View Full Version : local DM is doing Ravenloft with PHB & Ravenloft books only?!?!?

2014-10-05, 07:07 PM
So I have a local DM who is planning a Ravenloft campaign. I don't usually agree with his DM style but its been a LOONG time since I have played and I am desperate... :smalleek:

Anyway to clarify what kind of DM this person is...

1: He got his start in 2nd edition.
2: In a previous campaign he banned warmage cause a friend of mine who was a warmage/ duskblade had a round of prep time against an enemy and used truestrike+blade of blood+shocking grasp and killed a mook in 1 hit.
3: Another player he banned the druidic avenger alternate class feature cause he felt it was too powerfull.
4: He is fine with clerics and martial adepts though, and he has allowed them in campains when he has banned other full casters, except for the DMG witch..
5: He tends to go sparingly on WBL, and magic Items.
6: He is actually a good DM when it comes to story, and he will plan campains in intricate detail, to the point of making detailed maps of cities and towns that we would be in.
7: Despite the above, he can actually be a competent DM when it comes to challenging the players and is not affraid to do such.

My main issue is what do people think is the right level of optimization for such a campaign in Ravenloft?
I tend to operate on a much higher level than what he usually allows. Im not against using low tier classes and am perfectly willing to, however, his allowed books hurt customization of the martials most while allowing some pretty crazy **** for casters. Im honestly at a loss for how well I should make a character under this guy...

Jeff the Green
2014-10-05, 08:26 PM
What kind of Ravenloft campaign is he running? You can go full-on horror (though that's hard in 3.5), heroic horror, straight up heroic with a horror veneer, or comedy of errors. In the first case, I'd suggest one of the weaker options, as part of the fun is being utterly outclassed and it's hard to outclass a Wizard. For heroic it depends on the DM's style and other players' comfort levels, like any other campaign. There really isn't anything about Ravenloft that would require a particular optimization level the way you might say Dark Sun or Forgotten Realms do.