View Full Version : Roleplaying Movement based attacking with sun school feat 20th lvl build ideas

Void Bovine
2014-10-09, 01:48 PM
So this is sorta a build off from a failed idea this time it seems like it could work I ended up deciding on 2/psychic warrior 8/monk 10/elocater went half elf took extra fav class feat from races of destiny to avoid xp penalty seems to work pretty well powers that look usefull dimension slide(not till later still worth it), lions charge, hustle, prowess any of the many powers that enhance natural weapons as far as feats go possibly bounding assault since mobility and spring atk are required maybe quicken power

2014-10-09, 04:44 PM
Build Ideas:

1.) Wizard: A one level dip will net you either a familiar for benign transposition Sun School fun, or, if your Int is decent, Abrupt Jaunt if you go conjurer in exchange for the familiar. Get Obtain Familiar and you can have both! (But now it's one level and one feat, not quite so cheap.) I played one like this and got a ruling that Abrupt Jaunt doesn't require line of sight (which RAW it probably doesn't), which makes it super awesome for bypassing doors, entering secure spaces stealthily.

2.) Beast Strike from Dragon Magazine allows you to combine claw/slam damage with Unarmed Strike damage. Worth a gander, since psywar can make some mean claws.

Role Play Ideas:

1.) Wind Theme: The wind goes everywhere unrestrained. This character, like the wind, is everywhere on the battlefield. So, fluff it up and have a slight breeze in your hair all the time, get wind-themed magic items. Run around everywhere. I advise asking if you can get a bracers of armour version of the armour of the unending hunt from, IIRC, Complete Warrior (or maybe Adventurer), which makes you immune to fatigue or something like that, meaning you can run forever if you want to. Wear blue clothes, have sky-themed lines of dialogue, wear eagle feathers in your hair.

2.) Unseen Death: This fluff is much like assassin, as this character is so fast and tears through enemies so fast that they can't see it coming. Play up the murderous aspect, going either for psychopathic rage or cold killer, whichever has more appeal. This need not be evil, but may be barely contained, as the character constantly seeks deadly situations in which they can put their skill at slaying to good use. If good-aligned, perhaps this character has been taken in by a good organization and is the proverbial "sharp end of the spear" that they direct at enemies of the organization (that also works with other alignments, but some good influences would make a barely good-aligned killer more plausible).

Void Bovine
2014-10-10, 03:11 PM
Occurred to me dimension swap can just work with a psicrystal makes things far easier! Also I kinda like the wind theme if i do a gentleman type of flair with can say things like "ta ta for now" or "I must be off now" bows and then vanishes and he really needs a top hat now...