View Full Version : Pathfinder > Razor Coast: Fire as She Bears

2014-10-07, 10:06 AM
Hi Forum,

Bought Fire as She Bears due to the fact that the general consensus on teh webz is that it's really good for naval combat in pathfinder. Not going to lie, I do like it. It looks pretty good (though I haven't tried it properly yet) but my problem is with the ships themselves. Not sure why, but trying to build a ship based on an actual age of sail ship (I used the U.S.S. Constitution) I end up with a 90str behemoth that can move at 35 sq per turn and has the cargo capacity of a small island. It seems that even the example BAMF ship (Boneduce's Pride) is little more than a fifth rate ship of the line. What do I do if I want larger ships from around the 18th-19th century? According to FaSB they would all be super fast yet barely manuverable.

Any ideas on how to fix this?
