View Full Version : D&D 3.x Class Book of Nature Project - The Forest Lord (PEACH)

2014-10-05, 02:08 AM
Hello guys, as you can see I'm a new member in this forums. I'm quite new at all with D&D aswell. I knew about it, I wanted to play it, but never found anyone nearby to play with or to be introduced by. Recently a friend got into it and also invited me, I went hardcore with this and basically ate any book I found.

Since I'm a fan of druids I wanted to play one, but then I noticed that it was too... animal-ish. So much animal stuff made me wonder where were the plants, and after reading a lot of content of 3.0, 3.5, 4.0 and Pathfinder I concluded that they do need some more love.

I took things from many books, including Player's Handbook I and II, Monster Manuals from I to IV, Fiend Folio, Complete Champion, Spell and Feat Compendiums, and more books I'll list if you are interested, though most of the things can be found at dndtools.eu and I guess you'll just know where they come from. I mostly made it after being inspired by Holt Warden, Forest Master and Verdant Lord.

I hope you enjoy reading this, it took me 2 weeks of writing, comparing, adding and substracting things, so I'd appretiate some feedback on it. I made this with the help of some friends that play and master D&D campaigns, studied it, reasoned a lot about it and so far this is the final version (or at least the version they'd let me play in one of their campaigns). I just wanted to see what such a big community like this one had to say about it.

Thanks in advance for taking your time to scrutinize my creation. :)


The Forest Lord

Picture: Forest Druid by Ubermonster (http://ubermonster.deviantart.com/art/Forest-Druid-386084011)

"Imagine every tree is a soldier, their bark as their armor and each branch a sword... Considering the amount of trees in a forest, that's quite the terrifying picture, don't you agree?"

The Forest Lords, have a link with nature, like any other druids, but these people are quite different from the rest. They are completly devoted to plant life, trees and forests. Their link with nature is special, as it let's them manipulate every aspect surrounding plants, but unlike normal druids, the Forest Lords have severely limited abilities in regards to animals, consequently restricting their magic capacities to plant life.

They protect the balance of nature, and nature itself, from the harm of invaders that only want to destroy and exploit its gifts. The Forest Lords though, have a special affinity towards forests, feeling as if they are part of it and as such they will take care and protect it with all his might.

Behaviour: The Forest Lords are strongly tied to the natural enviroments, instinctively seeking to protect them from harm. This will affect their actions, making them side with nature on certain encounters. They will not participate in senseless murder and will usually try to solve things peacefully. If the threat is too great, however, they will not hesitate to fight at the best of their capacities. They relate very well with other druids, rangers, and fellow followers of their deity.

The Forest Lord does not consume anything that may directly or indirectly harm a living creature. He only eats vegetables, fruits and any other product a living being can produce as long as it is not exhausted and can be replenished or regrown (sap and milk for example). Before eating they will whisper a short thanks to nature for the food in druidic..

Hit Dice: d8

Skill Points: 4 + Int

Starting Wealth: 2d6 Χ 10 gp (average 70 gp.)

Class Skills: Craft (Int), Concentration (Con), Diplomacy (Wis), Handle Animal (Cha), Heal (Wis), Hide (Dex), Knowledge (Geography), Knowledge (Nature), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Search (Int), Spellcraft (int) Spot (Wis), Survival (Wis), Swim (Str).

Alignment: Just like the ever changing nature, the forest lord may be of any alignment as long as it is neutral aswell.

Religion: The religion is a personal choice but most of the forest lords follow Obad-Hai, some Ehlonna or maybe just nature itself. If the forest lord follows a deity, he will pray to it periodically and have an icon that represents it like an accesory (pendant, amulet, ring, etc).

No matter the religion or alignment the forest lord he belongs to, he is not capable of commiting acts of violence against animals, plants or forest creatures. He may only kill one if it is for survival reasons (self-defense, defense of others or hunger).

If he were to kill by accident or survival reasons, he must bury the unused remains of the creature and utter farewells to its soul in druidic. Were there no remains, he must make a small tombstone with small stones or sticks.
If he were to kill for no reason at all, his link with nature will be severed and he will not be able to cast any spell or take the form of any plant. Depending on the severity of the crime, his plant companion may choose to leave his side. This will last until he attones for his crimes and spends chanting prayers for 5 days straight secluded in the deep of a forest. Commiting this crime again, unables the person to keep being a forest lord (it counts as ex-druid for feat and class requirements).

Bonus Languages: A forest lord's bonus language options include Sylvan, the language of woodland creatures. This choice is in addition to the bonus languages available to the character because of his race.

A forest lord also knows Druidic, a secret language known mostly by druids, which he learns upon becoming a 1st-level forest lord. Druidic is a free language for a forest lord; that is, he knows it in addition to their regular allotment of languages and it doesn't take up a language slot. Forest lords are forbidden to teach this language to nondruids. Druidic has its own alphabet.

Class Features

Class Restriction: Upon gaining the first level of Forest Master, the character cannot take levels of any other classes. If the character does that then he will lose all the Forest Lord powers and abilities. (This will not count as ex-druid).

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Forest lords are proficient with the quarterstaff. They are also proficient with all natural attacks (claw, bite, and so forth) of any form they assume with wild shape (see below).

Forest lords are proficient with light and medium armor but are prohibited from wearing metal armor; thus, they may wear only padded, leather, or hide armor. A forest lord may also wear wooden armor that has been altered by the ironwood spell so that it functions as though it were steel. They are also proficient with armor made of other natural materials like Wood Splint (TQE), Thistledown (RotW), Leafwave (RotW) and Wildwood (RotW). Forest lords are proficient with shields (except tower shields) but must use only wooden ones.

A forest lord who wears prohibited armor or carries a prohibited shield is unable to cast forest lord spells or use any of his supernatural or spell-like class abilities while doing so and for 24 hours thereafter.

Plant Companion: The plant companion can be chosen from the following list: Carnivore Flower, Crawling Vine or Nomad Treant (Pathfinder Treesinger Archetype). A plant companion is exactly like the druid's animal companion, except it is a plant creature, and it always has at least 10ft movement speed.

If a forest lord releases his companion from service, he may gain a new one by performing a ceremony requiring 24 uninterrupted hours of prayer. This ceremony can also replace a plant companion that has perished. He must be in a forest to do this ceremony.

As you gain levels, your plant companion grows in power as well. It gains the same bonuses that are gained by animal companions (noted on Table: Animal Companion Base Statistics, Player's Handbook 3.5). The forest lord cannot select another plant creature as optional companion, instead, each plant companion has a predefined progression at 4th, 7th, 10th, 13rd, 15th, and 18th level.

Plant Shape: The forest lord gains the ability to plant shape. This ability functions at his level of forest lord. Effect lasts for 1 hour per forest lord level, or until he changes back. Changing form (to plant or back) is a standard action and doesn't provoke an attack of opportunity. Each time you use wild shape, you regain lost hit points as if you had rested for a night. A forest lord can use this ability more times per day at 5th, 6th, 7th and 9th.

At 4th level, a forest lord can assume the form of a Small or Medium plant.

At 6th level, a forest lord can complete the somatic components of spells while in a plant shape. You can use any material components or focuses that you can hold with an appendage of your current form, but you cannot make use of any such items that are melded within that form. This feat does not permit the use of magic items while in a form that could not ordinarily use them, and you do not gain the ability to speak while in a wild shape.

At 8th level, a forest lord can assume the form of a Large or Tiny plant, and all the abilities of Small and Medium sized plants.

At 10th level, changing form (to plant or back) becomes a swift action.

At 12th level, a forest lord can assume the form of a Huge or Diminutive plant, and all the abilities of Large and Tiny plants.

At 14th level, changing form (to plant or back) becomes a free action.

At 16th level, a forest lord gains all the abilities of Huge and Diminutive plants.

Any gear worn or carried by the forest lord melds into the new form and becomes nonfunctional; relics instead, will meld into the new form but will still be functional. When the forest lord reverts to his true form, any objects previously melded into the new form reappear in the same location on her body that they previously occupied and are once again functional. Any new items worn in the assumed form fall off and land at the forest lord's feet.

The form chosen must be that of a plant creature from the material plane and must belong to the forest lord's original enviroment, if not, he must see the creature once to take its shape. If he tries to take the shape of a plant creature he hasn't yet seen he may use a Knowledge (nature) throw with DC equal to the creature's Challenge Rating plus 15 to acquire its shape, he can only make one attempt per day every two forest lord levels; the shape, if acquired, will be remembered and can be chosen afterwards.*

This ability functions like the normal druid wild shape ability. Plant shape is considered Wild shape for any skill or feat that affects or requires it.

Green Empathy: (Pathfinder Treesinger Archetype) A forest lord can create a mental link to communicate and improve the attitude of a plant creature. This ability functions just like a Diplomacy check made to improve the attitude of a person. The forest lord rolls 1d20 and adds his forest lord level and his Charisma modifier to determine the wild empathy check result. The typical plant creature has a starting attitude of indifferent.

To use green empathy, the forest lord and the plant must be within 30 feet of one another under normal conditions. Generally, influencing an plant creature in this way takes 1 minute but, as with influencing people, it might take more or less time. A forest lord can also use this ability to influence an animal, but he takes a —4 penalty on the check.

At level 5, plant creatures change their attitude towards the forest lord to indifferent and will rarely attack him (10%, 25% if the plant creature is being magically controlled).

At level 10, the forest lord becomes able to talk to normal plants, trees and plant creatures. This does not mean the receiver will respond how it is expected, though most of the time they will be glad to help the forest lord in any way they can. Plants, trees and plant creatures might seek and talk to the forest lord if they wish to communicate something.*

At level 15, plant creatures improve their attitude towards the forest lord to friendly and will not attack him even if they are being magically controlled. Natural animals change their attitude towards the forest lord to indifferent and will rarely attack him (10%, 25% if the animal is being magically controlled).

At level 20, normal creatures no longer attack the forest lord even if they are being magically controlled and change their attitude towards him to friendly.

Forestwalk: At level 1, gains a +2 bonus on Knowledge (nature) and Survival checks.

At level 2, a forest lord may move through any sort of undergrowth (such as natural thorns, briars, overgrown areas, and similar terrain) at her normal speed and without taking damage or suffering any other impairment. However, thorns, briars, and overgrown areas that have been magically manipulated to impede motion still affect her.

At level 4, A forest lord leaves no trail in natural surroundings and cannot be tracked. She may choose to leave a trail if so desired and gains Scent.

At level 8, the forest lord gains Blindsense 30'.

At level 12, the forest lord is able to freely move short distances through trees and plants (within 30') at will as if using Tree stride or Transport via plants. Unlike the spells, this is considered as part of the move action in any moment of it and the forest lord cannot stay inside the plant or tree and you can only transport yourself.

At level 16, the forest lord gains Blindsight 30'. This replaces the previously gained Blindsense.

Summon Forestbound Creature: The forest lord is unable to call for the aid of creatures since his link with nature restricts him to plants, instead he may imbue the creature's body with the energies of the forest effectively turning it into a plant but still keeping all what it originally was.

Each spell rank can be used once per day, the same way dominion spells work for Clerics. Summon Forestbound Creature uses the same list of creatures as Summon Nature's Ally. These summons gain the changes described below.

Hit Dice: Change all current Hit Dice to d8s.

Armor Class: A forestbound creature's natural armor bonus improves by 6 over that of the base creature.

Special Qualities: A forestbound creature retains all the special qualities of the base creature and gains those described below.

Damage Reduction (Ex): A forestbound creature has damage reduction 3/slashing, and increasing by 3 every time the Forest Lord gains a new level of Summon Forestbound Creature. The creature's natural weapons are treated as magic weapons for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.

Fast Healing (Ex): A forestbound creature heals 3 points of damage each round so long as it has at least 1 hit point. If reduced to 0 or fewer hit points in combat, it is slain.

Grapple Bonus (Ex): The thorny hooks on a forestbound creature's hands and feet grant it a +4 bonus on grapple checks.

Resistance to Cold and Electricity (Ex): The creature gains resistance 10 to cold and electricity.

Abilities: Increase from the base creature as follows: Str +6, Dex +2, Con +4, Cha +4.

Skills: +16 racial bonus on Hide and Move Silently checks made in forested areas.

Challenge Rating: Same as the base creature +2.

Spell rank

Summon Forestbound Creature I

Summon Forestbound Creature II

Summon Forestbound Creature III

Summon Forestbound Creature IV

Summon Forestbound Creature V

Summon Forestbound Creature VI

Summon Forestbound Creature VII

Rooting: At level 4, using a full-round action, you can extend roots from the legs and feet into the ground. Your speed is reduced to 0 feet, but you gain bonus to natural armor and bonus against bull rush, overrun, reposition, and trip checks done to you. Uprooting is a free action but the total movement will be recovered in the following turn. This inhibits you from using Plant Shape nor can it be done while in it. If you become frightened or panicked, you experience the full effect of the fear but do not run away. You cannot move, even to make a 5-foot step, while this ability is in effect. This ability lasts for a number of rounds equal to your character level, but you can end it at any time as a free action.

The bonus to natural armor increases by 2 at level 4, 12 and 20.
The bonus against bull rush, overrun, reposition, and trip checks done to you increases by 5 at level 4 and 12. At level 20, you automatically win an opposed Strength check when an opponent attempts to bull rush, overrun, reposition or trip you. A creature with the improved grab ability must move into your space to grapple you, since it cannot pull you into its space. If you are grappling, you automatically win an opposed grapple check when an opponent tries to move you. No spell or other effect can force you to move.

At 8th level, you gain woodsense 60' (MM2, Greenvise) and fast healing 3.

At level 12, the roots grow stronger and easier to manipulate, enabling the forest lord to cast touch ranged spells from them and grab the ankles of the selected creatures within 60' holding them fast and causing them to become entangled, with a Reflex save of 10. The creature can break free and move at its normal speed by using a standard action to make a DC 10 Strength check or a DC 10 Escape Artist check. A creature that succeeds on a Reflex save is not entangled. Each round on your turn, you may choose to once again attempt to entangle selected creatures that have avoided or escaped entanglement.

At level 16, the roots grow in length, increasing the range affected by your roots and woodsense to 120' and fast healing 5.

At level 20, the Reflex save and DC of the Strength and Escape Artist checks increase to 20 and the area becomes difficult terrain, and creatures move at half speed within the affected area.

A creature with freedom of movement or the woodland stride ability is unaffected by the speed modifier.

Plant Dominion: At level 16, the forest lord can rebuke or command plants as an evil cleric can rebuke or command undead. His effective level for this ability is as if he were three levels higher than the actual caster level. This means that he can also command 3 additional HD of plant creatures, and he may use it a number of times per day equal to 3 + his Charisma modifier. Rebuking or turning plants is considered a neutral action for alignment reasons, the plants are not forced to bid his will, they simply obey him.

At level 20, once every 10 turns, as full-round action the forest lord can bury his hands on the ground to quickly spread short roots and grow up to 5 Quickgrown Treants from them in any place he chooses around him within 30'. He may also do this while using Rooting, turning it into a swift action enabling him to do so in 60' range. This can't be done in Plant Shape.

The Quickgrown Treants are medium sized treants of between 6 and 7 foot tall, they are made of wood but their bark has no irregularities like branches or nodes. They are more like wooden automatons than treants and are not intelligent beings, as such they are immune to any kind of mind effect spells and are completely controlled by the Forest Lord. They can be undone at will as free action in any moment of the fight. Quickgrown Treants last 5 turns.

Quickgrown Treant

Medium Plant

Hit Dice
7d8+35 (66hp)

+0 (their turn goes always after the Forest Lord)

30ft.(6 squares)

Armor Class
22 (-1 Dex, +13 natural), touch 7, flat-footed 20

Base Attack/Grapple

Slam +12 melee (2d6+9)

Full Attack
2 Slams +12 melee (2d6+9)

5 ft./10 ft.

Special Attacks

Special Qualities
Damage reduction 10/slashing, low-light vision, plant traits

Fort +10, Ref +1, Will +7

Str 29, Dex 8, Con 21, Int -, Wis -, Cha -



Oakheart: Due to his deep link with nature, the body of the forest lord is imbued with the energies of the forest, enhancing it while slowly transforming him. Oakheart is separated into Phases, each Phase describes an specific change on the Forest Lord. Every time the Forest Lord gets a Phase of Oakheart, he gains +1 bonus to natural armor.

Oakheart Phase

Initiate Phase


Forest Heart

Forest Mind

Forest Body

Forest Soul

The Initiate Phase only represents the stage where the Forest Lord learns the ways of the forest.

At level 4 beings the Attunement Phase, his body turns a little more resistant making him healthier, his skin developes a thin and flexible light brown bark simmilar to that of tree saplings. Gains +4 bonus on saving throws against venoms and diseases.*

Upon entering the Attunement Phase the forest lord will start growing antlers, beginning with small and soft ones like those of a calf, slowly growing in size and developing more points reaching their maturity at level 20. If they are cut or destroyed they'll slowly regenerate to the size they should be by then.

At level 8 begins the first of a series of Phases that will bring the Forest Lord closer to nature. Starting the Forest Heart Phase, his hair turns towards shades of green and small leaves grow on it. The barklike skin becomes more solid and irregular. The forest lord gets +4 bonus on saving throws against the spell-like abilities of fey (such as dryads, pixies, and sprites).

At level 12 the Forest Lord moves on to the Forest Mind Phase, in which he understand the meanings of belonging to the forest, the importance of being part of it. His body grows small twigs and leaves in several places, his barkskin becomes more rigid and resistant to the enviroment letting his body handle a wider range of temperatures. The forest lord's body is considered to be under the effect of endure elements.

Any wings the creature may have become leaflike or frondlike, and every part of the creature has a distinctly plantlike look that changes with the seasons. It is light green in early spring, darkening during the summer. In autumn, it turns yellow, orange, or red like a deciduous leaf. In the winter, it is a dry brown.

At level 16 starts the Forest Body Phase. It's when the Forest Lord accepts that he himself is part of nature and welcomes one of the greatest changes. His body grows small fruits and starts to photosynthesize. Depending on the season, each morning you produce 5d4 Cranberries in winter, Raspberries in spring, Blackberries in summer, Cherries in autumn. These function as if they had had the goodberry spell cast on them.

The Forest Lord no longer needs food, since he can draw sustenance drom the sunlight. He may spend time without sun equal to twice the time it takes for a character to feel hunger, if the need “hunger” arises he can only eat fruits or vegetables to fulfill this need. He still thirsts, and needs a certain amount of water to survive, drinking once will keep his body hydrated for 5 days; he may also absorb water through his skin by staying under the rain for 10 minutes or stepping on the shore of a sweet water body.

At 20th level the Forest Lord enters the last phase of Oakheart, the Forest Soul Phase, the forest lord's body goes through the final transformation becoming a thing of wood and leaf rather than meat and bone. His type changes to plant. As such, he is immune to mind-affecting effects, poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, and polymorphing. He is not subject to critical hits or sneak attacks. However, the forest lord becomes vulnerable to fire, and suffers double damage from fire attacks if he fails a Reflex saving throw, or half damage if he succeeds.

His general shape changes slightly, his feet turn into hooves, his arms grow a little bit longer, his bones and muscle turn into wood, his skin grows more small branches, leaves and small vines grow around his body, it wouldn't be strange if someone mistook the Forest Lord for a dryad or a treant and they wouldn't be completly wrong either since now he is closer to them than to the race he belongs to. The forest lord gains +8 to Hiding Checks when disguicing as a plant or tree, +12 if it is in a forest; and +5 bonus to Diplomacy and Intimidate Checks when treating with sentient forest creatures (treants and dryads mainly).

All his organs, except his brain and heart, melt with the wooden flesh not entirely depending on them anymore, his blood turns into sap and his body now produces a sticky resin when wounded, this resin has regenerative properties and may also be used by others. The forest lord gains fast healing 3 after taking damage, this also takes effect on anyone that applies this resine on their wounds but may only be used once per person, per turn and will wear it off from the forest lord. This effect will also happen while in Plant Shape.

The forest lord's new form lets him gain incredible longevity. He no longer suffers ability score penalties for aging and cannot be magically aged. From this point forward he takes no penalty to his physical ability scores from advanced age, bonuses still accrue. If you are already taking such penalties, they are removed at this time. When the character reaches venerable age, his maximum age is determined in the normal manner but the final result is then multiplied by four.

Spells: The Forest Lord unlike other classes can cast spells but he doesnt learn nor cast them the way an average caster does. Instead he learns a new set of spells with each phase, he knows them and doesn't need to prepare them. The spells a Forest Lord casts do not need elements (material, somatic or voice) nor cast time but still need XP requirement if any.

The amount of spells per day a Forest Lord can use is quite limited though, but can be increased with high Wisdom score. At level 20, he gains one more spell slot for each spell level.

Detect Magic
Detect Poison
Know Direction
Purify Food and Drink
Read Magic
Naturewatch (SC)
Animate Wood (SC)
Beget Bogun (SC)
Calm Animals
Camouflage (SC)
Cure Minor Wounds
Delay Disease (SC)
Detect Animals or Plants
Detect Snares and Pits
Endure Elements
Pass without Trace
Vigor, Lesser (SC)
Wood Wose (SC)

Brambles (SC)
Briar Web (SC)
Camouflage, Mass (SC)
Delay Poison
Easy Trail (SC)
Healing Sting (SC)
One with the Land (SC)
Restoration, Lesser
Splinterbolt (SC)
Tree Shape
Warp Wood
Wood Shape
Blindsight (SC)
Entangling Staff (SC)
Forestfold (SC)
Forest Eyes (CC)
Forest Voice (CC)
Neutralize Poison
Plant Growth
Remove Disease
Speak with Plants
Spike Growth
Spikes (SC)
Thornskin (SC)
Vigor (SC)
Vigor, Mass Lesser (SC)
Vine Mine (SC)
Weather Eye

Blindsight, Greater (SC)
Command Plants
Cure Serious Wounds
Healing Spirit (PBH2)
Land Womb (SC)
Lay of the Land (SC)
Poison Vines (SC)
Renewed Vigor (PBH2)
Commune with Nature
Dance of the Unicorn (SC)
Jungle's Rapture (SC)
Memory Rot (SC)
Panacea (SC)
Plant Body (SC)
Poison Thorns (SC)
Rejuvenation cocoon (SC)
Seed of Life (CC)
Tree Stride
Wall of Thorns

Enveloping Cocoon (SC)
Find the Path
Fire Seeds
Hide the Path (SC)
Repel Wood
Transport Via Plants
Vigorous circle (SC)
Wooden Blight (CC)
Animate Plants
Aura of Vitality (SC)
Cure Moderate Wounds, Mass
Shifting Paths (SC)

Awaken, Mass (SC)
Cocoon (SC)
Control Plants
Cure Serious Wounds, Mass
Forest Child (CC)
Unyielding Roots (SC)
Nature's Avatar
Shadow Landscape

Forest Soul: +1 spell slot for all the other phases.

Class Features Progression


Spells Per Day

Init. P.
Att. P.
F. Heart
F. Mind
F. Body
F. Soul

Initiate Phase, Forestwalk, Green Empathy, Plant Companion



Attunement Phase, Forestwalk, Plant Shape (1/day), Rooting

Green Empathy, Plant Shape (2/day), Summon Forestbound Creature I

Plant shape (3/day)

Plant Shape (4/day)

Forest Heart, Forestwalk, Rooting, Plant Shape (Large/Tiny), Summon Forestbound Creature II

Plant Shape (5/day)

Green Empathy, Plant Shape (swift), Summon Forestbound Creature III


Forest Mind, Rooting, Plant Shape (Huge/Diminutive), Summon Forestbound Creature IV


Plant Shape (free), Summon Forestbound Creature V

Green Empathy

Forest Body, Forestwalk, Rooting, Plant Dominus, Plant Shape, Summon Forestbound Creature VI


Summon Forestbound Creature VII


Forest Soul, Green Empathy, Rooting, Plant Dominus

Plant Companions:

Floating Fungus

Small Plant

Hit Dice
4d8+12 (25 HP)


10ft.(2 squares), fly 40ft. (8 squares)

Armor Class
15 (+3 Dex, +2 natural), touch 10, flat-footed 13

Base Attack/Grapple

spit +2 ranged (1d4+3)

Full Attack
spit +2 ranged (1d4+3)

5 ft./30 ft.

Special Attacks
spit attack, poison 1d2 Str

Special Qualities
low-light vision, plant traits, detect venom

Fort +12, Ref +3, Will +3

Str 15, Dex 17, Con 13, Int 1, Wis 12, Cha 10

Hide +8, Spot +4, Listen +4, Move Silently +10

poison immunity, spit venom

*Note: The Floating Fungus is partially like a small balloon, it uses gas to float and as propulsion method, letting it take a Tiny Size by expulsin that gas. Doing this, forces the Floating Fungus to walk on its thin 4 legs and makes it unable to fly until it fills again with gas; it may still attack while doing this.

4th-Level Advancement

spit +3 ranged (1d6+4)

Ability Focus (poison)

Ability Scores
Str -1, Dex +1, Con +1

Special Attacks
venom 1d2 Str + 1d2 Dex + 1 HP

7th-Level Advancement

+1 natural armor

spit +4 ranged (1d6+4)

Ability Scores
Str -1, Dex +1, Con +1

Special Attacks
venom 1d3 Str + 1d3 Dex + 3 HP

10th-Level Advancement

spit +5 ranged (1d8+4)

Full Attack
2 spit +5 ranged (1d8+4)

Deadly Spittle

Ability Scores
Str -1, Dex +1, Con +1

Special Attacks
venom 1d3 Str + 1d3 Dex + 6 HP

13rd-Level Advancement

+1 natural armor

spit +6 ranged (1d8+4)

Full Attack
2 spit +6 ranged (1d8+4)

Ability Scores
Str -1, Dex +1, Con +1

Special Attacks
venom 1d4 Str + 1d4 Dex + 9 HP

15th-Level Advancement

spit +7 ranged (1d10+4)

Full Attack
3 spit +7 ranged (1d10+4)

Improved Spit

Ability Scores
Str -1, Dex +1, Con +1

Special Attacks
venom 1d4 Str + 1d4 Dex + 12 HP

18th-Level Advancement

+1 natural armor

spit +8 ranged (1d10+4)

Full Attack
3 spit +8 ranged (1d10+4)

5 ft./60 ft.

Ability Scores
Str -1, Dex +1, Con +1

Special Attacks
venom 1d5 Str + 1d5 Dex + 15 HP

Crawling Vine

Medium Plant

Hit Dice
4d8+12 (30 hp)


20 ft. (4 squares), climb 20ft.

Armor Class
16 (+3 Dex, +3 natural), touch 10, flat-footed 13

Base Attack/Grapple

Slam +6 melee (1d6+7)

Full Attack
Slam +6 melee (1d6+7)

5 ft./5 ft. (10 ft. with vine)

Special Attacks
entangle, improved grab

Special Qualities
Blindsight 30 ft., camouflage, low-light vision, plant traits

Fort +8, Ref +4, Will +4

Str 13, Dex 15, Con 13, Int 1, Wis 12, Cha 2

Hide +12, Move Silently +8, Spot +4, Listen +2


*Note: Due to it's body being composed by several flexible vines, the crawling vine may change its height, width and length at will, enabling it to occupy squares in different patterns instead of, for example, 2x2 but keeping a minimum of 2 squares occupied in large size; and 4 in huge size. The minimum height is 5 feet and the maximum is 20 ft.

4th-Level Advancement


+1 natural armor

10 ft./10 ft. (15 ft. with vine)

Slam +7 melee (1d8+7)

Ability Scores
Str +1

Special Attacks
constrict 1d6+4

7th-Level Advancement

+1 natural armor

Slam +8 melee (1d10+7)

Full Attack
2 Slam +8 melee (1d10+7)

Ability Focus (Improved Grab)

Ability Scores
Str +1

Special Attacks
constrict 1d8+4

10th-Level Advancement

+1 natural armor

Slam +9 melee (1d10+7)

Full Attack
3 Slam +9 melee (1d10+7)

Ability Scores
Str +1

Special Attacks
constrict 2d6+4

13rd-Level Advancement

+1 natural armor

Slam +10 melee (1d10+7)

Full Attack
4 Slam +8 melee (1d10+7)

Greater Multigrab

Ability Scores
Str +1

Special Attacks
constrict 3d6+4

15th-Level Advancement

+1 natural armor

Slam +11 melee (1d10+7)

Full Attack
5 Slam +11 melee (1d10+7)

Ability Scores
Str +1

Special Attacks
constrict 4d6+4

18th-Level Advancement


+1 natural armor

Slam +12 melee (1d10+7)

Full Attack
6 Slam +12 melee (1d10+7)

Rending Multigrab Multigrab

15 ft./20 ft. (25 ft. with vine)

Ability Scores
Str +1

Special Attacks
constrict 5d6+4

Nomad Treant

Medium Plant

Hit Dice
4d8+16 (35 hp)


30 ft. ( squares) climb 20 ft.

Armor Class
16 (+6 natural), touch 10, flat-footed 16

Base Attack/Grapple

Slam +5 melee (1d8+6)

Full Attack
2 Slam +5 melee (1d8+6)

5 ft./5 ft.

Special Attacks
double damage against objects

Special Qualities
Blindsight 30 ft., low-light vision, damage reduction 3/slashing, plant traits

Fort +8, Ref +1, Will +5

Str 15, Dex 10, Con 12, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 7

Hide +10, Spot +4, Listen +2, Survival +8

power attack, sunder

*Note: Unlike most treants the Nomad Treant is a semi-sentient creature, its intellect is not too high but it understands and speaks sylvan. Since its capable of direct communication the Nomad Treant doesn't need to learn any trick, instead he will follow what the Forest Lord says as long as both of them speak Sylvan and the orders are not too complex.

4th-Level Advancement


+1 natural armor

10 ft./10 ft.

Slam +6 melee (2d6+6)

Ability Scores
Str +1, Dex –1, Con +2

Special Qualities
damage reduction 2/slashing

7th-Level Advancement

+1 natural armor

Slam +7 melee (2d8+6)

Improved Sunder

Ability Scores
Str +1, Dex –1, Con +2

Special Qualities
damage reduction 2/slashing

10th-Level Advancement

+1 natural armor

Slam +8 melee (3d6+6)

Ability Scores
Str +1, Dex –1, Con +2

Special Qualities
damage reduction 2/slashing

13rd-Level Advancement

+1 natural armor

Slam +9 melee (3d8+6)

Improved Bull Rush

Ability Scores
Str +1, Dex –1, Con +2

Special Qualities
damage reduction 2/slashing

15th-Level Advancement

+1 natural armor

Slam +10 melee (3d10+6)

Ability Scores
Str +1, Dex –1, Con +2

Special Qualities
damage reduction 2/slashing

18th-Level Advancement


+1 natural armor

Slam +11 melee (4d10+6)

Awesome Blow

15 ft./15 ft.

Ability Scores
Str +1, Dex –1, Con +2

Special Attack
trample 5d10+10

Special Qualities
damage reduction 2/slashing



~Corvus~ for the restriction idea.
qazzquimby for more than many ideas and corrections.
Jeff the Green for allowing me to take his stages model.

2014-10-05, 02:17 PM
It's best to post your project on these boards. There are many tools (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?124688-Notable-threads-(including-former-stickied-threads))to help you format your tables (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?341034-table-s-in-the-Playground-All-you-want-to-know-about-the-table-code), and it avoids the need to download documents.

I hope you're up to the challenge :elan:

2014-10-05, 03:21 PM
It's best to post your project on these boards. There are many tools (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?124688-Notable-threads-(including-former-stickied-threads))to help you format your tables (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?341034-table-s-in-the-Playground-All-you-want-to-know-about-the-table-code), and it avoids the need to download documents.

I hope you're up to the challenge :Elan:

Sure thing! Let me read more into it and I'll do so.

2014-10-05, 04:47 PM
wow 7 and a half pages at 8pnt tnr, im impressed, someone like me aka overly thorough, ill finish reading it later, but looks good, and please update to your page

2014-10-05, 08:15 PM
The page has been updated! Also modified little things in the skills, and made the level 20 one a little more interesting. Nothing big really... (99,98% of the time the character doesnt make it anyway) but I do like how it looks in my head, though I think it would also be a nice introduction to an epic class... or just add epic levels.

2014-10-05, 10:42 PM
First of all, really very nice job.

Lots of things in the background could use slight rewording or spelling/grammar fixes. If you like I can make minimal edits without changing meaning.

I'd add more possibilities for plant companions, but it's not important.

Is plant shape an existing ability? If so, you should reference the source. If not, and it's referencing wildshape, you should say something along the lines of "...which functions as wild shape with the following differences." If it's based off wildshape, you may also want to look up some wildshape fixes to keep things T3 and unbroken, unless that's not what you want.

I like Rooting, but don't know what woodsense is. The source should be referenced unless it's srd, is the rule of thumb, I believe. Being bull rushed or re-positioned should uproot you maybe?

Rather than increasing natural armor by 1 many times, say that the bonus increases to +x, so they don't have to go through and count. On the 19th level ability, rather than a +8/12 bonus to hide, it should be a +8/12 bonus to disguise as a tree. Otherwise lots of silliness happens.

I personally like my homebrews very generously blanketed with fun things. This has spells and enough active plant abilities that it could be (and maybe should be, for balance) considered finished here. However if I was writing it, I'd use this as a base and keep adding.

Rooting could spread a radius of roots around you, letting you grab at people's ankles and maybe letting you cast touch spells from the roots, or have your summoned plant creatures grow out of them.
Grow an army? Terraform land and smother it with vines?
Any of this (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?301806-The-Botanist-3-5-Base-Class-PEACH) fun stuff? And sorry he stole your image.
This (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?235705-Help-with-Drift-(Geomancer)-like-class-feature) is kind of interesting for Oakheart.
There's another class I've been looking for for the last half hour which I was very impressed by, but that's apparently not happening.

I'd cut down on the spells and add or convert more natural abilities, and have them interact when possible. That's not objectively better, but that's what I'd do.

2014-10-06, 12:37 AM
First of all, wow, really nice job! I have some suggestions, though:
1) The spells you have that are outside of the SRD should have their sources listed. Otherwise it's an exercise in futility for us to search ~10 minutes per spell not in the Spell Compendium. It makes a casting class much more enjoyable for the player to play. Tough for you, if you've done it, but works wonders for the people who will test your class.

2) Look here for a recent class table (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?353181-Dread-Necromancer-Pathfinder-update-(WIP)) that you'll likely enjoy looking at. This is well-done and is simple code to follow. Note that we'll want to know the spell progression of your class, too (sorcerer vs Wizard, etc).

2014-10-06, 12:39 AM
In response to the forest lord restricting other classes, you kind of have two routes: You can go the Paladin-like route, restricting advancement of the Forest-Lord after classing out, or you can give your class such attractive features that people will have a tough decision when swapping classes. There are other routes, I'm sure, but those make the greatest sense.

2014-10-06, 02:02 AM
hmm... so... using an updated version of my old fave the druid of decay, then prestiging with this class and the grower of the light... oh the true druid king is about to make a return woot woot, just need to update the other two classes hehehe

2014-10-06, 08:01 PM
Thank you guys so much for reviewing this, I'm glad it could reach high expectations :D

I'll start listing what I took from where, I was thinking I should do that and I'm not sure why I didn't. I apologize for that.

First of all, really very nice job.

Lots of things in the background could use slight rewording or spelling/grammar fixes. If you like I can make minimal edits without changing meaning.

I'd add more possibilities for plant companions, but it's not important.

Is plant shape an existing ability? If so, you should reference the source. If not, and it's referencing wildshape, you should say something along the lines of "...which functions as wild shape with the following differences." If it's based off wildshape, you may also want to look up some wildshape fixes to keep things T3 and unbroken, unless that's not what you want.

I like Rooting, but don't know what woodsense is. The source should be referenced unless it's srd, is the rule of thumb, I believe. Being bull rushed or re-positioned should uproot you maybe?

Rather than increasing natural armor by 1 many times, say that the bonus increases to +x, so they don't have to go through and count. On the 19th level ability, rather than a +8/12 bonus to hide, it should be a +8/12 bonus to disguise as a tree. Otherwise lots of silliness happens.

I personally like my homebrews very generously blanketed with fun things. This has spells and enough active plant abilities that it could be (and maybe should be, for balance) considered finished here. However if I was writing it, I'd use this as a base and keep adding.

Rooting could spread a radius of roots around you, letting you grab at people's ankles and maybe letting you cast touch spells from the roots, or have your summoned plant creatures grow out of them.
Grow an army? Terraform land and smother it with vines?
Any of this (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?301806-The-Botanist-3-5-Base-Class-PEACH) fun stuff? And sorry he stole your image.
This (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?235705-Help-with-Drift-(Geomancer)-like-class-feature) is kind of interesting for Oakheart.
There's another class I've been looking for for the last half hour which I was very impressed by, but that's apparently not happening.

I'd cut down on the spells and add or convert more natural abilities, and have them interact when possible. That's not objectively better, but that's what I'd do.

About grammar, I'm from argentina and my primary language is spanish so I was guessing I could use some more ways to write down certain thigs. Writing long compositions is like a weakness to me, listing things helps a little. I would be honored if you could edit it a little my post.

Wild shape allows the druid to turn into a plant at level 12 so it really isn't something strange, though I mostly took it from Pathfinder's Treesinger druid archetype, and I think i wrote there that it works like wild shape? I haven't checked any fixes, didn't know there were... only polymorph rules and the like from This Post (http://community.wizards.com/forum/previous-editions-general/threads/1060931), I work with those rules but i'm not really sure what exactly the wild shape rules are (I think the ones in that post are dedicated to master of many forms), I'd be glad if someone here could link me one or tell me in few words what I DON'T get when transforming. In any case I specified that you do get everything at level 15 (Not sure if at that level it even matters... I could separate it and limit it to certain size and upgrade it when reaching higher levels...)

@Rooting: I originally took this from cross between Unyielding Roots (http://dndtools.eu/spells/complete-divine--56/unyielding-roots--755/) and Root of the Mountain (http://dndtools.eu/spells/tome-of-battle-the-book-of-nine-swords--88/roots-mountain--3725/), it was intended as if growing roots in the place, strong enough to make yourself stand still against most things and support you somehow else, but not strong enough to become an immobable object.

I wanted to make them simple but your idea of using the roots as some sort of limb extension is nice, but I'd need to see how they spread, the area, how they affect me if something happened to them from things that could happen to the ground, etc. Maybe comparing it to some of the many area or root druid spells that already exist, but I'm not sure if it will be a bit redundant. I can work around it, mine is too boring. Also, woodsense exists, check out the creature Greenvise from the Monster Manual II.

@Oakheart: I didn't understand what you meant by +x, can you give me an example? The hide bonus... yeah I kind of thought about that but never pictured it in a silly situation :P Just took it from most plant creature's skills (basically all of them have high Hide).

The growing an army, sounds cool. Making proto-treants spawn from his roots, maybe change the landscape around him a bit but since it's something original, it would be hard for me to find something to compare it with and possibly making it really unbalanced. I'll work around it after I finish editing the text with the sources.

The Botanist class you linked there is amazing :D Has some simmilar stuff, I guess we thought alike when creating the classes haha. Don't worry about the picture, I took it from google and I dont even know who was the artist.

The Drift class feature of Jeff is amazing too! I love how it was explained, stages were sort of what I had in mind and never thought of listing it like that, it's simply perfect for something that have many things progressing simultaneously. There are many things in common and his idea is quite old, I would like to work around it too and see what I can change since that's based on a prestige class and mine for the 20 levels of Forest Master.

About the spells, yeah I kind of thought they were too many, but when you think about DMs using many books, well it makes players also able to use what they want from them. If you count the total amount of spells for a druid, it can be a bit overwhelming... so I can't imagine mages. I'm not sure what you mean about interacting. The spells progression is the same that the one of the druid but i'll make the table anyway since it's needed :) I did think that they were too many, but they are all soooo appealing D: I also thought that maybe it could be a bit more "realist" to not need to pray for 1 hour to cast things, the idea of the class is to be deeply connected with plants so praying to get permission from nature daddy and mommy to cast spells seems a bit... lacking... the Forest Lord basically manipulates plants at will, maybe turn him into some sort of sorcerer when talking about spells? The table will be like this just for testing's sake :)

Overall, I liked the stage-like way to write down things. Most class features in the Forest Lord are like that, so I could make a general stage-like explanation for all of them, then a spoiler for each of the features. Any way will certainly clean the progression list.

First of all, wow, really nice job! I have some suggestions, though:
1) The spells you have that are outside of the SRD should have their sources listed. Otherwise it's an exercise in futility for us to search ~10 minutes per spell not in the Spell Compendium. It makes a casting class much more enjoyable for the player to play. Tough for you, if you've done it, but works wonders for the people who will test your class.

2) Look here for a recent class table (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?353181-Dread-Necromancer-Pathfinder-update-(WIP)) that you'll likely enjoy looking at. This is well-done and is simple code to follow. Note that we'll want to know the spell progression of your class, too (sorcerer vs Wizard, etc).

In response to the forest lord restricting other classes, you kind of have two routes: You can go the Paladin-like route, restricting advancement of the Forest-Lord after classing out, or you can give your class such attractive features that people will have a tough decision when swapping classes. There are other routes, I'm sure, but those make the greatest sense.

Yup, I'll start editing with sources right now. It looks really nice, but the text he used for each thing is short while mine gives a bit of a background, one which i see a need of since there is no plant-based class designed by WotC nor Pathfinder. There are little things to give classes a leafy touch but that's that, when they make the classes, in the book they write down a lot of things that explains how they are, what they do, what do the things they do work, or even their favourite meals. I wanted to make it something like that, a point between both. So while one reads what it does (in numbers or other effects) the person can picture it in his head happening.

I made this class thinking about staying this class till level 20, if not I'd have created a prestige class. This basically is a class+prestige class (since even the plant-based prestige classes are either outdated or are not what i was looking for), I was thinking of restricting it to avoid certain exploits like the greenbound summoning or the early plant shape.

hmm... so... using an updated version of my old fave the druid of decay, then prestiging with this class and the grower of the light... oh the true druid king is about to make a return woot woot, just need to update the other two classes hehehe

I haven't really checked any class here, just last night before editing the tables checked a little the same page i got this post in and checked out the Floran plant race. I'd like to check out yours too if you want :)

2014-10-06, 09:21 PM
About grammar, I'm from argentina and my primary language is spanish so I was guessing I could use some more ways to write down certain thigs. Writing long compositions is like a weakness to me, listing things helps a little. I would be honored if you could edit it a little my post.
I'll get on that. In case you're worried, your english isn't bad at all, I just nitpick.

Wild shape allows the druid to turn into a plant at level 12 so it really isn't something strange, though I mostly took it from Pathfinder's Treesinger druid archetype, and I think i wrote there that it works like wild shape? I haven't checked any fixes, didn't know there were... only polymorph rules and the like from This Post, I work with those rules but i'm not really sure what exactly the wild shape rules are (I think the ones in that post are dedicated to master of many forms), I'd be glad if someone here could link me one or tell me in few words what I DON'T get when transforming. In any case I specified that you do get everything at level 15 (Not sure if at that level it even matters... I could separate it and limit it to certain size and upgrade it when reaching higher levels...)
Really not my area of expertise, I just know transforming can usually be optimized to some high ceilings.

@Rooting: I originally took this from cross between Unyielding Roots and Root of the Mountain, it was intended as if growing roots in the place, strong enough to make yourself stand still against most things and support you somehow else, but not strong enough to become an immobable object.

I wanted to make them simple but your idea of using the roots as some sort of limb extension is nice, but I'd need to see how they spread, the area, how they affect me if something happened to them from things that could happen to the ground, etc. Maybe comparing it to some of the many area or root druid spells that already exist, but I'm not sure if it will be a bit redundant. I can work around it, mine is too boring. Also, woodsense exists, check out the creature Greenvise from the Monster Manual II.
I think there's lots you can do with it, and replacing spells with naturally incorporated root effects would make things feel more core and natural.[/opinion]

@Oakheart: I didn't understand what you meant by +x, can you give me an example? The hide bonus... yeah I kind of thought about that but never pictured it in a silly situation :P Just took it from most plant creature's skills (basically all of them have high Hide).
I think you say "+1 natural armor" multiple times. Instead say "natural armor increases to +**whatever it is at that point**." Does that make more sense? Also, in an industrial building, "we're looking for a man disguised as a tree." A tree stands beside some boxes. "Looks like he ran off."

The growing an army, sounds cool. Making proto-treants spawn from his roots, maybe change the landscape around him a bit but since it's something original, it would be hard for me to find something to compare it with and possibly making it really unbalanced. I'll work around it after I finish editing the text with the sources.
The original parts are the most fun though :smallsmile: Don't worry too much about if it's broken while you're writing it, it can usually be fixed later, and it's the concepts that are important.

The Botanist class you linked there is amazing :D Has some simmilar stuff, I guess we thought alike when creating the classes haha. Don't worry about the picture, I took it from google and I dont even know who was the artist.
The Drift class feature of Jeff is amazing too! I love how it was explained, stages were sort of what I had in mind and never thought of listing it like that, it's simply perfect for something that have many things progressing simultaneously. There are many things in common and his idea is quite old, I would like to work around it too and see what I can change since that's based on a prestige class and mine for the 20 levels of Forest Master.
While not often done, there's nothing wrong with borrowing directly from other sources, though it's polite to ask permission, and always credit. Just so you know that's an option.

About the spells, yeah I kind of thought they were too many, but when you think about DMs using many books, well it makes players also able to use what they want from them. If you count the total amount of spells for a druid, it can be a bit overwhelming... so I can't imagine mages. I'm not sure what you mean about interacting. The spells progression is the same that the one of the druid but i'll make the table anyway since it's needed :) I did think that they were too many, but they are all soooo appealing D: I also thought that maybe it could be a bit more "realist" to not need to pray for 1 hour to cast things, the idea of the class is to be deeply connected with plants so praying to get permission from nature daddy and mommy to cast spells seems a bit... lacking... the Forest Lord basically manipulates plants at will, maybe turn him into some sort of sorcerer when talking about spells? The table will be like this just for testing's sake :)
I have no problem with the breadth of spells. Whenever I said I might cut down on spells, I might reduce the casting progression so you can fit more fun class features! I don't know if it's good design, I just find giving a class good access to a system like casting or initiating takes up too much space that could be spent on something entirely new.

2014-10-06, 10:46 PM
I've just wrote down the sources... I'm not sure if I want to create a clutter next to each spell (and they are too many!).
I hope that can help out tracking down their effects, I just open the 3 pdfs on the pages with the Druid Spell List section and that's that...

I'll wait till you find out what to edit to change the format of the whole page, also I'll be working on how to adapt all this to a stage-type progression.

I'll also take on your offer of reducing the spell lists to add more to class features. There are some spells that do look way too simple to require what they require and that offer of making original things... well... I'll think about it when everything else is ready. It took me 2 weeks to get to this point, never thought that it would require much more time but i guess it had to be expected.

Jeff the Green
2014-10-06, 11:16 PM
There's another class I've been looking for for the last half hour which I was very impressed by, but that's apparently not happening.

My Viridian Aspirant (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?235831-3-5-PrC-Going-Green-The-Viridian-Aspirant-(PEACH)), perhaps? :smallbiggrin:

Anyway, I've just looked over it briefly and so can't comment on power or anything like that, but the summon greenbound nature's ally feature isn't clear. Your example is that you could use it 1/day, but you don't actually restrict its use. (I'd recommend not using the greenbound template anyway; it's way too powerful for any but the highest levels. Instead, make your own template. Maybe greenbound minus the SLAs.)

2014-10-07, 02:03 AM
once i actually type up any of my updates/original stuff id be glad for reviews, im just short on time these days and need to sit down and type haha, btw, what about being able to make hybrid plant creature companions at later lvl?

2014-10-07, 02:28 PM
My Viridian Aspirant (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?235831-3-5-PrC-Going-Green-The-Viridian-Aspirant-(PEACH)), perhaps? :smallbiggrin:

Anyway, I've just looked over it briefly and so can't comment on power or anything like that, but the summon greenbound nature's ally feature isn't clear. Your example is that you could use it 1/day, but you don't actually restrict its use. (I'd recommend not using the greenbound template anyway; it's way too powerful for any but the highest levels. Instead, make your own template. Maybe greenbound minus the SLAs.)

The feature itself is Summon Nature's Ally + Greenbound Summoning + 2 metamagic req. Meaning that the Forest Lord is able to use that mix thing i called Summon greenbound nature's ally starting with the first of them at level 3, meaning that at level 5 he will start summoning creatures of summon natures ally 1 with the greenbound template.

Though I was thinking about taking off some of the things from that template since it would actually make the summons harder to control, more things it can do, more and more things I need to write down... It's more like clutter than actualy useful abilities. And I'm making modifications to the class that will actually replace that... I just wanted to give the Forest lord a "summon natures ally" with plants, but since the number of plants out there is too small, and they are not as powerful as the creatures a normal druid would be able to summon, I picked the greenbound one. If you really think about it, it's not that powerful since unless you are at least level 10+, you wont be able to summon many of them, nor for too long. And they are mainly used as cannon fodder, they are probably going to get killed before the timer ends anyway.

once i actually type up any of my updates/original stuff id be glad for reviews, im just short on time these days and need to sit down and type haha, btw, what about being able to make hybrid plant creature companions at later lvl?

The thing with that, is that I have to compare it with actual companions and other plant creatures to at least attempt at not making them horribly unbalanced. It was hard to make the level progression for the 3 companions there and I didnt even change the base things that came from the treesinger archetype from Pathfinder.

Though I had the idea to make the plant companions as some sort of familiar, making the forest lord able to use personal range spells also on the companion. But i think thats a bit too much... the plant companion already is a bit more powerful than most other companions out there. And further modifications in the class that i'm currently writing down will make it a bit more complete.

2014-10-07, 11:59 PM
I've just wrote down the sources... I'm not sure if I want to create a clutter next to each spell (and they are too many!).
Acronyms in small print! And maybe only source when it's outside of the spell compendium.

I'll also take on your offer of reducing the spell lists to add more to class features.
I think I just corrected this. I think your spell lists are fine I think, what I would reduce is access to spell levels and spells per day (reduced casting vs reduced spell lists). This decreases power rather than versatility.

It took me 2 weeks to get to this point, never thought that it would require much more time but i guess it had to be expected.
You might misunderstand :smallsmile: Your class is very much presentable and could be considered finished whenever you want, with no further changes. Everything being done now is just adding love, and making it grow further. There's virtually no upper limit in how far you can go in class design (eventually it resembles a system), so just stop when you want to move on.

@Jeff the Green
Nope, I'd never seen yours before. I like it though.
Can all the plant people combine their ideas into one incredible class with either not all effects active at a time (ozodrin style) or not all effects available at all (evolutionist style)?

2014-10-08, 12:52 AM
The page has been updated! Oh... okay... i'll write the acronyms...

Jeff the Green
2014-10-08, 01:03 AM
The feature itself is Summon Nature's Ally + Greenbound Summoning + 2 metamagic req. Meaning that the Forest Lord is able to use that mix thing i called Summon greenbound nature's ally starting with the first of them at level 3, meaning that at level 5 he will start summoning creatures of summon natures ally 1 with the greenbound template.

Though I was thinking about taking off some of the things from that template since it would actually make the summons harder to control, more things it can do, more and more things I need to write down... It's more like clutter than actualy useful abilities. And I'm making modifications to the class that will actually replace that... I just wanted to give the Forest lord a "summon natures ally" with plants, but since the number of plants out there is too small, and they are not as powerful as the creatures a normal druid would be able to summon, I picked the greenbound one. If you really think about it, it's not that powerful since unless you are at least level 10+, you wont be able to summon many of them, nor for too long. And they are mainly used as cannon fodder, they are probably going to get killed before the timer ends anyway.

You're missing the big thing about Greenbound Summoning: it gives you a level 5 spell from a level 1 (with this, level 3) spell slot. And a good level 5 spell at that. The other benefits aren't anything to sneeze at either; I've played with it as written and it was stupid powerful and my DM played it as a +2 metamagic and it was still better than almost any other feat he could take for a summoner.

I'd really suggest building something off the greenbound base. Drop the SLAs, reduce the DR, and remove tremorsense. Then make it use the list of a lower level spell (i.e. summon plant V summons a plant version of anything you could summon with summon nature's ally IV). And port in summon minor ally (http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/ultimateMagic/spells/summonMinorAlly.html) for summon plant 1. And then add in plant creatures to replace the fey and elementals you lose.

Nope, I'd never seen yours before. I like it though.
Can all the plant people combine their ideas into one incredible class with either not all effects active at a time (ozodrin style) or not all effects available at all (evolutionist style)?

Eh, they all have different takes on the idea, different mechanics, and different party roles. I don't know that'd work well. (Though I have been considering playing a Dryad (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=8131810&postcount=243)/Livewood Daughter (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?253755-3-5-PrC-Livewood-Daughter-(Dryad-PrC)-PEACH&p=13785161#post13785161)/Viridian Aspirant. Probably with bard as the base, and gestalted with Spirit Shaman.

2014-10-08, 01:18 AM
You're missing the big thing about Greenbound Summoning: it gives you a level 5 spell from a level 1 (with this, level 3) spell slot. And a good level 5 spell at that. The other benefits aren't anything to sneeze at either; I've played with it as written and it was stupid powerful and my DM played it as a +2 metamagic and it was still better than almost any other feat he could take for a summoner.

I'd really suggest building something off the greenbound base. Drop the SLAs, reduce the DR, and remove tremorsense. Then make it use the list of a lower level spell (i.e. summon plant V summons a plant version of anything you could summon with summon nature's ally IV). And port in summon minor ally for summon plant 1. And then add in plant creatures to replace the fey and elementals you lose.

Oh true, forgot about that. Gotta specify that :D I didn't really want to create things out of nowhere, and there is already a lot of stuff to look into. So i'll keep the greenbound thing without the SLAs and tremorsense; i'll see to reduce the Dr but let it scale with the level.

2014-10-08, 01:39 AM
Alright! Done! Now I need to balance the spells i think. But overall it's finished!

2014-10-08, 12:13 PM
Good job : )
You can PM me to look over whatever you make next, but you don't seem to need much help.

2014-10-08, 10:18 PM
Thank you for the suggestions and support. Guess I can try playing it :D

2014-10-09, 01:55 AM
Here are the edits for the background finally.

Picture: Forest Druid by Ubermonster (http://ubermonster.deviantart.com/art/Forest-Druid-386084011)

"Imagine every tree is a soldier, their bark as their armor and each branch a sword... Considering the amount of trees in a forest, that's quite the terrifying picture, don't you agree?"

The Forest Lords, have a link with nature, like any other druids, but these people are quite different from the rest. They are completly devoted to plant life, trees and forests. Their link with nature is special, as it let's them manipulate every aspect surrounding plants, but unlike normal druids, the Forest Lords have severely limited abilities in regards to animals, consequently restricting their magic capacities to plant life.

They protect the balance of nature, and nature itself, from the harm of invaders that only want to destroy and exploit its gifts. The Forest Lords though, have a special affinity towards forests, feeling as if they are part of it and as such they will take care and protect it with all his might.

Behaviour: The Forest Lords are strongly tied to the natural enviroments, instinctively seeking to protect them from harm. This will affect their actions, making them side with nature on certain encounters. They will not participate in senseless murder and will usually try to solve things peacefully. If the threat is too great, however, they will not hesitate to fight at the best of their capacities. They relate very well with other druids, rangers, and fellow followers of their deity.

The Forest Lord does not consume anything that may directly or indirectly harm a living creature. He only eats vegetables, fruits and any other product a living being can produce as long as it is not exhausted and can be replenished or regrown (sap and milk for example). Before eating they will whisper a short thanks to nature for the food in druidic.

2014-10-09, 11:36 AM
Yup, waaaaaaaaaaaay better than mine. This actually sounds fluid... *sigh* I need better redaction skills.

Jeff the Green
2014-10-09, 05:44 PM
Oh true, forgot about that. Gotta specify that :D I didn't really want to create things out of nowhere, and there is already a lot of stuff to look into. So i'll keep the greenbound thing without the SLAs and tremorsense; i'll see to reduce the Dr but let it scale with the level.

I would still recommend making something separate. In general "x except for y" should be engaged in sparingly. What you're proposing to do is "x except for y except for z", which is confusing. It'd be better to just lay out all the changes that happen to the creatures in one place. This would also make it easier to scale it with level.

2014-10-10, 01:52 AM
Mmmmm maybe you are right, people would need to go find the template and not count specific things all the time.

2014-10-10, 02:59 AM
i know this makes for a great class... but what if this was tied to a racial template, when you take this class a bit of the forest joins with you, you become part ent or something and some things like that grow over the course of the class?

2014-10-10, 11:10 PM
Well... there arent templates that change the character over time like this class does. It kind of is doable but it would be hard to define the LA of it. There is already something like this, but it doesnt evolve, it just is.

Woodling Template (http://www.realmshelps.net/monsters/templates/woodling.shtml)

2014-10-11, 12:50 AM
maybe it gives your race "counts as plant" and gain x of something per level, or something like that, but more fleshed out, not to replace the class, just as a thing the class does extra, as a cost/reward sort of thing, all the power of a great redwood, all the tinder too... or something anyway, just an idea, i mean not many classes touch on what the expanses of magic do to your character, how they form those that wield such power, after all... look at poor Smegal, and that was just one ring, one hell of a ring admittedly... you might say a precious ring even... a very pprrresscioous rriinngg... my ring... my own... my precious.......................................... .................................................. ...............

............................. wwooaahh, ssorryy, blacked out there for a bit, wait, why am i a completely different being than i used to be, and why are there skeletons all around, why am i a girl, and why am i talking to a volleyball? wtfin, and most importantly where is my ring Nappa you annoying ghost?! im going to call you know who this time do doot doo do doot doo! *tackles volleyball*

2014-10-11, 02:56 AM

Well, as for the template... "plant" is already really strong... immunity to many things. I guess I could make some sort of parasite or symbiotic plant. But that wouldnt be a template, it would be something else i think...

2014-10-11, 03:23 AM
druids can already get that through a few ways late game, im just saying that you could give that or some other forest themed template, maybe one of your own, just thoughts of course, could even make a first version that happens at low lvl, an upgrade later and a top version in a prestige class for this which you could also make, aka, for epic level shenanigans

2014-10-11, 03:40 AM
I'm currently trying to make an epic level follow up of the Forest Lord and after that i'll work on a ranger.

I did like the idea of parasitic and simbiotic plants though...

2014-10-11, 04:15 AM
very cool, im busy with both life and trying to make my creatures for the contest, but if you want after that id be happy to try and help so you can multitask, now back to my biosphereable magic based power creatures/pc classes/spell lists/culture/... i am in way deep lol, glad there is a deadline, after that i can slowly tinker

Reality Glitch
2014-10-30, 06:05 PM
Aside from typos in the table (namely you have spells per day for later phases listed before one would obtain that phase) it seems really nice. My only question is why the weird spell categories? Why not just make Initiate Lv. 1, Attunemant Lv.2, etc., and have access to higher spell levels sync with achieving new phases?

2014-10-31, 08:09 AM
Notice that this class has 5 featureless levels that are totally dead.
No spells, features, feats or saves.
3 of them advance only BAB & skills.
2 of them advance only skills.

It really sucks advancing to Forest Lord's level 13 (hey guys, look, I got this........ erm nothing :smallfrown: )