It was an epic bad pun.

Epic bad pun for the win! :smallbiggrin:

2007-03-15, 03:56 AM
Why is there always some guy who feels that it is his duty to throughly let everyone know why it was not a good joke/strip/panel/character/whatever? Okay, you think its a bad joke. Thats fine. But coming back over and over and over again to repeatedly remind everyone is just kind of silly.

2007-03-15, 09:22 AM
It soooo great! I lov' it!! :vaarsavius: is best character in Oots.. She (or he.. :D) is just so cool magic user... And that joke was funny... <3

2007-03-15, 12:09 PM
Why is there always some guy who feels that it is his duty to throughly let everyone know why it was not a good joke/strip/panel/character/whatever? Okay, you think its a bad joke. Thats fine. But coming back over and over and over again to repeatedly remind everyone is just kind of silly.

Thank you! I think of that as a kind of trolling. I don't know if the mods consider it that (which apparently they don't), but if you don't like, post once, let others know your opinion, and leave- respect is the bread upon which life's spices can play out to their fullest extent.

The truest sign of maturity is being able to meet your total opposite in lifestyle, choice, and manner- and leave the meeting without a single hard feeling.

I'd just like to say that I agree with the majority of posters here- it's a pun, but it's a great pun. I also like V taking the giant battles about as seriously as (s)he did (not much at all)- V's powerful and he/she knows it, so not even Black Dragons really worry V much.

I'd love to see him tackle the Monster in the Darkness.

F.H. Zebedee
2007-03-16, 12:14 AM
Well, V is totally nonchalant about virtually everything, when s/he's stocked all the way up on spells. They really KNOW that nothing can handle a wizard at full-bore, even the nastiest monsters. However, when the options have been taken away, V is just as prone to fleeing as anybody else in the party.

I must say that V is my favorite character, and I usually hate wizards. The semi-cliche wizard parodying all the wizard players while still giving a great show is phenomenal in my opinion. And that pun was very groan inducing.

Mr Teufel
2007-03-16, 12:20 AM
@Silverlocke980: I have to disagree. If a person has a criticism, and wants to argue his/her point constructively, then more power to 'em. They need to remember it's an opinion, not revealed objective fact, tho. Lot's of "I think..." and IMHO...
And not dis people just because they disagree with them. And it goes both ways.

Green Bean
2007-03-16, 06:26 PM
Personally, I think that the bigger the buildup, and the cheesier the pun, the funnier it ends up being. But hey, to each their own...

2007-03-16, 06:30 PM
Paper Beats Rock...

Didn't we agree that they weren't rock elementals?