View Full Version : [3.5 + PF] List of City Supplements

2014-10-06, 05:36 PM
I'm compiling a list of supplements which are devoted to individual cities. I'd like to be as comprehensive as possible, across both Wizards and third-party settings. Books entirely focused on a particular city are my preference, but I'm open to titles like Ghostwalk, which use a city as a testbed for particular concepts or mechanics, as well as modules like City of the Spider Queen.

So far the list is pretty skeletal, and more suggestions are always welcome:

Forgotten Realms

City of Splendors: Waterdeep
City of the Spider Queen


City of Stormreach
Sharn: City of Towers

General WoTC

Expedition to the Ruins of Greyhawk


Lost Cities of Golarion
Magnimar, City of Monuments
Pathfinder Chronicles: Cities of Golarion
Pathfinder Chronicles: City of Strangers

Kingdoms of Kalamar

Geanavue: The Stones of Peace
Loona, Port of Intrigue

Scarred Lands

Mithril: City of the Golem
Burok Torn: City Under Siege

Other Third-Party

Freeport: The City of Adventure
Ptolus: City by the Spire (Monte Cook)
Seven Cities
World's Largest City

I'd be especially interested in anything from Rokugan or other Asian-themed settings, as well as additional Pathfinder material, which I don't know as well as I'd like. But if there are city-based sourcebooks for any other 3.X setting, I'd definitely like to hear about them.

2014-10-06, 06:40 PM
There is Ptolus:City by the Spire (http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ptolus) from Malhavoc Press.

Extra Anchovies
2014-10-06, 06:52 PM
Cityscape details a few different individual cities in some detail each, with key NPCs and such.

2014-10-06, 06:55 PM
I forgot about Seven Cities (http://www.rpg.net/reviews/archive/9/9450.phtml) by Penumbra. It's a 3.0 product.

ETA: Expedition to the Ruins of Greyhawk (http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Expedition_to_the_Ruins_of_Greyhawk) has a fair amount of info on the city of Greyhawk.

ETA II: Found a few more on my shelf. Mithril: City of the Golem (http://www.rpg.net/reviews/archive/classic/rev_5069.phtml) and Burok Torn: City Under Siege (http://www.rpg.net/reviews/archive/classic/rev_6412.phtml) both are by Sword & Sorcery Studio and both are 3.0.

Freeport: The City of Adventure (http://www.rpg.net/reviews/archive/classic/rev_6652.phtml) by Green Ronin Publishing. It's a 3.0 product too.

2014-10-06, 07:47 PM
Originally Posted by Extra Anchovies
Cityscape details a few different individual cities in some detail each, with key NPCs and such.

Okay, thanks. For some reason I never remember this one.

*smites forehead*

Originally Posted by nyjastul69
*stack o' cities*

Excellent, thank you. I did have Ptolus on the list already, but didn't know about most of the ones you mentioned. (--And Freeport, how did I miss Freeport?!)

More sources welcome, especially Pathfinder and third-party.

2014-10-06, 08:34 PM
I know it's not exactly what you are looking for, but Mysteries of the Moonsea (http://index.rpg.net/display-entry.phtml?mainid=1763) has maps and about 10 pages of info on Melvaunt, Hillsfar, Mulmaster and Zhentil Keep. That's about 40 pages of a 160 page product. It's a WotC 3.5 Forgotten Realms product.

Silver Marches (http://index.rpg.net/display-entry.phtml?mainid=1795) has about 30 pages total(160 page book) on Silverymoon(the most detailed at about 10 pages), Everlund, Sundabar, Citadel Adbar and Citadel Felbarr. There are maps for each of these locations as well. This is a WotC 3.0 Forgotten Realms product.

I figured I'd throw these out there and let you decide if they meet your criteria.

2014-10-06, 09:45 PM
Thanks for the suggestions, I appreciate it. I know and love the Silver Marches supplement, and I've looked through the Moonsea book, but they're more focused on regions than individual cities, and I'm looking for books which focus mainly on a single city apiece.

Good suggestions, though. I did waver on Silver Marches, since in the political sense the cities are the Marches, and there is that nice section on Silverymoon. But there's also a lot in the book on the immense wilderness around the cities, so on balance it didn't quite fit.

It's interesting that there seem to have been a lot more city-focused titles from AD&D, at least as far as the Forgotten Realms. There were some fairly detailed books on Calimport, Raven's Bluff, Menzoberranzan, and even a separate book on Skullport, as well as any number of titles on Waterdeep. The 3.0/3.5 run seems to be a lot less cosmopolitan by contrast.

2014-10-06, 09:51 PM
Frostburn has 22 pages on Icerazer, the Iceberg City. Sandstorm has 11 pages on the dead city of Harrax.

2014-10-06, 10:18 PM
Thanks for the suggestions, I appreciate it. I know and love the Silver Marches supplement, and I've looked through the Moonsea book, but they're more focused on regions than individual cities, and I'm looking for books which focus mainly on a single city apiece.

Good suggestions, though. I did waver on Silver Marches, since in the political sense the cities are the Marches, and there is that nice section on Silverymoon. But there's also a lot in the book on the immense wilderness around the cities, so on balance it didn't quite fit.

It's interesting that there seem to have been a lot more city-focused titles from AD&D, at least as far as the Forgotten Realms. There were some fairly detailed books on Calimport, Raven's Bluff, Menzoberranzan, and even a separate book on Skullport, as well as any number of titles on Waterdeep. The 3.0/3.5 run seems to be a lot less cosmopolitan by contrast.

Yeah, that struck me too as I was perusing my shelves. City of Ravensbluff for FR, Lankhmar: City of Adventure(seems a popular subtitle), WGR6 City of Skulls, the City of Greyhawk boxed set are some others off the top of my head. The City of Greyhawk boxed set is one of my all time favorite D&D products. Okay, enough waxing nostalgic. =)

2014-10-06, 10:34 PM
DMG II has Saltmarsh detailed including adventure hooks and NPC descriptions that are not edition-specific.

2014-10-07, 01:08 AM

Scarred Lands
Hollowfaust: city of necromancers

The Rock of Bral (for all intents and purposes it's a city)

In the Cage: A Guide to Sigil
Uncaged: Faces of Sigil

Forgotten Realms
Cormanthy: Empire of Elves (mostly concerned with a City)
The Fall of Myth Drannor (a campaign guideline but lots of city info)
Volo's Guide to Waterdeep
Volo's Guide to Baldur's Gate II
Gateway to Raven's Bluff - The Living City
Ruins of Myth Drannor
Port of Raven's Bluff
Inside Raven's Bluff


Dark sun
Mind Lords of the Last Sea (actually there's a lot of other stuff but a big city is detailed)
City-state of Tyr
Marauders of Nibenay
City by the Silt Sea

(the entire line, really)
Thieves of Lankhmar
Swords of the Undercity
Thives of Lankhmar
Wonders of Lakhmar
Avengers in Lankhmar
Prince of Lankhmar
Rogues in Lankhmar
City of Adventures
Cuththroats of Lankhmar

Al Qadim
Cities of Bone
City of Delights

Otosan Uchi
City of Lies
(note, these are for the R&K system, not d20)

Conan (Mongoose)
Messentia - City of Riches
Shadizar - City of Wickedness

Arena of Thyatis
Legions of Thyatis

2014-10-07, 09:22 AM
Originally Posted by nyjastul69
Okay, enough waxing nostalgic.

I envy you all those old editions. :smallsmile:

Originally Posted by BWR

*waterfall of titles*

That's quite a haul there...but it looks like you're mixing 2E and 3E, at least with the Forgotten Realms titles.

However, it's great to see some books from Mystara, and outstanding on the Rokugan books--I know very little about that line. Apart from the Rokugan books, which you've marked as having a separate system, are the rest of your books 3.5/d20 compatible?

2014-10-07, 10:47 AM
That's quite a haul there...but it looks like you're mixing 2E and 3E, at least with the Forgotten Realms titles.

However, it's great to see some books from Mystara, and outstanding on the Rokugan books--I know very little about that line. Apart from the Rokugan books, which you've marked as having a separate system, are the rest of your books 3.5/d20 compatible?

Most of those are 1e or 2e. Mongoose's Conan is d20 as is Scarred Lands. Mystara is BECMI. As for compatability, are you interested in mechanics or fluff? Because the fluff is almost entirely independant of mechanics. if you need mechanics, just convert the stuff.

2014-10-07, 12:27 PM
Paizo also did the Guide to Korvosa (http://paizo.com/products/btpy81xy?Pathfinder-Chronicles-Guide-to-Korvosa), at the very least.