View Full Version : 3rd Ed I'm looking for a particular Rust Monster

2014-10-06, 02:28 PM
I'm trying to find the name and stats of a particular upgraded Rust Monster from some first or third party source that my group's DM referenced in a campaign a while back... and he doesn't know its name anymore. (even back then we got an "Oh shoot, what was that thing called" when we asked him.) I'm building a campaign in the same homebrew setting, and am trying to fill in holes from the last time we played in it.

From what I've been able to find through google, it looks like there is such a thing called the O-akasabi-same? Only Google is being less than helpful when searching for that, probably because it's bad gaijin moonspeak for "great red rust shark".

I've been lead by lore allusions in the campaign to believe it's an epic level rust monster, but that may just be in context of the campaign since the local banditry worship it as their goddess. I don't absolutely need to know it's stats so much as verify it's name since, again, the local banditry worship it and it would be rather nice to have a name rather than saying "Sacred rust monster", and the stats would just be gravy since then I could use their goddess as a boss if push comes to shove.

Any one have any ideas? Is the O-akasabi-same the only such beast?

2014-10-06, 09:22 PM
Dragon Magazine 346 had the ecology of the rust monster which featured an advanced rust monster named O-akasabi-sama.

It was advanced to 15 HD and was CR 8. It also had three wraiths of dishonored warriors following it around.

2014-10-06, 11:46 PM
Was it -sama? I thought that's what it should be when first I saw it referenced on The Other Wiki, but it says -same.

Kind of disappointed it's only 15 HD, but curious about the three wraiths. It sounds like this thing was written for an OA campaign? Were they helpful or harmful to the rust monster? Are they following it because it ate their family's inheritance katana?

I guess I'll just have to homebrew something. I don't mind the Weeaboo-ism Random Asian Insert, but it's just terribly out of place.

2014-10-07, 08:37 AM
It was -sama. I'm not fluent in Japanese to know what the difference would be though.

The encounter that the article had described the three wraiths as being with the rust monster making the entire encounter EL10. But it did call them dishonored warriors.

I don't know if the encounter was specifically designed for an OA campaign. The ecology of the ogre mage in Dragon 349 also had an Asian theme to its encounter. Of course the ogre mage is based on the Japanese oni so that's not too surprising.

There are plenty of templates that could make your own rust monster more terrifying as well as increasing its hit dice even more.

2014-10-07, 08:42 AM
Weeaboo-ismI was going to help, but I suddenly find I don't care to.

2014-10-07, 02:33 PM
It was -sama. I'm not fluent in Japanese to know what the difference would be though.

The encounter that the article had described the three wraiths as being with the rust monster making the entire encounter EL10. But it did call them dishonored warriors.

I don't know if the encounter was specifically designed for an OA campaign. The ecology of the ogre mage in Dragon 349 also had an Asian theme to its encounter. Of course the ogre mage is based on the Japanese oni so that's not too surprising.

There are plenty of templates that could make your own rust monster more terrifying as well as increasing its hit dice even more.

I wouldn't say I'm fluent either, being able to consider my attempts to learn Japanese a failure... but from what I did manage to learn, -sama (roughly "lord") would make more sense in context with the long O prefix ("great"), being an honorific rather than same, which at a glance in my dictionary means shark. The result is it changes from "Great Red Rust Shark" to "Great Red Rust Lord", which makes more sense in context. (I'm also not sure "sabi" is the correct reading of that kanji in context, but I never did learn how to choose between ON and KUN readings, so I could be wrong in this.)

I guess some day if I end up in a room with a collection of dragon magazines, I'll look it up and see. I can understand the Ogre Mage, but I feel like the akasabi-sama would need some kind of interesting fluff to end up with three dishonored ronin ghosts floating around as pets.

Although after that, I think I'll template a Rust Monster over a Bulette and advance it to colossal just to see what it looks like. :smallamused:

I was going to help, but I suddenly find I don't care to.

I don't expect a change in your decision, but due to some of my hobbies and the strange anti-japanese racism that some of my IRL "Friends" exhibit I defaulted to some inappropriate and unnecessary defensive pack behavior.

I'm sorry. I really didn't mean any wrong by it. :smallfrown: