View Full Version : Background help

2014-10-07, 11:50 AM
So I am playing in a friends campaign and he has created a new system and its odd but really fun. My other character has unfortunately died. It is super easy to die in this campaign (long story as to why it is). So I am creating a Vanara monk. And the GM hates monkeys haha. So I need an amazing background story and it needs to include a heritage weapon preferably a staff, only because there is no magic in the game. and I am having a brain fart at the present moment and can't think of any ideas.

Honest Tiefling
2014-10-07, 12:44 PM
My advice is to start at the beginning. What are Vanaras like in this world? What cultural values do they have? How do they get along with their neighbors? What gods or religions do they follow? Do they have the same skills as your character, or was he trained in something different? Why? What causes him to want to, or be forced to leave?

2014-10-07, 02:25 PM
My advice is to start at the beginning. What are Vanaras like in this world? What cultural values do they have? How do they get along with their neighbors? What gods or religions do they follow? Do they have the same skills as your character, or was he trained in something different? Why? What causes him to want to, or be forced to leave?

My good sir, I thank you.

2014-10-07, 03:34 PM
Heritage quarterstaff immediately makes me think of the final tree in his clan's ancestral homeland being razed by some other race. His great grandfather made this staff as a remembrance of the lost homeland. Fortunately it was hardened by the fires but the staff itself is a sad reminder of a once solidified tribe now scattered; the last survivors making do foraging in sub-optimal forest regions and barely making it. This vanara PC is out seeking a new land to move the vestiges of his clan so they don't have to work so hard. One less adult mouth to feed helps too. Worse case scenario is that he can return with money/goods that will make the last of the vanara have a better shot at rebuilding wherever they are now.