View Full Version : Fun, Flavorful magic items. Magic that's not just +X to Y.

2014-10-09, 04:11 PM
So I'm looking at the FreeMG.pdf and of all the (very few) magic items in there, the most interesting to me are the Gloves of Swimming and Climbing, the Boots of Striding and Springing, the Goggles of Night, and the rings. Also the wands. Why?
They expand character options. Also, a few of them buck the rules a bit. (The boots allow a low str character with proficiency to use Full Plate, for instance) That's what magic items should do, not just add number to options you already have.

So I want to come up with a few Expanded Options style magic items, and with the DMG pushed back to December, we have no guidelines for other magic items. So screw it, let's brainstorm.

Shield, Very Rare (Requires attunement)
This shield absorbs impacts and allows the wielder to use the force of those impacts to great effect.
Whenever an attack misses the shield's bearer because of the shield's bonus to AC, it gains 1 charge. (To a maximum of 3? 5?) These charges expire after 1 hour.
The bearer can spend 1 charge from The Unstoppable Wall to gain one benefit of the Shield Master feat. If the bearer already has the Shield Master feat, then spending 1 charge instead removes any disadvantage for the roll in question, and grants advantage on the roll.
It's worded that way specifically to break the rules. Instead of just granting advantage (which would be canceled out by disadvantage) it guarantees advantage on the roll. Note that the shield itself doesn't grant any more AC than a normal shield, and is only usable in specific circumstances. I'd rather it be meaningful when used, and linked to the "unstoppable" theme of the shield.
Alternatively, by spending 1 or more charges from The Unstoppable Wall, the bearer can make a shield bash attack that deals 1d8 damage per charge spent, plus the bearer's strength modifier.

Thoughts? Anyone else have ideas for interesting magic items or perhaps thoughts on converting some of the more interesting utility magic items from 3.5? (Stuff like the Bag of Boulders, maybe the various Bags of Tricks, Hat of Disguise, Quaal's Feather Token, etc.)

2014-10-09, 04:36 PM
So I'm looking at the FreeMG.pdf

? What's this? Can you link to it?

2014-10-09, 04:40 PM
I can see it abused by making a bunch of low-damage attacks before a big battle, just to precharge it.

"Sire, the Dragon is cometh!"
"Will, start throwing pebbles at me, quickly!"
... <twenty pebbles later> ...
"That'd be enough, Will. Me shield be fully charged, I rideth to battle"

Just give it 1 or 2 charges, and it recharges whenever you roll initiative.

2014-10-09, 05:02 PM
I thought about adding a short sword to the hobgoblin in LMoP at the start, that just shed darkness instead of light. Then I thought that'd be a bit OP for anyone with the ability to see through the darkness (warlock, ftw) - so I changed it to only be usable by greenskins. Half-Orc Warlock ftw!

I figured it'd be funny to watch the players try to puzzle out why the sword dimmed light when held by a goblin or orc, but was otherwise a regular sword for anyone else.

I'm still going to utilize oils and salves in my next game - temporary bonuses to weapons and armor - probably more than just a +1 though; flaming swords, icy armor, reflecting shields, etc...

Ghost Nappa
2014-10-09, 05:23 PM
Based off of Leia's "Elongating Staff" Technique in Tales of Xillia. (http://aselia.wikia.com/wiki/Leia_Rolando) Unfortunate Names aside.

Leia's Quarterstaff
Base Damage: 1d8+1
Weight: 5 lbs.
Properties: Versatile (1d10+1)

If you successfully avoid being hit by an enemy after taking the "Dodge" Action, the staff will magically increase in length for 1d4+2 rounds. During this time, the staff glows as per the "Light" cantrip (PHB p. 255), the staff gains the "Reach" and "Finesse" properties and your AC increases by 1. You must wait an equal amount of time before this power can be used again.

2014-10-09, 05:33 PM
I made an item for would-be Bladelocks called the Witch Knife. It's not overly strong, but I think it's flavorful.

In the hands of somebody who has no connection to Pact Magic, a Witch Knife is simply an ornate +1 Dagger. But any Warlock who holds a Witch Knife makes it warp into a more vicious form, allowing a Warlock to shape it into a +1 shortsword, rapier, longsword, or greatsword.

Property(Attuned): The Witch Knife itself is another conduit of your patron, channeling a portion of their energy to coat itself in a wicked aura. The Witch Knife deals an additional 1d6 points of damage based on your patron - Poison if your patron is the Fiend, Force if your patron is the Archfey, or Psychic if your patron is the Great Old One.

Additionally, the Witch Knife has its own reservoir of eldritch energy which can be tapped into. Once per day, A Warlock who is wielding the Witch Knife may draw the stored energy out of the blade as an action to supplant their own cache of magic, thus regaining one expended spell slot. This ability can also restore a used Mystic Arcanum slot, and is in addition to the refresh granted from a Warlock's Eldritch Master ablity. The power that fuels the blade finds its way back into the Knife at the beginning of each new day.

You can command the Witch Knife to take the size and shape of its dagger form at-will. This simply requires the utterance of a command word, and consumes no action. If you are struck or strike with the knife while it is in dagger form, it immediately grows to its true length as a reaction.

2014-10-09, 06:00 PM
A +1 wooden sword that can dispel illusions and has healing sap. Once a day you can use your action to dispel an illusion at melee range. You can also use an action to draw the healing energy out of the sword and heal one character at touch range with +1d6 HP.

A dagger that essentially has the Shadow Monk's power: You can throw it into one shadow, and it comes out another.

A shield that absorbs magic damage as a reaction. If it absorbs more than 35 points of damage at a time, it explodes in a burst 3 that deals as much damage to everyone as the shield would have absorbed.

2014-10-09, 06:17 PM
The only I see is that it only works if they aren't hitting you to begin with, which reduces the need to have the item :)

Here's my idea:

Once per short/long rest, you can force an opponent who hit you to have the disadvantage on their attack. They must immediately roll a second d20 and take the lower result. If this results in a miss, then the attack is negated.

2014-10-09, 06:20 PM
Here's a flavorful and funny one I created:

Telescope of Telescoping
This ordinary hand telescope can be pointed at a creature or object and have them be affected by the enlarge/reduce spell, except that the reduce function only works when the telescope is turned backwards, and concentration is not required. Activating the item takes an action, and the command word must be spoken. When either effect is used, there is a 5% chance that the effect will be permanent. The Telescope of Telescoping can be used 3 times per day.

And here's another, for use in my Egyptian-gods game. These were an artifact created by Set to get more souls in the underworld. Relies heavy DM jurisdiction, but could make some pretty crazy stuff happen.

The Devil’s Dice
A set of two six-sided dice that were created in the underworld. One die is red with black dots, and another is black with red dots. The black die, when rolled, can be used to cast the spell wish. The die must be thrown at least 5 feet in order to function. However, the die has a heavy cost. The number rolled on the die becomes a number of souls that are consumed in casting the wish- a number of creatures in the area are instantly killed, no save, and those creatures are determined by the DM. The red die, when rolled, can be used to summon a demon or devil. The true name of the fiend must be spoken as the die is cast, and it appears where the die is thrown. The red die has a similar effect to the black die; and the number rolled on the die becomes a number of souls consumed. Each die can only be activated once per day. If both dice are thrown together, they create a gate to the underworld, and a number equal to ten times the die roll of souls are consumed. The gate is 100 feet long and 120 feet tall.

2014-10-09, 06:21 PM
Based on something that someone said on the 5e forum here months ago, I like Elemental Blades.

Elemental Blade of Fire: This sword shines with a dull orange light, though many colors flicker across its surface. Though it will not burn its wielder, it deals all damage as fire damage.

Then there were a few I made a long time ago.

Ring of Far Sight: While wearing this ring, you may cast your vision to a distant place. Choose a location you can see from the location of your body. You perceive yourself as being in that location for the purpose of sight. Anything that obstructs your line of effect between your body and this location ends the effect.

Windborne Black Dragonscale: Light as a feather, this black scale generates a constant feather-fall effect and allows the bearer to hover 1” over the ground and move at 30’ unless they carry a heavy load. The bearer cannot dash or run while this is in effect.

Stone of Water Shield: This rock is energized with faint magical power. When held and the command word is spoken, it creates a minor shield of force above you, preventing nonmagical water from falling upon you.

Multiple Seasoning Goblet: This cup contains a strange liquid. When poured over food of any type it gives it a magnificent flavor. It has no link to disease or heart troubles.

I have others, but I can't remember them right now. They run the gamut from crazy-useful to practically parody.

2014-10-09, 06:27 PM
I made an item for would-be Bladelocks called the Witch Knife. It's not overly strong, but I think it's flavorful.

In the hands of somebody who has no connection to Pact Magic, a Witch Knife is simply an ornate +1 Dagger. But any Warlock who holds a Witch Knife makes it warp into a more vicious form, allowing a Warlock to shape it into a +1 shortsword, rapier, longsword, or greatsword.

Property(Attuned): The Witch Knife itself is another conduit of your patron, channeling a portion of their energy to coat itself in a wicked aura. The Witch Knife deals an additional 1d6 points of damage based on your patron - Poison if your patron is the Fiend, Force if your patron is the Archfey, or Psychic if your patron is the Great Old One.

Additionally, the Witch Knife has its own reservoir of eldritch energy which can be tapped into. Once per day, A Warlock who is wielding the Witch Knife may draw the stored energy out of the blade as an action to supplant their own cache of magic, thus regaining one expended spell slot. This ability can also restore a used Mystic Arcanum slot, and is in addition to the refresh granted from a Warlock's Eldritch Master ablity. The power that fuels the blade finds its way back into the Knife at the beginning of each new day.

You can command the Witch Knife to take the size and shape of its dagger form at-will. This simply requires the utterance of a command word, and consumes no action. If you are struck or strike with the knife while it is in dagger form, it immediately grows to its true length as a reaction.

im diggin this item alot.

In my current campaign I thought this up for a buddy-

Bottomless Sheath of calling: A seemingly mundane leather sheath of marvelous craftsmanship, the bottomless sheath of calling can store up to 200 pounds of weaponry. Once a weapon has been stored, it can be summoned to the owners hand from the sheath, or stowed back in the sheath from anywhere within 30 feet of it by using a mental command. You may store or summon one weapon from the sheath Once per round as a free action, or as a bonus action you may store one weapon and summon another.

2014-10-09, 06:31 PM
These are both weapons, but with more than just a static modifier.

The whip is a 10' long scaly grey leather whip that has a strong smell of clay. The hilt is made from polished obsidian with more of the rough leather braided around to provide grip. The whip is capable of wrapping around it's foes and turning to stone binding them in place.

Magical Whip +1

[Attuned:] On a critical hit if the target is large or smaller it must succeed on a Strength saving throw or be restrained. The DC for this is equal to 8 + proficiency modifier + the attribute bonus the attack was made with. At the end of each of its turns, the target can make another Strength saving throw. On a success, the creature is no longer restrained. It requires a bonus action each round and the whip to remain held for this ability to continue.

The Thirsting Blade
This longsword is adorn with a steel guard of intertwined thorny vines with an emerald set in the middle on each side. The pommel is a silver rose and the grip has been crafted from soft leather colored deep burgundy. The blade itself is just over three feet in length and comprised of a material lighter than steel, though every bit as hard. The edge of the blade is unnotched and unnaturally sharp. By calling upon the power of the blade it's wielder can sacrifice their own vitality to momentarily empower the blade. While empowered the wielders blood drips from the blade and the guard emeralds glow red like illuminated rubies.

Magical Longsword +2

[attuned] As a bonus action the wielder may activate the power of the blade. For a minute the wielder adds 1d6 necrotic damage to all attacks made with this weapon. At the end of the minute the character gains one level of exhaustion.

The sword is an heirloom from a centuries dead noble house. If the power of the blade is used too often in short succession the character, at DM discretion, will have to make a Charisma Save or become possessed by the spirit of the last members of the house; tragically this spirit drained the last of their vitality trying to save their their family from ruin. They still burn with hatred, wanting only vengeance against the other house(s) that caused their ruin.

2014-10-09, 08:57 PM
Here are a few I made for my 5E campaign when it was in the playtest. I wanted to stay away from too many +X items:

Ring of Quick Action: (Attuned)
While attuned to this ring, the character gains advantage to initiative rolls at the start of combat. In addition, their movement speed increases by 10 feet.

Bow of Unending Arrows (Attuned)
When attuned, this bow will automatically produce a mundane arrow once the wielder pulls back on the bowstring. Once shot, the arrow will disintegrate into dust within five seconds of either hitting its target or missing. Once per long rest, the bow is capable of a magical burst of speed that allows the attuned user to fire six arrows in a single round.

Burning Blade: (Attuned)
When attuned, this longsword becomes bathed in fire. Upon a successful hit, it deals 1 additional point of fire damage. This fire can be turned on or off at will by the user. In addition, the fire glows with the light of a torch when enabled and can act as a light source.

2014-10-09, 09:30 PM
? What's this? Can you link to it?

It's the free DMG stuff on the website. Go under "Start Playing."

Specifically, here (http://dnd.wizards.com/articles/features/basicrules). There's not much there, but if you can find old playtest packets they'll show more examples.

2014-10-09, 09:35 PM
Chest of Stronghold (Attuned to building)

This small foot length chest when placed inside a building and activated will magically absorb the building into itself forcing out any living creatures. (no save) The first time this is done it takes 1 hour. Once complete only this jewel encrusted chest is left behind for the user to pack away where they please. The building is actually transported to a pocket demiplane until the chest is activated again,where it emerges fully. Any non living objects inside the building are sent there as well. There is no way to access the building once it is sent away other then deactivating the chest. Scrying, and teleportation attempts made to reach the demiplane succeed however they reveal only a small vacuum demiplane that cannot support life and is only slightly larger then the building itself. The chest itself while magical can be placed in other extra dimensional spaces. The size of building the chest can absorb varies from Chest to chest but generally about the size of a 3 story tower. The building must be built separately, and furnished as such.

Pillow of Comfort

This magical pillow will allow the user to sleep comfortably in any location, unless they are being struck with immediate pain.

2014-10-09, 09:37 PM
There's always my favorite 2e item, the Arrow of Sleighing.

Shoot it and the arrow turns into a full-size toboggan.

2014-10-09, 09:42 PM
the items the rest of our party came up with are:

The Thirsty amulet: A thick golden loop of chain with a clear spherical gem affixed to it. Any liquid poured on the gen is imbibed by it permanently until another liquid is poured onto it.[attuned] While the gem is imbibed by the liquid, the owner; as a free action, can cause whoever is wearing the necklace to be affected by the liquid in the amulet to positive or negative effect. This ability can only be used once per day.

Monocle of Mischief: An ornately designed monocle of smoke colored glass with gold and platinum trim. Looking through the monocle shows the inner workings of any mechanical assembly, as such the owner of the monocle may add his or her proficiency bonus to any check involving traps, chests, or otherwise mechanical contraptions. This bonus stacks with normal proficiency and mastery bonuses.

Neko-chuaann the cat: A nappy starved looking cat with mysterious powers. The owner of neko-chuaan may communicate with her telepathically(INT:4). Additionally, Neko-chuaan has limited spellcasting abilities, and may; once per day each, cast true seeing, featherfall, bless, heroism, and mirror image at the behest of her owner on that target of her owners choice.

Cloak of Midnight: A tattered cloak made from an unknown hide of deepest black. Opalescent hues dance across it's surface. The cape has a 10 foot aura of light absorption. through an act of will the owner can activate this aura to cause bright light to become normal light, normal to become dim, and dim to become darkness. In natural darkness the owner of the cape gains the effects of Pass Without Trace.

Lonely Tylenol
2014-10-09, 11:07 PM
I have three items, one of which is a magical item, one the cursed version of the same, and one a cursed weapon.

Bell of Chiming
This ornate bronze bell is decorated with Dwarven runic symbols. When the clapper strikes the edge of the bell, the bell rings melodiously and with perfect pitch (the DM can roll 1d12 at the time of creation to determine the pitch, starting at C). While the bell is ringing, it can be heard by people nearby with a DC 5 Wisdom (Perception) check. Unlike typical bells, the bell continues to ring until it is deactivated by the person who activated it (typically an action).

In addition to its normal function, once per day, a user can attune itself to the bell by uttering the command word ("alarm" in Dwarven). When attuned in this fashion, the bell acts as the alarm spell, centered on the bell's location at the time of casting, except that you can choose both a mental and audible alarm.

Lore (History DC 12):
An ancient society of dwarven crafters once created an entire carillon of bells of chiming - exactly 23 bells spanning two octaves - which were used as accompaniment for choral chants in celebration of their god, Moradin, due to their resonance and pleasant tone. After their society fell to orc raiders, the twenty-three bells were scattered throughout the lands by looters and traders over the passage of time. The bells are still prized by many for their musical properties as well as their warding properties.

Bell of Chiming Incessantly
This ornate bronze bell appears identical to a bell of chiming, and is indistinguishable to the casual observer until the bell is struck. When the bell is struck, it rings melodiously and at a perfect pitch (the DM can roll 1d12 at the time of creation to determine the pitch, starting at C), just like a bell of chiming; however, unlike the bell of chiming, the bell cannot be deactivated by any typical means, and continues ringing without end. Attempts to muffle the sound fail. Additionally, the bell refuses to leave the person who rang it; if it is removed by any means (such as being set down, thrown, or smashed), it immediately finds itself back on the person who rang it, unharmed. While the bell is ringing, it can be heard by people nearby with a DC 5 Wisdom (Perception) check, and imposes disadvantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks made by the bell's holder.

The bell can only be deactivated with the application of a remove curse spell, or a spell which emulates its effects.

Lore (History DC 15):
After the original bells of chiming were scattered throughout the land, some imitative crafters, looking to capitalize on their value, attempted to produce replicas for mass production. After the replicas were found to be faulty and incredibly annoying, however, production quickly ceased following angry complaints by customers. Despite their burdensome nature, bells of chiming incessantly are still sought out in some circles as a way of managing livestock, or ensuring prisoners remain detained in the most unpleasant manner possible.

The Bloodthirsty Blade
This straight-edged blade has several nicks and cuts along the edge, but nevertheless retains its indelible sharpness, and appears to be a silver longsword without proper identification. When the sword is gripped at the hilt, however, it fuses itself magically to the wielder's hand as its dark whispers invade the wielder's mind. The wielder must make a Wisdom saving throw or take 3d6 psychic damage (as the spell dissonant whispers). Even if the save is successful, however, the dark whispers persist, urging the wielder to kill in order to feed its mad urges. The whispers impose disadvantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks related to hearing, and the sword's presence in your hand imposes disadvantage on Charisma checks except for Charisma (Intimidation) checks, for which the dark whispers provide advantage. Since the sword refuses to leave your hand, some actions which require two hands become simply impossible. Lastly, the sword is jealous of other weapons, and imposes disadvantage on any attack rolls the wielder attempts to make with another weapon.

While wielded, the sword compels its wielder via whispered suggestions and pleas to feed it blood. The sword does not care for the source of blood, and suggests the wielder kill indiscriminately in order to feed it. For all its burdens, however, the sword rewards good behavior: for each victim the sword is used in killing, the sword confers a cumulative +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls with the weapon (to a maximum of +3) for 24 hours. Each successive kill resets the duration of the bonus, even if it does not confer an additional bonus. Just as the sword rewards good behavior in its wielders, however, it also punishes bad: for each 24-hour period in which the sword is not used to draw blood, the sword confers a cumulative -1 penalty on attack and damage rolls with the weapon (to a maximum of -3) until the sword is used to slay another victim.

2014-10-09, 11:13 PM
Based on something that someone said on the 5e forum here months ago, I like Elemental Blades.

Elemental Blade of Fire: This sword shines with a dull orange light, though many colors flicker across its surface. Though it will not burn its wielder, it deals all damage as fire damage.

Then there were a few I made a long time ago.

Ring of Far Sight: While wearing this ring, you may cast your vision to a distant place. Choose a location you can see from the location of your body. You perceive yourself as being in that location for the purpose of sight. Anything that obstructs your line of effect between your body and this location ends the effect.

Windborne Black Dragonscale: Light as a feather, this black scale generates a constant feather-fall effect and allows the bearer to hover 1” over the ground and move at 30’ unless they carry a heavy load. The bearer cannot dash or run while this is in effect.

Stone of Water Shield: This rock is energized with faint magical power. When held and the command word is spoken, it creates a minor shield of force above you, preventing nonmagical water from falling upon you.

Multiple Seasoning Goblet: This cup contains a strange liquid. When poured over food of any type it gives it a magnificent flavor. It has no link to disease or heart troubles.

I have others, but I can't remember them right now. They run the gamut from crazy-useful to practically parody.

I love the stone of water shield and multiple seasoning goblet. This type of stuff is what I look for to give the loot some remembrance besides boring +1 stats or just gold. I have come to find unique, practically useless, magic items go a lot further for group fun.

2014-10-10, 12:28 AM
Here's a pair of Items I have been using in my campaigns, the normal one and the Cursed one.

Band of Sex - An ornate ring covered with arcane Sigili, the Band of Sex changes the Sex of the wearer into their ideal partner.

Lore (Arcana DC 12):
A ring die-cast with a sigil of transmutation on the inner band. The ring's outer-band shows a symbol depending on the gender of who holds it.

Lore (Arcana DC 18):
A ring die-cast with a sigil of transmutation on the inner band. The ring's outer-band shows a symbol depending on the gender of who holds it, and will change when worn along with the wearer's body. It appears to be a Band of Sex.

Band of Sexual Control - An ornate ring covered with arcane Sigili, the Band of Sex changes the Sex of the wearer into their ideal partner,
Will Negates: (Str = 10, Dex = 10, Con =10, Intelligence = 10, Wisdom = 10, Charisma by 20)

Lore (Arcana DC 12):
A ring die-cast with a sigil of transmutation on the inner band. The ring's outer-band shows a symbol depending on the gender of who holds it.

Lore (Arcane DC18):
A ring die-cast with a sigil of transmutation on the inner band. The ring's outer-band shows a symbol depending on the gender of who holds it, and will change when worn along with the wearer's body. The band is too heavily sigilized to be a mere Band of Sex.

Lore (Arcane DC Natural 20):
A ring die-cast with a sigil of transmutation on the inner band. The ring's outer-band shows a symbol depending on the gender of who holds it, and will change when worn along with the wearer's body. The band is too heavily sigilized to be a mere Band of Sex. Examining further, you find the sigil circuit join to a Sigil of Weakness, a Sigil of Lethagy, a Sigil of Submission, a Sigil of Suggestion, a Sigil of Impulsivity, a Sigil of Lust, and a series of barbs that would make it difficult to remove the ring from any unfortunate wearer.

2014-10-10, 10:29 AM

This sword protects its weilder from projectile attacks. A prismatic light runs along the blade, flaring up when struck by a ranged attack.

Adds +2 to AC vs. ranged attacks, including single target damaging spells that require an attack roll, such as eldritch blast.
[Attuned]When struck with a missile (as described above), the weilder can use a reaction to to make an opposed attack roll vs. the attacker's roll. If successful, the missile is either cut in half harmlessly or deflected to strike a different target (chosen by the wielder) within 15', wielder's choice.

2014-10-10, 10:42 AM

This sword protects its weilder from projectile attacks. A prismatic light runs along the blade, flaring up when struck by a ranged attack.

Adds +2 to AC vs. ranged attacks, including single target damaging spells that require an attack roll, such as eldritch blast.
[Attuned]When struck with a missile (as described above), the weilder can use a reaction to to make an opposed attack roll vs. the attacker's roll. If successful, the missile is either cut in half harmlessly or deflected to strike a different target (chosen by the wielder) within 15', wielder's choice.

Imo, the attunement part is too strong. It basically gives the wielder a key power of a monk, deflating what the monk can do. I'm not a huge fan of magic effects that directly replicate what another class can specifically do. I'd keep it more in line with defensive duelist feat or whatever it is and have it where x times per long rest they can perform the cut effect or deflect it to a random square (chosen by DM).

2014-10-10, 11:10 AM
Spear of Jaeroc the Aggressive

This spear seems to twist in the user's hand, the blackened spearhead bending around attempted parries and managing to somehow find tiny chinks in enemy armor. This comes at a cost, however; because the spear is so bloodthirsty and always wants to be pointed in the direction of its holder's foes, it inhibits the mobility of its owner - it's harder to dodge when you have to pull extra hard to get your weapon to move along with you. The first owner of the spear, a half-orc named Jaeroc, was slain fighting a black dragon. His companions say as they took panicked cover against the acidic spray that the beast was about to unleash, that Jaeroc stood fast, and melted on the spot. The spear remained intact.

+1 to hit, +1 damage, -1 to reflex saves.

(I'm a big fan of letting bards/people with history or arcana skill get backstory on magic items. Cool ones are rare enough that somebody somewhere has a story about them)

2014-10-10, 11:40 AM
Imo, the attunement part is too strong. It basically gives the wielder a key power of a monk, deflating what the monk can do. I'm not a huge fan of magic effects that directly replicate what another class can specifically do. I'd keep it more in line with defensive duelist feat or whatever it is and have it where x times per long rest they can perform the cut effect or deflect it to a random square (chosen by DM).

The DD feat has no limit per rest, if memory serves. This was an item I thought to give to a swordmaster BBEG so he didn't feel like a pushover but didn't have to be a caster or supernatural either.

It's actually better than the monk power, since it doesn't require ki, works on magical attacks, and provides AC. But I like magic items that give mundanes cool new abilities; it helps to keep their power growth in line with casters'.

2014-10-10, 12:18 PM
The DD feat has no limit per rest, if memory serves. This was an item I thought to give to a swordmaster BBEG so he didn't feel like a pushover but didn't have to be a caster or supernatural either.

It's actually better than the monk power, since it doesn't require ki, works on magical attacks, and provides AC. But I like magic items that give mundanes cool new abilities; it helps to keep their power growth in line with casters'.

Sure but the feat at least requires an investment. I like the item, my only concerns would be whether I had a monk at the table who'd feel bad if the fighter looted this weapon or if it's too strong depending on how often a player gets attacked. Do you use ranged attacks often? If rarely then it basically means a fighter with the weapon doesn't need to feel any threat toward ranged attacks anymore.

Nevertheless, I meant no offense to my critiques so I hope none was received. :)

2014-10-10, 03:00 PM
Sure but the feat at least requires an investment. I like the item, my only concerns would be whether I had a monk at the table who'd feel bad if the fighter looted this weapon or if it's too strong depending on how often a player gets attacked. Do you use ranged attacks often? If rarely then it basically means a fighter with the weapon doesn't need to feel any threat toward ranged attacks anymore.

Nevertheless, I meant no offense to my critiques so I hope none was received. :)

None at all. It's a personal choice whether one thinks magic items should stand in for (or at times, be even better than) similar feats. I like to have items like this that expand a mundane's capabilities and make new builds possible. The quarterstaff mentioned earlier that becomes finesse and reach is a perfect example of the kind of item I like to encounter when I play.

With that in mind, here's another fun one:

Screaming Shoulderpad
This sentient shoulderpad bears the face of a condor. The beak opens and the shoulderpad may speak with its owner, offering advice or taunting him about his lack of feathers. Only the wearer may hear its words.

The shoulderpad can remember up to three magical effects cast upon its bearer, forgetting an old one if it wishes to learn a new. Once per hour, it can open its mouth and let loose a bloodcurdling scream heard by all within 100'. This scream bestows the wearer with one of the effects remembered by the shoulderpad. The original duration for the boon is kept, though it will subside after an hour if it hasn't worn off already.

2014-10-10, 03:08 PM
Sutras of Truth
(thrown item, uncommon)
Range 10/-
Runes describing the universal truths are emblazoned on these fragile scrolls. When thrown, the scrolls fall apart and blaze with light. All illusions, enchantments, and effects based on either are immediately dispelled in a ten foot line. Once thrown, the Sutras cannot be used again.

2014-10-11, 01:15 AM
The "Ethical" sword:

This sword is covered in complicated arcane scriptures that faintly glow pink in the dark, and it has no remarkable other then how the edge stings.

When it hits a living creature, the creature feels an some sort of pleasure, the effect is similar to that of a drug, a good meal, and a bunch of other things. Usually when stabbed by the ethical sword while being unaware of it's property, you get very confused to the unexpected wonder of life. I am not sure how this mechanically would work, maybe the effected creature is stunned for a turn,and then the trick stops working on them? For this stun to work, the creature receiving it must be able to feel pain.

It's History:
It was originally made for a more ethical way to kill people, as their last thoughts would be pleasant. However do to the great cost of making it, and how it caused some warriors to use it as a more efficient way to forget their troubles(booze has to be bought again and again, this is a one time payment) it never became widespread. At best it's considered an oddity, at worst it's known as a horrible drug that isn't even good for business.

Ghost Nappa
2014-10-11, 09:10 AM
Sage's Inferior Force Field Emitter (Uncommon Ring):

If someone attempts to attack you while you are Concentrating on a Spell, you may expend one spell slot greater than or equal to the one you are concentrating one to make a Reflex save with Disadvantage.

If you succeed, you take no damage and the attack misses.
On a failure, the attacker makes their attack and damage rolls as normal.

The DC for the save is 8+Attacker's Proficiency Mod+The Attacker's Relevant Stat Modifier.

Sage's Improved Force Field Emitter (Rare Ring)

As above, but the Reflex save is made normally (Disadvantage is not imposed by the ring, but can be imposed by other sources).

Sage's Mastered Force Field Emitter (Wonderous Ring)

As above, but the Reflex save is made with advantage.

2014-10-11, 11:02 AM
If you're looking for just fun magic items, my dad (who taught me how to play when I was younger) made up one of the more...unique magic items I've encountered.

It didn't have a specific name, but I nicknamed it the "Chamberpot of Purging." Basically if you were poisoned, diseased, or otherwise very ill and REALLY wanted to not be ill any longer all you needed to do was sit on the chamber pot. Upon its activation it would begin a total system purge through your body. You can guess how. It would get rid of the disease or illness (don't ask me how it got rid of leprosy, but it did), but it would temporarily tax you a few points of CON for the rest of the day just out of sheer exhaustion.

2014-10-11, 02:04 PM
If you're looking for just fun magic items, my dad (who taught me how to play when I was younger) made up one of the more...unique magic items I've encountered.

It didn't have a specific name, but I nicknamed it the "Chamberpot of Purging." Basically if you were poisoned, diseased, or otherwise very ill and REALLY wanted to not be ill any longer all you needed to do was sit on the chamber pot. Upon its activation it would begin a total system purge through your body. You can guess how. It would get rid of the disease or illness (don't ask me how it got rid of leprosy, but it did), but it would temporarily tax you a few points of CON for the rest of the day just out of sheer exhaustion.

That is so very much a dad-built magic item. Awesome. :smallsmile:

2014-10-11, 05:11 PM
last week the dwarven fighter in my group got in a drinking contest with a lich

i gave him this

Lazy Tom's Cask of Honey Mead

First, it works as a normal shield; you don't carry a shield in that hand, but you have a shield bonus as normal.

The bottle can be handled and drunk from by undead, ghosts, and spirits.

Take a drink like it's a potion and you can, in the same action, breath out an invisible mist that highlights creatures that can't be seen, even creatures and spirits on the ethereal plane.

Spilling some mead on a weapon lets it strike invisible creatures, or, the mead can be flung in a 15 foot cone that turns ethereal beings solid for 1 round.

Once a week, you can pour out a glass of it to call up a strange, ghost-like creature that appears from the depths of the earth and it can be asked a few questions as it drinks the liquid, or the user can down the entire cup themselves and order the creature to spirit them away a distance they could travel in a day.

The drinker can, as their move action, take a guzzle of the mead and appear up to half their movement rate away, teleporting between the distance.

Trying to think of things to give the other two PCs. For the mage I am thinking of a book that lets her create 10-foot tall pillars of basalt, and gives her a spider climb-like ability to crawl on them and jump between them and stuff, possibly detonating them to root enemies - not sure yet

Need suggestions for a halberd or set of armor for the third, a human fighter who loves him some halberds

2014-10-11, 10:36 PM
Purse of Greed

A Black purse with an ornately embroided infinity symbol on the outside. Below is an embroided Label: "This Purse has an infinite supply of Platinum Coins if you are willing to reach in and grab them..."

At any time you may reach in the pouch. When you do, Roll a percentile:

01-25, It 'eats' your hand, and burns the stub, no saves possible. (The only way to restore the Hand is a Miracle or Wish.)
26-50, you are able to pull out 1d10 Platinum Coins,
50-75, you are able to pull out 2d10 Platinum Coins,
76-00, you are able to pull out 3d10 Platinum Coins,

Trying to pour stuff out instead causes 5D10 Fire, Frost, Nature, Poison, and Shock Damage to whomever tries it.

2014-10-11, 10:54 PM
last week the dwarven fighter in my group got in a drinking contest with a lich

i gave him this

Lazy Tom's Cask of Honey Mead

First, it works as a normal shield; you don't carry a shield in that hand, but you have a shield bonus as normal.

The bottle can be handled and drunk from by undead, ghosts, and spirits.

Take a drink like it's a potion and you can, in the same action, breath out an invisible mist that highlights creatures that can't be seen, even creatures and spirits on the ethereal plane.

Spilling some mead on a weapon lets it strike invisible creatures, or, the mead can be flung in a 15 foot cone that turns ethereal beings solid for 1 round.

Once a week, you can pour out a glass of it to call up a strange, ghost-like creature that appears from the depths of the earth and it can be asked a few questions as it drinks the liquid, or the user can down the entire cup themselves and order the creature to spirit them away a distance they could travel in a day.

The drinker can, as their move action, take a guzzle of the mead and appear up to half their movement rate away, teleporting between the distance.

Trying to think of things to give the other two PCs. For the mage I am thinking of a book that lets her create 10-foot tall pillars of basalt, and gives her a spider climb-like ability to crawl on them and jump between them and stuff, possibly detonating them to root enemies - not sure yet

Need suggestions for a halberd or set of armor for the third, a human fighter who loves him some halberds

How about the HAL-Berd
Created by Archmage Aramaeus to stop his Guard-Captain David Manning from abandoning his post to meet with his daughter. It looks like a halberd, made of an glossy black metal, and a Red eye glows on the axe-head. The HAL-Berd is enchanted with a magical intelligence that possesses the soldier's body whenever the wielder refuses to fight or perform his duty. The HAL-berd creates a telepathic link with it's wielder, often whispering 'I can't allow you to do that Dave" before "Assuming Direct Control"...

Armor ideas? How about the Armor of Gold Radiance? When the armor is worn, the Bearer is surrounded by a bright Golden Glow? Mechanically, the wearer counts as being surrounded by the Light Spell and an enemy are blinded a Nat 1.

2014-10-13, 04:26 AM
what are you willing to take from, do you need them 5e translated or will you do that, and how many do you want?

2014-10-13, 04:47 AM
last week the dwarven fighter in my group got in a drinking contest with a lich

i gave him this

Lazy Tom's Cask of Honey Mead

First, it works as a normal shield; you don't carry a shield in that hand, but you have a shield bonus as normal.

The bottle can be handled and drunk from by undead, ghosts, and spirits.

Take a drink like it's a potion and you can, in the same action, breath out an invisible mist that highlights creatures that can't be seen, even creatures and spirits on the ethereal plane.

Spilling some mead on a weapon lets it strike invisible creatures, or, the mead can be flung in a 15 foot cone that turns ethereal beings solid for 1 round.

Once a week, you can pour out a glass of it to call up a strange, ghost-like creature that appears from the depths of the earth and it can be asked a few questions as it drinks the liquid, or the user can down the entire cup themselves and order the creature to spirit them away a distance they could travel in a day.

The drinker can, as their move action, take a guzzle of the mead and appear up to half their movement rate away, teleporting between the distance.

Trying to think of things to give the other two PCs. For the mage I am thinking of a book that lets her create 10-foot tall pillars of basalt, and gives her a spider climb-like ability to crawl on them and jump between them and stuff, possibly detonating them to root enemies - not sure yet

Need suggestions for a halberd or set of armor for the third, a human fighter who loves him some halberds

how about a sort of paired set for the two, the mage gets a Bracer of the Gem Spider Queen [allows her to spin spectrum gem webs from her fingers/toes that can be used to lift her into the air or construct shapes or to lance and pin enemies, victims touching, touched by, or breaking the web take 1d4(touching) 1d6(touched by/struck) 1d8(breaking) or 1d10(pinned/cocooned by) of each energy type and so forth just like what happens with prismatic spells, side effect she get morphed into a anthro-gemhide-spider (who has a gem hide skin and one eye of each gem type) gains tremorsense] and the fighter gets a Locket of the Swarm Eater [when opened and on the neck he is transformed into an anthro-witchbane-mantis, his arms count as magic weapons with enchantment equal to hp/10 count as halberds, scimitars, or scythes when attacking, gains flight, can leap hugely, and made of witchbane (which is a growing stone that negates all magic upon contact)(spell immune for better or worse) can see in the dark]

2014-10-13, 08:53 AM
I made an item for would-be Bladelocks called the Witch Knife.[/SPOILER]

That , my dear friend, is called an "Athame" .
A medieval origin double edge ritualistic dagger , that the myth has it to be used by warlocks or witches, to sacrifice (warlocks) or to channel power (witches).

Add to it the "arcane focus" property and you have it :smallwink:

2014-10-13, 10:27 AM
in another thread, i thought of a spy camera that's basically like the arcane eye spell, but not a spell and more stealthy.

and seeing the word "athame" made me think of the magicbane from nethack, so here's kind of a 5e version:
When this athame is wielded, you gain resistance to all magical damage. When you hit a target with an attack using this weapon, roll 1d4 and apply one of the following effects, in addition to the damage:

1: the target is stunned
2: the target is frightened
3: you learn something about the target
4: no special effects

2014-10-13, 05:25 PM
That , my dear friend, is called an "Athame" .
A medieval origin double edge ritualistic dagger , that the myth has it to be used by warlocks or witches, to sacrifice (warlocks) or to channel power (witches).

Add to it the "arcane focus" property and you have it :smallwink:

Then I'm probably going to take the term Athame. Maybe if I'm feeling plucky I'll change the flavor of the special ability to make it better fit the mythos of them.

2014-10-13, 05:55 PM
I actually had an idea for an athame, it'd basically allow you to deal hit point damage to yourself or another willing/restrained creature to cast ritual spells in a minute, rather than ten, or for some other minor benefit to the ritual. Not absurdly useful, but handy with the right DM and rather fitting.

2014-10-20, 10:11 AM
what are you willing to take from, do you need them 5e translated or will you do that, and how many do you want?

Honestly I'm not very experienced at homebrewing (though I was planning on taking a stab at 5e-ifying some NPCs built using PF's Path of War, for some curveballs to throw at PCs) so if they could already be 5e-translated that'd be a help, but to be honest, I'm not looking for "powerful" Magic Items... one of the important questions I think that got kind of mangled in the OP from my original intent was "How gamebreaking, or how much work would it be to throw some 3.X magic items into the mix? Not, say, the +x splitting longbow, but maybe "Elixir of Flaming Fists" or Bag of Boulders or the Porcupine Elixir. I know things like Handy Haversacks and such don't really need much updating, since they don't have as much of an impact on gameplay as pure numbers do.

I'm sure the DMG will have updated rules on Magic Items, as well as I KNOW the DMG will have much more in the way of magic items, but I'd like to see some of the more fun items be used.

2014-10-20, 02:10 PM
these two have many fun joke items

all things from the dragon mags seem to be fun and most arent broken so here is a compiled list
just type the issue number into the above sit'e number area, use 0xx or 00x for 2 or 1 digit #s

most of this is more about flavor than stats, but they have those too

Ghost Nappa
2014-10-20, 08:49 PM
You could have a lot of fun homebrewing in Athena's Kinetic Aspis from Borderlands. You can do a lot of things with (but not necessarily everything), stabilizing any dying teammates that are within 5' of a hit enemy, letting it ricochet off of a certain number of enemies, absorb elemental damage, return damage absorbed and double it on impact, combust enemies upon hit, etc.

2014-10-20, 09:56 PM
If you're in a setting where Mind Flayers feature heavily, you can't go wrong with resonance stones. They're little crystals or geodes that exude an emotion, causing all creatures within a twenty foot radius to feel the emotion.

Resonance Stone of Anger

Resonance Stone of Sadness

Resonance Stone of Happiness

Resonance Stone of Mild Amusement

Resonance Stone of Confusion

Resonance Stone of Slight Irkedness

Resonance Stone of Curiosity

And many, many more.

2014-10-21, 09:42 AM
Unholy band of fecal frenzy

This jade ring with a ruby shaped as a leering ape turns the wearer into an angry ape with a upset tummy, each turn roll a d20, if you roll 12-20 you poop in your hand and fling it at the nearest creature(roll attack using proficiency + STR)dealing 1d4+STR nature damage(the flinging of the poop counts as a bonus action). A roll of 1-2 results in 2 constipation damage. Also as an ape your dex becomes 19 unless it's already higher and you get advantage on acrobatics and athletics(climb) rolls. You get a 1d6+str bite attack.

The feces is magically created by the ring inside you when you roll 12-20 so you never run out of "ammunition" to poop out and fling, the feces counts as a magic projectile.

You become proficient in athletics, acrobatics and stealth if you were not already. You loose the ability to talk which is replaced by a angry annoying chatter, which renders you unable to cast spells with a somatic component.

Your equipment meld into your form when transformed to an ape. Your stats except AGI remains unchanged and you are in full control of your actions except when you roll 12-20 on your turn.

Outside of combat you can for roleplaying purposes roll a d20 now and then to see if something happens. When not in combat the poop is not volatile and deals no damage(you still pellet a unsuspecting creature with rank monkey dung tho) fling has a short range of 25 ft and a long range of 60ft.

You stay as an angry ape with a upset tummy forever or until a remove curse spell is cast on you.

An inscription on the inside of the ring, only visible when surrounded by putrid stench reads: the number two ring

2014-10-27, 01:32 AM
Here's a flavorful and funny one I created:

Telescope of Telescoping
This ordinary hand telescope can be pointed at a creature or object and have them be affected by the enlarge/reduce spell, except that the reduce function only works when the telescope is turned backwards, and concentration is not required. Activating the item takes an action, and the command word must be spoken. When either effect is used, there is a 5% chance that the effect will be permanent. The Telescope of Telescoping can be used 3 times per day.

That's actually way too good, i mean... have you ever stop to check all the cool things you could do with the enlarge/reduce spell (mainly enlarge)

2014-10-27, 12:55 PM
I'm looking for ideas if anyone has them for loot that i could hand out during a high tech themed one shot in an otherwise high fantasy setting. the DM of my group has multiple groups running in one persistent world, and he has a place in that world called the boardfort, which serves as a base for a series of recurring one shots where it's first come first serve to any players or viewers that may want in.

so I'm doing this high tech one shot but after that people will be going back to normal fantasy themed ones and I'm trying to think of items that would be too disruptive in them. here are a couple of ideas ive had so far

Loot Ideas:
Malfunctioning Omni Visor:
A Translucent Visor that wraps around each ear and covers the eyes. It looks to be made of glass but further investigation reveals it to be something else entirely.
Activating the Omni-Visor allows the wearer to comprehend any written or spoken language. The visor seems to shut off after roughly 5 minutes of continuous use, but can be activated once again after a time.
INT check DC 20: The Omni-Visor seems to derive it's power from being in the sun, but there seems to be a problem with whatever is facilitating this process, perhaps this can be fixed?
INT check DC 25: you can tell that by readjusting some wires and fittings will solve the malfunction in the visor. The visor can now be used for longer periods of time, and displays the amount of charge it currently has.

Omniwatch of Orientation:
This metal band has a panel displaying a wide array of numbers and symbols.
INT Check of 20: It can be discerned that the Wristwatch of Orientation shows the wearer the time of day, the direction North, the current temperature, and elevation.
Int Check of 25: Further investigation reveals that the Wristwatch can also be used to measure time, sound an alarm, and track basic weather patterns.

Lens of Remembrance:
A Green hued lens of a glass like material, affixed to a small box with a button and a switch
Flicking the switch on the Lens of Remembrance causes strange ethereal images to project out of it.
INT Check of 15: Upon investigation you realize that by pointing the lens and pressing the button, you can capture the image of anything within a 40 foot cone in the direction of the lens. Flicking the switch will recreate whatever scene was captured last in three dimensions in a 5 foot cube. This recreation is not solid, cannot be altered, and looks semi-translucent.

as you can see these have no battle applications, but I don't know what to add that wouldnt be like...laser pistols and lightsabers for that part....I'm thinking of having them just get pieces of "strange technology" which they can trade at the board fort for +1 weapons...

2014-10-27, 01:13 PM
Description I gave to my player when he identified it.
The knife of buttering
Magical knife that can be controlled telepathically. It applies magically conjured butter to anything it crosses. Made by a lazy wizard.

Response when he tried to use it to "cast" grease spell.
I guess you could use it to butter the floor like a grease spell, but I dont know why you would. I mean its a perfectly good butter knife. Why would you get it dirty by dragging across the floor. That is just crazy. Well I mean if you really want to.

They have since found a magic spoon that can fill a few bowls with cereal each day and an everflowing pitcher of orange juice. The players hate that I refer to the party as "The Breakfast Bunch"

2014-10-28, 02:27 AM
Purse of Greed

A Black purse with an ornately embroided infinity symbol on the outside. Below is an embroided Label: "This Purse has an infinite supply of Platinum Coins if you are willing to reach in and grab them..."

At any time you may reach in the pouch. When you do, Roll a percentile:

01-25, It 'eats' your hand, and burns the stub, no saves possible. (The only way to restore the Hand is a Miracle or Wish.)
26-50, you are able to pull out 1d10 Platinum Coins,
50-75, you are able to pull out 2d10 Platinum Coins,
76-00, you are able to pull out 3d10 Platinum Coins,

Trying to pour stuff out instead causes 5D10 Fire, Frost, Nature, Poison, and Shock Damage to whomever tries it.

Necromancers love this purse.

2014-10-28, 05:27 AM
Necromancers love this purse.
and clay half golems if they bring that gem back ;-) or sentient prismatic slimes

2014-10-28, 07:06 AM
Necromancers love this purse.

That they do, that they do.

I had my player break it with a Summoner's Hydra Eidolon with fire protection. Needless to say, that Hydra grew so many heads that it can't move on it's own will anymore!

2014-10-28, 04:47 PM
That they do, that they do.

I had my player break it with a Summoner's Hydra Eidolon with fire protection. Needless to say, that Hydra grew so many heads that it can't move on it's own will anymore!
Does that player not read OotS? (If not: Why not? I recommend EVERY D&D player read this comic)

(snip)"The Breakfast Bunch"

I'm totally stealing these items for a game. And similar thematic items (Another example: A fork that when you twirl it, pasta wraps around the tines. Clockwise gets you Fettuccine Alfredo, counterclockwise gets you Spaghetti with meat sauce.)

If the players collect the entire set (Table, several plates, glasses, and sets of utensils) then they can have the table cast Hero's Feast 1/day. But it sings "Be Our Guest" the entire time.

Edit: New thread goal: Craft all of the magic items that go into the Magic Tea and Dinnerware Set

1 table
1 jug
1 pot
3?4? each:

2014-10-28, 05:10 PM
New thread goal: Craft all of the magic items that go into the Magic Tea and Dinnerware Set

I'll take this one.

Magic Grail
Once owned by Hodo the Furry Footed Burrower, this golden goblet is decorated with precious gems. A cursory glance reveals that it is obviously magical. However, those with a discerning eye find its magic to be lacking.
You can drink from it, and it will never spill.

2014-10-28, 05:19 PM
I made an item for would-be Bladelocks called the Witch Knife. It's not overly strong, but I think it's flavorful.

Not overly strong? Not only does it do an extra 1d6 damage on top of being a +1 weapon of nearly any shape you want, but it gives you an extra 9th level spell slot. Even similar items like a Ring of Spell Storing won't give you an extra 9th level slot. Your Witch Knife is one of the most broken items I've ever seen, and should be classified as an artifact.

2014-10-29, 01:17 AM
An item that always appears in our various campaigns is, "The yeti bag of holding" It was made by Arctic gnomes They enchanted a yeti's scrotum such that it acts as a bag of holding and if you suck on it once a day it also acted as a ring of sustenance.

A couple others I remember reading a teddy bear that let you have a good nights sleep and protect your dreams. While sleeping you couldn't be affected by psionic or mental attacks or some such thing.

One a DM made up, a sleeping bag that had an unknown number of charges. Once all the charges were used up the sleeping bag became a normal sleeping bag. When you use it you would be unconscious for a day(i think) after the day you would be fully healed, all diseases cured, broken bones mended, etc, etc.

There was a set of books out for second addition I believe, called Encyclopedia Magica. It was a four volume set that included every item from every published book by TSR, every dragon magazine upto issue 200, and every dungeon magazine upto issue 200. There were lots of items exactly like what you want.

2014-10-29, 01:21 AM
An item that always appears in our various campaigns is, "The yeti bag of holding" It was made by Arctic gnomes They enchanted a yeti's scrotum such that it acts as a bag of holding and if you suck on it once a day it also acted as a ring of sustenance.

A couple others I remember reading a teddy bear that let you have a good nights sleep and protect your dreams. While sleeping you couldn't be affected by psionic or mental attacks or some such thing.

One a DM made up, a sleeping bag that had an unknown number of charges. Once all the charges were used up the sleeping bag became a normal sleeping bag. When you use it you would be unconscious for a day(i think) after the day you would be fully healed, all diseases cured, broken bones mended, etc, etc.

There was a set of books out for second addition I believe, called Encyclopedia Magica. It was a four volume set that included every item from every published book by TSR, every dragon magazine upto issue 200, and every dungeon magazine upto issue 200. There were lots of items exactly like what you want.

Encyclopedia Magica is available at DriveThruRPG.

2014-10-30, 12:15 AM
The Lord Ring and the Lady Ring
This pair of pewter rings is engraved with the visage of a powerful lord on one and an elegant lady on the other. If two living creatures are wearing these rings and the wearer of the Lady ring is about to take damage which would reduce him/her to zero hit points or lower, the wearer of the Lord ring instead takes the full amount of the damage and the wearer of the Lady ring gains resistance to the damage.

2014-10-30, 10:43 AM
Lifestealer: With every successful hit from this weapon you get half of your Con mod rounded down in temporary hit points.

Rage-something (I can't think of a name): To everyone other than those with barbarian levels, this is a blunt greataxe/greatsword (Still thinking) that has a -1 in damage, and upon wielding it the player enters a rage where they cannot tell friend or foe. If someone with barbarian levels uses this weapon, then upon entering rage the edges of the blade lights up crimson red, the damage type turns to slashing, the -1 damage penalty is gone and all rage damage is doubled when swinging with this weapon. They are unaffected by the friend or foe problem of someone who does not have barbarian levels.

These...are probably terrible.