View Full Version : First Attempt at Illustration - Own Thread Needed

2007-03-15, 06:35 PM

If you ignore the big unregistered tag on it (damn you stupid demos), any tips and / or critique for my first attempt at electronic illustration.

I normally draw by hand using this style. Just wanted to get your opinion.

2007-03-15, 06:40 PM
Looks good! I'm no art critic, so that's all I really have to say... :smallwink:

Let's see...

Left shoulder is uneven. Hope that helps.

2007-03-15, 07:28 PM
Anyone else? Are you really gonna let this aspiring artist die?

2007-03-15, 07:37 PM
It's very good: interesting and unique style, etc.

Criticism: I agree with Vaynor's observation. Another thing that bothers me is his left hand (on our right). If you look at it without looking at the rest of the picture, it's hard to tell whether it's the front or the back of a hand.

Something else that bothers me personally is the way his eyebrow/the top of his eye/whatever that is supposed to be (the one that's raised up) is still visible on top of his hair, but I guess that's a stylistic difference and a matter of pure opinion.

2007-03-15, 07:40 PM

Well, eyes end at the hairline and eyebrows are naturally above the hairline.

The hand is not that hard. Try holding out a hand with your thumb away from your body and your palm facing the ground.

2007-03-15, 07:48 PM

Well, eyes end at the hairline and eyebrows are naturally above the hairline.

Right, but usually you don't see stuff that's covered by hair. Well, I don't, anyway.

The hand is not that hard. Try holding out a hand with your thumb away from your body and your palm facing the ground.

That may be so, but...

If you look at it without looking at the rest of the picture

Besides, usually people don't think about what they see right away (or at least I don't, probably because I'm a dumbass). It's better if it's readily apparent.

But whatever. You asked for criticism, I gave it, you don't have to take it.

2007-03-15, 07:52 PM
So, how do you do the hand? Curve it more?

I actually call the style "I Can't Even Draw a Stick Figure Style". Because, you know, I can't even draw a stick figure, and this illustration can be acheived by adding a few simple details to what is otherwise a very simple sketch.

2007-03-15, 07:57 PM
So, how do you do the hand? Curve it more?

I guess that would work. Or maybe make a few lines on the hand to make it look more like a real palm.

But really, it's just a minor and probably unnecessary detail.

I actually call the style "I Can't Even Draw a Stick Figure Style". Because, you know, I can't even draw a stick figure, and this illustration can be acheived by adding a few simple details to what is otherwise a very simple sketch.

Well, simplicity is good in a cartoony style. If your style is easy to draw and looks pretty good, you must be doing something right.

2007-03-15, 08:17 PM
Aside from the whole "his body is lop-sided" thing (and it is his whole body, not just the shoulder), the eyes look kinda funny. I think they're too high. Eyes, in real life and in most cartoons, go roughly in the middle of the head. Also, it's kind of a stiff, unnatural pose- try striking that pose yourself; you'll see what I mean.

I like the line-work and the general style, though.

2007-03-15, 08:28 PM
It's too stylistic for me to have any more comments than what has been said here.

2007-03-16, 12:24 PM
The eyes are kinda weird... at first I thought the bottom lid was the whole eye... are they in his hairline or something? I guess the dots across the forehead are throwing me off, or maybe the eyes are just too high on the head or something.