View Full Version : Need help creating a new template!

Xar Zarath
2014-10-06, 02:19 AM
Hey all. I need some help with creating a new template. A lich but instead of dying and becoming undead, something of a living lich...like being able do living things can do but able to retreat into a phylactery and being unkillable.

Pros: You're still human and alive and lack undead weakness, phylactery, can possesses living bodies or clones (magic jar but living only)

Cons: Not undead and don't gain their immunities, don't have undead powers, need to possess living bodies (either comatose, sort of like magic jar spell)

It would be great if you could include a few powers that come with the condition of being a living lich. Thanks all!:smallbiggrin:

2014-10-06, 05:16 AM
I would look at the Deathless creature type/template and maybe PrCs/Base Classes/spells that gives Construct/Undead/Ooze abilities and extrapolate from there.

I would hypothetically take the Deathless template and remove any abilities I don't want, replace with relevant ones, and change the LA on the template if I made enough "corrections".

Also, the Ghostwalk setting has a few feats for "Ghost PCs" like Malevolence (a Lesser version too) that might be interesting for replacing the normal Lich-possession/regeneration mechanics. I really like Corpse Ride as an ability (limited by creature types!). There's some stuff about ectoplasm and using it to aid healing, or fabricate stuff. Might be worth stealing.

Really though, from what you've listed, I'm just thinking a lot about the "Tome of Fiends "and "Tome of Necromancy" online, uh, "splatbooks"? There's a bunch of stuff to rip-off if you've already checked out the home-brew section here.

Xar Zarath
2014-10-07, 01:00 AM
What sort of abilities would go well with a lich that breathes and lives like a normal mortal being?

At-will Deathwatch? (since you're infused with living energy, you can sense those that are alive and stuff?)

Some sort of gaze attack?

Healing touch?

Edit: Come to think of it, I will place this thread in homebrew design

2014-10-07, 01:14 AM
Hello there. Cannot discuss all my ideas ideas right now (maybe later) but I kinda make something like this in a campaign before. It would be much easier if this "living lich" is related to nature stuff

Mine was a sorcerer that became elemental energy manifisted in a shape that looked like...uhhthose guys from Wrath of Titans? (can't remember name). Well..just try to change all lich stuff to "life" abilities.

His touch attack may deal 1d8+5 points of damage from a burst of positive energy (positive energy can hurt too :v) and also heal.

Paralyzing Touch: Same, using this doesn't make you evil.

Fear Aura: Maybe change to something like the paladins Aura of Courage.

Turn Resistance: He's not dead anymore. Something like extra AC/Fast Healing or SR

Damage Reduction: Maye change type to Piercing.

Immunities: Fire, electricity, polymorph and mind affecting.

Abilities: Same

Alignment: Any Neutral?

Phylactery: Maybe something like removing his heart which turns into a stone-like object. Still functions the same as a phylactery but the "living lich" starts to reform from the heart.


2014-10-07, 01:38 AM
This reminds me of some of the lore pf Arcanum where some White Necromancers(life magic, basically) went mad & became as bad as your more traditionally villainous Black Necromancers who deal in death and undeath.

Basically became so enfused with life energies they could take control of others and keep their thralls from truly dying due to insta-rezzing them the moment they start to die, with a similar thing for themselves as long as their reservoir of power held out. Functionally immortal due to no longer aging, tho between the necessity of being a master wizard and being half-mad/ fully mad, they tended a bit towards very clean, vibrant meat jerky.

So I guess more kippered beefsteak.