View Full Version : Player Help Creating a Cleric, Help

2014-10-07, 06:40 AM
Hi Folks,

Was after some advise on building a 5e Cleric.

We start at level 1 with a 27 point buy. Max stat you can buy is 16.
Looking for build startadvise, and maybe some tips up to level 5 then 10 ish

Party is Dwarf Barbarian, Human Paladin, Human Warlock, Elven Ranger

I'll be the primary healer, but don't want to take Life Domain as, although it is fantastic, I feel it will restrict me to much.

What would be a Good build, straight 20 cleric?
What are some good options for spells?

Is it worth going a Dex Build with a finesse weapon (as I will be our lock picker). I'll have the urchin back ground

I'm looking maybe at War Domain Human (sub), urchin background, Warcaster feat though not locked into any of that bar urchin (again, we need a lock picker)


2014-10-07, 08:08 AM
It sounds like you've got a decent idea of a build. A Dex based War Domain is certainly viable, and Urchin background works quite well with that.

You'll probably going to go with Rapier + Shield + Longbow/Heavy Crossbow(depending on which feat you want) + Studded Leather in terms of equipment. A Heavy Crossbow build with Crossbow Expert would allow you to skip the Rapier + Shield, if you want. Longbow + Sharpshooter allows you to really take advantage of Guided Strike. Rapier + Shield obviously is the AC option.

In terms of races variant Human does indeed work, though Wood Elf would also work well.

For more specific advise on stat distribution and spell selection take a look at the Cleric guide in my signature.

2014-10-07, 08:48 AM
I went variant human warpriest with soldier background and Heavy Armor Master. With three +1 ability score bumps, I came up with 16 Str, 10 Dex, 15 Con, 8 Int, 16 Wis, 8 Cha. Chain and shield for AC 18 with DR 3. I'll take Resilient (Con) at 4th level to get to 16 Con and proficient saves. Cantrips: guidance, resistance, sacred flame. In terms of spells, I'll generally prepare bless, cure wounds, guiding bolt, and healing word. I have divine favor and shield of faith as domain spells. I took a healer's kit so I didn't have to waste a cantrip on the terrible save the dying. The character is so far very durable and capable in a fight and still an effective enough healer for 5E.

With a Dex build, I think I'd look at the Light Domain.

2014-10-07, 11:34 AM
With a Dex build, I think I'd look at the Light Domain.

Light Domain actually prefers pure Wis (plus Con, of course). Dex is best with either War or Tempest, since those are the two with martial weapon proficiency.

2014-10-07, 01:01 PM
Light Domain actually prefers pure Wis (plus Con, of course). Dex is best with either War or Tempest, since those are the two with martial weapon proficiency.

I assume you're going to max Wis, even with a "Dex Build." Anyway, I was thinking more "light armor, casting focused" for the Dex Build, but I agree with you that it more typically means "melee with rapier."

2014-10-07, 01:29 PM
I assume you're going to max Wis, even with a "Dex Build." Anyway, I was thinking more "light armor, casting focused" for the Dex Build, but I agree with you that it more typically means "melee with rapier."

The difference is that a Pure Wis build can afford more feats by leaving Dex at medium-armor levels.

2014-10-07, 01:32 PM
I went variant human warpriest with soldier background and Heavy Armor Master. I've seen these in action at 1st level, they make a huge difference to the party, able to tank really well and bringing the invaluable healing. I mean a huge difference like the table that had one breezed through HotDQ's deadly first session and the one that didn't TPK'd.

(But, yeah, like Life, conflicts with the urchin idea and lockpicking function)

OP: At 1st, particularly, don't expend spells to heal unless someone's been dropped. Getting a PC back up can only be done through magic, so save 'em for that purpose. Anything short of dropped they can wait to spend HD at the next short rest. In particular, prioritize getting the other healer back up. ;)

If anyone does get dropped with no magical healing available, the best you can do is stabilize them - and it's a long 1d4 hours before they wake up at 1 hp, and, while the rest of you can get in a short rest (or few) in that time, the dropped character gets no benefit from it, AFAICT, just the 1hp.

2014-10-07, 03:43 PM
One of the Caster domains benefits a DEX build more. With a heavy-armor domain like Tempest or War, you need to pump your STR to use the armor, and it gives you disadvantage on stealth rolls. You'd be better off with a casting domain like Light, Knowledge, or Trickery. That would allow you to use STR as a dump stat, and use light or medium armor instead.

I don't think War Caster is a very good feat, since you can already just sheathe your weapon to cast. The only thing you lose by sheathing your weapon is your opportunity attack. If you do want to go for a front-line melee tank role, then I'd go with Defensive Duelist or Sentinel.

2014-10-07, 06:36 PM
Is it worth going a Dex Build with a finesse weapon (as I will be our lock picker). I'll have the urchin back ground

I'm looking maybe at War Domain Human (sub), urchin background, Warcaster feat though not locked into any of that bar urchin (again, we need a lock picker)


Since you're missing a Rogue or Bard, Knowledge domain might be a solid choice.

2014-10-07, 07:27 PM
One of the Caster domains benefits a DEX build more. With a heavy-armor domain like Tempest or War, you need to pump your STR to use the armor, and it gives you disadvantage on stealth rolls. You'd be better off with a casting domain like Light, Knowledge, or Trickery. That would allow you to use STR as a dump stat, and use light or medium armor instead.

I don't think War Caster is a very good feat, since you can already just sheathe your weapon to cast. The only thing you lose by sheathing your weapon is your opportunity attack. If you do want to go for a front-line melee tank role, then I'd go with Defensive Duelist or Sentinel.

Again, this is blatantly wrong. "Caster types," aka Knowledge and Light Domain, are best served with Pure Wis, whereas the Martial Domains are much better suited to a Light-Armor Dex&Wis build because of their weapon proficiencies and boost to weapon damage (they can choose Str too, but they're the ONLY ones with the proficiencies that give them the option for a Dex build). Life is stuck with Heavy Armor and a Spear and thus forced to go Str. Nature can choose between the same build as Life or a Shillelagh-Pure Wis build, and Trickery just sucks regardless.

2018-04-27, 07:16 PM
Hi Yorrin,

I know this thread is old, but can you elaborate on your statements here? I'm a relative beginner, and very interested to find out more but i don't fully understand the following:

"Martial Domains are much better suited to a Light-Armor Dex&Wis build because of their weapon proficiencies and boost to weapon damage"


"they're the ONLY ones with the proficiencies that give them the option for a Dex build"

-- why is martial weapon proficiency needed for the option of a Dex build?

Life is stuck with Heavy Armor and a Spear and thus forced to go Str

-- Can Life not go light/medium armor and do dex?

Really trying to understand you. Thanks for the clarification.

Again, this is blatantly wrong. "Caster types," aka Knowledge and Light Domain, are best served with Pure Wis, whereas the Martial Domains are much better suited to a Light-Armor Dex&Wis build because of their weapon proficiencies and boost to weapon damage (they can choose Str too, but they're the ONLY ones with the proficiencies that give them the option for a Dex build). Life is stuck with Heavy Armor and a Spear and thus forced to go Str. Nature can choose between the same build as Life or a Shillelagh-Pure Wis build, and Trickery just sucks regardless.

2018-04-27, 07:45 PM
I will vote against War. I think it's a the second worst domain. IMO Tempest would be better if you were interested in supplementing damage. All clerics get spiritual weapon, meaning that a bonus action attack is simply a waste.

As for spell,
Spirit Guardians is a good AoE spell for damage
Blindness is a decent no concentration control
Healing Spirit is the best healing per slot Cleric gets
Sanctuary, a no concentration bonus action spell that cab save your friend :3
Healing Word and Cure Wounds for Obvious reasons (remembering, any amount of healing will put a buddy back at fighting strength if they've been unconscious)
Spiritual Weapon, an bonus attack in the form of a spell slot.

If you have the opportunity to pick up cantrips from another list, Clerics with Booming Blade and Greenflame Blade will do a lot more damage over vanilla ones. Also, Goodberry synergies very well with healing domain.

2018-04-28, 05:22 PM
Hi Yorrin,

I know this thread is old, but can you elaborate on your statements here? I'm a relative beginner, and very interested to find out more but i don't fully understand the following:

"Martial Domains are much better suited to a Light-Armor Dex&Wis build because of their weapon proficiencies and boost to weapon damage"


"they're the ONLY ones with the proficiencies that give them the option for a Dex build"

-- why is martial weapon proficiency needed for the option of a Dex build?

Life is stuck with Heavy Armor and a Spear and thus forced to go Str

-- Can Life not go light/medium armor and do dex?

Really trying to understand you. Thanks for the clarification.
Sure. The real issue lies not with armor but with weapons. First of all I'm assuming that you want a melee option as well as a ranged option, and I'm also assuming that you want more than a 1d4 damage die on your weapon. For Dex builds that means martial weapon proficiency is required, since the only finesse simple weapon is a dagger. Technically you could go with a light crossbow build with crossbow master to be able to fire in melee, but that's about your only option for simple weapon Dex builds.