View Full Version : DM Help Adding extra Templates to a Vampire / Vampire Spawn / Undead

2014-10-02, 07:45 AM

Are there any templates to tack onto a vampire /spawn - or undead in general?

Specifically, I am looking for templates to make them weaker.

These vampires will masquerade as the town guard in a village that my PCs will be starting in. I need there to be a reason for them to leave the townsfolk alive and possibly unharassed.

As an example, I am already considering applying the Half-Vampire's Blood Dependency (ex) ability to all vampires to give them purpose and a bit of flavour.

Any suggestions would be welcome.:smallsmile:

2014-10-02, 09:16 AM
I need there to be a reason for them to leave the townsfolk alive and possibly unharassed.

Kinship. Even evil creatures tend to care for their families.

2014-10-02, 09:19 AM
Specifically, I am looking for templates to make them weaker. I hope you're not forget about the Vampire Weaknesses (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/vampire.htm)?
Firstly, there is Moonbane Vampire template. Vampire with it is slowed under the moonlight.

Secondly, Persuasive Vampire. His Dominate SA replaced with Suggestion (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/suggestion.htm). Besides obvious, Dominate's duration is 12 days, Suggestion's - 12 hours

Apply some templates to "base humanoids". Say, Amphibious - ability to swim is, probably, not a big thing, but -2 to Dex is annoying. Gheden - Toughness and +4 Str unlikely worth -2 to Dex&Int, and -4 Cha.

2014-10-02, 09:20 AM
Maybe they just don't want to interfere with their food supply?

If you're sneaky about biting people and don't get people crying 'vampire', you can just hang out and live a comfortable life instead of going to all the bother of fighting and potentially losing. (Even a slim chance of losing could be a serious deterrent.)

2014-10-02, 10:09 AM
Maybe they just don't want to interfere with their food supply?

If you're sneaky about biting people and don't get people crying 'vampire', you can just hang out and live a comfortable life instead of going to all the bother of fighting and potentially losing. (Even a slim chance of losing could be a serious deterrent.)

Handle it Sorin Markov style?

2014-10-02, 10:42 AM
A Helm of Opposite Alignment can explain why they wouldn't be attacking townsfolk. However, most templates would be hard to apply to a Vampire, as they can only be applied to living stuff. Exceptions would be classes like Dragon Disciple, which probably grants the template even if the DD himself wouldn't be allowed to take it normally (specific vs. general FTW!).

2014-10-02, 01:04 PM
There are certainly templates that can be applied to vampires (Evolved Undead comes to mind), but there are almost no templates that make a creature weaker. That's in general, not just for undead. Templates are almost always the wrong tool for the job if you want to make a monster less powerful. The right tool for the job, in general, is just to use a weaker monster.

2014-10-02, 01:30 PM
There are certainly templates that can be applied to vampires (Evolved Undead comes to mind), but there are almost no templates that make a creature weaker. That's in general, not just for undead. Templates are almost always the wrong tool for the job if you want to make a monster less powerful. The right tool for the job, in general, is just to use a weaker monster.

UGH. Can't believe I forgot that one. Will edit my post.

2014-10-02, 01:32 PM
Wait, why not just use half-vampires? :smallconfused:

Red Fel
2014-10-02, 01:49 PM
Or why not just play them as idiots? Stupid vampires, like stupid dragons, are far less of a threat than their craftier kindred.

That's not a joke. I'm serious. Just because a monster has X powers or Y challenge rating doesn't mean it has to be played to the hilt. Sometimes, you catch the demon on an off day. Sometimes, you catch the dragon after he's been dipping too deeply into his cache of elven wines. And sometimes, a vampire turns a complete moron.