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View Full Version : Flavorful Descriptions of Actions

2014-10-05, 11:39 AM
Nobody likes hearing, "nope, you missed", or "you just got stabbed".

What are some fun and interesting ways to bring excitement and life to ordinary combat or adventuring actions.

ex) "The great wooden door gives way to your boot with a crunch and a burst of splinters."

2014-10-05, 11:41 AM
I've taken to habit of at least saying "The orc tries to slash you with his falchyon" or "Your arrow pierces the hobgoblin's stomach and he roars in pain". It's short, simple but much more interesting than "You missed".

Uncle Pine
2014-10-05, 11:44 AM
"Your arrow flies about two feet over the evil wizard's head with a swish. He bursts into a histerical laugh: "Seriously, are you even trying?""

EDIT: It truly happened during last session, and it was followed next turn by this "A small icy globe flies toward you, missing your right shoulder by a few inches before exploding on a near column. "Goddammit, just GET HIT and DIE!"".

Jeff the Green
2014-10-05, 12:12 PM
The shadowcaster in the game I'm running has had a ridiculously bad run of attack rolls with his Reach Umbral Touch (for basically the entire game), so I tend to describe them as barely missing party members, parting their hair, burning holes in trees that are hundreds of feet from his target, etc.