View Full Version : Mirror Move feat choice

Bad Wolf
2014-10-06, 10:35 PM
So the other day, I stumbled across the fantastic spell known as Mirror Move. So, I need ideas for feats for my Sorcerer. The guy who's making it has a INT score of 20, so that's five feats. I was thinking of giving him a rapier, so he could still cast spells. Any ideas?

2014-10-06, 10:38 PM
So the other day, I stumbled across the fantastic spell known as Mirror Move. So, I need ideas for feats for my Sorcerer. The guy who's making it has a INT score of 20, so that's five feats. I was thinking of giving him a rapier, so he could still cast spells. Any ideas?Martial Study and Martial Stance are favorites.

2014-10-07, 01:56 AM
What is your aim?

If you should want to craft excellent baskets, well, there are feats for that. If you should want to optimize your casting, well, there are feats for that too. But with your talk of rapier, it sounds like you want to be a hand-to-hand gish, and well, feats can do that too.

Improved Initiative is very popular no matter your build. Most people can find a use for Quick Draw, should they happen to have it (drawing wands for covering gaps in spells known, or drawing that rapier quickly), but it's not worth an actual feat so most people who want it get it out of items.

Point Blank Shot can be very useful to a caster firing into melee. But what's most likely to help you is to load up on Flyby Attack as well as an object of Flying.

2014-10-07, 03:40 AM
Well, the spell's description (http://archive.wizards.com/dnd/article.asp?x=dnd/sb/sb20000901a) points out a limited choice.
But you may use it to qualify for Spelldancer with just one (Endurance) feat.
Then use Spelldancing to persist the Mirror Move.
Then enter Swiftblade. Then Spelldance-persist Haste.

Unnecessary cheese, but it does give you three free feats :smallbiggrin:

2014-10-07, 11:40 AM
But you may use it to qualify for Spelldancer with just one (Endurance) feat.
An issue with the Mirror Move spell is that it requires having somebody else who already has that feat in front of you, before you can copy their feat for yourself. That means your build depends on the builds of your party mates. If you want to be independent and self-contained, look at the Summon Monster options for what creatures you can summon who have racial bonus feats that you want. For example, if you want Combat Casting (required for Spelldancer, and not a Fighter bonus feat so you can't get it from the Heroics spell), then cast Summon Monster VII to bring in a Djinni, or Summon Monster VIII to bring in a Lillend, and watch it defensively cast a spell.

Bad Wolf
2014-10-07, 12:15 PM
An issue with the Mirror Move spell is that it requires having somebody else who already has that feat in front of you, before you can copy their feat for yourself. That means your build depends on the builds of your party mates. If you want to be independent and self-contained, look at the Summon Monster options for what creatures you can summon who have racial bonus feats that you want. For example, if you want Combat Casting (required for Spelldancer, and not a Fighter bonus feat so you can't get it from the Heroics spell), then cast Summon Monster VII to bring in a Djinni, or Summon Monster VIII to bring in a Lillend, and watch it defensively cast a spell.

I'm having someone in Sigil do the crafting, so no worry there. And are you talking about the Magic of Faerun class? That requires way too many cross-class skills.

Extra Anchovies
2014-10-07, 12:33 PM
I'm having someone in Sigil do the crafting, so no worry there. And are you talking about the Magic of Faerun class? That requires way too many cross-class skills.

Crafting? Crafting of what? Mirror Move is a spell, not an item.

Dusk Eclipse
2014-10-07, 01:17 PM
I think someone is crafting him an item of Mirror Move, possibly with the feat choices locked at the time of crafting.

2014-10-07, 01:22 PM
An issue with the Mirror Move spell is that it requires having somebody else who already has that feat in front of you, before you can copy their feat for yourself. That means your build depends on the builds of your party mates. If you want to be independent and self-contained, look at the Summon Monster options for what creatures you can summon who have racial bonus feats that you want. For example, if you want Combat Casting (required for Spelldancer, and not a Fighter bonus feat so you can't get it from the Heroics spell), then cast Summon Monster VII to bring in a Djinni, or Summon Monster VIII to bring in a Lillend, and watch it defensively cast a spell.

YEah, I wanted to say that there should be a way of making this work with Heroics, but your way is much better.

2014-10-07, 03:57 PM
Well, if combat casting is on your mind, then you should also get Shielded Casting out of Races of Stone. So long as you have a shield ready, you don't provoke AoO for casting spells in melee.

So that's WP: Rapier, Shield Prof, Combat Casting, Shielded Casting, and one more for your gish build. Last could be combat reflexes if you have the dex for it, or it could be improved crit or weapon focus.

Next up, buy yourself an item of +6 Int and get three more feats.