View Full Version : Optimization new feats needed 21st level barb fighter

Darth Yoda
2014-10-04, 03:20 PM
Hi guys. I need a little help with the next step of this character. ½ orc 3rd Barb 16th Fighter that just went up 2 levels. The build has been along the AoO/hard hitting tank path with crit master coming in lately.
Stats are:
Str 38 Dex 23
Con 30 Int 9
Wis 12 Cha 14
App 9
Weapons are 2 Hammer of thunderbolts+5
Greatsword +5
AC is currently 61
All books are open. No homebrew. But IF we can print it out the DM will consider it, which makes web enhancement and magazines available.
So the first question is, I remember seeing a feat or something that allows you to call a crit before you roll and if it threatens, it is an auto-crit. Anyone know the name and where to find it? And is it worth having?
My Fighter/Barb secrets are;
Rage Power Brute Force Underdog Calm in Battle
Armor Training Armor Mastery Melee Commander Crippler
Bravery Armor Movement Weapon Master
My feats are; (and this is a correct count)
Combat Expertice
Combat Reflexes
Deft Opportunist
Devastating Crit
Double Hit
Great Cleave
Hammers Edge
Improved Bull Rush (with prereq’s built in)
Improved Crit.
Improved Ini.
Intimidating Rage
Overwhelming Crit
Power Crit
Power Lunge
Power Attack
Robilars Gambit
Staggering Crit
Two Weapon Fighting
Weapon Spec Hammer
Weapon Focus Hammer
…………….and these are the ones I’m thinking of picking up
Defensive sweep
Unknown feat
Thanks for staying with me so far. So, what should I pick up featwise and how should I play it tactical wise?
What feats should be in my future?
As a note the DM gives us what he wants us to have. We can’t “buy” or have weapons made.
Anyway, thanks for hanging in til the end and thanks in advance for the help.
Darth Yoda

2014-10-04, 10:41 PM
Extra Rage

Also have you considered Frenzied Berserker or Bear Warrior?

2014-10-05, 05:22 AM
mad foam rager

Darth Yoda
2014-10-06, 12:44 PM
Emerald and Curb, thanks for the replies.
Bad news guys. Forgot to mention it has to stay along the true fighter tree or I loose many benefits.

Red Fel
2014-10-06, 01:03 PM
Emerald and Curb, thanks for the replies.
I skimmed over both Frenzied and Bear but have never heard of Extra Rage or Mad Foam Rager. I bet I will be an expert on them by 5:00 tonight!!!

Extra Rage is from Complete Warrior and does exactly what it says on the tin - it lets you rage or frenzy two extra times per day.

Mad Foam Rager is from PHB II, and it allows you to delay the effect of a single attack, spell, or ability used against you once per rage or frenzy.

I notice that you have Intimidating Rage. Might I suggest coupling it with Intstantaneous Rage, Never Outnumbered, and Imperious Command?

Instantaneous Rage is another feat from Complete Warrior. It allows you to trigger your rage as a free action in response to another character's action, at any time, even when it's not your turn. Surprise round? Go into a rage! Someone jumped through the window? Go into a rage! Villain in the middle of a monologue? Go into a rage!

Never Outnumbered is a skill trick from Complete Scoundrel. It requires 8 ranks in Intimidate, and can be purchased for 2 skill points. Any time you use Intimidate to demoralize an opponent, you may instead demoralize anything within 10 feet.

Imperious Command is a feat from Drow of the Underdark. You'll need one more Cha (Cha 15) to pull it off, but it's great. Anytime you demoralize an opponent in combat, they cower for 1 round and are shaken the following round.

So how do these all play together? Combat triggers. You immediately go into a rage, regardless of whose turn it is (Instantaneous Rage). Upon raging, you demoralize an opponent (Intimidating Rage). Instead of just one opponent, however, you demoralize everything within 10 feet (Never Outnumbered). Anyone who fails the check cowers for one round, and is shaken the next (Imperious Command).

Enemy casting a spell? Instantaneous Rage + Intimidating Rage = shaken, he takes a penalty and flubs his roll. Next!

Seriously, it's a great combo, even at epic levels. Assuming you're not facing things immune to intimidation, of course.

EDIT: On review, it looks like you're playing PF. Is that so? If so, you should probably indicate that. Also, the suggestions I've outlined above are 3.5. Does that fly at your table?

2014-10-06, 10:28 PM
Knowledge Devotion from Complete Champion if allowed would be hilarious. It is significantly better than Weapon Focus.

Travel Devotion from the same book is also pretty amazing.

If you're playing pure Pathfinder I'm of little help for you. I've been playing 3.5 since it came out and am able to remember a lot of it verbatim. Pathfinder though, no clue. I have its NPC Codex and that is it.