View Full Version : 3rd Ed House Rules Compilation

2014-10-05, 03:03 PM
Tome of House Rules

Greetings! Besides actually playing Dungeons & Dragons tinkering with the game rules is one of my favorite parts of D&D. Rules tinkering and table variation have been a part of D&D since the beginning and this thread is meant to serve as a repository of mine and others House Rules. Consider it a codex of variant laws, a compendium of house rulings, or a cornucopia of fixes!

In the style of the Extended Homebrewer's Signature (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?60676-The-Homebrewer-s-Extended-Signature) thread I encourage each person to maintain their house rules to a single post, updating it via edits as desired. Actual discussion of the house rules should probably take place in another thread as such discussions of game mechanics and balance have a tendency to get heated; I would prefer that it didn't happen in this thread to avoid the possibility of it getting locked.

To reference your post click on the #Number in the top right of your post. That will allow you to view a single post and you can copy the http address and reference that in your signature.

2014-10-05, 03:04 PM
Armor Class

Class Defense Bonus (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/adventuring/defenseBonus.htm)

Magic Bonuses

Magic Items no longer provide Deflection, Enhancement, or Resistance bonuses. Spells that do so continue to function as normal. Magic Weapons and Armor do not require a base Enhancement before Special Abilities can be applied. For example, a Flaming Longsword would cost 2,315gp. It would count as a Magic weapon for the purposes of Damage Reduction and have the Flaming property, with no Enhancement bonus to attack or damage.
Masterwork Weapons add an untyped +1 bonus to attack.

Ability Score Increases

Characters no longer receive a +1 to one ability score every 4 levels.
Characters now receive a +1 bonus to all ability scores every other level (2nd, 4th, 6th, etc)


Classes that had 2 skill points per level now receive 4 skill points per level.

Class Adjustments


Add the following skills to the Barbarians list of class skills: Balance, Hide, Knowledge (nature), Move Silently, Spot, & Tumble.
Combat Feats (Ex) A Barbarian receives a bonus feat at levels 5, 10, 15, and 20. The Barbarian must qualify for the bonus feat.
Overwhelming Charge (Ex) At 6th level the Barbarian may make an extra attack at the end of a charge at her BAB -5. At 11th level she may make two extra attacks, at BAB -5 and BAB -10. At 16th level she may make three extra attacks, at BAB -5, BAB -10, and BAB -15. At 20th level all of these extra attacks are made at her full BAB.
Streetfighter (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/we/20070228a) (Ex) Barbarian's gain the Streetfighter ACF. They retain their Damage Reduction class feature.


Sustain Performance (Su) A bard may sacrifice a daily use of Bardic Music to Concentrate on a Bardic Music effect as a free action for 1 round.


Wild Shape (Su) Wild Shape duration is changed to 1 minute per druid level. Using Wild Shape no longer heals the druid.


Add the following skills to the Fighters list of class skills: Appraise, Balance, Diplomacy, Heal, Knowledge (History, Local), Sense Motive, & Tumble.
Fighter Bonus Feats (Ex) A Fighter receives a Fighter Bonus Feat at every level.
Weapon of Choice (Ex) The Fighter gains the following feats as extra bonus feats at the level he qualifies for them: Weapon Focus, Weapon Specialization, Melee Weapon Mastery or Ranged Weapon Mastery, Improved Critical, Greater Weapon Focus, Greater Weapon Specialization, Weapon Supremacy.


Wholeness of Body (Su) A monk may only heal herself up to 1/2 her Maximum HP. Her pool of healing is refilled after a Short Rest.
Flurry of Blows (Ex) When making a Flurry of Blows a monk may move before, during, and after each attack.
Unarmed Strike (Ex) A monk gains Proficiency with Unarmed Strike.
Perfect Self (Ex) The damage reduction gained is changed to DR 10/-- and it stacks with all other sources of similar damage reduction.


Divine Grace (Su) The saving throw bonus granted may not exceed the Paladin's class level.
Holy Reserve (Su) A Paladin regains all uses of Smite Evil after 5 minutes rest.
Spells - A Paladin's caster level is equal to her paladin class level.


Animal Companion (Ex) The rangers effective Druid level for his animal companion is equal to his Ranger level.
Combat Style (Ex) The Ranger may choose Skirmish as his Combat Style. At 2nd level his Skirmish is +1d6/+1 AC. At 6th level it improves to +2d6/+2 AC and at 11th level it improves to +3d6/+3 AC.
Favored Enemy (Ex) Rangers do not have to choose an associated subtype when choosing Humanoids or Outsiders.
Spells - A Ranger's caster level is equal to his ranger class level.


Sneak Attack (Ex) When making a Sneak Attack against a creature that is normally immune to Precision Damage the Rogue deals half damage with her Sneak Attack.
Special Ability (Ex) Add Hide in Plain Sight per the Assassin as a Rogue Special Ability.
Special Abilities - A Rogue gains a Special Ability at 6th level and every other Rogue level thereafter (8th, 10th, 12th, etc).
Sneak Attack Mastery (Ex) At 20th level a Rogue deals full sneak attack damage to creatures that are immune to critical hits and/or sneak attack.

OA Samurai

Martial Adept: Maneuver progression & recovery as a Warblade. Access to the Diamond Mind, Iron Heart, Tiger Claw, Setting Sun disciplines.