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2014-10-08, 02:49 AM
How Zombies See the World:

Research and Conclusion of How Reanimated Corpses Utilize Pre-Existent Sensory Organs of Vision and the Influence of Negative Energy.

Victor Oleg Petrenko Taktarov, Doctor of Medicine
Advanced Research Studies; Academy of New Avalon


Reanimated corpses still possess the same limbs, organs, and tissue that they possessed in life. How those limbs, organs, and tissue function after death and reanimation is typically taken for granted. If a human zombie is still a dead human, then how can it see? They can see because they still possess their eyes. We know through research that there are two sensory receptacles for each eye. One for focusing; depth perception and tracking an object, and one for mapping; sensing the area around us and detecting movement within that field of vision. The human brain is a multitude of sensory signals. The human brain, in undeath, functions, but only in the “animalistic” of fashion. The “humanistic” brain ceases to function in the “living” sense of the word. What a human loses in death, negative energy replaces for the human in undeath.


A living person’s eyes are full of color. One could say, full of life. When a living person dies, their eyes glaze over and lose that color. One could say loss of life. What we will prove is that loss of color is attributed to the loss of brain activity giving the eyes their sense of life. One comparison is skin color. Due to blood flow of an active and beating heart, skin is vibrant in appearance. After death, skin becomes pale due to a lack of blood flow of an inactive and non-beating heart. Without blood flow and signaling to and from the brain, the eye loses its color, and its functional capabilities. We have found that Negative Energy provides the catalyst that enables sensory signaling to and from the brain – concerning the eyes. That is how a zombie can see.

Material and Methods

Experiment I

Test Subjects: 10 Human Reanimated Corpses
Arcana Involved: Animate Dead
Hypothesis: Zombies Can Focus On a Target, But Not Perceive In Peripheral.

In the first experiment we used 10 human corpses; 5 male and 5 female [Disclaimer: Prior to death, they agreed to allow their bodies to be used for scientific research]. We animated the 10 bodies with Animate Dead. While the zombies were strapped to a table, we commanded the zombies to “kill that man;” that man being a volunteer lab assistant. All 10 of the zombies focused onto their target with eyes and head movement. Having the lab assistant pace back and forth, we observed over the course of 10 minutes, which the zombies never ceased to track their target. With the lab assistant still pacing back and forth, we began to produce movement in their peripheral fields of vision. We observed absolutely no response to any sudden movements with either the observers or the observers with a variety of objects.

Conclusion: Once a zombie focuses onto a target they can see, they do not seem to notice other movement within their field of vision. If the zombies do notice it, there were no observed indicators at this time.

Experiment II

Test Subjects: 10 Human Living Volunteers
Arcana Involved: Detect Element (Electricity), Regeneration
Special Equipment: Nipple Clamps of Exquisite Pain
Hypothesis: Living Humans Can Focus On A Target, and Still Perceive In Peripheral.

In the second experiment, we utilized the same lab assistant. In order to see how a living human can see, we asked the 10 volunteers; 5 male and 5 female, to focus their vision on the pacing lab assistant. We utilized Nipple Clamps of Exquisite Pain in order suppress the pain of cranial incisions. We needed to see their brains. We utilized Detect Element (Electricity) in order to see the electrical impulses of vision in the appropriate areas of the brain. We could see the aura in the area of the brain that allowed them to focus onto the lab assistant that was pacing. Whenever we introduced movement into their peripheral field of and their eyes would instantly respond to the perceived movement. Also, we detected a newer electrical aura, below the one that controls focusing, when they perceived that newer movement within their field of vision. After we annotated our observations, we used Regeneration to heal their wounds and we removed the Nipple Clamps of Exquisite Pain.

Conclusion: There are in fact two different areas of the brain responsible for two different type of vision.

Experiment III

Test Subjects: 10 Human Reanimated Corpses
Arcana Involved: Animate Dead
Hypothesis: Zombies Will Have Peripheral Vision, But Not While Focused On One Target

We brought back our 10 zombies from the original experiment. We commanded the zombies to attack the nearest living human. We saw the zombies scanning for a living human. Whenever they focused onto our lab assistant that walked into the room, we began the peripheral movement exercises and observed no diversion from their focused target. We commanded the zombies to cease their pursuit. We commanded the zombies to attack the first thing that moves. We began our peripheral exercises, and we observed an instant scan and focus from the zombies.

Conclusion: Zombies do in fact retain both areas of vision, but they do not function at the same time.

Experiment IV

Test Subjects: 10 Reanimated Corpses
Arcana Involved: Animate Dead, Detect Element (Electricity)
Metamagic Involved: Fell Energy Spell
Hypothesis: Zombies Do Not Have the Same Electrical Brain Signaling That Living Creatures Do.

We brought back our 10 zombies from the original experiments. We needed to see their brains. We made the required incisions in order to carry on our visual exercises and detect any electrical auras. We did not observe any electrical brain signaling with Detect Element (Electricity). We thought perhaps, due to the heavy influence of Negative Energy on the zombie, perhaps its brain signals are also influenced. We utilized Detect Element as a Fell Energy Spell, and our auras became apparent. The auras did not happen as strong, or as automatic during the visual exercises as with the living volunteers. The aura appeared after focusing on one target. A different aura appeared when scanning for movement. But auras did not occur at the same time.

Conclusion: Negative Energy infuses with the electrical signals in the brain during visual exercises. Both signals do not happen at the same time, nor are they automatic in response.

Experiment V

Test Subjects: 10 Reanimated Corpses
Arcana Involved: Create Greater Undead, Detect Element (Electricity)
Metamagic Involved: Fell Energy Spell
Hypothesis: More Powerful Necromancy Will Allow More Powerful Brain Signaling

We disposed of the original zombies. We used Create Greater Undead, and created much more advanced and powerful zombies (some necromancers will refer to them as corpse creatures for differentiating purposes). We asked the zombies to attack the lab assistant pacing back and forth. The zombies immediately started to attack their straps in order to break free and pursue their target. We commanded them to cease. We then rephrased our command and commanded them to focus their vision onto the lab assistant pacing back and forth. The zombies did so as commanded. We introduced movement within their peripheral vision and we observed their eye movement flicker back and forth between the movement in peripheral, and their focused target.

We began making the required incisions into their skulls. We had to command the zombies to not try to defend themselves. After using our Fell Energy Detect Element (Electricity) Spell, we could see very vibrant ebon auras of brain signaling during the visual exercises. Similar in depth and magnitude of that of our living test subjects, but taken the coloration and hue of negative energy.

Conclusion: Zombies created with more powerful necromancy have more motor function, similar to that of living specimens.


Living test subjects have two distinct electrical signals from the brain to their optic organs. One allows for “How” and the other allows for “What.” How meaning, how can someone see. What meaning, what is someone seeing.

Unliving test subjects reanimated with Animate Dead do have two distinct electrical signals from the brain to their optic organs. One allows for “How” and the other allows for “What,” similar to living test subjects. However, unlike living test subjects, they are unable to do both at the same time.

Unliving test subjects reanimated with Create Greater Undead do have two distinct electrical signals from the brain to their optic organs. One allows for a “How” and the other allows for “what,” similar to living test subjects. Also similar to living test subjects, they are able to do both at the same time.


Negative Energy fills in what would normally be missing from a living specimen. The electrical signals from the brain, to the optic organs necessary for vision, cease to exist upon death. Negative Energy recreates those electrical signals, allowing for vision – in respect to this particular experiment. The more powerful the Negative Energy used for reanimation of a human corpse, the more powerful and similar the visual signals from the brain, to the optic organs necessary for vision.

Animate Dead will allow a zombie to see, but typically only upon command and only for one purpose at one time. Create Greater Undead will allow a zombie to see, relatively the same as a living specimen, and in some ways; namely Lifesense and Darkvision – better than they could in life.


I wish to thank all of the recently deceased for their permission to utilize their bodies for science and education. I wish to thank all of the students and lab assistants for their assistance in this experiment. I also wish to thank Dr. Aenaes Shadowflux for his insight and mastery of Negative Energy. Finally, I wish to thank my wife and children, for the willpower and motivation to wake up every day in the pursuit to knowledge – and knowledge is power.
-Dr. Oleg Taktarov (https://new-avalon-city-of-necromancy.obsidianportal.com/characters/dr-victor-oleg-petrenko-taktarov)

2014-10-08, 05:15 AM
Any critique?

Asta Kask
2014-10-15, 02:46 AM
Very interesting experiments. What future areas of research does this open up? Could there be alternative explanations to your findings?

2014-10-20, 05:35 AM
Very interesting experiments. What future areas of research does this open up? Could there be alternative explanations to your findings?

Future areas of research, as I roleplay them out, would include the other bodily senses. I want to work on smell. I am not sure if I want to concentrate on zombies first - then experiment with other types of undead or not.

As far as alternative explanations, since I am trying to apply scientific processes into fantasy, then it would be fascinating to have a "peer-reviewed" paper.