View Full Version : Summoning or summoner domain

Confused Dad
2014-10-07, 11:26 PM
I am AFB so I can't check SC to verify which it is...what dieties offer this domain and more importantly are there any that have both the magic and summoning domain?

2014-10-07, 11:30 PM
Beltar, Callarduran Smoothhands, Eadro, the Great Mother, Segojan Earthcaller, Skoraeus Stonebones, and Trithereon all offer the Summoner domain. None of those also offer Magic.

2014-10-07, 11:30 PM
According to the cleric domain list (http://home.comcast.net/~ftm3/JHtB/domains.html), the list of deities that offer the summoner domain are Beltar, Callarduran Smoothhands, Eadro, Great Mother, Segojan Earthcaller, Skoraeus Stonebones, and Trithereon. Out of that list, it doesn't look like any also offer the magic domain. It's possible I'm missing something, but it looks like you'll have to be a cleric devoted to a cause in order to get both domains.

Edit: Damn, that was some timely swordsaging.

2014-10-07, 11:33 PM
According to the cleric domain list (http://home.comcast.net/~ftm3/JHtB/domains.html), the list of deities that offer the summoner domain are Beltar, Callarduran Smoothhands, Eadro, Great Mother, Segojan Earthcaller, Skoraeus Stonebones, and Trithereon. Out of that list, it doesn't look like any also offer the magic domain. It's possible I'm missing something, but it looks like you'll have to be a cleric devoted to a cause in order to get both domains.

Edit: Damn, that was some timely swordsaging.
Well, since it's my list, I could reference my local copy rather than go to the web site. That makes it a little bit faster.

2014-10-07, 11:34 PM
As far as I can tell, no deity shares those two domains. May I ask what purpose you need this for? If it's for a cleric, you could just not worship a god and pick those two as your domain (although really, looking at summoner, it's pretty pointless. The domain ability is the only part of it that's worth anything, because all of its spells are already on the basic cleric list. The domain ability is useful, I guess.)

Extra Anchovies
2014-10-07, 11:41 PM
Well, since it's my list, I could reference my local copy rather than go to the web site. That makes it a little bit faster.

You made that list? Cool! It's a great list, I reference it pretty often. Learn something new every day, I guess.

2014-10-08, 06:59 AM
You made that list? Cool! It's a great list, I reference it pretty often. Learn something new every day, I guess.
Well, someone had to create it; these things don't make themselves. I assembled it as a reference for a Con game I ran years ago. There's an updated version here (http://home.comcast.net/~ftm3/ASMoNM/domains.html); I think that one is complete: i.e., all the (more than 160) regular Clerical domains for D&D 3.5.

If you find any errors or omissions, please send me a PM. There are likely a few typos left.