View Full Version : The Phil Chronicles

2014-10-08, 01:47 AM
Mitch: You shield your face as the familiar roar of the beat up cargo plane approached the nearly deserted Canadian runway. Letting out a sigh, this is going to be another nice easy job, take the pot, bring it home, and distribute. You look over at your driver, Cara. She is one of the possible hitches in the plan, apparently if **** hits the fan, you’ve been told she’s the one you want behind the wheel, however so far, she seems more interested in attracted attention than avoiding it. Come to think of it, being able to pay her with Coke may have been a tip off as to her personality. The sight of the jet landing a mere hundred feet from you two seems fairly impressive for her however. Before the plane has finished its descent, you walk around the Lincoln Versailles and ready the trunks secret compartments for loading. You hear the plane’s engines die out as you work. Finally you hear a cry of joy. “Mitchell, ha, it’s been to long my old friend!” Looking over the top of the trunk lid you see a smiling Middle Eastern man walking towards you with his arms wide. Behind him, three men begin to open the back of the plane. (This is Ike)

Cara: You cross your arms and tap your leather boots impatiently. You had been waiting here for almost a full hour for nothing. You met Mitch just a few months ago through a mutual acquaintance after returning from your shooting of Super Cars 9. You got to talking, eventually trading a few stories, and by the end of the night he offered for you to make a quiet run over the Canadian border and back with a kilo of coke for your reward. You quickly agreed, after all a whole Kilo could turn into a very fun weekend. You imagined a very exciting time, maybe even a shootout or two, but sadly you’ve got nothing so far. Then off in the distance you hear a roar approaching you. Over the tree line a massive old jet approaches, seemingly headed right towards you. You look up as it flies overhead, your unable to help the smile that creeps over your face at the feeling of the jet rumbling around you. Mitch however, seems almost board as he heads back over to the car he provided. As the jet lands a Middle Eastern man with a big smile over his face approaches the two of you. “Mitchell, ha, it’s been to long my old friend!” The man says with a jolly laugh.

Rafferty: You slowly pull up to the scene, parking behind several other police labeled cars. You find yourself beginning to wonder, if this was the right job to take. When you came to the job you were greeted by Chief Swanson, a big portly man. He explained that he used to be the Head detective before the former Chief retired. He made it seem as though the town had very little major crimes, however between the young girl that disappeared a month ago, and now this, your beginning to wonder what else this small town is hiding. You get out of your vehicle and approach the state park. It doesn’t take anytime to spot the victim, whoever it is, it looks like some sort of butchered animal. Three officers stand by, waiting for you to take the lead, you also see the a middle aged couple holding a very impatient borderline collie standing within the police tape, most likely the ones who found the body. The only thing you don’t see is the city coroner, of course he probably hasn’t made it from Sioux Falls yet.

2014-10-08, 02:12 AM
"Isaac, buddy," Mitch says with a smile, returning the hug, "far too long indeed!" Mitch wasn't too touchy-feely, but Ike was an exception to that rule. "Trip was pleasently uneventful. Think it may have bored our driver though. Things good on your side of things?"

2014-10-08, 03:27 PM
Ike gives you another one of his big toothy smiles, showing off his impeccably bleached teeth. "Of course, of course" he says with a wave of his hand "and who might your lovely new driver be?" Ike asks, approaching Cara with his hand jutting out before him for a welcoming shake.

2014-10-08, 05:23 PM
"Miss Clara Canady. So far hasn't been tossed through the wringer, but made for good conversation on the way," Mitch says, watching his co-worker behave in what was looking to be a rather expected fashion. He turns to watch the men unload their supply while Ike tries to chat up Clara.

2014-10-09, 11:25 PM
Rafferty approaches the witnesses that reported the incident (Ignoring Chief Swanson IF he is on the scene). "So, what can you tell me about this here body... and perhaps your dog?" he abruptly says. "Also, officers what have you learned so far from the scene?"

2014-10-10, 03:32 AM
Cara takes his hand and shakes it vigorously "The name's Cara...Cara Canady. Did some work in Super Cars 9, just came out recently...maybe you've seen it?" She boasts "What did you say your name was again? I have a hard time hearing ever since that car explosion went bad in Super Cars 8..."

2014-10-10, 04:44 AM
Mitch: You watch as three men, one in a forklift, slowly guide out a 4 foot by 4 foot crate, gently setting it down near the Lincoln. One runs off to grab a crowbar as the other open up the car, unzipping the seats, opening the compartments under the seats and removing the paneling on the doors. After prying open the crate they three begin to fill the car. You always find a small amazement at how many parts of a car are just blank space as the entire car is filled with twenty bricks of pot, vacuumed down to reduce moisture leakage and save space. All in all, you figure this shipment should net you just under half a million.

Rafferty: As you approach the couple, you see the woman, wearing a green jogging suit clutch the dog tighter to her. The male, a middle weight man in his mid-thirties steps up to you. “I’m sorry, what about our dog? And who are you?” The man asks defensively. “Sorry folks, this is Detective Rafferty” you hear a kind voice behind you say. Turning to look behind you, you see a young officer approach you. “This is Mr. and Mrs. Humphrey Detective, Mrs. Humphrey was out for a jog when she discovered the Victim.” The officer says, emphasizing the word victim in his speech. “Please Mrs. Humphrey just tell the Detective here what you told me.” The Officer says to the couple before turning to you and giving you a little nod and a look. Mrs. Humphrey turns to you. “Well, I was taking Scruffles here for her afternoon walk.” Mrs. Humphrey begins, motioning to the dog in her arms. “As we came around the turn here, Scruffles began to resist going forward. She had never done this before, but I assumed it was nothing, as we neared the area, the first thing I noticed was that aweful smell, I peared into the woods, which was when I saw…it.” Mrs. Humphrey finishes, tears clearly beginning to build up in her eyes. As she finishes her story you notice a the black van of the Sioux City Coroner make its way down the street.

Cara: You see Ike’s eyes light up as you mention the Super Car movie series. “I love those movies!” Ike exclaims. “And you can call me Ike, like the president” Ike adds. “I love your work miss, hopefully if we can continue to work together you can show me some of those famous moves of yours” Ike says, with a hint of flirting.

2014-10-10, 05:49 AM
Mitch chuckles as he watches everything get unloaded. Could live very comfortably if he actually managed to sell all of this, which he would. Of course there was the costs of working with Ike and the others, but that's how business worked. Would never be able to make what he made now if he was independent, after all.

Still, he always got a little bit jumpy as things got loaded up. He takes a general look around, walking around the car and in general being just a little bit paranoid. Never know when it will wind up saving your ass.

2014-10-11, 02:13 AM
Cara: You give Ike a once over. His skin is smooth and spotless, clearly well kept, like the rest of him. He has a beard, cut to medium length and well groomed. His hair is full of body and shine. He wears leather pants with a white button up polo shirt and black tasseled loafers. There is a small unadorned gold chain around his neck. You can see a feint bulge around his calf, most likely hiding some sort of weapon. With all of his attention attention to his appearance its hard to say how old he truly is, though you would guess at least forty.

2014-10-11, 04:49 AM
Cara gave Ike a good look over. Her interest piqued by his obvious attempts at flirting. “Maybe this weekend can be salvaged after all” Cara thought to herself, noticing his well-kept appearance. Cara stepped in close, catching a whiff of sandalwood “You seem like the kind of guy that enjoys life with some spice to it and you don’t mind taking risks. I like that…” She purrs, touching Ike’s leather enclosed thigh. “How about after this deal is all wrapped up, you and me have a little fun” Cara suggests with a wink.

2014-10-12, 02:59 AM
Mitch: You look over and see Cara and Ike standing very close to each other. Your not sure if Cara is foolhardy or just stupid, an old vision of Ike cutting up that prostitute that crossed him a few years ago strikes your mind for a second. The whole area seems fairly clear, which means the local officer your paying off is doing his job. The loaders seem about done and as you look back you see Ike walking back towards you. It crosses your mind that the only thing left is that kilo of cocaine you owe to Cara. "Well my friend, the car is loaded, the plane is a little emptier, and my bank account already a little more full." Ike says, holding his arms wide, giving you a toothy grin. "Let me know when you want to arrange another shipment, and be sure to bring her along." Ike adds with a wink.

Cara: Ike gives a sly smile. "Maybe if you stay working with Mitchel we can have some fun after the next shipment, but I have to be south of the equator in half a day." Ike says running his hand up your thigh to your hip. "But I'll be looking forward to next time, so be sure to stick around." With that Ike turns around and walks back towards Mitch. "Well my friend, the car is loaded, the plane is a little emptier, and my bank account already a little more full." Ike says, holding his arms wide, giving Mitch a toothy grin. "Let me know when you want to arrange another shipment, and be sure to bring her along." Ike adds.

2014-10-12, 05:37 AM
"You know I will. I do need Clara's payment, though. Something tells me she'll want a little more than a possible date with you. We agreed to a kilo."

2014-10-12, 03:51 PM
"The jog is all well and good Mrs. Humphrey, thank you for reporting it for as quick as you did, but Officer, was Mr. Humphrey here before or after you got here?" Rafferty asks gruffly, "I mean no offense of course Mr. Humphrey, just you being here is odd since your wife was out for a walk after all." Rafferty eagerly awaits his response, before departing to meet the coroner.

2014-10-12, 08:17 PM
With a small huff Cara walked back towards the car. Opening the door she resumes the impatient tapping of her boot, watching the two men converse. “He still owes me my coke…he better not try to pull a fast one on me” Cara thought to herself.

2014-10-14, 03:19 AM
Mitch: "Of course, of course, follow me my friend and I'll get you all set up" Ike says as he climbs the front ladder of the plane. Make Wits+Empathy check.

Cara: You watch as Mitch and Ike talk, after a moment you see Ike climb back into the plane, inviting Mitch up, inside. You still haven't seen your kilo.

Rafferty: "Excuse Me?" Mr. Humphrey responds defensively. "My wife called me after she called you *******s" Mr. Humphrey says angrily, taking a step towards you. "The detective was just asking a question Mr. Humphrey, sometimes the questions he has to ask are uncomfortable" The officer responds, "and Mr. Humphrey got here about ten minutes after we did." The officer adds. Without a second question you turn around and head towards the black van that just pulled up. As you move closer you see a thin pale, balding man wearing a white hazmat suit climb out of the van.

2014-10-14, 05:27 AM
Wits+Empathy: [roll0]

Extra: [roll1]
'Get me set up?' Odd. "Yeah, sure," he says.

2014-10-15, 01:59 AM
"Little excessive there with suit nice suit don't you think, Mr. Coroner?" he says jokingly "Or do you happen to be germaphobe?"

2014-10-15, 06:05 PM
Cara gave an impatient sigh and sat down in the driver’s seat. Patience was never one of her strong suits. Take that and add the paranoia that comes along with having a car full of drugs and Cara didn’t like how things were going. After taking a look at her watch, Cara turns on the radio looking for something decent to listen to. “Ah…there we go” She says with a smile as the intro to “Saturday Night Special” starts to play.

2014-10-17, 04:19 AM
Mitch: As you climb up into the plane after Ike, you are suddenly and uncomfortably jerked inside by a hand reaching out and forcing you in. “Where the hell did you meet her?” Ike spits out, all sense of nicety removed. “There’s only three types people that brazen in this world, the foolhardy, the stupid, or the authorities… So tell me, which is she?” Ike finished, his reddening angry face inches from yours. Looking down you see his hand resting on a bulge in the side of his calf, no doubt holding his favorite knife.Presence + Intimidation - Mitch's Composure (7) [roll0]

Rafferty: “You say germaphobe, I say educated” The man replies dryly as he pulls a blue toolbox out of the back of his van. “So where’s the stiff?” the man asks. The officer from before (Deputy Newman you read on his chest) directs you down a jagged path, just slightly covered by trees, but still visible from the sidewalk. As you get to the bottom of a hill you see one more officer standing over a black tarp. As you approach the first thing to hit you is the smell, like night of too many beans and spice all crapped out, but unlike that, this smell is all around you, completely inescapable. “Well let’s have a look shall we?” The coroner mutters, more to himself than anyone, as he pulls back the tarp. A rare sight opens before your eyes as not so much a body, but simple large bloody chunk of meat and bone lies before you. The second thing to hit you once again is the smell, this time like a rancid fish floating in a swamp, right up against your face. The coroner however seems completely immune to the stench emanating from the pile of hopefully human remains lying before him. He looks up at you with a thin smug smile on his features “See, educated”.

2014-10-17, 05:27 AM
I'll just say what I know
Mitch puts his hands up, not wanting to get into a fight. "First time, a bar, and if I were to guess, I would say a mix of the first two. You know me, I'm no fool. I watched her a few days before asking her to drive. She's too reckless to be a cop, and the aforementioned coke problem likely precludes her from ever joining. Either that or she is the worst cop that's still employed. Why, she say something to tip you off?"

2014-10-18, 04:14 PM
"Alright, alright, you got me there." says Rafferty with a small chuckle "Well, I'll let you do your thing while I scope out the place. Oh, and mind if I catch your name? Coroner seems a little to.. gloomy." Rafferty then proceeds to scope out the area, looking for signs of blood leading away/to the body, or for anything out of the ordinary aside from the glob of flesh at the scene. While perusing Rafferty asks "Deputy Newman, did you or your colleagues happen to find anything aside from the body, and the wife and her dog at the scene, or was it pretty cut and dry?"

2014-10-18, 04:20 PM
[roll0] for Perception. If needed Investigation: [roll1]. Apologies for not putting in intial post.

2014-10-22, 03:13 AM
Mitch: Ike lets go of you and takes his hand away from the knife. "She's different, I'll give you that" Ike says as he hands you a kilo bag of a white powder. "If your going to keep her around you should be careful, for both our sakes" Ike says leaning in close before motioning you off his plane.

Rafferty: "Kenson, Doctor Kenson" the Coroner says as he leans down to study the pile of flesh. While Dr. Kenson does his work you casually look around the scene. "Most of the bodies we see out here in the woods are the results of big mammals" Dr. Kenson says to no one in particular. "This area has had some rapid expansion, so we started having to encroach on their territory, but in return they started encroaching on us." As Dr. Kenson talks you notice a small tree, only an inch or two in diameter that's been broken at the base of the trunk, as you approach you see that the break is pretty fresh. Continuing past the tree you see a patch of open area behind a large tree, hidden from the crime scene. In the open area you see a large animal footprint, possibly a bears. As you start to turn around something shines nearby, catching your attention. "Hmm, top of the jaw is missing, that's to make it harder to get an identification." You hear Dr. Kenson say. Heading over to the source you find a set of keys, with the sun glinting off the car keys of a Ford of some sort. You put on gloves and pick up the keys. "I'd put time of death at around oh five hundred this morning." Kenson calls out to you. You stand from your current position, seeing that you are nearly at the southern edge of the woods. Taking a few more steps forward you see a small pile of cigarettes a few feet from the edge of the forest. Walking forward you call out to one of the CSI's to bag what you've found, however you stop as you see, smack dab in the middle of the empty parking lot of one of the elementary schools is a red Ford pickup. You look down at the keys in your hand...

2014-10-22, 04:13 PM
"Dr. Kenson, we've got a damaged tree pretty recent, footprints, that may or may not belong to a bear, and some cigarettes over here. Do with them what you will, I'm going to follow another lead" he says walking briskly to the red ford, "Also, any officer, if you'd be so kind as to follow me, we may have a new lead on our victim perhaps." After reaching the red ford, Rafferty does a quick scan of the area before attempting to unlock the vehicle.

Perception: [roll0]

2014-10-22, 05:34 PM
Mitch catches the bag. "Hey, you know me. I'm too paranoid to trust people." He hops off the plane, and assuming he's not delayed, gets in the passenger seat. "We're good. Just a few goodbyes."

2014-10-28, 06:26 PM
A couple of songs later Cara sees Mitch come out of the airplane clutching what looks to be her payload. “About damn time” Cara huffs as Mitch gets into the passenger seat. “Alright, so where am I taking you?” she asks popping a piece of Bubblicious gum into her mouth.

2014-10-28, 08:03 PM
"We'll drop it off at a safe place in town," he says, yawning as he watches the driver from the corner of his eye. "When everything is dropped off, you can have your pay."