View Full Version : Distilled Joy duration: permanent?

2014-10-05, 09:31 PM
Looking through ways to craft items efficiently, I was reminded of the (in)famous distilled joy. However, I noticed that it has a permanent duration, even though the act of drawing ambrosia from someone seems instantaneous. I wondered if it meant that the ambrosia remained even after the spell was completed, but the spell specifically lists "one living creature" as the target of the spell, not "one vial of ambrosia". Is this an error, or am I missing something important?

2014-10-05, 09:39 PM
Unless I'm missing something, you target one person, and the ambrosia extracted from them is permanent until used, at which point it's gone

2014-10-05, 11:25 PM
Spells with a duration of Permanent can be dismissed and (depending on DM interpretations) could cease in an Antimagic Field.

Spells with a duration of Instantaneous that create something cannot have the creation dispelled and the creation is real and truly lasting. Wall of Stone makes real stone. Permanency on an Animated Object doesn't make a "real" creature. Animated Objects can be Dispelled, Walls of Stone cannot.

I noticed that Distilled Joy makes Dispellable potions at one point and asked the RAW Q&A thread about it.

You could ask the DM if they want to go with the obvious (to me) Rules as Intended on this one and make the Distilled Joy Instantaneous instead.

2014-10-06, 07:14 AM
Since the target is a creature, one casting of Distilled Joy will literally continue pulling ambrosia from that creature every time that creature feels blissful until the spell is dispelled or disjoined, or until the creature dies.

Milo v3
2014-10-06, 08:18 AM
Since the target is a creature, one casting of Distilled Joy will literally continue pulling ambrosia from that creature every time that creature feels blissful until the spell is dispelled or disjoined, or until the creature dies.

That would ruin so many many many moments.... Be like the anime nosebleed of happiness.

Extra Anchovies
2014-10-06, 12:37 PM
Since the target is a creature, one casting of Distilled Joy will literally continue pulling ambrosia from that creature every time that creature feels blissful until the spell is dispelled or disjoined, or until the creature dies.

Really? That makes the 1-day casting time make sense. No longer do you need to start casting the spell exactly 24 hours before the target's next orgasm.

2014-10-06, 01:01 PM
Oh wow. I hadn't considered that the spell was permanent on the targeted individual. I assumed the permanance referred to what the spell made, not the making.

makes the Spell Turret (DMG2) of Elation (BoED) + Dsitilled Joy + Suggestion ('come back tomorrow') combo that much more ridiculous.

2014-10-06, 01:05 PM
A StP erudite with Linked Power could easily get around the casting time. Of course, there are other ways, too, such as potions and whatnot.

Extra Anchovies
2014-10-06, 01:07 PM
Oh wow. I hadn't considered that the spell was permanent on the targeted individual. I assumed the permanance referred to what the spell made, not the making.

makes the Spell Turret (DMG2) of Elation (BoED) + Dsitilled Joy + Suggestion ('come back tomorrow') combo that much more ridiculous.

My favorite Distilled Joy exploit is an item of continuous Wrack + those nipple clamps from BoVD + Distilled Joy, for infinite craft XP. Use it on a cohort, or even on a hireling!

2014-10-06, 01:16 PM
My favorite Distilled Joy exploit is an item of continuous Wrack + those nipple clamps from BoVD + Distilled Joy, for infinite craft XP. Use it on a cohort, or even on a hireling!

My favorite is putting Distilled Joy + Elation into a Spellsong Nightingale (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/cw/20070115a) along with Create Water and Water to Acid (St). The Distilled Joy doesn't generate a profit but two castings of Create Water followed by Water to Acid makes enough acid to generate a profit even after accounting for bottling and labor.
Using those profits to buy enough recharge for the Nightingale allows you to make as much Distilled Joy as you want.

Even better is using Greater Humanoid Essence (RoE) to make your Dedicated Wright Homunculus (ECS) count as a living humanoid so that you drain its happiness while it uses the Distilled Joy to build stuff for you.