View Full Version : DM Help Thematic places to bind elemental and planar paragons

Jeff the Green
2014-10-06, 02:58 AM
The most important event in my campaign setting is a massive war between the fay (representing elements, alignment, and energy mixed into a coherent form) and the elementals and outsiders (representing pure elements, alignments, and energy). The fey won and bound the most powerful of the exemplars in various places. So far I have:

Fire elemental in the Sun.
Earth elemental in the planet's crust.
Air elemental stretched out across the planet's entire atmosphere.
Water elemental stretched out across the planet's entire oceans.
Celestial hebdomad in the other planets.
Talisid and the five companions in wild beasts, reincarnating each time they die by nature red in tooth and claw.
The Court of Stars in the stars (duh).
Primus in the mechanics of the planets' orbits, moons, etc.
Slaad lords dispersed among the lesser slaadi. (This ended up being a bad idea as it turned the slaadi into walking chaos plagues.).
The Nameless Ones in the spaces between the stars.

So I need to figure out where the Evil exemplars were bound. The standard answer would be in the bowels of the earth, but I'd rather have each type be in a different place. Ideas?

2014-10-06, 03:27 AM
How about binding evil into mortals? As little whispering voices inside their minds? How about in dreams?

If you need physical objects, a lot of the exemplars seem bound in the sky. Bind the Yugoloth into the void between them. They are fear and plague and darkness, so they fit there. The fiends could be bound into weapons, similar to how the guardinals are bound into animals.

2014-10-06, 09:51 AM
Given 'Loth's mercenary nature a massive battlefield might make sense, something akin to the trenches of WW1.
Devils could be bound in some infamous court of law or place of execution.
Demons could be interesting to have bound in the realm of dreams if you're up for a more metaphorical place.

Red Fel
2014-10-06, 10:24 AM
How about binding evil into mortals? As little whispering voices inside their minds? How about in dreams?

I like this, and it can be flavorfully explained. Let me put on my narrator's voice...

Each of the exemplars was bound in physical form, limiting them and subduing their powers. But those darkest among them, the beings of pure Evil, would not remain bound. First, they were sealed in the moon, but their corrupting influence filled the night with terror. Then, they were sealed beyond the stars, but those eerie lights soon filled man with madness. Then, they were sealed beneath the seas, in the blackest chasms below, but soon after their influence led to the birth of horrific sea monsters. Ultimately, it was decided that they must be sealed away someplace where their evil could always be tempered, where a balance would be imposed upon them not by nature, but by consciousness. So it was that Evil was sealed within the far recesses of living minds, to tempt and to taunt, but to be stilled by the morals and conscience of the mortal races.

Suddenly, you have a comprehensive moral system in addition to fantastic flavor. As a bonus, you can totally go Mumm-Ra on these guys. ("Wherever evil exists... Mumm-Ra lives!")

Jeff the Green
2014-10-06, 05:54 PM
I like this, and it can be flavorfully explained. Let me put on my narrator's voice...

Each of the exemplars was bound in physical form, limiting them and subduing their powers. But those darkest among them, the beings of pure Evil, would not remain bound. First, they were sealed in the moon, but their corrupting influence filled the night with terror. Then, they were sealed beyond the stars, but those eerie lights soon filled man with madness. Then, they were sealed beneath the seas, in the blackest chasms below, but soon after their influence led to the birth of horrific sea monsters. Ultimately, it was decided that they must be sealed away someplace where their evil could always be tempered, where a balance would be imposed upon them not by nature, but by consciousness. So it was that Evil was sealed within the far recesses of living minds, to tempt and to taunt, but to be stilled by the morals and conscience of the mortal races.

Suddenly, you have a comprehensive moral system in addition to fantastic flavor. As a bonus, you can totally go Mumm-Ra on these guys. ("Wherever evil exists... Mumm-Ra lives!")

Mmmm, that is good. Trap the Archdevils in the idea of leadership (which is why power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely), the Yugoloth Generals in the idea of protection (which is why defensive wars often end in atrocities), and the Demon Lords in dreams (which is why people randomly decide to be evil).