View Full Version : Domains to Assign to a Chaotic Good Deity?

2014-10-05, 01:49 PM
Funny thing, in one campaign I became a god (chaotic good obviously) and now that dm wants to do a sequel to that campaign. I decided it would be cool to have my character be a cleric in the domain of the god I previously became, but then I realized I had no idea what domain that would be.

Short version, what domains accept Chaotic Good deities? (custom deity)

As always, thanks in advance :smallsmile:

2014-10-05, 02:26 PM
depends very much on the character, and very little on the alignment (beyond the obvious Chaos and Good domains)

2014-10-05, 02:42 PM
I believe you should look at what your previous character did when he was a mortal, before his ascension to deityhood.

Was he a caster? A rogue? Warrior? These could determine whether you could have access to the Magic, Trickery, or War domains.

Did he do anything in particular to make him stand out? Any amazing and unique feat/trait/anecdote this PC did or had as a mortal would be a part of his portfolio and help better determine his domains.

2014-10-05, 02:46 PM
Did he do anything in particular to make him stand out? Any amazing and unique feat/trait/anecdote this PC did or had as a mortal would be a part of his portfolio and help better determine his domains.

Well, lets see. He was a bard/warlock lizardfolk, built very silver-toungey, shifted from a chaotic-neutral con artist to a chaotic-good hero over the course of the adventure, had an obsession with flight, created his own demiplane and populated it before attaining godhood, and had to watch every one of his original party die over the course of the campaign. I think that's all potentially relevant traits he had.

2014-10-05, 03:08 PM
Trickery for sure. Maybe Nobility or Charm.

Honest Tiefling
2014-10-05, 03:21 PM
Letsee...Ibn my opinion, some of these ideas would work:

Some sort of Song/Art for the bard part. Maybe make it so fluff-wise, the god has a lot of cleric/bards or clerics who at least can sing a spiffy tune.
Protection, because he saw all of his friends die and doesn't want it to happen again.
Charm or some sort of diplomacy themed one (I really forget the domains introduced in splats, sorry) to reflect the silver tongued nature of the god.
Air, because of the flight obsession. Maybe the god created flying troops to rain down hurt on those who would hurt those he cared about?
Trickery for a chaotic good god seems a bit cliche, but I have to ask how the guy got his warlock powers? Did he steal them, or was he bound to a fey, or what? That might influence his domains as well.
Travel, because it would mesh well with the whole flight bit, even if some of it is land-based.

However, I would also ask the DM what decides the domains a god gets. Do they pick, or is it chosen for them, or must they represent a part of the world, or defeat another god with the domains or what?