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View Full Version : exploring castle greyhawl suel memories

Nessa Ellenesse
2014-09-28, 12:41 AM
My party and I are exploring castle greyhawk. If anyone is wondering we got our stuff back. We encountered some really wierd stuff likewhere you are reliving someone else's memories. In one of the memories some person says "why have you returned" then says "The ghosts of a long murdered nation have rison and none shall survive this time" What is he talking about?

2014-09-28, 03:01 AM
I remember reading and replying to one of your posts a few weeks ago about the equipment blunder. Don't ruin the story line/encounters by trying to read ahead :P

If you want to know about what is happening then you will need to read the fluff about the history of the tribes/races of Greyhawk. I know the encounter that you are about to start and the only advice that I can offer is pay close attention to what the DM says, it will be useful :)

2014-09-28, 06:55 AM
For interesting fluff/history in adventures the spell Legend Lore is your friend.

Nessa Ellenesse
2014-09-28, 11:04 AM
I was just asking because this detail sounded like the sort of fluff that my DM would ignore so we could stick to the main story line. I was asking about what happened in the past, if there was any information out there at all as to what happened following the twin cataclysms.

2014-09-28, 01:00 PM
OK then, I will say this - I don't recognize what you are referring to and I have run the full adventure twice. There's one thing that I can think of that it might be, but without looking it up I am not sure.

As for whether what I think it might be is part of the main story-line, well that depends on your DM, one answer is "no - it's more important than the main story-line" - so does that make it something you can ignore? - well, again that depends on your DM.

2014-09-28, 03:05 PM
Suel Imperium -> Scarlet Brotherhood

2014-09-28, 04:49 PM
My players found this part of the adventure confusing, but I won't say anything to spoil the fun.

As someone earlier had said, pay careful attention to what the DM says is happening. You may also need to refer to previous visions.

It helps if you know a bit about Greyhawk history, but y should be able to get through it even if you don't.

2014-10-02, 01:45 AM
My party and I are exploring castle greyhawk. If anyone is wondering we got our stuff back. We encountered some really wierd stuff likewhere you are reliving someone else's memories. In one of the memories some person says "why have you returned" then says "The ghosts of a long murdered nation have rison and none shall survive this time" What is he talking about?

If you could message me when you have completed the encounter to let me know how it went that would be awesome. Interested to hear it from a players perspective as my own group will be there soon :)

2014-10-02, 03:16 AM
From when I played this module, sounds like you might be referring to:The part where you are floating in a void and different shapes and forms come at you out of the nothingness?If so, this is the one part of the module I didn't really "get", even as a bit of a Greyhawk fan myself.