View Full Version : DM Help 3.5 Template stacking a tiny animal for an epic campaign

2014-09-27, 08:11 PM
I need a template stacked bat (the animal from MMI, consider it's base CR 0). CR of 34-40 or LA of 26, if based on LA I also need 26 class levels. I don't want to double stack the same template, and forget about the type pyramid, the only real restriction is a max of one undead template + evolved undead and no titanic. One of my players made the mistake of mentioning how in epic levels there aren't any small enemies

I need it for a gestalt campaign I'm running, there's a Neanderthal Barbarian/Druid, a Dragonborn Half-Dragon Kobold Paladin/Cleric of Bahamut, an Illithid Psion/Rogue, a heavily grafted (extra arms, wings, skin, and eye grafts) Orc Monk/Wizard (Divine Rank 0), and an Erinyes Sorcerer/Bard (not counting prestige classes and racial LA alongside of classes because I honestly can't remember what they all are). Average party level is around 17-18, mid-op except the wizard is an optimizer.

2014-09-27, 08:28 PM
A pseudonatural paragon bat with 27 extra hitdice is CR 40 and has 7 tentacle attacks and 38 strength.

2014-09-28, 11:44 AM
I think Paragon Shadow Half Fiend bat should work. advance to fill.
itd help if we knew what you want it to do..

2014-09-28, 12:05 PM
How about the Kaiju template from the Dragon #289?

2014-09-28, 02:42 PM
itd help if we knew what you want it to do..
Annoy full casters to no end, something that preferably makes them have to go into melee, where they aren't comfortable (but still capable). And maybe a dozen resistances/immunities just for an extra kick. I really want to keep it small or smaller too.

2014-10-04, 07:18 PM
I can't promise anything regarding frustrating casters, but I did manage to stick 36 templates onto an awakened bat for a total +40 CR adjustment, and most of the benefits they give don't rely too much on HD either so even a 1HD bat-creature can make use of the templates. Here are my findings, which also extend beyond CR +40 in case you're interested, and are listed in the order they should be applied (and alphabetical order within each phase):

Bat (awakened) - ends up being CE, Medium-size Outsider

Blood Ghoul +1
Divine Messenger +2
Forestmaster +3
Half-Golem +3 (succeed on Will save)
Magebred +1
Voidmind +1
Woodling +2
Anthropomorphic +1

Feral +1
Dragon Vassal +1
Half-Vampire +1
Half-Troll +2

GIANT (CR +18)
Hooded Pupil +1
Reptilian +1
Titan Ogre +2
Were-Bat +2
Wendigo +2

FEY (CR +26)
Mistling +1
Skorenoi +2
Greenbound +2

PLANT (CR +31)
Blightspawn +1
Shadow +0 (FR)

Anarchic +0
Bloodrager +0
Fiendish +0
Monster of Legacy +1
Phrenic +1
Ti-Khana +2
Arachnoid +1

Spellwarped +0
Air Element +0
Demonically Fused +1
Orglash +1
Half-Farspawn +1

Dark +0
Pseudonatural (CAr) +0
CR +40

Lolth-Touched +1
Phantom +2
Draconic +1
Tainted-Blood +1
Half-Illithid +3
CR +47

Paragon +15
CR +62

Hope that helps!