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View Full Version : Recommendations for a fighter

2007-03-15, 06:08 PM
I'm currently playing a human fighter in the low levels, in what looks to become a long campaign. Can anyone recommend me good prestige classes and the like for a good-to-neutral fighter who focuses on two weapon fighting?

Also, what are in your experiences cool, interesting and well-balanced fighter additions/modifications, as this board his given me the distinct impression that at higher levels, fighters tend to get a bit underpowered.

As it's my first DnD game, I'm not sure how that'll pan out, but our DM is pretty liberal, and it'd kind of suck to retcon in my powers later...

Anyhow, for the PrC, I'm not looking for anything with magic in it. Preferably something along the lines of a graceful fighter, maybe something with a little stealth, but mostly blindly speed and overwhelming agression.

2007-03-15, 06:10 PM
You want dervish, from complete warrior. All about running around and beating people with twin scimitars.

Viscount Einstrauss
2007-03-15, 06:13 PM
Or get the ToB and become a Warblade. Because later in the game you're going to be hopelessly outpaced by the casters, and ToB could save you. I recommend either the Swordsage or the Warblade for the build you're looking for. Swordsage for the quick, stealthy goodness, Warblade for the aggressive "I EAT MEAT!" tactics.

2007-03-15, 06:14 PM
Dervish have a yucky flavor for me, Tempest (CW) all the way baby! Or at least for 5 levels.

If it's your first DnD game, just avoid Tome of Battle stuff like Warblade until you get the hang of the more basic gameplay.

2007-03-15, 06:19 PM
Hmm, I actually considered that, but I've already invested a bit in fighting with rapiers, plus this class seems very incompatible with my character concept.
He is a nobleman's third son who decided to go wandering for a few years (not an unacceptable passtime for those in this setting, and his culture). In the meantime, his father fumbled up a plot which got him and probably the two older brothers killed and moms locked up somewhere, so now he's out for revenge and all that.

(Cliché'd? Maybe - it's my first char. Anyhows)

Hmm, maybe I should have put this in the OP. Am I supposed to edit it into there now?

Edit for reaction: what is Tome of Battle? And the basics don't seem that hard, it's just a lot of 'extra things' like this I don't know yet. I understand the game well enough, as I picked up a bit from assorted games (although some of that knowledge is sadly outdated.)

2007-03-15, 06:24 PM
The Tempest is actually in Complete Adventurer. Yeah, I'd suggest that over the Dervish as well. I don't have the Tome Of Battle, so I can't say about that.

TWF's biggest problem is gvetting good weapons for both hands - the main reason why PA characters are easier. Go for wounding or energy weapons - more attacks meansmore chances of ability / energy damage. (Or just check the huge amount of TWF threads on these boards.)

2007-03-15, 06:28 PM
This is Tome of Battle (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=products/dndacc/953787200). With an excerpt of the Warblade (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/ex/20060802a&page=2).

Here you can download all maneuvers (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/we/20061225a) as cards.

2007-03-15, 06:39 PM
Ah, already a great suggestion. The description of a warblade comes very close to the character I am actually playing. Thanks!

Keep those good suggestions coming though: the Tempest also seems like an excellent addition, and my DMing friend actually has that book - don't know if he has the Tome of Battle

2007-03-15, 06:44 PM
With the excerpt and the maneuver cards it is 97% possible to play a Warblade without a copy of Tome of Battle.

Tome of Battle is the way to go if you want to be useful at high levels.

But I like both Tempest and Dervish. You could even combine the two. I'd start with Dervish.

2007-03-15, 06:44 PM
For the straight tanker, Dwarven Defender with levels in Swashbuckler is goodness. For damage? go Fighter/Dervish/Tempest. For funniness, Warblade/Fighter/Master Thrower/Bloodstorm Blade is phenomenal.

2007-03-15, 06:47 PM
Hmm, a small request, could any classes not in the PHB (or previously mentioned) get a tag what book they are from? I don't think I've heard of a bloodstorm blade before. Also, I don't think a lot of humans become Dwarven Defenders :P.

Also, I've checked out the Dervish as well as the Tempest, the tempest is definately interesting, but I don't like the 'flavour' of the Dervish

2007-03-15, 07:01 PM
I'd be trying to work out a style for two rapiers if i were you. If you've allready sunk feats into Rapier combat then its not a bad call to go Tempest with them. Its a somewhat unweildy build realistically but if he worked at it he could be increadible. It would be a very fast spinning style and he'd need alot of room.

Consider weapon finesse if you have high dex.

Also, you might want to consider the variant fighter Abillities in Players Handbook II. They replace bonus feats at certain levels.

2007-03-15, 08:09 PM
I've taken so far (we've just made 2nd lvl) weapon finesse, weapon focus (rapier), two weapon fighting and oversized two-weapon fighting.

my stats are 14/17/13/15/7/11

Viscount Einstrauss
2007-03-15, 08:13 PM
It'd probably work more in your favor to play a straight-up warblade. The extra maneuvers far outweigh the other stuff, plus they get that juicy d12 hitdice, 4 skillpoints a level, and a couple of really nifty class features. I'd go so far as to say that a level 15 warblade would absolutely demolish a 5 warblade/10 tempest without breaking a sweat.

But if you pick up ToB, you may also consider checking out the prestige classes. Some of them are dead sexy and could be right up your alley.

2007-03-15, 10:40 PM
3+ levels of swashbuckler (complete warrior base class) will get you insightful strike which lets you add your INT bonus to weapon damage.
The flavour's fitting as well and if your DM is as liberal as you say you might get an extra feat for the swashbuckler gets weapon finesse for free at first level.

2007-03-15, 10:41 PM
Ah, already a great suggestion. The description of a warblade comes very close to the character I am actually playing. Thanks!

Keep those good suggestions coming though: the Tempest also seems like an excellent addition, and my DMing friend actually has that book - don't know if he has the Tome of Battle

Anything the Tempest can do, the Bloodclaw Master (a TWF PrC in Tome of Battle) can do it better (but only with lousier Tiger Claw weapons). Warblade leads into it very easily.

After 2-4 levels of Fighter, or Fighter 2/Ranger 2, get into Warblade, and after 6th you can either go directly into Tempest or Bloodclaw Master.

Your main concern with TWF is in order to keep up with the THF/PA clobbermonkeys, you have to supplement your damage on every hit. So consider dipping into SwordSage to pick up Assassin's Stance (2d6 Sneak Attack) and then maybe the Shadow Blade feat (Dex bonus on damage when using a Shadow Hand weapon+stance), or if you have a decent Int bonus pick up three levels of Swashbuckler and a whole lotta levels of Warblade. Otherwise, save up for a pair of Wounding weapons.