View Full Version : Pathfinder Just bought Path of War, and I like it!

2014-10-01, 08:20 PM
I bought Path of War like two hours ago, and I have to say I am damned impressed.
I've been a fan of Dreamscarred Press for a while. I lurved Ultimate Psionics, as I've been a fan of psionics since 3.0 and they really, really hit the mark with that book. It's my go-to resource for Pathfinder, and I can't wait to use these rules in my friends new campaign setting built partially around it.
So naturally I had pretty high hopes for Path of War. I was a huge, huge fan of Tome of Battle, even though I only discovered it last year (I was away from 3.5 for a number of years, and apparently I just missed it when I quit). I am playing a Warblade in our current campaign (trying to get through Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil), and it's been incredibly fun.
So today I finally spent the $15 and got the PDF.
And I'm in love! Again! It was a huge, huge relief to see they had kept the parts that made ToB so good. I actually didn't like the reflavouring, as I was a fan of the semi-asian wuxia influence, but I guess it was needed to win over the weaboo-book-of-fightan-magic crowd. Thats just a flavour issue, though.
I like the new classes, mechanics wise. A sneaky guy, a tank and a fighting guy seems like the perfect fit for Pathfinder as it stands now. They'll have competition from the COre classes and the new hybrids, but competition in this case just means more options for the player! Which is always a good thing, IMO.
The new Disciplines are flavourful and well executed, the Manouvers themselves look very interesting and I like the archetypes and Prestige Classes.
The art was so-so, but that can only get better as they create more content and in the end release another megabook like Ultimate Psionics. I can't wait to have the actual tome in my hands, though that will of course take a while.
All in all, I am impressed. I really like this system, and they will be my go-to rules for melee classes from now on. I might actually recommend my players take these classes instead of the traditional melee dudes, because Path of War has so much shiny stuff in it that a traditional fighter, rogue etc. will just look boring by comparison.
Nine and a half goblins out of ten, would buy again.