View Full Version : [PF] Let's build a wonderous item!

2014-10-01, 01:18 PM
So I posted this in the Pathfinder RAW FAQ and the consensus was that the written guidelines are merely guidelines, so let's work out a gp value (or two or three) that I can present to my GM. For reference, my previous post:

How much would it cost to have an NPC craft a custom wondrous item for me? I am looking for an item which effectively provides a permanent Age Resistance spell for the least cost- which I think would be an item which occupies a slot and only allows one cast per day of the spell with a command word, as Age Resistance last 24 hours. I think I have it correctly at 7200 gp.

Bonus points if you can break down the cost and modifiers for me so I can do this on my own in the future.

Extra Bonus points if you can make a recommendation for which slot makes the most sense to give up, all other things even.


2014-10-01, 01:25 PM
I believe the nacreous grey ioun stone already does this. PFSRD has it listed at 10,000gp

2014-10-01, 01:32 PM
The stone you mentioned prevents you from gaining new penalties, but doesn't affect ones you have already accrued. I am, unfortunately, already old.

2014-10-01, 01:46 PM
It sounds like an amulet. Items that protect your health are often amulets--Periapt of Health, Periapt of Proof against Poison, Deathbalm Talisman, etc.