View Full Version : When being called a mule is an insult; ideas for HIGH strength scores

2014-09-28, 12:59 AM
Hey all!

So in one of my currently running games of pathfinder, we're playing around with mythic and epic rules the kind I never knew existed. In said game, I have a monk with a STR of 48, which (in this game at least) gives a +19 stat bonus and a 'light' load of 6,400 pounds. So as I calculate my push/drag loads and the like, I think to myself....I will likely never see a game that allows such stats ever again, self. I need to make the most of this. What crazy antics can I pull off being able shove nearly 50 ton of material around?

Some ideas are for laughs. Like using my STR to be a human cowtapult, throwing bovines around like I just came off from a Monty Python skit. Drag them around in cart, throw a few in a portable hole, whatever. REALLY confuses the new guy when you announce you are throwing a cow at someone.

Also for kicks? The old arm wrestling game. Put a stack of coins out, offer them to anyone who can beat you a contest. Of course, there is a small entry fee... the profit's nice enough, I suppose, but doing this in the favorite bar of the local guards and humiliating them all is fun in itself. Forcing those same guards to run scared the next day when they 'try' to arrest you? Priceless.

Some are more practical. Messing around with an enemy's 'strong' fortifications are a hoot. Knock over a crucial support beam or two, knock down some walls, and then teleport out of the area to watch the show.

Or the fun game 'bowling with boulders.' I fashioned out a nearly smooth boulder with the help of the wizard, and used it for all sorts of fun before it broke. Roll it through walls, barricades, enemy formations, you name it. One point tied it to a massive chain for extra insanity.

Still, this is only a start. There are bound to be other ideas of how to use such ridiculous strength to it's full potential. If you have any, be so kind to let me know, ok? :)

2014-09-28, 01:09 AM
I have a monk with a STR of 48

Interesting Monk fix.


Get yourself a pet Tiger, carry it around with it sitting on your shoulders, have it use the mounted combat rules, call this the Crouching Tiger Way.
Max out your Slight of Hand skill and keep a pet Dragon in your rucksack, Quickdraw it for the way of the Hidden Dragon.
Neither of these should interfere with your normal attacks.

2014-09-28, 01:10 AM
Some ideas:

- Have Adamantine Strike? Then make like the Kool-Aid Man and bust through walls. Make a habit of never using the door unless you really have to; you make your own door! In fact, with that much Str, you might be able to slam through walls even without Adamantine Strike.

- Insist on carrying all your wealth in the form of coppers. Stored in sacks of 10k tied to one another with rope and placed in a portable hole. Whenever you pay for stuff, you drag out these massive bags of coins. Volunteer to pay for stuff all of the time!

- When asked to gather firewood, bring back whole trees.

- There was a list back in 2e of stuff creatures could do with superhuman strength. Here's what I recall:
- Stop a team of six horses by grabbing the wagon to which they are harnessed.
- Uproot a tree with little effort.
- Pull a flying dragon out of the air and down to earth.
- Break down iron doors.

All in all, good fun. I'll try to think of more.

DM Nate
2014-09-28, 01:16 AM
Recalling how Superman was originally said to "fly"...how high can you jump with a strength score like that?

2014-09-28, 01:19 AM
Recalling how Superman was originally said to "fly"...how high can you jump with a strength score like that?

I've made a couple epic monks that actually got more bonus to Jump from their high land speed (+4 per 10' over 30') than from their high Strength. Though their Strengths were nowhere near 48.

2014-09-28, 01:21 AM
Surprised no one mentioned Hulking Hurler yet.