View Full Version : Blood Mage spells

Ben Powers
2014-09-29, 06:42 AM
I'm running Expedition to Castle Ravenloft and the group's caster was recently killed. The player would rather introduce a new character than take over as Sir Urik, the NPC paladin.

His previous character focused on buff spells (primarily haste and invisibility) with a couple of evocations thrown in.

He would still like to play an arcane caster, but stylistically different to the previous character. After having talked to him about it, we're leaning towards human sorceror/blood magus, the rest of the party consists of dwarf fighter, human (afflicted werewolf) rogue, a human cleric and an elf cleric/knight of the raven.

I'm aiming to get him started towards picking out spell selection on his own, but maybe I can enlist the playground's help in suggesting some blood mage-y spells.

So far I have: boiling blood (complete mage), thalassemia (stormwrack), gelid blood (frostburn), fire in the blood, clutch of orcus (heroes of horror)

2014-09-29, 06:54 AM
This should help. (http://dndtools.eu/spells/?name=blood&range=&spell_resistance=&area=&duration=&saving_throw=&casting_time=&school__slug=&sub_school__slug=&descriptors__slug=&verbal_component=1&somatic_component=1&material_component=1&arcane_focus_component=1&divine_focus_component=1&xp_component=1&rulebook__slug=&description=&class_levels__slug=&domain_levels__slug=&_filter=Filter)

OR this. (http://dndtools.eu/spells/?name=&range=&spell_resistance=&area=&duration=&saving_throw=&casting_time=&school__slug=&sub_school__slug=&descriptors__slug=&verbal_component=1&somatic_component=1&material_component=1&arcane_focus_component=1&divine_focus_component=1&xp_component=1&rulebook__slug=&description=blood&class_levels__slug=&domain_levels__slug=&_filter=Filter)