View Full Version : Pathfinder Way of the Wicked character help?

2014-10-09, 12:44 AM
So my friends and I are attempting to start a WotW campaign. We are starting at level five, and I am a bit stuck on what character play. We are starting at level 5.

At the moment, we have a sorcere/dragon disciple, an armiger, and a person who almost always plays CE barbarians. Then there is me and one other guy, who are mostly undecided.

Right now I am looking at a Drow monk/rogue, taking 6 or 8 levels of monk then moving to rogue and PrC's. We started with 10,500 gold and I managed to blow all of it on weapons, but I'm beginning to question my choice. I don't really know why. I was trying to decide the the three feats i should grab, when I suddenly remembered how much hate monks got and the mostly valid reasons they get it.

My origonal character concept was deadpool, but I have moved farther away. The only mechanical aspect I've kept from there is the double swords, using temple swords for flurry of blows. I am aiming fo r DPS/DPR/whatever it's called in P&P. I'm not really sure though, because we have no skill monkey and a very experienced damage-dealer.

I haven't chosen skills or feats yet. The weapons I have are a pair of cthonic steel temple swords with shock, a pair of umbrite nunchucks, an umbrite siangham wiht shock for speacial assasinations and stuff, and a umbrite quarterstaff that I got for free because 300 x 0 is 0. I only have access to the pfsrd.

Any advice on any of the things mentioned above would be greatly appreciated, from optimizing my current idea to something new.

Thanks, m19