View Full Version : IC AoW: Trans-Atlantic - Jan and Lyr Hiatus

2014-10-08, 12:57 AM
As Jan and Lyr walk together along the road back to Diamond Lake, the half-elf is unusually quiet, especially given the large monetary windfall they have just received. As they get closer and closer to the village, his brow furrows more and more, until Jan would swear she can hear him practically grinding his teeth with every step.

Upon reaching the outskirts of town, Lyr picks a direction towards a mansion Jan has never seen before and makes a beeline there without looking left or right. As they step onto the long, well-manicured walkway leading to the front door of the estate, Lyr looks down and meets Jan's troubled expression. "This should only take a minute," he says, shifting uncomfortably. "And then we can go have a drink, toss some dice, and visit our friend the owlbear cub at the Emporium, ok?"

Without waiting for a response, he starts quickly striding down the promenade towards the imposing gates that are the only entrance into the otherwise unimpressive building. "Ho, there!" he cries to the guards as they draw near. "My name's Pilgrim and I'm here to see Balabar Smenk about a debt. Which one of you lot is in charge?"

2014-10-08, 12:26 PM
"This should only take a minute," he says, shifting uncomfortably. "And then we can go have a drink, toss some dice, and visit our friend the owlbear cub at the Emporium, ok?"

The storm clouds on Jan's face evaporate in an instant, and she gives Lyr a lopsided, toothy grin!

Without waiting for a response, he starts quickly striding down the promenade towards the imposing gates that are the only entrance into the otherwise unimpressive building.

Jan starts at his sudden steps toward the entrance before collecting herself to follow. Wait up! Your legs are a lot bigger than mine! she jogs lightly in his wake, looking around the area for anything of note.

2014-10-08, 12:42 PM
The grounds are clearly old and overgrown, looking largely unkept. As the two approach the house one of the guards hefts a large lead pipe in his hand before walking menacingly forward. "No one comes to see Mr. Smenk without an invitation by Mr. Smenk. An' you two," he points at them both with the pipe, "Don't have an invitation. Now git!"

As his partner walks up to join him, a third man, this one scrawny with glasses comes out the open front door, a notepad in hand. Seeing the confrontation developing he steps forward and speaks with authority, saying, "Hold, Cliff! What is going on here?" Turning to the two PCs he says, "Mr. Smenk is not available at the moment, and doesn't generally take visitors unannounced. Who are you, and why are you here?"

2014-10-08, 03:24 PM
As the scrawny man approaches, Jan gives him her most winsome smile. Excuse us for the unexpected visit, friend! My lanky friend here appears to owe your employer a modest debt, and we are hoping to conclude that business today. Our apologies for the confusion, but we have only the best of intentions! She nods cheerily to the guard with the pipe.

Diplomacy: [roll0] to improve attitudes of the assembled lackeys.

2014-10-08, 03:33 PM
Furrowing his brow, the man responds, saying, "Debts you say? Unusual for the one owing funds to come knocking..." He turns to the guards and shoos them away before continuing, "Be that as it may, I still need a name. Unless Mr. Smenk has directed me to look into this debt, I am unable to provide you all access at this time. So, for what name am I looking?" Turning to look at Lyr, the man leans back with the confidence of a bureaucrat in his home turf, waiting for an answer.

2014-10-08, 10:09 PM
"Be that as it may, I still need a name. Unless Mr. Smenk has directed me to look into this debt, I am unable to provide you all access at this time. So, for what name am I looking?" Turning to look at Lyr, the man leans back with the confidence of a bureaucrat in his home turf, waiting for an answer.

Lyr grimaces as Jan mentions his debt, clearly uncomfortable to have involved her in this. Stepping forward, he squares his shoulders and addresses the scrawny steward, "Look, I'm a man of my word. You can tell Smenk that Pilgrim is here to see him. If he needs reminding, he might remember me as the guy who almost won half a mine from him at dice a few weeks ago, until he threw the Dragon's Claw at the last possible moment. And yes, now I owe him some coin..." The memory causes Lyr to wince as he waits to see how his words are received. The bloody oaf had the Devil's own luck than that night... I'm fortunate I made it out with my shirt, and my hide intact...

2014-10-09, 11:50 AM
Lyr grimaces as Jan mentions his debt, clearly uncomfortable to have involved her in this. Stepping forward, he squares his shoulders and addresses the scrawny steward, "Look, I'm a man of my word. You can tell Smenk that Pilgrim is here to see him. If he needs reminding, he might remember me as the guy who almost won half a mine from him at dice a few weeks ago, until he threw the Dragon's Claw at the last possible moment. And yes, now I owe him some coin..." The memory causes Lyr to wince as he waits to see how his words are received. The bloody oaf had the Devil's own luck than that night... I'm fortunate I made it out with my shirt, and my hide intact...

Jan reaches up to find Lyr's hand and squeezes it encouragingly as they await the steward's response.

2014-10-09, 01:44 PM
"Hrumph! I don't think you understand how this relationship works...I don't go and tell Mr. Smenk anything. As his personal assistant, I follow directions, which in this case means looking for 'Pilgrim'..." he refers to his clipboard, turning several pages of parchment before looking up and saying, "...and not finding your name under the list of men Mr. Smenk plans to see today. If you would like to leave a message, I will be do what I can to get it to Mr. Smenk, but I make no guarantees."

Looking around at the thugs and the unkempt grounds, he continues more quietly, "I would also discourage you from coming by unannounced. While Mr. Smenk has an 'open-door policy' officially, that is entirely for show. While the guards are unlikely to be the biggest threat to motivated individuals, Mr. Smenk's home is patrolled by other, less obvious defenders, and the grounds are not intended to be safe to roam. If you want to provide your address, I will send a messenger for you when Mr. Smenk wishes to settle your debt."

2014-10-09, 02:56 PM
With a confused frown, Jan holds her peace and looks up at Lyr questioningly.

2014-10-09, 03:45 PM
Lyr tenses up for a moment as though he intends to protest, then thinks better of it and shakes his head. "Bah, fine. You can give him my message, and make sure to mention you're the reason he didn't get his money today." He points back the way he and Jan came. "I'm staying at an old mine office halfway to the Whispering Cairn. It'll be the one with all the construction - you can't miss it. Tell Smenk he can reach me there. C'mon, Jan." With one last scowl, he spins around and stalks back down the walkway.

"Ughn, I need a drink, or at least a game to take my mind off this farce," Lyr moans, rubbing his temples as he and Jan walk back into town. "How about we check out the Emporium? They've got plenty of both, and we can say hi to the cub and start figuring out where Filge might have gone... what do you say?"

2014-10-09, 04:11 PM
Jan and Lyr walk away from the gloomy house, making their way to the Emporium. Inside they are quickly ushered to see the "Gallery of Science" in which the owlbear cub now has a prominent display developing. The large pit (reminiscent of the enclosures found in many modern zoos) has been created seemingly overnight, with a wide balcony overlooking the little creature's new home. The plants and other assorted features of the space make it appear to be a mix of a natural forest and an odd circus, with clear areas in which the cup might be seen performing somehow. Currently the creature is eating lunch, a grisly process in which it appears to be taking great pleasure. The small gathering of onlookers reacts with a mixture of awe, disgust, and encouragement as the cub eats the remains of some unidentifiable creature, seemingly oblivious to the crowd.

Less popular sights in the gallery are "Esmerelda Jr," a two-headed calf, as well as several stuffed creatures or wax-statues. A misshapen, blue-skinned contortionist "walks by" on his hands, saying, "Welcome folks! Anyone interested in a game of physical skill? If you can outmaneuver me on this mat, you can win an entire month of free passes to the gaming floor! Come one, come all, entries are only two silver!"

Essentially he wants to play Twister. He is clearly limber and capable of some unusual feats of physical flexibility, but it seems possible that he might be defeat-able...

2014-10-09, 04:25 PM
"How about we check out the Emporium? They've got plenty of both, and we can say hi to the cub and start figuring out where Filge might have gone... what do you say?"

Jan nods excitedly at Lyr, before scampering off the way they came.

The small gathering of onlookers reacts with a mixture of awe, disgust, and encouragement as the cub eats the remains of some unidentifiable creature, seemingly oblivious to the crowd.

Look! He's having lunch! So cute!!! She struggles to hold herself up on the railing to watch the young owlbear. Hey, Browlie, remember me?? she calls down at the beast!

"Welcome folks! Anyone interested in a game of physical skill? If you can outmaneuver me on this mat, you can win an entire month of free passes to the gaming floor! Come one, come all, entries are only two silver!"

Ooooh! I'll play! How does it work?? She grins excitedly at the barker's face, roughly on a height with hers, before stooping in an attempt to align his face with hers.

2014-10-09, 05:39 PM
Ooooh! I'll play! How does it work??
"Well, well, well! A taker! I'm Tom Shingle, resident boggle round these parts! The way we play my game is we spin this here arrow," he points at an arrow attached to a circle with colors and body parts (appropriate!) drawn upon it. "Then we place the appropriate part of our bodies on this here mat on the corresponding colored circles! The first of us to fail to reach the right part or fall and hit the mat with our bodies loses, the other wins!"

He moves into position, spins the arrow, gets "right hand-red" from it, places his right hand down, and then proceeds to walk a complete circle around the mat, leaving his hand in position. "I must warn you - I have stretched already today and feel pretty limber, but I won't cheat or nothing! You still up to play? Put down a hand on the mat, if so, and have your friend there spin the arrow for us!"

I don't even want to worry about a bunch of skill checks - write up some fun stuff and roll a d6. If it beats [roll0] then you win. If not, Tom wins (a tie loses).

2014-10-09, 06:04 PM
[roll0] and filler filler filler lah dee dah

2014-10-10, 09:43 AM
Browlie...? Lyr thinks as he tears himself away from the sight of the owlbear cub. Ordering a light cocktail, he walks over to observe the unusual competition between Jan and the 'boggle'. Taking his cue, his spins the arrow, and the game is off!

...and quickly over on the next round, when Lyr spins the color on the furthest corner of the mat from Jan, a solid two feet further than her entire body outstretched. Grinning sheepishly, he digs out a few silvers to pay Tom. "Sorry, Jan, my luck's not in today. Good thing I didn't try those dice yet..."

Walking back over to the bar, Lyr sips his drink and tries to nonchalantly make conversation with the other patrons, fishing for clues about Filge, the observatory, Kullen, and Smenk. "Hi there, friend. I'm somewhat new to these parts - the name's Pilgrim - and I've been luck for a piece of property to invest in. Another fella told me I should be looking into the abandoned observatory over there on the outskirts. You know anything about that?..."
To gather information, or maybe to assist Jan in doing so :smallwink: [roll0]
Bluff for the white lie about property investment, if necessary [roll1]
Bit of Luck on either, if applicable: [roll2]

2014-10-10, 09:57 AM
Jan laughs as she allows herself to fall to the mat in defeat. Oh well, against a big tall one like yourself, I didn't really stand a chance, did I? She grins and extends a hand to her opponent.

Momentarily, she heads to the bar. After managing to scale a barstool with some difficulty, she magnanimously shouts, A round on me, in remembrance of a mighty battle! She winks at Lyr before dropping a coin in the barkeep's jar and asking for "Something fruity and bubbly!"

Diplomacy check to gather information on Lyr's behalf: [roll0]
I'd take a circumstance bonus on the drinks bought for our neighbors... :smallbiggrin:

2014-10-10, 01:07 PM
Tom allows his limbs to retract, presenting himself as a blue-skinned humanoid of halfling size before taking the coins offered and bowing, low, his grin never leaving his face.

As Jan receives a drink from the bartender that smells of strawberries, looks like a firecracker is still burning inside a kaleidoscope, and tastes like cherry-fire the bar explodes into cheers. Several patrons clap her and Lyr on the back while some of the employees roll their eyes at the ensuing frivolity.

After taking a long pull from the drink provided by Jan's generosity, a halfling takes a deep breath, belches a tongue of flame easily 10-ft. long, and turns to the two adventurers. "The old observatory? Meh, it has been abandoned for years. Last I heard Balabar Smenk owns it, but I wouldn't put money down on it," he says before offering a hand to shake. "Name's Ariello Klint, the 'combustible magician' to patrons here at the Emporium. If you are wanting to find some property to buy, you would be better served speaking to some of the well-to-do folks upstairs on the gaming floor or heading over to Lazare's House across the square. None of the miners who frequent the gallery will have much worthwhile to sell, though they may try anyway. Come with me!"

He leads the pair upstairs, pointing out the various games as they pass. The most popular appears to be "dragonfire," which he explains is an ante-based card game. Others include norebonne, a dice game played with brightly colored polyhedral dice, and a large table with the words "Rat Game" written on a sign hanging above it. As they watch, four rats are released from the four corners of the table to scurry through an open-topped maze. As the first rate reaches the center (where a large block of cheese sits) an attendant reaches in, picks up the rodent, and injects it with a serum. The reaction is immediate, as the rate begins foaming at the mouth and biting aggressively at everything near it. After it has disposed of its competitors four doors open from which four tiny humanoid figures wielding spears enter the miniature arena, intent upon disposing of the enraged vermin. Onlookers appear to place wagers on every aspect of the sequence of events, with money being exchanged rapidly throughout the event.

Coming to a table with several well-dressed people playing cards he bows and introduces them, saying, "Ladies and gentlemen, may I introduce Miss Luzane Parrin, the most lovely mine-manager in Diamond lake, Mr. Chaum Gansworth, her worthy partner and competitor, and Mr. Gelch Tilgast, one of Diamond Lake's most respected icons." Turning to the three mine-managers he continues, "These two individuals, 'Pilgrim' and Jan are in the market to buy some property. They were asking about the old observatory, but I assured them there were better options out there. I leave them in your capable hands..." With that he bows again and withdraws after pulling up two chairs for Lyr and Jan at the table.

I do not have pictures of these three, but it is common knowledge that they are adamant opponents of Balabar Smenk and work to undermine his business activities constantly. Chaum is a young man with an excellent poker face. Luzane is an attractive brunette woman with a cold demeanor. Gelch is the oldest of the three, possibly old enough to be their father, with tired eyes.

2014-10-10, 11:29 PM
"...I leave them in your capable hands..." With that he bows again and withdraws after pulling up two chairs for Lyr and Jan at the table.

Jan looks from the table to Ariello and back, open-mouthed, before recovering her composure.
Ahem, she clears her throat briefly, So sorry for the interruption! My friend here is here on business... I'm just here to see the sights! This is the first time I've ever really been out of Grossetgrottel She smiles shyly, making eye contact with each in turn.

To improve attitude: [roll0]

2014-10-10, 11:42 PM
As Klint leads the two of them upstairs, Lyr's eyes bulge at every new game they pass. "Dragonfire" looks familiar to him, and "norebonne" not too dissimilar from the games he used to watch on the docks of Celene as a child, but he nearly pulls a handful of coins out to bet on the "Rat Game" until Jan catches him by the elbow and ushers him upstairs after their host.

Upon being introduced to the three mine managers, Lyr quickly looks down, scratching head with one hand while fishing in a pocket for his dice with the other. How to cover up that fib about purchasing property...?, he wonders. Thinking quickly, he launches into his best 'Pilgrim' introduction:

"Hello to you all, and pleased to make your acquaintance!" He bows to the assembled mine owners, his eyes quickly flitting to Chaum, them lingering on Luzane. "As our friend has said, I am known as 'Pilgrim' and this is my lovely associate, Miss Janstina Silentall. We find ourselves newly come to Diamond Lake, and indeed we had heard suggestions that the old observatory was available for purchase."

"However," Lyr's voice drops as he leans in and assumes a conspiratorial look with the others, "Jan and I stopped in to pay our respects at the property just last week, and we had quite the rude reception! Some unsavory fellow by the name of 'Filge' accosted us, I believe. I don't suppose you folks know anything about him? I would hate to think that this is standard business practice in Diamond Lake..."

Diplomacy [roll0]
Bluff for the various white lies :smallwink: [roll1]
Bit of Luck re-roll for either, if applicable: [roll2]

2014-10-11, 05:46 PM
"...I don't suppose you folks know anything about him?"
The three mine managers look skeptically at the two adventurers before the eldest, Gelch Tilgast, says, "Well, Mr. 'Pilgrim' and Miss Janstina, I can assure you none of us are familiar with this Filge fellow. That said, have a seat and let's talk."

Once both PCs are seated he continues, "To clear up some misconceptions, the halfling magician is no a friend so much as an acquaintance - Klint works here as one of the performers and sometimes brings interesting people into touch with each other. As to your questions about the observatory, that is property owned by Mr. Balabar Smenk. You have probably heard of him. If you were accosted by this other person, it is likely that they are somehow connected. And should you be working in opposition to Mr. Smenk, you likely have something in common with the three of us..."

"Hold that, for a moment, Mr. Tilgast!" bursts Chaum Gansworth. "You speak too aggressively for my stance, and you know this. I am no friend of Smenk, but neither shall I be known for hostility!"

The woman huffs and crosses her arms, annoyance on her face, while Tilgast continues, "Well, two of us at least. Now, what exactly is it you are looking to find? If you wish to oppose Smenk and plan to invest in this town, there are already precious few mines still active, but there are other ways one can work against the man..."

2014-10-11, 10:53 PM
Lyr's heart sinks as it becomes clear the three know nothing of Filge, but he does his best not to show it as he responds to Tilgast. "Balabar Smenk? Yes, we've heard of him..." He grimaces slightly, remembering their unpleasant run-in at his estate that morning. "And we too found him... distasteful, to say the least."

"Well, two of us at least. Now, what exactly is it you are looking to find? If you wish to oppose Smenk and plan to invest in this town, there are already precious few mines still active, but there are other ways one can work against the man..."

"Smenk's no friend of ours, true enough, but, being new in town, we're not yet against anyone or anything." Lyr answers, guardedly. "But if we were to start, he would be near the top of the list. What did you have in mind?"

2014-10-12, 03:07 PM
Luzane Parrin leans back, rolling her eyes at Tilgast. "You talk too much, old man. Just point him at Constance and get on with the game..." she says, looking at her hand of cards.

"I was getting there!" snaps the eldest mine manager irritably. Turning back to the two PCs, he continues, "The Emporium is not the only house of ill-repute in town. At the Midnight Salute, down near the garrison, is a woman named Constance. She has some information that could expose Balabar Smenk's less than legal activities in Diamond Lake. She is unlikely to part with such information easily, but we are looking for a small party capable and willing to handle her and acquire what she knows. Do you and your friend have any other companions, adventurers, perhaps, interested in such work?"

Before Lyr or Jan can answer, Parrin speaks again, saying, "To be clear - we have no ill-will towards the girl personally. If you can get this information without harm coming to her, wonderful. It would likely be better that way, in fact. No reason to make things messier..."

2014-10-12, 08:05 PM
Before Lyr or Jan can answer, Parrin speaks again, saying, "To be clear - we have no ill-will towards the girl personally. If you can get this information without harm coming to her, wonderful. It would likely be better that way, in fact. No reason to make things messier..."

Lyr arches an eyebrow at Luzanne's choice of words, and shares a long glance with Jan before responding. He responds to Tilgast first. "This is something we'll have to discuss with our associates, though if what you say is true, it certainly bears investigation. What makes you so sure this... Constance has the dirt on Smenk?"

Turning to Luzanne before Tilgast can respond, Lyr continues, "And what makes you think she won't share this information willingly, or that it will take a whole group to retrieve? We're not really in the business of extorting strangers..."

2014-10-12, 09:03 PM
Chaum Gansworth pipes up, saying, "You both say too much, especially if you don't know these people! It is no wonder Smenk has had so little difficulty undercutting you both so effectively..." He shakes his head, looking down at his cards stoically before continuing, "She is a tramp who has notes on everything she hears from clients, and such women do not give up such dirt freely. You seem inexperienced in such areas, 'Pilgrim,' which suggests that this is unlikely to be the sort of work for you. Feel free to go about your business or look into this - but in either case, I think we are done here."

He then proceeds to close his hand and walk to the bar, pointedly ignoring any further discussion on the topic with the PCs.

2014-10-14, 03:13 PM
Jan gives Lyr a sidelong look, and smoothly interjects, Well! You have certainly given myself and my friend here some things to think about! I hope we didn't cause too great of an interruption to your game, and we'll leave you to it. She smiles congenially and gives a deep bow before grabbing Lyr's hand and attempting to steer him away from the table.

Once they are out of immediate earshot, she tries to whisper up at him, but the noise of the gaming around them proves too boisterous for a discreet discussion. Louder, she says: I suppose back to camp, eh?

2014-10-14, 07:49 PM
Lyr frowns as he finishes the last of his drink. "We came for answers, and all we've found is more questions... It's early in the day yet. I'm going to try the Feral Dog." He adds hurriedly, "I'm not going after Kullen, and he won't be there at this time anyway, but someone there has to know what he's up to or have a lead on where Filge might have gone." Setting the empty glass on the counter, he turns to go. "If you want to go back, that's alright. This shouldn't take long."

2014-10-14, 11:05 PM
Jan shrugs noncommittally as they head down the stairs and out the front door. With the sounds of revelry behind them, she says, I was just trying to get you out here before you got distracted by the games! She winks slyly at him before continuing in a hushed tone, Besides, if we're going to have a friendly conversation with that lady, best to do it while the day is still light, eh? Maybe it's best that we don't bother the others, we can look after ourselves! Besides, Arkiana would be really out of place, Frederick sticks out like a sore thumb anywhere, and the good doctor... well, he's tinkering with his potions, no need to bother him! But if you want to have another drink, I guess we've earned a holiday, huh? She suddenly grins excitedly at him!

2014-10-15, 02:37 PM
The pair cross the square to the Feral Dog and go inside, finding a very different kind of debauchery in place. Several miners appear to already be quite drunk at the bar while others surround a deep pit, impatiently waiting for a dog fight to begin. An attractive elf woman can be seen at the bar, drinking amber liquid from a tall bottle as she twiddles a dagger expertly in her hands. The place smells of sweat, fur, blood, vomit, and alcohol in roughly equal parts.

At the bar the tender looks over expectantly, waiting for an order from either of the PCs. There are two seats available near the elf woman, or several near the dog fight pit.

2014-10-15, 08:11 PM
Jan shrugs noncommittally as they head down the stairs and out the front door. With the sounds of revelry behind them, she says, I was just trying to get you out here before you got distracted by the games! ... But if you want to have another drink, I guess we've earned a holiday, huh?

Lyr smirks at Jan's worry about him and the games, and allows a half-smile as she talks about their 'holiday'. "Right you are! Well, the Dog's on the way to the Midnight Salute, or a least not out of the way, so we might as well stop in and see what we see. And I DO want another drink... let's go!"

Several miners appear to already be quite drunk at the bar while others surround a deep pit, impatiently waiting for a dog fight to begin. An attractive elf woman can be seen at the bar, drinking amber liquid from a tall bottle as she twiddles a dagger expertly in her hands.

As Lyr enters the Feral Dog, his nostrils recoil for a moment from the all-to familiar stench of unwashed miners, violence, and alcohol, but it quickly fades from his perception as he notices the scenery around him. His gaze flits to the dog-fighting ring for half a moment before darting to and resting on the comely elven woman at the bar. As he approaches, the image of Arkiana suddenly enters his head, unbidden, but he pushes it away almost immediately. Without breaking eye contact with the woman, he addresses the bartender, "I'll have one of what she's having!" He winks as he slips into the seat next to her. "I hadn't thought to find more than cheap booze at a place like this. The name's Pilgrim - I'm an explorer of sorts. What brings you to this fine establishment, Miss...?"

2014-10-15, 09:01 PM
The woman takes a long pull from her bottle, silently watching as Lyr is given one as well. The liquor is strong - dry and sharp - and the ease with which this woman is drinking it says something about her tolerance. After watching Lyr take a drink and seeing his reaction, she smirks and says, "Tirra. Call me Tirra." She takes another long pull before turning around, whipping her hair around casually and looking at the scene before continuing, "I like it here. Is that such a surprise?" She walks over to a line drawn on the wooden floor, takes a dagger lying on a table near by, and throws it lazily towards a target on the wall. The dagger sticks inside the innermost ring of three as she turns and walks back to the bar. "Care to throw a few? You play till elimination - first round must hit inside the large circle, second inside the smaller, third and all subsequent rounds in the smallest circle. Winner takes the pot, bets demonstrate your confidence. I don't tend to lose..."

As Lyr ponders the challenge, the woman winks at Jan merrily. Her eyes sparkle with the fun of it all, and Jan can tell the woman enjoys having a good time and might be fun to get to know. Then the elf tosses the gnome a gold orb and mouths "Go for it!"

2014-10-15, 10:34 PM
"Care to throw a few? You play till elimination - first round must hit inside the large circle, second inside the smaller, third and all subsequent rounds in the smallest circle. Winner takes the pot, bets demonstrate your confidence. I don't tend to lose..."

Before Jan can respond, Lyr tosses back half of his new drink, coughs slightly from the burning sensation it produces, and stands up while pushing his chair back from the bar. "Funny- (ahem, ahem)," he coughs, "I don't tend to lose, either." Walking over to to chalk line on the ground, he picks up a dagger from the nearby table and makes a show of inspecting it carefully. "Let's say, if I win, you have to have dinner with me tonight, at a somewhat... better equipped establishment. If you win, well, you name a comparable price!" As he's speaking, one hand goes into his left pocket for his lucky dice, and the other flips the dagger up to catch it pointwise between his fingers. Flashing his best devilish grin at Tirra, Lyr suddenly spins around and hurls the dagger with all his might towards the target!

Ranged attack w/ dagger [roll0]
And you better believe Lyr's using Bit of Luck here! [roll1]

Grinning cheekily, he turns around. "So, what were the rules for the second round again?"

2014-10-15, 10:47 PM
With an exaggerated yawn, Tirra looks at Pilgrim's dagger, settled nicely inside the second smallest circle. "Don't burn yourself out with the first throws," she warns before taking up her own dagger. "So, let me get this straight - if you win, you buy me dinner. If I win, you owe me gold? I fail to see how I am loosing this option, though I have already eaten."

She throws again, calm confidence exuding from her.

The target is two range increments from the throwing line (-2 on your throws). Hitting the medium and smallest targets require hitting AC 15 and 20 respectively. The house daggers are the only ones allowed, and are normal (non-masterwork).

Tirra's throw [roll0]
Her dagger lands near Lyr's as she saunters back to take another pull from her bottle, the alcohol seeming to have no effect on her balance whatsoever.

2014-10-16, 01:35 AM
Lyr squints, frowning at the target, as Tirra's throw lands firmly beside his own. As he walks forward to the target to dislodge the daggers, he turns around and grins at Tirra, "Oh, no - you win either way! Surely I am the only victim here!," he says, placing a hand to his heart. As he walks back to the counter for another swig of his drink, (again coughing slightly), he says "Although, since you mentioned bets, and confidence, how about this? If I win, you have to buy my dinner!"

His trademark grin firmly in place, he walks up to the chalk line and send another dagger sailing firmly toward the target.
Ranged attack [roll0]
plus Bit of Luck (2/5) [roll1]!
EDIT: those rolls where not counting -2 for the range, so apply -2 to each!

2014-10-16, 05:55 PM
A smirk on her face, Tirra throws again. "I will match your bet's value, in gold. Name it - your interest is clear already, I get the point!"

Dagger [roll0] attack vs. AC 15
Her dagger lands in the center of the smallest circle on the target.

2014-10-16, 11:23 PM
Lyr blinks, and then blinks again at the result of Tirra's throw. The sound of dice rattling starts up in his head as he walks up to the line and picks up a dagger, moving noticeably less confidently than before. "My lady," he says, turning around to face her and Jan at the bar, "I could not put a price on the pleasure of sharing your company for a meal, but if you insist, I assure you it is worth no less than 100 gold sovereigns!"

Bloody fool, this all got started because of debts you couldn't repay! he thinks to himself as he turns around and assesses the target. Taking a deep breath and exhaling slowly, he silently mouths a brief prayer to Fharlanghn before whipping his arm back and throwing the final dagger...

Attack [roll0] (including -2 for range) vs DC 15 or 20
Bit of Luck [roll1] (used 3/5 for the day)

2014-10-17, 01:49 PM
Looking pointedly at Lyr's dagger, which is inside the second circle but not the smallest, Tirra says, "Either I miss, or you just lost one hundred gold orbs...Which in Diamond Lake is something of a princely sum - I wouldn't go announcing that you carry that much unless you really like large mobs in the middle of the night or your little friend there is hiding a large band of bodyguards in her clothing." Shrugging, she throws her dagger at the target.

Dagger [roll0] vs. AC 20
A shocked look crosses her face, as her dagger only barely hits inside the outermost circle. "Well, neither of us hit the required mark. If a third were playing, we would both be out. Instead, you get to throw again," she says, her face showing frustration clearly.

2014-10-17, 02:44 PM
Jan suppresses an excited giggle as the competition progresses...

2014-10-19, 12:17 PM
Lyr's heart skips a best as Tirra's throw sails wide of the mark, but he quickly walks up to retrieve the daggers to buy him time to recover. As he returns and hands her dagger to Tirra, he grins cheekily. "Sorry, am I making you nervous?"

Attack [roll0]
And Bit of Luck 4/5: [roll1]

This time, Lyr doesn't even look back to see his throw as he walks up to the bar. "Besides, how do you know I'm not a prince?"

2014-10-19, 08:01 PM
Tirra raises an eyebrow as she looks at Lyr's dagger where it has settled in the central target. Taking a slow breath, she throws her dagger without speaking first.

Dagger [roll0] vs. AC 20
Frowning, she walks back to the bar, orders another bottle of liquor and a meal for Lyr, pops the cork and takes a long pull, silently frowning at her dagger where it hangs outside all but the outermost circle.

2014-10-21, 01:15 PM
Jan bursts into excited applause as Lyr's dagger hits the bulls-eye, and she claps respectfully after Tirra's miss. Noting her frustration, she catches the barkeep's eye and nods her direction, brandishing several gold orbs (including the one originally given to her by Tirra) before loudly announcing, I'm gonna see what this noise is all about, and she nods in the direction of the dog fighting pit. Please don't take too much advantage of my friend's weakness for pretty ladies who know how to handle a blade. She winks merrily at Tirra before skipping off.

To improve Tirra's mood/impression of her and Lyr: [roll0]

2014-10-22, 10:30 AM
Lyr freezes with his mouth half-open for a moment as Tirra's dagger flies wide again, his eyes hardly believing what they're seeing. His next thought is for his own safety, but as she sullenly honors her part of the agreement, he starts to grin. Hopping into the seat next to her, he orders his own drink, takes a large swallow, and relaxes with a satisfied sigh. "Ahhhh... Waiter! Another of today's special for my friend here!" he plops down a few silvers on the counter to pay for his drink and the second meal. "The wager was that you buy me dinner, but nothing says I can't do the same!" he winks. "And it's pittance for the pleasure of your company and a game well-thrown, Miss- ... oh, we haven't been properly introduced, have we?" Standing, he makes a short bow. "I am a simple wanderer, a journeyman of the open road, but there are those who know me as Pilgrim. And my associate there is the lovely, incomparable Miss Janstina. To whom do we have the good fortune of speaking?"
Attempt to cheer up Tirra / make her not want to stab Lyr: [roll0]
And using the last Bit of Luck of the day: [roll1]

2014-10-22, 03:38 PM
"Your memory isn't so long, is it? I'm Tirra."

After watching Lyr take a drink and seeing his reaction, she smirks and says, "Tirra. Call me Tirra."
Tirra asks, her expression mixed. "I haven't thrown so poorly in weeks, and I don't know how I feel about that. You and your little friend aren't so bad, though. You should keep an eye on her - people often fall into the dog pit, and it can get bloody..."

2014-10-22, 11:16 PM
Lyr makes a pained expression. "I was hoping to learn more about this enchanting beauty before me, but, alas, simply 'Tirra' must suffice for now." As he takes a sip, the rest of her words sink in, and he glances nervously over at where Jan is inspecting the spectacle around the dog-fighting pit. "Um, Jan, dear - why don't you come over and have a drink with us? I'm sure Tirra would love to hear your stories of all the adventures you've had since Grossetgrottel!"

2014-10-23, 09:33 PM
The dogfight hasn't yet begun, but rough miners are lining up on either side of the open pit, placing bets and talking animatedly about the upcoming fight. Down in the pit, a good ten feet lower than floor level, the dogs and their owners can be seen, preparing for the confrontation behind some rough gates meant to keep the owners out of the pit and the dogs inside. From the looks of the blood stains on the walls and floor, fights are messy affairs that likely lead to the deaths of the losing animal.

Jan hasn't gotten too close before furious barks and growls erupt from behind the gates as the two canines get the other's scent. The racket is echoed by the ugly, smelly men above. Lyr reaches Jan in plenty of time to redirect her from the gruesome scene about to take place.

2014-10-24, 10:09 AM
Jan wrinkles her nose in obvious distaste from the sounds and smells surrounding the dog pit. That doesn't sound like fun at all! Why were those dogs so angry down there? She looks up at Lyr in obvious confusion. That reminds me a little bit of those wolves we found in the Cairn. They were so angry!

2014-10-30, 07:05 AM
I am thinking this might be a good place to conclude this 'hiatus' mini-adventure. All three campaigns are moving in earnest again (yay!), and we've accomplished the big goals I had in mind: establishing the fruitless attempt to contact Smenk and locate Filge. And we've had a fun run-in with Tirra, which should be interesting in case we ever cross paths again :smallbiggrin:

2014-10-30, 07:31 AM
The rest of the night passes uneventfully. Tirra remains somewhat guarded in her conversation, though pleasant enough.

There are no repercussions to Jan and Lyr declining to help the mine managers, though about three weeks later they do hear about a young prostitute being killed in a horrible "accident" - according to the rumors it was very intentional due to the young woman's indiscretion with regards to what she knew and shared with the wrong people.

There are other NPCS about town, particularly of the gaming/gambling type, whom the PCs might enjoy getting to know, but if Lyr and Jam primarily frequent the Feral a Dog and the Emporium they are unlikely to run into most of them.