View Full Version : Optimization Need help building and optimizing Centaur shocktrooper lvl 11-15

2014-10-01, 02:54 AM
Hello Playgrounders,

My party is currently finishing a campaign. The DM has announced he is almost ready to start a new campaign, which will be undead-heavy. Our starting level is 11 and I expect us to get to lvl 14 or so before that campaign runs to an end. In case it goes on after that, I'd like a good build up to lvl 15.

While undead-heavy campaign screams Cleric, and Radiant Servant in particular, I want to do something else. I'm planning to play a large-sized melee character, based on Shock Trooper and Knockback.

This is what I have so far:
Centaur, wielding a glaive or guisarme. Since Centaurs have LA +2 (we don't do buyoff), that leaves up to 13 racial and class levels.
Monstrous Humanoid 4, Monk (Overwhelming Attack ACF) 2, Barbarian 2 (Wolf Totem ACF), Fighter 2, X 3
1: MH 1 Combat Reflexes
2: MH 2
3: MH 3 (undecided feat)
4: MH 4
5: Mon 1 Power Attack
6: Mon 2 Impr. Bull Rush, Impr. Sunder
7: Fgt 1 Shock Trooper
8: Brb 1
9: Brb 2 Impr. Trip, Knockback
10: Fgt 2 Combat Brute
11: ?
12: ?
13: ?

So my biggest question is: what to do with those last levels? I'm considering taking a few levels of Sanctified One (Ehlonna), taking Light of Life and lateron Nature's Bounty as sanctified abilities. Occult Slayer might also be an option, but in that case, I'd have to delay Combat Brute. But I'd like some other suggestions.

Also, do you guys see room for optimization?

In terms of books: Core and MM's, completes and PHBII are all okay. Dragon Magazines and ToB aren't. Anything else has to be discussed first.

2014-10-01, 03:31 AM
Unless you're absolutely dedicated to Centaur, drop it. There's better ways to get both large size and high Str, and none of them require +2 LA and 4 RHD to get them.

Goliath works in a pinch; if you can, slap the Half-Minotaur template on a Medium creature. This'll give you 5 extra levels to work with. For starters, you can work in the oft-toted Dungeoncrasher Fighter 6. Also, you've left out a primary part of every charge build: pounce. Take the Spirit Lion Totem ACF for the barbarian; it replaces Fast Movement with pounce, allowing you to get a multitude of attacks in when you perform your ubercharge.

Knockback and Knockdown are both good options (Knockback especially combines extremely well with Dungeoncrasher Fighter, Shock Trooper, and Combat Brute). As for other feats, you can go TWF FTW: more attacks means more damage, especially when you have the charge bonuses added in.

2014-10-01, 04:36 AM
If you are going to stick with Centaur...

Level 3 feat Hold the Line if allowed. Enemies provoke attacks by entering squares you threaten. Funny with Knockback.

Beyond that... keep going in Fighter in your blank spots to pick up Cleave and Great Cleave... (Those are Core) You also need a way to Pounce. Either the way mentioned above or Travel Devotion or the WoL that lets you do it as a feature of the weapon.

Mostly though... don't be a Centaur. It's not equivalent in power to pretty much any other option.

1/2 Minotaur (+1 LA)
Krynn Minotaur (0 LA but no inherent reach)
1/2 Ogre (+1 LA)
1/2 Giant (+1 LA I think)
Goliath (+1 LA, with Goliath Barbarian substitution levels to gain reach when you Rage)
Psionic Dark Dwarf (+1 LA, gains ability to become Large 1/ day for a minute. There is a feat for additional uses)

All will function better in the fighting role you are looking to fill and give you more class levels and HD to do it with.