View Full Version : Any predictions on the future of the [Dragon] and [Dungeon] magazines?

2014-10-02, 06:03 PM
Personally my experience with them was limited to 2e. as I never felt the need to purchase them for 3e (there was a new hardcover book coming out every other month anyways). Just keep in mind I'm not sure what the content was like through 3e/4e.

So what speculative (baseless or not) future do you think there is for these magazines? Will both return? Could they just be combined into a single D&D mag? Will they be limited to digital distribution?

My current hopes are I would very much like to see them both return, but Dragon only if it is not a monthly splat book. Having some sort of "soft splat" like an article on how to construct a homunculus would still be wonderful, but new spells, feats, and the like is just bloat I don't want-- especially hidden inside a digital magazine. Dragon would be hugely appreciated if it provided lots of back-story. I love the MM, and the write ups are wonderful-- more of that would be pure joy.

Dungeon, although never as strong of a seller, seems more useful for me today. Having access to easy to use modules is invaluable.

Digital, as mentioned above, seems like the obvious form they would take-- print as a medium no longer can support something so niche. It will be interesting to see how WotC's small D&D development team handles this. I'd imagine it'd take the form of a couple WotC editors and everything outsourced to experienced 3rd party studios.

So what does everyone think will happen? Will the magazines return? Will they be digital? What will be in them? Would a revival interest you? And what do you wish they'd be?

2014-10-04, 06:00 PM
I would love to see more of the magazine. And I honestly don't care about getting new spells or feats, because the magazine is all optional anyway.

What I love most about the magazine is how much story and lore gets explored. I want to know about the Mind Flayer city of Xerbayscls that is on the moon and forged of pure diamond or the secret motives of a rogue Inevitable and his cult. I can create all this stuff, sure, but it feeds my creativity to be able to draw from this. Magazine releases would supplement the 5e world wonderfully and make it fuller and richer.

And I pray they are digital. I don't mind if they're physical too, but I beg Wizards for digital content. It's so much more useful to me.

2014-10-04, 06:09 PM
My view is they should go back into print or just stick with the Blog they have now, maybe compile them into a downloadable PDF each quarter or something. Of course at the current quality and quantity levels I wouldn't pay for it unless it was part of a bigger package.