View Full Version : 3rd Ed Adding DR/Piercing to enemies

2014-09-28, 05:45 PM
So, I've been working on a fix for the weapon system (trying to make it more interesting and realistic) and I noticed something rather annoying: Piercing damage is pretty useless.

Well, to be fair, it is much more useful in the case of an underwater fight, but how often does that come up, anyway? But as far as Damage Reduction goes, how often does it come up? I can think of two situations: Rakshasa (and it has to be good as well, obviously to replicate AD&D's need for blessed crossbow bolts) and the Spearblock enhancement from MiC (which is utter garbage). Pf has a few sources of it (think there's a Sorcerer bloodline that grants it, and a few spells) but even there it's pretty niche.

So, help me out Playground. What do you think should be vulnerable to Piercing damage? The first thing that comes to mind is the Vampire and Vampire Spawn, to represent stakes and such (Do you think it should be just x/piercing? or should it be x/piercing or silver? I feel that former, mostly because vampires being weak to silver seems odd to me just in general.)

Other potential candidates in Core:

Gargoyles (Because why not, Dr/magic is boring. Bit of a stretch though)
The Tarrasque (Representing getting under the heavy plates with the stab)
...Uhhhhhhhh (This is a lot harder than I thought it would be. Guess I'm passing the ball to you, my friends.)

2014-09-28, 05:53 PM
thrusting is used in sword fighting historically to pierce heavy breastplate and armour. so anything thats DR comes from a hard outer coating should have DR/piercing. also if you use the armour is DR variant rule it should be DR/ piercing.

Extra Anchovies
2014-09-28, 05:55 PM
Gargoyles would be, if anything, most vulnerable to bludgeoning (what with being made of stone and all).

2014-09-28, 06:00 PM
Hmmm, you could possibly give a few monstrous bugs DR/Piercing, itd prbly increase their CR a bit but it would make the Rogue and Swashbuckler (not to mention any archers) very happy.

2014-09-29, 01:16 AM
Gargoyles would be, if anything, most vulnerable to bludgeoning (what with being made of stone and all).

I thought people used pickaxes to break stone, not hammers?

That said, piercing is wierd in that you have heavy piercing (like picks) which would make sense for breaking things like stone, and then you have lighter piercing (like arrows) which dont make much sense piercing through stone

Sir Garanok
2014-09-29, 03:32 AM
An arrow has a smaller area of impact than a sword.

Maybe it could be easier to hit the unarmored spot with piercing weapons than others.

It sounds a bit overpowered but you could play with critical damage or critical range or tohit,
to buff up piercing damage.