View Full Version : DM Help Class Symbols...anyone have them?

2014-09-30, 02:43 PM
Does anyone have a resource for getting the individual character class symbols in black and white for each class (barbarian/cleric/wizard/etc)?

I am going to start a campaign where the players make backgrounds and character concepts without choosing classes. They will find their way into a cave/dungeon where there will be items representative of each subclass in a magic chamber. Each item will be emblazoned with a symbol from each class. The first item each player touches/examines will grant them they powers of that class.

After everyone chooses a three pieces of a map of the realm will appear. The first piece shows where they are now, the second piece shows the location of the next piece of the map, and the third piece shows where the treasure is located.

I will be making pictures of these items and the maps, but I don't have a copy of each of the symbols. Can anyone help?

PS: If there are any ideas you can think of to improve this...let me know!

2014-09-30, 02:58 PM
Neat idea, but I have two issues with it:

-You may or may not care, but I tend to prefer leaving meta-game concepts like classes out of the story if at all possible.

-In most cases, classes are pretty inextricably tied to background. Are you going to have the farmer who hasn't studied magic in his entire life who touches the Wizard symbol suddenly "remember" spending years pouring over old tomes? If a character touches the Warlock symbol, are you going to have an archfey, a fiend, and a... thing, pop up out of nowhere and start bidding for his services?

2014-09-30, 03:11 PM
Are you going to have the farmer who hasn't studied magic in his entire life who touches the Wizard symbol suddenly "remember" spending years pouring over old tomes? If a character touches the Warlock symbol, are you going to have an archfey, a fiend, and a... thing, pop up out of nowhere and start bidding for his services?

The concept here is that people are naturally drawn to certain abilities. A naturally aggressive player will be drawn to a barbarian or fighter. A naturally crafty one will likely be drawn to a rogue, etc.

I was thinking more along the lines of having the wizard that touches the spellbook be imbued with the knowledge necessary to be a level one wizard (yes, there will be eight spellbooks, one for each school), the character touching the statue of a person making a bargain with a fiend will be become a warlock in a pact with a fiend.

In the end, it is just an original way to handle character creation, who knows if the players will like it or not. After its all said and done, if they really aren't having fun, we will go the traditional route, I just thought something different would be fun. :)

2014-09-30, 03:11 PM
I dont know if theres a way to extract the symbols from the dndnext(5e) reddit....but there are nice class symbols that you can add to your posts there.

2014-09-30, 03:12 PM
Neat idea

By the way, you don't happen to have the class symbols do you?

2014-09-30, 03:15 PM
I dont know if theres a way to extract the symbols from the dndnext(5e) reddit....but there are nice class symbols that you can add to your posts there.

Those are the exact ones that I am looking for, just in a better quality, black and white format.

2014-10-02, 01:53 AM
would you like them simple like that or a more emotion based stylized version of sorts placed on items?

2014-10-02, 02:34 AM
i dont now if the following can help you , because it is not what you are looking for exactly..

although, i was in the same place few months ago, wanting to link "magic" levers to classes.

So i used a color code.. all of my players used to (or still) play World of Warcraft.
So i used their chat color code, which if i remember correctly goes like this:

Dark Blue: Shamman (Make this Sorcerer)
Light Blue: Mage
Brown: Warrior (Fighter)
Purple: Warlock
Pink: Paladin
Yellow: Rogue
Dark Red: Death Knight (You may leave this out)
White: Priest (Make this Cleric)
Dark Green: Hunter (Ranger)
Orange: Druid
Green: Monk

2014-10-02, 09:40 AM
would you like them simple like that or a more emotion based stylized version of sorts placed on items?

Simple would be great, I think that would allow for the greatest amount of flexibility when it comes to integrating them into other graphics or images. Though I am curious to see what you mean by emotion based stylized version.

At the end of the day if I had to choose one, I would go for simple over complex. Thanks!!! :)

2014-10-04, 12:58 PM
k, ill try to whip some up if i can find the time here

2014-10-06, 01:50 PM
k, ill try to whip some up if i can find the time here

That would be awesome...thanks!!! :smallbiggrin:

2014-10-07, 01:41 AM
while researching found these:

still looking for more stuff/ trying to make good images

2014-10-07, 06:14 PM

That second list has an icon for each of the twelve core classes of D&D 3.5, but...doesn't 3.x only have 11 core classes? The PHB only has 11 classes in it, and they all match up to a certain icon pretty well, except for the one icon with a mug of ale and a hat on it. Is that supposed to be the DM? NPCs? It's a little strange.

2014-10-07, 09:25 PM
i *think that its supposed to be the "hobo" class that has bounced around forever, or maybe the crafter "class thing" who knows, but hey, extras never bad, also still looking for more stuff

2014-10-07, 11:00 PM
In the 5e PHB, there are small pictures in the upper corner of the first page of every class. I'm not sure if this is what OP was looking for, but if you could find a higher-res version of them than is on the 5e Reddit (as flair), that would be fantastic.

2014-10-10, 07:51 PM
In the 5e PHB, there are small pictures in the upper corner of the first page of every class.

This is exactly what I'm looking for...I just wish I was better with graphic arts on the PC, but an artist I am not (neither am I a photo-shopper). I appreciate the discussion and the assistance y'all!


2014-10-11, 12:18 AM
guessing only in the full book, or else id have found them by now... darn bootleggers, work faster already!