View Full Version : NPC help

Fatal Rose
2014-10-05, 08:37 PM
I'm DMing my first session and to be honest Im struggling.

The story is not an issue, it's a prequel setting based on the fantasy book I'm writing. The issue is me constantly making rule checks and messing up when making characters. NPC bosses don't need skills but I keep messing up when trying to create them. Sadly I'm such a gigantic idiotic n00b that I had to have one of the players help create th interesting boss I had in mind. Yes I am using NPC codex and other books that has pre-made characters within, however for the boss battles I feel the players enjoy facing unique characters/classes. Recently they faced a shadow assassin from the genius guide and they loved it. Provided an interesting/unique/difficult challenge.

Sadly you can't fix stupid and I'm stupid. What to do? Would someone be willing to help?

2014-10-06, 12:23 AM
You can find plenty of characters on line. Just do a search. Even right here on GitP. Just look them over for ideas and inspiration.

And you always have Option B.........just make it up. Don't worry about the rules and the numbers and the math.

So out comes: Doxi the shadow clone: he can create up to six shadows of himself, as he is 6th level. Each shadow clone gets a level, so if he makes six, he is 0 level. See...no rules, just made that up. And plenty of players will go ''wow''. And the NPC will be dead and gone in like five minutes, so it does not matter much.

Spells are a great way to ''customize'' a spellcasting foe. It is so boring when a lich casts ''fireball''. So, you can switch out for other spells, like say spray of bones or make up your own unique spells........or take option B and just change the description. So ''fireball'' becomes ''boneball'' or ''negative energy ball'' or such....and don't chamge the effect much, other then take away the [fire] tag and damage.

Fatal Rose
2014-10-06, 01:00 AM
Thanks. :)

I've done that a bit already. I really need to improve my understanding of the rules though.

2014-10-06, 02:29 AM
Play some games if you need to master the rules. Play by Post are a bit slow, but on the other hand they take but moments each day to participate in.

2014-10-07, 02:17 AM
Playing in a PBP is a great idea. Some DMs, like myself, are quite happy to help newbees. A solo game might work good for you. It gives you a great chance to see/experience the rules.

Sir Chuckles
2014-10-07, 02:34 AM
I'd actually avoid a full on solo game, but rather aim for low player count. You can see how multiple classes can play off each other, which is important given that D&D is, more often than not, a team-based game. And it would be best that the DM uses as few house rules as possible.

There's plenty of character generators out there, and those can get the ideas flowing even if you don't use the exact thing they pump out.

Sir Garanok
2014-10-07, 03:32 AM
Ragarding the stats/skills etc i recommend generators that will speed up the process and make it easier.

The link on my signature is pretty good for the skills part,there are much much better for pc on the web.

Making the challenge difficult;

You can buff npc bosses stats give them better equipment or a strategical advantage.
You can certainly provide a challenge that way.

Making the challenge unique:

Adding some fluff is required for a boss,use your imagination and the web.
Present him as an intimidating foe and create the feeling he is too much of a challenge for them.
Find a picture of something, close to what he would look like ,on the internet and show it to them.