View Full Version : Solo IC Thread- Let the 20's Roar- Kish

2014-10-07, 08:36 AM
It's hard to say what part of the last two weeks has been stranger.. Finally, after God only knows how long (literally), you were freed from your semi-existence. The torture of being able to dimly sense humanity all around you, to know that you lived only in their nightmares, and had no way to comfort, teach or inspire them, was a crushing weight that had finally been lifted. You still had no answers as to why, or even how this had occurred. Perhaps just as bizarre, you are continuously amazed at the scope of your current existence, living as one half of a symbiotic relationship with this troubled man, Quentin Trilby.

As it had done on five other occasions, a "storm" of sorts raged just outside the boundaries of the Abyss. And because it had happened five prior times with no tangible effect on you or the other fallen, you largely ignored it. But this time was somehow different. A sort of charge ran through you, leaving your skin tingling. After so long with limited stimuli, this felt sublime, and you found yourself walking blindly toward.... it? What you were heading toward, you couldn't say, it didn't look like anything, but you were drawn to that spot as inexorably as a moth is drawn to flame. Once there, you felt something, had a sense that something was... different here. There was nothing to touch, nothing to interact with, but the more you concentrated, the more you were able to wrap your mind around something. It was as though you were scrabbling against a glass wall in the dark, with no joins or corners or weaknesses of any kind. And then there were. In your minds eye, you could only describe it as finding four hard points. Pushing your thoughts against them, you felt one of them wiggle, just infinitesimally. Had you imagined it? After so long in the Abyss, you were used to your mind playing tricks on you, used to allowing your hopes to set you up for a long fall. But as you continued to force your consciousness against these four hard points, you felt as though you were beginning to slip between them. Pressure. So much pressure, it felt as though you were being squeezed into nothingness. Was this what it felt like being born, you wondered? But this was still something that you had not experienced in all this time, this eternity, and as such, you seized upon the sensation, throwing yourself at the points with growing excitement, trepidation, joy? Pressure turned to pain, and you felt a tearing sensation. Was it you that tore, or your surroundings?

You had no time to consider the answer to that question, because you immediately had the sense of great speed. All around you, the souls of the damned, those unlucky masses who lived in eternal torment and agony, clawed at your formless being as you were swept along in a current that somehow excluded them. But you were not alone... You felt many of your brethren being drawn along with you, being buffeted and twisted, while a dull white flash repeated itself ahead of you, as though it was lightning seen through a screen of thick clouds. The feeling of movement, of falling, intensified, and then.. everything was still and quiet. Your vision cleared, and you saw your surroundings, your NEW surroundings for the very first time.

You were in some kind of store. Your limited ability to sense humanity and their deeds allowed you to know at least what you were looking at. Handwritten signs painstakingly attached to the multitude of shelves proclaiming the price of each individual item. It was dim here, and you could hear the rumble of heavy thunder just outside. You realized that you didn't have a body, but were just a mass of senses without form. Taking in your surroundings, from the large cockroach crawling it's way across the ceiling, to the highly polished woodslat flooring, the reflection of the store brightening in the split second strike of lightning outside coming from the large mirror behind the storekeepers counter. And one other thing; you heard a whimpering, and fast, panicked breathing.. Without moving, you sent your senses over the counter, and saw behind it a man, curled up on the floor with his hands over his ears, eyes squinched tightly shut. You sensed the emptiness in this man, the absence of purpose, the fear and anger and bitterness. Alas, it was as though he had nearly no sense of himself any longer. The thunder, every peal of it, caused him to shrink in on himself, and now he breathed only in short, staccato gasps, rolling onto his knees, and covering his head with his arms. No, he whimpered piteously, Stop it, stop, stop, stop, make it stop, Lord save me, make it stop.

If you had had eyes at that moment, they would have bulged at the sensation that filled you. At once a feeling of exultation and of dread, of unfulfilled potential, and unmitigated terror. Because you realized something. "Make it stop", he had cried out, and he had petitioned God to make it so. You sensed without trying that this was not a penitent man, had no real belief that the Lord even existed, much less intended to see him safely through his terror. For one brief moment of complete understanding, you saw this man's life open up before you, saw the terror that he lived with and hid from every single day. His mind was broken, but more than that, his spirit was shattered too. He didn't believe in anything any longer. Not in God, not in himself, nor in Love, or Hope, or Justice, not even Goodness. Every day was a parade of fear and anger, terror and anguish, without end. All of the things that makes life good for these humans had withered away in this man, leaving him little more than a shell. A shell, you suddenly realized, that was calling to you. Yes, this Quentin Trilby, in his terror had flashed back to the war, not so many years before, where he had just watched several of his friends turned to red mist and flying bone.

You reached out, and reached 'into' the man's shaking, huddling form, and, almost as if he had been waiting for you, holding the door until you arrived, the man that was Quentin Trilby.. left. At your touch, his sense of self-collapsed, and the body itself would have died had you not continued. You entered, became one with Quentin Trilby. Veteran of http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lost_Battalion_(World_War_I)[the Lost Battalion (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lost_Battalion_(World_War_I)). Quentin did not come out of that battle whole, and now, you could see why. As your vision sharpened and cleared, you were bombarded by a wave of memories, thoughts, beliefs, everything that WAS Quentin Trilby now flowed through you. At peace, finally, the soul of Quentin Trilby departed, leaving only his memory and his instincts.

You still had to battle against those instincts from time to time. Quentin had been no saint, you came quickly to realize. Something of a bully, and a definite coward since his return from Europe, he had managed to make life rather unpleasant for himself and those who cared about him. There weren't many of those left. His long-suffering girlfriend Adara was close to leaving him, and his family avoided him just to avoid conflict. The grocery store that he had opened after the War was doing adequately well, but some of that was due to illicit dealings that Quentin had arranged with BOTH the Jewish and Irish gangs. His employees were terrified of him, having had to endure his frequent rages over the last few years.

All in all, Quentin's life had been spinning out of control, though he may not have known it. He had forgotten what happiness felt like, contentment, affection. Everything the man had done was petty in nature, small, mean. As Eligor, you welcome the challenge. You just hope that Quentin's shortcomings, and his instincts, don't burden you overmuch in this strange symbiotic relationship you currently reside in. You have spent much of the last two weeks pondering the "why", and the "how" of your escape and subsequent 'rebirth', but one thing is certain. Humans have done more damage to Paradise than you would have imagined possible. So many people live in fear, or live in squalid conditions, so many revel in hate, and spite, and greed. Were these, truly, the Chosen of God? How could they possibly have fallen so far?

Even now, on the morning of March 23, 1923, before the sun has even risen, you see the price of man's deceit writ large..

"Che cosa stai cercando di tirare, Quentin?", Antonine yells. What are you trying to pull? Squizzy tells me that there was a cop in your store yesterday. Was he buying lettuce? Huh? Did you sell him beans, eh? Spilled beans, maybe? What are they sniffing around here for, huh? What did you tell them? . You are standing in the narrow alleyway behind your store, on the loading dock that trucks use to offload your shipments. Antonine and Squizzy arrived unexpectedly just before one such truck is supposed to. Mostly, the truck is filled with stock for your store. But there should be about 50 bottles of premium Scotch Whiskey are supposed to be hidden on the truck as well. And Fat Tommy is supposed to be here to pick it up! The situation is going from inconvenient, to dangerous. Answer me, you two-faced bastard!

You are unaware of any visit by a cop. Neither you (nor Quentin before you) did anything to betray either of your criminal contacts. The Irish use your store as a place to have bootleg alcohol delivered, hidden in the truckloads of actual foodstuffs you order. They pick it up and take it somewhere else as soon as it arrives. The Italians use your basement as a place to store alcohol that has recently been delivered. You aren't sure where it comes from or how their getting it, just that a couple of times a week, a truck shows up with a ton of the stuff. Somehow you have managed to avoid them finding out about each other, and have been profiting handsomely.

Let me know if you have any questions, or if you need any information before you get started!

Antonine is one of the soldiers that works for Tiello Bonini (your Contact). He is one of Tiello's oldest friends and business associates. Squizzy is Antonine's shadow, a slimy little bastard who does Tiello's dirty work.

http://i1294.photobucket.com/albums/b604/Pife/Antonine_zps6478bc26.png (http://s1294.photobucket.com/user/Pife/media/Antonine_zps6478bc26.png.html)

Squizzy Sorento
http://i1294.photobucket.com/albums/b604/Pife/SquizzySorento_zps85712828.jpg (http://s1294.photobucket.com/user/Pife/media/SquizzySorento_zps85712828.jpg.html)

Fat Tommy
http://i1294.photobucket.com/albums/b604/Pife/FatTommy_zpsde3c0bb8.jpg (http://s1294.photobucket.com/user/Pife/media/FatTommy_zpsde3c0bb8.jpg.html)

2014-10-07, 08:37 AM

This is your stockboy Walter Magnusson. Good kid, quiet, obedient, and observant. He speaks with a heavy Norwegian accent, and has a speech impediment (he stutters), so he doesn't say much, but he has your entire store memorized down to the last bean.
http://i1294.photobucket.com/albums/b604/Pife/QuentinsstockboyWalterMagnusson_zpsfc55a47d.png (http://s1294.photobucket.com/user/Pife/media/QuentinsstockboyWalterMagnusson_zpsfc55a47d.png.ht ml)

Quentin's girlfriend Adara Pryor- Introduced to you by Elmer, Adara's father used to be an officer of the bank, until he died of pneumonia last winter. Adara began the relationship with an optimistic, easy-going smile and endless patience for Quentin, but as he got more and more angry and frightened, Quentin passive-aggressively lashed out at Adara. She has spent many nights crying herself to sleep, and Quentin was fairly certain that she was about to leave him. She has been very confused, and a little bit agitated in the last couple of weeks (since Eligor's arrival). She was used to seeing Quentin sullen and angry, and his newfound calm has almost unnerved her more than his worst rages.
http://i1294.photobucket.com/albums/b604/Pife/QuentinsgirlfriendEllen_zps953d5294.jpg (http://s1294.photobucket.com/user/Pife/media/QuentinsgirlfriendEllen_zps953d5294.jpg.html)

Your other clerk, Paul Ruggins- Paul is a veteran of the war as well, though the military was still segregated at that time. He was a member of the 369th Infantry Regiment, also known as the Harlem Hellfighters (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/369th_Infantry_Regiment_(United_States)) . Because of his service, Paul is almost completely deaf, having lost his hearing when a German grenade went off next to his head. Paul is almost silent, but not at all stupid. He is a whiz at math, is learning to read lips, and has the nicest handwriting Quentin has ever seen. He is the person who makes up all of the handmade pricetags at the store, and he helps keep the books straight.
http://i1294.photobucket.com/albums/b604/Pife/QuentinsemployeePaul_zpsba0acfed.png (http://s1294.photobucket.com/user/Pife/media/QuentinsemployeePaul_zpsba0acfed.png.html)

Your assistant, Jeremiah Jones- Jeremiah considers himself a bit of a dandy and ladies man, and he spends much of his paycheck at clubs dancing with fast girls and playing cards with slow old men. One of the two is likely to get him in trouble. He's fairly sassy to Quentin, never quite rude, but he lets Quentin's moods roll over him without a noticeable effect. This would be who you would leave in charge of your store when you are away.
http://i1294.photobucket.com/albums/b604/Pife/QuentinsassistantJeremiahJones_zpscbf6902a.jpg (http://s1294.photobucket.com/user/Pife/media/QuentinsassistantJeremiahJones_zpscbf6902a.jpg.htm l)

Elmer Frist- As mentioned in our email, Elmer is a kind old gentleman, an officer at the Bank of New York, and considers himself a personal friend of Quentin's. He's always shown respect and restraint, understanding Quentin's limits and limitations, and never pushing him. He introduced Quentin to Amara, and lives across the hall.
http://i1294.photobucket.com/albums/b604/Pife/ElmerFrist_zps87cb4f91.png (http://s1294.photobucket.com/user/Pife/media/ElmerFrist_zps87cb4f91.png.html)

Fat Tommy- Tommy is a low-level runner for the White Hand gang, the Irish gangsters that pay Quentin for his part in helping them move bootleg alcohol. Tommy is friendly and affable, and seems relatively harmless. But he has a reputation for violence that Quentin would probably not want to witness, at least not from the receiving end.
http://i1294.photobucket.com/albums/b604/Pife/FatTommy_zpsde3c0bb8.jpg (http://s1294.photobucket.com/user/Pife/media/FatTommy_zpsde3c0bb8.jpg.html)

Antonine- Antonine is an old warhorse, an aging gangster, definitely a "made" man, but not likely to rise any further than he already has. A force to be reckoned with in his youth, Antonine is not a genius by any stretch of the imagination, but he's no fool and has a certain cunning that lets him see traps before they spring shut on him. Fairly friendly, but the word on the street says that he wouldn't bat an eye if he was ordered to kill his best friend. If it was his mother he was ordered to snuff, he'd probably be unhappy about it. But he'd do it.
http://i1294.photobucket.com/albums/b604/Pife/Antonine_zps6478bc26.png (http://s1294.photobucket.com/user/Pife/media/Antonine_zps6478bc26.png.html)

Squizzy Sorento- Quentin hasn't quite figured out why anyone keeps Squizzy around. He's a bit of a coward, nutty as squirrel poo, and doesn't seem to have any noticeable talent. Of course, Squizzy is missing two fingers on his right hand, that were pulled off individually by the White Hand gang when they were trying to get him to roll over on Antonine's boss. He kept his mouth shut, found a way to escape, and has been a paranoid wreck ever since. "But he don't squeal".- Antonine
http://i1294.photobucket.com/albums/b604/Pife/SquizzySorento_zps85712828.jpg (http://s1294.photobucket.com/user/Pife/media/SquizzySorento_zps85712828.jpg.html)

2014-10-07, 11:40 AM
I wonder if Quentin would have been able to slide out of this, or if he would have gotten shot. "Really, Antonine," Eligor/Quentin says soothingly. "If there was a cop here yesterday, it wasn't while I was around and he didn't learn anything. If I see a cop, I'll deal with it in a way that doesn't endanger any of our business. Do you really want to be shouting about that business in a public place?" Staying calm and assertive rather than getting obsequious or angry is not what he's used to; that's all to the good. "What is this about a cop, Squizzy? There's nothing to be concerned about here at the moment; if a problem develops I'll make sure you're the first to know."

I could make an explicit, rather than implicit, invitation to continue this somewhere more private...but it would really be better if he left and let me deal with Fat Tommy. If he isn't reassured, hopefully the reminder that we're in public will lead to him suggesting an alternative.

2014-10-08, 10:57 AM
Antonine's heavily lidded eyes squint at you in the near-darkness, and Squizzy squares his shoulders as he tips his hat back so that he can see you better. I was, ahh.. ahh.. y'know, just hangin' around, y'know, on the streetcorner, talkin' to some broads.. It was, uhh.. 'bout noon, I guess, yeah, about noon, and I was lookin, and I saw a coupla Bulls walk inta yer store, y'know, and they, they din't come out wit' no groceries, y'know, so I was thinkin' that..

Antonine's casual smack on the shoulder stops Squizzy in his tracks. Shaddap, Squizzy.. Quentin' ain't never don't nuthin' wrong before, an' he don't look like he's lyin' now. But remember, he finishes, turning his huge bulldog's head to face you. We always got our eyes open, you hear? You keep things simple, we keep things simple, everyone's happy, Capisce? You let us know if them Bulls come back. C'mon, Squizz, let Quentin get back to work. Squizzy hops down off of the loading dock, and Antonine slowly walks to the side with a ramp, and walks down. Together they walk down the alley, their shoes crunching on broken glass and gravel, before climbing into a black car that had been left running. They drive away, leaving you to your thoughts.

Within fifteen minutes of their departure, another truck pulls up, this time right to your dock. A couple of young men hop out, and rush to the back of the truck, removing crate after crate and setting them carefully up on the dock. Sorry m'late, the driver calls to you, I got everything on your order, right here, he pants between trips. The kids name is Sal, he's maybe 20, 22 maybe, works at his dads bottling factory. Case after case of blue capped beverages get offloaded, and every now and then, the caps are red. Dad said to tell you the red one's are special, Sal informs you, as he and his partner get finished. He brings you a bill of lading, which you sign off on. See ya later, Mr. Trilby, Sal calls as he hops back in the delivery truck, moving on down the line and out of sight.

Using a hand truck, you start stacking and moving all of the cases inside. Even this early, the city has a rumble to it, and as the morning progresses, it will get steadily louder. Right now is perhaps the quietest your day will be, with none of your employees, and fewer cars than normal running up the streets. Which is why you hear Fat Tommy's whistling long before you see him walking up the alley pulling a kids wagon loaded with lumber. He looks intimidating, but he's got a big, wide, gaptoothed grin and has always been cordial with you.

http://i1294.photobucket.com/albums/b604/Pife/DeliveryTruck_zps739df2ae.png (http://s1294.photobucket.com/user/Pife/media/DeliveryTruck_zps739df2ae.png.html)

Oy there, Quentin, yer breakin' a sweat early this morning! D'ye like me toy?

http://i1294.photobucket.com/albums/b604/Pife/LibertyCoasterWagon_zps88ea6af5.png (http://s1294.photobucket.com/user/Pife/media/LibertyCoasterWagon_zps88ea6af5.png.html)

Please make a Perception+Alertness roll, diff 7. BTW, you can roll either in spoilers here in the IC, or on the OOC, your choice.

2014-10-08, 12:16 PM
Eligor gives the big man a friendly smile. "I like to greet the dawn," he says obscurely but cheerfully. "Indeed; where did you get it? I have what you're here for, of course."

2014-10-08, 03:31 PM
Fat Tommy walks the wagon up the steep ramp. Strangely, the lumber doesn't shift at all. "That's right neighborly of ya, that is!", he notes happily. Pulling the wagon just inside your stockroom, he reaches underneath one of the pieces of lumber, and undoes a cunningly hidden catch, lifting a hinged lid. Inside is a large recessed tank. Nicked it from in front of a house a few days ago, and me boys have been hard at work on it ever since. He walks back to where your cases of beverages are, and locates the red-capped specimens. Popping the cap off of one at random, he takes a careful taste, smacking his lips with pleasure. Ah, that's the stuff! Go on, help me pour it all in here, will ye? The coppers have been gettin' right smart about nickin' our trucks full o' bottles, hadn't been able to figger out how they's sniffin' us out. Thought we'd give this a go. When I pops out of the alley next to yer neighbor the hardware store, it jus' looks like I have me some wood fer the house. As you and Tommy pour the contents of the whiskey bottles into the tank, he continues. Plus, he confides, we got some used wooden casks, n' we pour this stuff into them casks, and sell it like it's good aged scotch, nice n' proper-like. He definitely seems proud of himself. Kin sell it fer twice as much thattaway, boyo! Here then.. He reaches into his jacket, and retrieves a handful of cash. He counts out your take and says, There's twice as much comin' next week, but there's another thing.. Black Jack wants ye to be on the truck what fetches it. It's comin' from a new outfit, n' we wants to make sure theys on the up and up. Figger with your 'sperience in the War, you might be a good hand to have about, eh? More money in it fer ya, and it would go a long way to buildin' up some credit with Black Jack, if ye know what I mean. What say? Can we count ye in?

2014-10-08, 07:44 PM
"Certainly, I'm up for that. Just let me know when to go where." After he's left, I'd best ask my employees if anyone more reliably than Squizzy's seen police officers around. Who was working here at noon yesterday, anyway? If the cops do bother me, I can probably convince them to leave, but if they suspect something that would be a temporary solution at best.

2014-10-08, 09:37 PM
After Fat Tommy leaves, you go get the store ready to open. It looks like Paul has made up some signs for a sale on celery and pears that are about to go bad. Shortly after the sun comes up, but before your 8am start time, each of your employees arrives within a few minutes of each other. Paul shows up first, Mornin' Boss. He immediately begins setting up his signs and arranging stock. Walter arrives next, G-G-Gut Morgning, Mayster Tr-Tri-Trilby. He puts on his freshly starched and pressed apron and immediately starts to restock the shelves. Finally, Jeremiah slouches in, bags under his eyes, but with a spring in his step. There's the man with a plan, he pipes in as he goes straight to the coffee brewer, a large and unwieldy device on a counter in the back room that was as temperamental as Quentin was.

One by one, you talk to them, both Paul and Walter don't recall talking to or seeing any cops, Jeremiah informs you that a couple of men dressed in suits did come into the store yesterday around noontime, wanting to know directions to a local theater. They left without buying anything. But you should have seen this dame that came in just a bit after. Whoo! She was really a firecracker, Quentin. Long legs, Blonde hair, huuuge.. Mister Trilby. Paul has approached in the middle of Jeremiah's story. He looks agitated Mister Trilby, come see. Theys a body in the street, dead as a doornail. I don' know how it got there, but it's there now!

In the second post is your gallery (not sure if you had seen it yet). I have added a number of the people you know. Let me know if you have any questions or issues with any of it.

2014-10-09, 08:52 AM
Good people, all of them, Eligor reflects as his employees come in. Quentin never appreciated what he had, but there's a lot I can work with here. "A body?" he echoes, making sure to face the other man. "Let me see, Paul." He hurries after Paul.
It all looks very good. I think you typoed Quentin to Elmer at one point in Adara's description, though.

2014-10-14, 10:58 PM
Paul leads you outside of your shop. There, in the middle of the sidewalk between your shop and the hardware store is a body. You're certain that whoever belonged to it has long since fled to whatever afterlife awaits, because of the immense damage that has been done. Quentin has seen this kind of carnage before, in the war. He had a trench-mate, Kevin Whitford, who was next to Quentin during an all-out assault on a German machine gun nest. That gunner got Kevin right in his sights, and emptied half a belt into him. Made Swiss cheese out of him. The man's suit might have been charcoal gray at one point, but now it is almost entirely the purplish-crimson of blood, and lots of it. You notice that the man has jagged cuts in his face, and as you get nearer, you can see part of a word carved into his forehead.. "U-N-B-E-L". You are fairly certain that the rest of the word rests on the cool pavement beneath the man's face.

A crowd has started to form, most people staying twenty or more feet back and pointing. One man bends over and retches loudly, and you can hear police whistles about a block away and getting nearer. Who coulda' done that to this poor guy, Paul wonders aloud. Something else is niggling at the back of your mind, though..

Please give me a Perception + Alertness roll, Diff 7

2014-10-15, 07:49 AM

"Unbel...iever?" This is something I should investigate in any event, but not something I want everyone here to know I'm interested in. Eligor stands with the crowd, restraining his urge to study the body more closely before the police arrive, but makes a point of examining the police who arrive so he can identify them later. If they turn the body over before banishing the onlookers, he'll look to see if the word on the man's face ends as he expected.

2014-10-15, 08:45 AM
The crowd has grown to about a dozen individuals, speaking in hushed tones, until the a pair of police officers rush up, out of breath, and begin establishing order, ordering the crowd back. After establishing that this man was definitely deceased, they do in fact roll him over, and your intuition is correct. U-N-B-E-L-I-E-V-E-R is gouged into his forehead in neat block letters. From this angle, you can also tell that the man's left ear has been severed, and his jaw has been broken. As you and Paul watch, the policemen are joined by more of their fellows, incrementally, until eight uniformed officers are there, as well as two detectives in suits. They begin canvassing the witnesses, but you also notice that one of the detectives keeps looking from the body to the roof several stories above your shop.

Finally, that detective approaches Paul and yourself. Morning, he begins curtly. Name's Detective Randall. Mind if I ask you a few questions?

Great, I'll try to be brief.

Do you know this man? (make a straight Intelligence roll, Diff 7)

What time did you arrive here this morning?

Did you see the event that took place, causing this body to be here?

What's on the roof?

May I see it?

Do you ever go up there?

I'm going to have to question your other employees. Would you mind if I spoke to them individually? I appreciate your cooperation, and I will be as brief as I can.

Have there been many violent events in the last few weeks?

(If so), Do you know who the key participants have been?

Paul defers to you, and allows you to answer the detective unless you indicate that he should contribute. You look up at one point, and see Walter staring, wide-mouthed, in the window. He looks shocked, and disgusted, but can't take his eyes off of the grisly scene in front of him.

2014-10-15, 09:01 AM
Roll for Voice of Heaven (see below): [roll1]
Eligor answers all Randall's questions honestly and straightforwardly as long as he doesn't suggest anything that comes close to Eligor's actual secrets, readily agreeing to let him question the employees. When Randall asks about the roof, Eligor replies, "The roof? No, I don't know what's up there. Do you suspect something to do with this? [Voice of Heaven]Tell me what you're thinking about a connection with the roof.[/Voice of Heaven]"

2014-10-15, 10:39 AM
This invocation should have been High Torment (you only had one success), but, as I mentioned in the OOC, you had already submitted this prior to my clarification.

The man looks familiar to you, but you can't place where you know/knew him from. Perhaps if he was cleaned up, but there is quite a lot of blood all over him, and some of his features are marred by this.

While you talk to the Detective, Paul takes the opportunity to slip back into the store, and resume his cleaning.

The Detective nods, jotting down a few notes. His head whips up a bit as you attempt to force him to reveal what he knows, and his shoulders tense noticeably. He shakes his head. I'm sorry Mr. Trilby, but I can't discuss an ongoing investigation with you, he replies, maintaining his cool but polite demeanor. He frowns, pauses.. Do you have access to the roof, Mr. Trilby?

2014-10-15, 10:56 AM
"I do, yes. Would you like to see it?" A calculated risk; whatever he saw up there that made him suspicious, it may incriminate me in some way, but if I keep talking to him, perhaps I can get more information out of him--and I don't want to act like I have something to hide. If Detective Randall wants to see the roof, Eligor will take any chances that present themselves to use Voice of Heaven to push the detective into sharing his suspicions, especially about the roof, as long as he sees a way to mask the required imperative in something a curious, pushy, but uninvolved businessman might say rather than being outright suspicious.

If he doesn't, Eligor will look out onto the roof himself alone.