View Full Version : fully armored repeating heavy crossbow wizard

2014-10-06, 02:50 AM
I like sci-fi games and I love blasting everyone to pieces with some sort of heavy machine gun while wearing thick power armor and then I thought why not try doing that in d&d?

So introducing the fully armored repeating heavy crossbow wizard! Why wizard you ask? Because it is my understanding that no matter how craptastic your character is, as long as he is a pure wizard he can destroy the world. That and I just can't play d&d without arcane spells. Divine spells are acceptable but I really don't like being dependent on gods, and I like playing 8 wis characters. I find playing a character with a severe lack of common sense amusing.

Now you may immediately notice some problems that would make you want to cry.
1. Repeating crossbows are total crap, it's hard enough to make them viable even with a dedicated archer abusing drawing a thousand crossbows out of a magic bag but a pure wizard?
2. Need to burn 2 feats on armor proficiences to wear mithral full plates (and one more feat for eschew materials, I have an obsession with this feat)
3. This wizard will fail every single one of his saving throw and spell resistance checks v.s. enemies due to no spell penetration or spell focus feats
4. Very limited spell casting due to armor. Only spells cast will be spells without somatic components or still spells. Unless of course my DM allows spellswords, twilight enchantment, mithral, and thistledown suits.
5. Lowest BAB in the game,

In summary, he is a "waste of space" however it doesn't matter because I'm playing him for fun!

Anyways the main strategy I thought of to make this build "viable" is
1. Always travel with a small army. It can be made up of hired mercenaries, dominated villagers/creatures, undead, planar bound imps, etc. Their main use is fodder. It's so that they die instead of me. Any other help they provide during combat is just a bonus. If my DM allows, I would try to somehow blackmail stronger NPCs to fight for me such as kidnapping a noble's child who will die if I die or if I will it, kidnap an orphan and do the same to enlist the help of some cleric, etc. I think it would be fun going through a dungeon with someone who would potential backstab me, or someone I would backstab after the dungeon is cleared.
2. My spells are mostly buffs. I buff before entering a dungeon, I re-buff after disrobing completely in the middle of a dungeon (unless I have 0 ASF), and I buff my "allies." Buffs don't require saving throws or spell resistance checks, so even a wizard who fails all his checks can use them effectively. That and orb of acid spells.
3. Always carry a stilled escape spell, like invisibility, dimension door, teleport, etc. If most of my fodder dies and if I think my allies can't win this fight, i ditch them, save myself, and recreate my small army. Who cares if I fail a quest now and then? As long as I'm alive, I'll continually accumulate more exp.

If you didn't notice already, my character is neutral evil.

Anyways, could you guys help me make my character better? I don't mind taking prestige classes as long as it doesn't delay my spell progression. I want higher level spells as soon as possible.
Some restrictions
1. Must use one repeating crossbow (no drawing a thousand light crossbows out of a bag)
2. Must wear full plate at all times except when buffing
3. Must use tattoo spell book.
4. First 3 feats must be light and medium armor proficiency and eschew materials, and must eventually get craft magical arms and armor, after all, a tri-elemental burst repeating heavy crossbow would significantly boost my damage output. Still debating craft ring for the spell storing rings, craft rod for metamagic rods, and craft wondrous items for the +6 stat items. I want my guy to wear a helmet, which conflicts with headband of intellect. I'm thinking still spell and extend spell are a must for my guy, but if you have a better idea, please share! Also if you knows of a prestige class that gives the armor proficiencies without delaying my spellcasting please share that too!
**5. MUST NOT BE A DWARF! Preferably human, but elves are acceptable as long as not drow.

Oh, and as for skills, I'm thinking of getting Knowledge Arcane and the Planes, spellcraft, concentration, and craft weaponsmithing to fabricate masterwork crossbows and bolts. Also craft tattoo for tattoo spellbook and craft armor for mithral fullplate.

edit: Updated information

Sir Chuckles
2014-10-06, 03:13 AM
Why not go with mithral or dragoncraft fullplate, and save yourself a feat? +1 Twilight Mithral Fullplate and a thistledown suit only has a 10% arcane failure chance, and you'll get better mileage out of your dex.

Four feats at level 1 is easy, with Human+2 flaws, and can be reduced to one flaw or two flaws and any race with mithral armor.
As for BaB, put Skillful onto the crossbow.

These are all later-level things, though. What level and wealth are you starting at?

2014-10-06, 03:56 AM
Why not go with mithral or dragoncraft fullplate, and save yourself a feat? +1 Twilight Mithral Fullplate and a thistledown suit only has a 10% arcane failure chance, and you'll get better mileage out of your dex.

Four feats at level 1 is easy, with Human+2 flaws, and can be reduced to one flaw or two flaws and any race with mithral armor.
As for BaB, put Skillful onto the crossbow.

These are all later-level things, though. What level and wealth are you starting at?

Right! I could go mithral fullplate. Forgot about that. Thanks for reminding me! I generally ignore armor enchantments because they suck and are not worth the XP crafting them, but mithral fullplates don't cost any XP.

If my DM allows twilight and thistledown, I will definately do that. He might not though because it basically gives wizards +5 AC for free. What are the requirements for crafting twilight armor and thistledown suit? My DM likes no-shops adventures so I have to craft them.

About my starting level and wealth, it really varies as it depends on what adventure my DM has planned for us, but please assume I have to start at level 1.

I believe skillful can only be applied to melee weapons.

Sir Chuckles
2014-10-06, 04:11 AM
Thistledown is a DC15 Craft (Tailoring) and costs 250gp. It's an addition to metal armor, increasing the armor check penalty by 1, but reducing the Arcane Spell Failure by 5%. Races of the Wild.

Twilight is a +1 bonus that reduces ASF by 10%. Magic Item Comp. No spell prereq.

Feycraft is another 5%, and adds 500gp to the cost.
Githcraft is also 5%, for 600gp. Both have additonal changes, and are in DMGII. They're both requirement-less, adding onto the cost of the armor.

If you have to start at 1st level, then it depends on your starting wealth. You may not even be able to afford normal fullplate. And having to craft it isn't too kind either, due to the time.

Though I'm not sure where you're getting +5 AC for free.

+1 Twilight (4,00gp) Mithral Giftcraft Feycraft Fullplate (11,600gp) with Thistledown (250gp) is +9 AC, +3 max Dex, 0% arcane spell failure, +1 to Bluff, and +1 to Concentration.
Takes 1 Craft (Armorsmithing) for the 11,600gp armor, a second Craft (Tailoring) for the Thistledown, and the Craft Magic Arms and Armor for +1 Twilight.

2014-10-06, 04:21 AM
Thistledown is a DC15 Craft (Tailoring) and costs 250gp. It's an addition to metal armor, increasing the armor check penalty by 1, but reducing the Arcane Spell Failure by 5%. Races of the Wild.

Twilight is a +1 bonus that reduces ASF by 10%. Magic Item Comp. No spell prereq.

Feycraft is another 5%, and adds 500gp to the cost.
Githcraft is also 5%, for 600gp. Both have additonal changes, and are in DMGII. They're both requirement-less, adding onto the cost of the armor.

If you have to start at 1st level, then it depends on your starting wealth. You may not even be able to afford normal fullplate. And having to craft it isn't too kind either, due to the time.

Though I'm not sure where you're getting +5 AC for free.

+1 Twilight (4,00gp) Mithral Giftcraft Feycraft Fullplate (11,600gp) with Thistledown (250gp) is +9 AC, +3 max Dex, 0% arcane spell failure, +1 to Bluff, and +1 to Concentration.
Takes 1 Craft (Armorsmithing) for the 11,600gp armor, a second Craft (Tailoring) for the Thistledown, and the Craft Magic Arms and Armor for +1 Twilight.

mithral, thistledown, and twilight gives a total of 25% arcane spell failure reduction. A breastplate has 5 ac and 25% arcane spell failure. This combo essentially allows all wizards to wear up to breastplates without any arcane spell failure hence +5 "free" ac. If you add a twilight buckler that's +6 ac with no ASF. If you add +5 enhancement to both, that's +16 ac with no ASF. I do believe my DM is gonna hate that >.<.

You make a valid point of being unable to start with full plate but that's fine, I was planning on saving up gold for a full plate or maybe get lucky and find one. My DM isn't so souless and evil enough to ban non-magical shops.

and thanks for the great info on the super fullplate! :)

Sir Chuckles
2014-10-06, 04:28 AM
You're correct about Skillful. Aptitude should do it, for a +1.
And +5 is poor for that kind of armor. Add something like Blurring or Displacing for a miss chance, or something that gives you Concealment.
That +16 AC is fairly piddly when, by the time you can afford that, enemies have +20 and higher. Or just cast spells.

And that still isn't free. You had to take the feat(s), or take the ACP on your attack rolls.

2014-10-06, 05:14 AM
Are you against playing as dwarf?
If not, then how about the Runesmith (http://dndtools.eu/classes/runesmith/) - 5/5 caster in any armor, and the worst prerequisite is 8 ranks in Craft (stoneworking)

2014-10-06, 06:22 AM
Sadly I am against dwarves :( I hate dwarves. Don't call me a racist! But I guess I am because I hate dwarves. I guess the main reason is I don't like their aesthetics. I hate hairy, fat, short, loudmouthed, crude things a.k.a. dwarves. I'm also against drow, but not tiefling or other elves, but I prefer humans. You know, cause they ain't special in anyway yet they are the cause of almost everything wrong in the d&d world.

2014-10-06, 07:11 AM
Sadly I am against dwarves :( I hate dwarves. Don't call me a racist! But I guess I am because I hate dwarves. I guess the main reason is I don't like their aesthetics. I hate hairy, fat, short, loudmouthed, crude things a.k.a. dwarves. It's OK.
-2 to Charisma is for a reason.

I'm also against drow, but not tiefling or other elves, but I prefer humans. You know, cause they ain't special in anyway yet they are the cause of almost everything wrong in the d&d world. What?! Humans are not special? They are the first humanoid race in the world!

2014-10-06, 08:50 AM
Wand chambers could be fun, sort of the equivalent of an underslung grenade/fireball launcher but with different wands you can get some interesting effects, web or evards tentacles as a glue gun. Also don't forget those bayonet options.

2014-10-06, 09:56 AM
Ways to fix Arcane Spell Failure:

1) Urban Savant (http://dndtools.eu/classes/urban-savant/). The very 1st level allow you to cast in light armor. At next feat chose Battle Caster (http://dndtools.eu/feats/complete-arcane--55/battle-caster--183/), which will improve it up to medium armor, i. e. Mithral Full Plate.

2) If DM doesn't allow to take 2 ranks in Knowledge (History) instead Bardic Knowledge CF, Dragon #324 have Filidh variant wizard. Without school specialization, bonus feats, or familiar, but with Bardic Knowledge at the very 1st level

3) If Dragon stuff not allowed, there is Knight of the Thorn (http://dndtools.eu/classes/knight-of-the-thorn/), which allow to reduces ASF (at 7th level - by 20%). Add in 1 level dip in Spellsword (http://dndtools.eu/classes/spellsword/)

2014-10-06, 10:23 AM
Sadly I am against dwarves :( I hate dwarves. Don't call me a racist! But I guess I am because I hate dwarves. I guess the main reason is I don't like their aesthetics. I hate hairy, fat, short, loudmouthed, crude things a.k.a. dwarves. I'm also against drow, but not tiefling or other elves, but I prefer humans. You know, cause they ain't special in anyway yet they are the cause of almost everything wrong in the d&d world.

You do realize that several of those adjectives describe machine-gun wielders in power armor, right? Heck, most of them are even hairy. The only thing you're missing is short.

2014-10-06, 05:24 PM
Right! 1 dip in spellsword, + twilight mithral full plate and thistledown suit = 35% arcane spell failure reduction! Thanks!
Now if someone could suggest some sort of feat build XD. I guess no need for still spell anymore, but do i have to rely mostly on buffs? Mainly because buffs don't need saving throws or spell resistance. I guess I can always go assay resistance and something OR go orb blaster.

For feats I'm considering light and medium armor proficiency, point blank shot and rapid shot, extend spell, craft magical arms and armor, eschew materials, then I dunno. If my math is right I'll have all these feats at level 10. Oh yeah, and persistent spell later.

Also any other PRC's that meet my requirements?

Abjurant champion seems awesome, but I need to blow 2 feats on combat casting and a martial weapon. I guess it could be worse.

You do realize that several of those adjectives describe machine-gun wielders in power armor, right? Heck, most of them are even hairy. The only thing you're missing is short.

Well... if they shave their beard and cut their long hair, I wouldn't call them hairy, and humans can be charismatic or fear striking, but I just don't see dwarves without long braided hair, huge beards, or being able to strike fear in his enemy's hearts.

2014-10-07, 01:08 PM
You do realize that several of those adjectives describe machine-gun wielders in power armor, right? Heck, most of them are even hairy. The only thing you're missing is short.
https://s3.amazonaws.com/ksr/assets/001/535/623/4ae8d6afa05700c75f36d1f839a32c0d_large.jpg?1389963 211

2014-10-07, 01:16 PM
Feycraft is another 5%, and adds 500gp to the cost.
Githcraft is also 5%, for 600gp. Both have additonal changes, and are in DMGII. They're both requirement-less, adding onto the cost of the armor.

Yeah, requirement-less. Except for the requirement that in order for both to be applied the creator needs to be a Gith that was magically manipulated by a Fey.

2014-10-07, 01:22 PM
It really is a shame, Dwarven Runesmith is the way to go here. Runesmith into Abjurant Champion, makes this character not just playable, but full of win.

Fouredged Sword
2014-10-07, 03:03 PM
Githcraft and faecraft is somewhat easier than that. You can fake it by polymorphing into a changling and getting Psi-reformed to have racial emulation. You now count as a Gith. Then it is simply a matter of getting involved with the Fae to be able to faecraft. After you are done, you can cast fabricate to generate your armor without worrying about crafting times for the mundane stuff.

Step 1 - Get magically manipulated by the Fae
Step 2 - Polymoph into a Changling
Step 3 - Psi-reform to have racial emulation
Step 4 - Cast Fabricate
Step 5 - Psi-reform again to return racial emulation to it's original feat.
Step 6 - return to your normal form and don shinny new armor.

2014-10-07, 03:10 PM
Githcraft and faecraft is somewhat easier than that. You can fake it by polymorphing into a changling and getting Psi-reformed to have racial emulation. You now count as a Gith. Then it is simply a matter of getting involved with the Fae to be able to faecraft. After you are done, you can cast fabricate to generate your armor without worrying about crafting times for the mundane stuff.

Step 1 - Get magically manipulated by the Fae
Step 2 - Polymoph into a Changling
Step 3 - Psi-reform to have racial emulation
Step 4 - Cast Fabricate
Step 5 - Psi-reform again to return racial emulation to it's original feat.
Step 6 - return to your normal form and don shinny new armor.

So you're forgetting the part about fabricate requiring "an appropriate Craft (http://dndtools.eu/skills/craft/) check to fabricate articles requiring a high degree of craftsmanship (jewelry, swords, glass, crystal, and the like)." then? And considering how both fae- and githcraft are described as being of special quality, they would probably as requiring a high degree of craftsmanship.

You also left out the part about needing to be on the Astral Plane.

2014-10-07, 03:15 PM
It seems like a cleric of War (the concept so no gods to worry about) would be cool for this, bc you get free heavy armor prof and better BAB, esp to start at lvl 1 with. You won't have to jump through Arcane spell failure hoops, either.

Ofc, you don't like high wisdom, either, but I thought I'd float the idea.

Extra Anchovies
2014-10-07, 03:27 PM
It seems like a cleric of War (the concept so no gods to worry about) would be cool for this, bc you get free heavy armor prof and better BAB, esp to start at lvl 1 with. You won't have to jump through Arcane spell failure hoops, either.

Ofc, you don't like high wisdom, either, but I thought I'd float the idea.

If third-party content is open, then the Lost Tradition feat can switch casting to Int if you nab it at first level. Not an unreasonable feat, especially not for third-party.

2014-10-07, 03:38 PM
I'd go runesmith. Just model your dwarf after Torvin from Shadow of Mordor, probably the coolest looking non-iconic dwarf ever.


Extra Anchovies
2014-10-07, 03:44 PM
I'd go runesmith. Just model your dwarf after Torvin from Shadow of Mordor, probably the coolest looking non-iconic dwarf ever.

Oooh! Yes! Runesmith would work perfectly, because you could just trundle around in full plate not caring about ASF.

2014-10-07, 03:49 PM
You might want to consider psion instead of wizard. It takes out the gesturing, it's easier to make it appear kind of technology like, and I think it prevents ACP. It would also help to take 1 level of something that has actual armor proficiency, so you don't have to blow a bunch of feats. Psychic warrior fits the bill here - you can also grab a power of some sort. Some seem decent for modeling various powered armor attacks (a touch attack becomes a short range electrical discharge), float lets you float in water and will probably be helpful in early levels.

2014-10-07, 04:21 PM
It seems like a cleric of War (the concept so no gods to worry about) would be cool for this, bc you get free heavy armor prof and better BAB, esp to start at lvl 1 with. You won't have to jump through Arcane spell failure hoops, either.

Ofc, you don't like high wisdom, either, but I thought I'd float the idea.

Academic/Dynamic Priest feat.

Sir Chuckles
2014-10-07, 05:53 PM
So you're forgetting the part about fabricate requiring "an appropriate Craft (http://dndtools.eu/skills/craft/) check to fabricate articles requiring a high degree of craftsmanship (jewelry, swords, glass, crystal, and the like)." then? And considering how both fae- and githcraft are described as being of special quality, they would probably as requiring a high degree of craftsmanship.

You also left out the part about needing to be on the Astral Plane.

Being as we entered Polymorph and psi-reformation zones, "Being on the Astral Plane" seems to be more than a little trivial.

2014-10-07, 10:28 PM
Thanks for all the replies, but I've made up my mind on the ASF
1 Spellsword + twilight + mithral + thistledown suit = 0 ASF with fullplate. That way I don't have to do some really rule bending stuff like polymorphing gith and fey... My DM really hated me when i tried to become a pitfiend via true mind switch which was useable by my wizard via the psionic equivalent of a wand which was useable by moment of prescience on use psionic device skill and was obtained via a super powerful mind controlled psionic which was found and brought to me via wish spell since wish cannot create psionic items. In the end, I just made a custom epic spell combining the transmutation and heal seed to make an instantaneous duration spell that transforms me into a pitfiend. He accepted this version and not the true mind switch one. Now if I come to him about all the gish fey craft stuff... he'll throw his book at me :(

If my DM doesn't allow spellsword or twilight, whatever, I'll just use still spell for the occasional spell like haste, orb of acid, etc. and rely on 1hour/10min per level or persistent spell buffs. My guy is not a gish, but I think he'll do well enough with greater magic weapon, rapid shot, and elemental enchanted heavy repeating crossbow unless someone here proves me wrong!

Someone pointed out to me that I should play a cleric if I wanted to do this since they can cast in armor and have better buffs, but again I hate being reliant on gods and I like tampering with demons via planar binding spell, unlike most other games with demons which require blood sacrifices and stuff. Blehhh, I'll stick with torturing/blackmailing/forcing demons to do my bidding and dealing with their revenge schemes than that anyday.

Anyways I'm mainly looking for advice on what major/serious problems I'll encounter with this build and how I can overcome them, and any help to tune up my build. I'll start off with point blank shot and rapid shot, and then get the armor proficiencies in time for my mithral full plate while playing my early levels with only mage armor on, so I'll practically be a normal wizard that doesn't get any spell focus/penetration feats until I get my ASF free armor. Should I use save or x spells like grease or should I focus on buffs or direct damage spells due to the lack of aforementioned spell feats?

Also... NO DWARVES D:< I'm a racist!!!